• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Vegetation Composition and Structure of Sogwang-ri Forest Genetic Resources Reserve in Uljin-gun, Korea (울진 소광리 산림유전자원보호구역 산림식생의 조성 및 구조)

  • Kim, Hak-Yun;Cho, Hyun-Je
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.188-201
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    • 2017
  • Based on a total of 272 vegetation data collected by the ZM school phytosociological study method, the composition and structural characteristics of the forest vegetation in the Sogwang-ri forest genetic resource reservoir located in Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do were compared using the table comparison method and the TWINSPAN method, And their ecological characteristics were analyzed. The types of forest vegetation were classified into 7 types, and it was divided into two major groups, 'Slope and Ridge type', which characterized by Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora for. erecta, Lespedeza bicolor etc. and 'valley and concave slope', which characterized by Cornus controversa, Fraxinus mandshurica, Morus bombycis, Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata etc. The hierarchy of the vegetation unit was 2 community groups, 4 communities, and 6 subcommunities. The structural characteristics such as the total percent cover, species importance value, species diversity of the constituent species per unit area($/100m^2$) of each type of forest vegetation were also identified. In order to understand the spatial distribution of forest vegetation, 1/5,000 large-scale physiognomic vegetation map was created by the uppermost dominant species. The composition and structural characteristics of Geumgang pine(P. densiflora for. erecta) forest, which is a core community of protected area by natural and anthropogenic influences, appear as a subtype of Quercus mongolica forest, which is a potential natural vegetation, Appropriate maintenance measures seemed urgently needed.

Control of Slug by Using Beer and Cigarette Mixture (맥주와 담배 혼합액을 이용한 민달팽이 방제)

  • Yoon, Jong-Chul;Park, Jong-Ho;Shim, Chang-Ki;Ryu, Kyung-Yul;Jee, Hyeong-Jin
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2007
  • Among various food base baiting materials, beer and macerated cucumber were the most effective to induce slug that is a troublesome pest on leafy vegetables, especially on lettuce. However, the baits attracted only but did not kill the pest. When the baits were combined with various insecticidal organic materials, a few combinations such as beer and cigarette mixture successfully induced and killed the slug in the field test. The most effective combination of beer 50ml and a cigarette contained in a small plastic box killed 25 slugs per night. While macerated cucumber 50ml and a cigarette mixture killed only 4.3 slugs. The bait of beer and cigarette mixture revealed 68.4% control value against slug damage when treated for 3 consecutive days in a lettuce cultivation greenhouse. The bait also effectively reduced the slug damage in a lettuce nursery showing 58.3% control value. The method seemed highly useful for the control of slug in the organic farming system in which application of pesticides are strictly prohibited.

A Study on the Distribution Patterns of Salicaceae species at the An-sung Stream - Refered to Woldongcheon, Yokjungcheon, Joyoungcheon and Gisolcheon - (안성천 수계의 버드나무과 식물의 분포특성에 관한 연구 - 월동천, 옥정천, 조령천, 기솔천을 중심으로 -)

  • 안영희;양영철;전승훈
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to clarify the distribution pattern of Salicaceae species which are considered as obligatory riparian vegetation, and also the correspondence between their distribution and the environment factors. Eighty-three study sites by stratified sampling were selected from the upstream to the downstream of An-sung stream. Vegetation factors such as coverage by species, disturbance, etc., and environmental factors including microtopography, soil properties, etc., measured and analyzed. Salicaceae species were identified as total 2 genera, 11 species through all study area, and the average occurring species were 2.8 species.5. koreensis among other species showed highest occurring frequency at An-sung streams, and also it was distributed widely through study area. S. gracizistyla was mainly fecund at upstream sites, where sandy soil texture and high longitudinal slope were developed. S. purpurea vats. japonica was mostly observed in the sandy soil, the same as S. gracilistytu and however, was not dominant but rather mixed with S. gracitistyta and S. koreensis. On the other hand, distribution of S. glandulosa were closely related with littoral zone of the lake and the lower sea level with sandy loam and loamy sand Boils of high organic matter content. Under CCA, canonical correspondence analysis, distribution of Saticaceae species was positively correlated with environmental gradients such as soil properties along to topography.

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Forest Environment Degradation and Rehabilitation of Copper Mine Area in Ashio, Japan (일본 아시오(足尾) 銅鑛山地域의 삼림황폐와 삼림환경 복구사업에 관한 분석)

    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.276-285
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    • 2001
  • This report surveyed degradation of forest environment and rehabilitation in Ashio of Japan. Since 1880, a large scale forestry in this area has been destroyed by sooty smoke, and the local government invested heavily to rehabilitate the damaged forestry and denuded mountains. These degradations are due to complex operations, such as sulfurous acid gas from copper refinery, forest fires, steep slope and disadvantageous climate. The rehabilitation works on degraded forestry(2,399ha) were undertaken by tree planting fur three years from 1897. However, forest degradation and disasters were continued, and the total damaged areas were about 2,400~3,000ha in 1956. A Manual labor method, a Helicopter method and also Combination of manual labor and helicopter method had been adopted to rehabilitation works from 1945 to 1996, while 828.19ha of the degraded mountains was rehabilitated. Total investment for those projects was 80 billion yen. A debris control dam, a soil arresting structure, a vegetation-block, a vegetation sack measures and tree planting have implemented significantly fur the method of rehabilitation. An objective of manual labor works is a complete rehabilitation on each place through 3 stage working. The revived green areas accounted fur 49% of the total, and the entire afforest areas are less than 10%. In coming 25 years, an amount of 21.3 billion yen will be invested to rehabilitate 564ha of degraded mountain lands. However, it is impossible to estimate that how long it will take until the whole degraded mountain lands are completely rehabilitated. Rehabilitation works in Ashio may be applicable to environmental restoration and revegetation in the abandoned coal-mine lands of Korea.

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Vistor's Cognition Attrtude and Sandscape Analysis of Naesorak in Soraksan National Park (설악산 국립공원 내설악의 이용인지태도 및 경관분석)

  • 김세천
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.506-522
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    • 1998
  • Visitors to Naesorak in Soraksan National Park were surveyed from July to December. During this time, 452 visitors were contacted. Of those individuals, 57.08% were males, 30.97% of respondents reported that they had gone beyond highschool, and almost one-half(49.12%) had gone as for as college, 40.93% were 10\cdot 20 years of age. The purpose of this is to suggest objective basic data for the use development and conservation management of the national park through the quantitative analysis of the visual quality included in the physical environment of the Naesorak in Soraksan National Park, for this, spatial images strusture of physical elements have been analyzed by factor analysis algorithm and degree of visual quality have been measured mainly by questionnaries. Result of this thesis can be summarized as follows. Factors covering the spatial image of the Naesorak in Soraksan National Park landscape have been found to be the overall spatial, potentiality, synthetic evaluation, physical and natural quality factors. As for the factors determining the degree of visual quality of clear of valley, peculiarity of configuration, natural of trail, harmony of suitable artificial planting and temple.

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Trail Deterioration on the Ridge of the Baekdudaegan- A Case of the Trail between Manbokdae and Bokseongiiae - (백두대간 마루금 등산로 및 주변 환경의 훼손실태- 만복대-복성이재 구간을 대상으로 -)

  • 권태호;이준우
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2003
  • According to rapid increase of visitors to the Baekdudaegan, the most important ecosystem in Korea, fur climbing or outdoor recreation, deterioration of natural environment along the trail on the ridge of Baekdudaegan is becoming more serious. The purpose of this study is to research the deterioration condition of the trail between Manbokdae and Bokseongijae on the Baekdudaegan with intent to prepare the conservational management strategy fur the trail on the ridge of Baekdudaegan. To accomplish the purpose, not only trail condition such as altitude, entire width, bare width, maximum depth and slope of trail, but also deterioration types of trail were surveyed at the total 232 points for 28.4km in length. Furthermore, impact rating class, which could be effective means to check the step and extent of deterioration process, was judged on each points of trail. Putting together these results informs us that the deterioration condition of the trail between Manbokdae and Bokseongijae is not reached the level of grave concern yet, but prompt countermeasure to maintain the existing condition has to be considered with regard for the conditions of location and the increasing amounts of use.

The Koreans Apology Map: An Analysis of Apologies by Types during the Past 10 Years (한국인의 사과 지형: 지난 10년간 사과문의 조직 및 유형 별 분석)

  • Kim, Yung-Wook;Yang, Jung-Eun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.59
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    • pp.180-210
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze the apologies made in Korea for the past 10 years, and to diagnose how Koreans used crisis communication strategies. For the analysis, typology of crisis communication strategy was adopted from previous study as well as the new typology distinctively found in Korea. Also preferred crisis communication strategies were analyzed by crisis subject, by crisis type and by stage of crisis. Results showed that among the crisis communication strategies, apology and corrective action were the most used strategies, followed by bolstering and appealing to sympathy. Preferred crisis communication also differed by crisis subject, by crisis type and by stage of crisis. When the crisis subject were government or public institutions, when the locus of crisis responsibility was internal, and when the crisis was a controllable human/social crisis, the justification strategy was preferred. The results seemed to be related to the unique cultural characteristics of Koreans, especially to sense of Cheong and Chemyon. Indirect corrective action and transcendence were Chemyon-saving strategies while bolstering and appealing to sympathy were strategies appealing to Cheong. Future study should address the new typology of crisis communication strategy reflecting the cultural characteristic.

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Signal Treatement for Topex/Poseidon Satellite Altimetric Data and Its Application near the Korean Seas (Topex/Poseidon위성 고도계 자료에 대한 신호처리 및 한반도 주변해역에 대한 그 적용)

  • Yoon, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.12-31
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    • 1999
  • Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetric data are used to estimate characteristics on the oceanic and atmospheric correction factors, and the mean sea level and its variations in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the East Sea from September 1992 through August 1994(70cycles). For the atmospheric correction factors, the variations of dry troposphere, humid troposphere, ionosphere and inverted barometer were very small as a few centimeters, but the variations of electromagnetic bias were higher than other factors. For the oceanic correction factors, the variations of ocean tide(35cm in track 127 and 60cm in track 214) showed high ranges compared to elastic tide(5cm in track 127 and 1cm in track 214) and loading tide(1.8cm in track 127 and 1cm in track 214). It should be understood that the variations of ocean free surface is mainly under the influence of, firstly, ocean tide and, secondly, electromagnetic bias. Mean sea level in the Yellow Sea are higher than in the rest of Seas. Then its range generally comprised between -60cm and 210cm with mean value of about 100cm. Also its variations showed high values in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, especially 5.689cm in Youngampo. This result is mainly due to the effects of local topography and tidal current.

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Evaluation of Possibility for the Classification of River Habitat Using Imagery Information (영상정보를 활용한 하천 서식처 분류 가능성 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Lee, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2012
  • As the basis of the environmental ecological river management, this research developed a method of habitat classification using imagery information to understand a distribution characteristics of fish living in a natural river. First, topographic survey and investigation of discharge and water temperature were carried out to analyze hydraulic characteristics of fish habitat, and the unmanned aerial photography was applied to acquire river imagery at the observation time. Riffle, pool, and glide regions were selected as river habitat to analyze fish distribution characteristics. Analysis showed that the standard deviation of RGB on the riffle is higher than pool and glide because of fast stream flow. From the classification accuracy estimation on riffle region according to resolution and kernel size using the characteristics of standard deviation of RGB, the highest classification accuracy was 77.17% for resolution with 30cm and kernel size with 11. As the result of water temperature observation on pool and glide using infrared camera, they were $19.6{\sim}21.3^{\circ}C$ and $15.5{\sim}16.5^{\circ}C$ respectively with the differences of $4{\sim}5^{\circ}C$. Therefore it is possible to classify pool and glide region using the infrared photography information. The habitat classification to figure out fish distribution can be carried out more efficiently, if unmanned aerial photography system with RGB and infrared band is applied.

Location Analysis and Distributional Forecast of Prehistoric Sites in Ulsan Region Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 울산지역 선사유적 입지분석 및 분포예측)

  • Lee, Han-Dong;Kim, Gyo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2012
  • The optimum location of the prehistoric sites of Ulsan Metropolitan City are investigated by both quantile and natural breaks methods through GIS, and the settlement pattern is studied based on the possibility of presence of the prehistoric sites which are also analyzed with these methods. Such factors including elevation, slope, distance from the nearest water, aspect, geological features, soil drainage classes, subsoil and land use recommended are employed in the analysis. The optimum geographical environment is the place where it includes the water-base in the area that is the southern aspect of the gentle slope land of lowland. The geology is the Quaternary alluvium. The drainage class is fine and the deep soil saturn is the fine loamy soil and the recommendation of land use is the area that is the field. As a result of the forecast of distribution, the prehistoric sites showed the higher possibility of presence in the downstream region where the Taehwa river and Dongcheon river join because the region come close to the watercourse and the drinking water use is easy. And the aspect and elevation is the low area. The alluvium accumulated from the upper stream of the Taehwa river and Dongheon river was made roomily, the area where is suitable for the farming life. Therefore, this region is judged that the possibility of presence of the prehistoric sites is high.