• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해의 존재성

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A Multi Small Humanoid Robot Control for Efficient Robot Performance (효율적인 전시공연을 위한 멀티 소형 휴머노이드 로봇제어)

  • Jang, Jun-Young;Lin, Chi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8933-8939
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we designed a multi humanoid robot control method for performing an exhibition that will maximize the efficiency and user convenience and implementation. In recent years, an increasing number of case and to take advantage of the robots in the field performances and exhibitions, plays, musicals, orchestra performances are also various genres. In concert with the existing small humanoid exhibition to source from outside by using a computer and MP3 player and play, while pressing the start button of communication equipment for the show to start the robot began performing with the zoom. Thus, due to the dual source and robot operation and synchronization does not work well is the synchronization of the start of the concert sound starting point of the robot and robot motion and sound are reproduced separately were frequently occurs when you need to restart the show. In addition, when the center of gravity or lose the robots who were present during the performance problems such as performance or intervene to restart the show. In order to overcome this, in this paper, Multi-small humanoid robot was designed to control the efficiency and the user of the GUI-based human interface S/W to maximize convenience, Zigbee communication to transmit a plurality of data in al small humanoid It was used. In addition, targeting a number of the small humanoid robot demonstrated the effectiveness and validity of the user's convenience by gender actual implementation.

FEM Electrical Resistivity Modeling in Cylindrical Coordinates (원통 좌표계에서의 전기비저항 유한요소 모델링)

  • Choi Wonseok;Kim Jung-Ho;Park KwonGyu;Kim Hak-Soo;Suh Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2002
  • The finite element method (FEM), a powerful numerical modeling tool for solving various engineering problems, is frequently applied to three-dimensional (3-D) modeling thanks to its capability of discretizing and simulating the shape of model with finite number of elements. Considering the accuracy of the solution and computing time in modeling of engineering problems, it is preferable to construct physical continuity and simplify mesh system. Although there exist systematic mesh generation systems for arbitrary shaped model, it is hard to model a simple cylinder in terms of 3-D coordinate system especially in the vicinity of the central axis. In this study I adopt cylindrical coordinate system for modeling the 3-D model space and define the origin of the coordinates with mathematically clear coordinate transformation. Since we can simulate the whole space with hexahedral elements, the cylindrical coordinate system is effective in handling the 3-D model structure. The 3-D do resistivity modeling scheme developed in this study provides basie principle for borehole-to-surface resistivity survey, which can be a useful tool for the application to environmental problem.

Grid Convergence on Surface Pressure Distribution over the RAE-A Wing-Body Configuration (RAE-A 날개-동체 형상의 압력 분포에 대한 격자 수렴성 연구)

  • Kim, Ki Ro;Park, Soo Hyung;Sa, Jeong Hwan;Cho, Kum Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2017
  • Surface pressure distributions over the RAE-A wing-body configuration were investigated and the grid convergence along the streamwise, spanwise, and circumferential directions was numerically studied. Flow analysis in subsonic and transonic conditions was conducted using the $k-{\omega}$ Wilcox-Durbin+ turbulence model. Surface pressure distributions for subsonic flows were well matched, but those for transonic shocked flows showed a little discrepancy with the experimental data. A cubic spline extrapolation method was applied in order to investigate the grid convergence. This method presented that the grid resolution in the circumferential direction is the most important grid parameter. A refined grid system was made based on the grid convergence study and provided more accurate prediction, especially on the symmetric body surface of RAE-A configuration.

Linear Relationship between Terrestrial Advertising Rates and Viewer Ratings (지상파 광고요금과 시청률간의 선형성 분석)

  • Lee, Tae-Hee;Yi, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Myeong-Kyun;Kim, Yong-Min;Kim, Do-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.331-341
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    • 2011
  • The study empirically analyses a linear relationship between terrestrial advertising rates and viewer ratings. Consistent with the results of preceding studies, the present study finds a convex relationship between standard advertising rates and viewer ratings. However, after all other sales practices are taken into account, a linear relationship is documented between per-minute advertising revenue and viewer ratings. Absent the exact functional relationship between the two, it is hard to evaluate accurately how efficiently or inefficiently the current GS System has operated, but it tells us that a certain level of market mechanism prevailed within the system. The findings are consistent with the 1 Public-1 Private Media Representative alternative among many alternatives currently sought by the KCC should we accept the premise that the public aspect is as equally important as, if not more important than, the efficiency aspect of terrestrial broadcasting.

Deposition Mechanism and Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Suspended Sediment in Riparian Vegetation (식생영역에서 입자성 유기물과 유사이송의 퇴적과정 및 모델링)

  • Jeon, Ho Seong;Lee, Woo Dong;Kim, Kyu Ho;Hong, Il
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.380-384
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    • 2016
  • 홍수완화의 관점에서 강을 관리하기 위하여 수자원의 이용과 생태계보전, 하천흐름과 형태학적 변화들에 대하여 충분히 이해하고 합리적으로 설명하는 것이 필요하다. 최근에 수변지역에서 발달된 식생은 홍수시에 감속영역과 생물들의 피난처를 제공하는 것 이외에 횡단방향의 혼합작용을 활성화하여 유사와 식물의 씨앗 및 입자성 유기물(POM)을 포착하는 기능을 하고 특히 흐름과 유사이송 및 하도 지형변화에 큰 영향을 주기 때문에 중요하다. 입자성 유기물(POM)은 하천생태계를 지탱하는 에너지원으로서 다양한 형태로 존재하고 미생물의 분해를 받아 무기화된 식생의 번무와 물질순환의 시발점이 되기도 하지만 현재까지 식생영역 내에서 그 공급과정에 관련이 있는 운동기구에 관한 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 식생영역의 유사퇴적 및 분급작용, 입자성 유기물의 포착을 일으키는 원인과 흐름의 특징 중 식생영역 내에서 흐름방향으로 감속에 주목하여 수리 모형실험을 실시하였고 수변식생에서 부유사와 POM의 퇴적과정에 대하여 검토 및 모델링을 실시하였다. 수리 모형실험 결과 CPOM과 FPOM 모두 유사의 퇴적없이 그 자체로는 퇴적이 되지 않았고 수변식생의 종방향 이송의 경우 식생에 의해 퇴적된 부유사가 사련 형태로 형성이 되어 CPOM이 사련의 배후에서 캡쳐 되었다. 또한 두가지 샘플 움직임의 상호작용은 사련의 파고와 파장의 전파속도를 감소시켰다. 식생지역에서 횡방향 분산의 경우에 대해서는 각각의 유사 크기에 대한 퇴적물의 능선은 식생의 경계를 따라 형성되었고 운동의 범위는 유사 퇴적의 능선에 의해 촉진되어 횡방향으로 확산하며 확장되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 제한된 경험적인 지식보다 오히려 실험을 통하여 식생을 동반하는 장소에서 유사와 POM의 거동특성 차이 및 간섭작용을 명확히 한 후 현장에서 관측된 현상과 비교 검증이 필요하다고 사료되며 추후에 운동기구를 모델링 및 업그레이드 해 나가는 것이 앞으로의 하천생태계 예측평가에 필요하다고 판단된다.

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Task Assignment of Multiple UAVs using MILP and GA (혼합정수 선형계획법과 유전 알고리듬을 이용한 다수 무인항공기 임무할당)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jin;Seo, Joong-Bo;Kim, You-Dan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2010
  • This paper deals with a task assignment problem of multiple UAVs performing multiple tasks on multiple targets. The task assignment problem of multiple UAVs is a kind of combinatorial optimization problems such as traveling salesman problem or vehicle routing problem, and it has NP-hard computational complexity. Therefore, computation time increases as the size of considered problem increases. To solve the problem efficiently, approximation methods or heuristic methods are widely used. In this study, the problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program, and is solved by a mixed integer linear programming and a genetic algorithm, respectively. Numerical simulations for the environment of the multiple targets, multiple tasks, and obstacles were performed to analyze the optimality and efficiency of each method.

Determination of the Impurities in Isoprene by GC/MS (GC/MS를 이용한 이소프렌 중 불순물 분석)

  • Lee, Hyunjoo;Ahn, Byoung Sung;Suh, InSuk;Kwon, Young Soo
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.300-305
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    • 2001
  • The impurities in isoprene were determined using GC/MS. There were good linearities (above $R^2=0.996$) in the range of the $1.0-50{\mu}g/mL$ and 0.5-5.0%, and the detection limits of the method were below $0.1{\mu}g/mL$ for each impurities. Reagent-grade isoprene contained isopropenyl acetylene and 2-butyne at $10-50{\mu}g/mL$ and the concentrations of cis-piperylene, trans-piperylene, cyclopentadiene and dicyclopentadiene were below $1{\mu}g/mL$. The analysis confirmed that the reagent grade isoprene could be obtained from the distillation of C5 fractions.

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Application of Resampling Method based on Statistical Hypothesis Test for Improving the Performance of Particle Swarm Optimization in a Noisy Environment (노이즈 환경에서 입자 군집 최적화 알고리즘의 성능 향상을 위한 통계적 가설 검정 기반 리샘플링 기법의 적용)

  • Choi, Seon Han
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2019
  • Inspired by the social behavior models of a bird flock or fish school, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a popular metaheuristic optimization algorithm and has been widely used from solving a complex optimization problem to learning a artificial neural network. However, PSO is difficult to apply to many real-life optimization problems involving stochastic noise, since it is originated in a deterministic environment. To resolve this problem, this paper incorporates a resampling method called the uncertainty evaluation (UE) method into PSO. The UE method allows the particles to converge on the accurate optimal solution quickly in a noisy environment by selecting the particles' global best position correctly, one of the significant factors in the performance of PSO. The results of comparative experiments on several benchmark problems demonstrated the improved performance of the propose algorithm compared to the existing studies. In addition, the results of the case study emphasize the necessity of this work. The proposed algorithm is expected to be effectively applied to optimize complex systems through digital twins in the fourth industrial revolution.

Narrative Inquiry on Student Teacher Searching for Identity as a Teacher (교사로서의 정체성을 형성해가는 교육실습생에 대한 내러티브 탐구)

  • Jin, Hyung Ran;Yoo, Tae Myung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2014
  • Student teaching is equivalent to an egg just before oviposition. There is a growing acting voice that teaching profession is not necessarily required as the years go by. I developed a process that 55 student teachers search for their identity as a teacher during four-week student teaching program according to Clandinin and Connelly(2000)'s narrative inquiry. The procedure consisted of three stages such as access to the field, field text writing, and research text writing. The student teachers wrote journals by week to search for their identity as a teacher with a focus on what they observed in the field and what they were motivated by teachers and students. Free and truthful 220 stories conducted in a student teaching online cafe were collected as a field text. And the research text was reliving and retelling through poetic writing on each week's themes of exploration, growth, reflection, and pledge to complete the narrative inquiry. Student teachers, an absolute majority, including home economics student teachers aimed for the teaching profession and waited for their hatching.

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Analysis of Core-level Spectra of the $Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$ Surface ($Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$ 표면의 Core-level 스펙트럼에 대한 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Hye-Jin;Kim, Yeong-Hoon;Lee, Geun-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2006
  • By analyzing the Ge 34 core-level photoelectron spectrum, we studied the structure of the $Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$ surface. Two surface related components tying on either side of the main bulk peak were identified in the Ge 3d spectrum. The existence and the position of the two surface components in the core-level spectrum from $Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$ is similar to those of the $Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$, suggesting the similarities in structure of the two surfaces. The core-level photoelectron spectra of the Li-induced $Li/Ge(111)-3\times1$ surface are well consistent with the honeycomb-chain-channel model, which was proposed as the structure of the $Si/Ge(111)-3\times1$ induced by alkali metals.