Location Analysis and Distributional Forecast of Prehistoric Sites in Ulsan Region Using GIS

GIS를 이용한 울산지역 선사유적 입지분석 및 분포예측

  • Lee, Han-Dong (Dept. of Spatial Information, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Gyo-Won (Dept. of Geology, Kyungpook National University)
  • Received : 2012.05.09
  • Accepted : 2012.08.02
  • Published : 2012.09.30


The optimum location of the prehistoric sites of Ulsan Metropolitan City are investigated by both quantile and natural breaks methods through GIS, and the settlement pattern is studied based on the possibility of presence of the prehistoric sites which are also analyzed with these methods. Such factors including elevation, slope, distance from the nearest water, aspect, geological features, soil drainage classes, subsoil and land use recommended are employed in the analysis. The optimum geographical environment is the place where it includes the water-base in the area that is the southern aspect of the gentle slope land of lowland. The geology is the Quaternary alluvium. The drainage class is fine and the deep soil saturn is the fine loamy soil and the recommendation of land use is the area that is the field. As a result of the forecast of distribution, the prehistoric sites showed the higher possibility of presence in the downstream region where the Taehwa river and Dongcheon river join because the region come close to the watercourse and the drinking water use is easy. And the aspect and elevation is the low area. The alluvium accumulated from the upper stream of the Taehwa river and Dongheon river was made roomily, the area where is suitable for the farming life. Therefore, this region is judged that the possibility of presence of the prehistoric sites is high.

본 논문은 울산광역시를 대상으로 선사시대 최적의 입지를 GIS를 통한 분위수방법과 자연결점법으로 조사하였고, 등급화 통계분석방법으로 선사유적의 존재가능성을 분석하여 선사유적의 정착 패턴을 규명하였다. 연구에 사용된 변수는 고도, 사면 경사도, 수계 최소거리, 사면방향, 지질, 토양배수등급, 심토토성, 토지이용추천 등이며, 이를 이용하여 입지분석 및 분포예측을 실시하였다. 입지분석결과, 선사유적의 최적 입지환경 중 지형적 환경은 저지대 완경사지의 남향인 지역에 수계를 포함하는 곳이며, 지질 토양환경은 제4계 충적층의 배수상태가 양호하고, 심토토성은 식양질, 토지이용추천은 밭인 곳이 최적의 등급으로 분석되었다. 유적분포 예측결과, 태화강과 동천강이 합류하는 하류지역은 하천과 근접하여 식수이용이 용이하며, 경사도 및 고도가 낮은 지역으로 강 상류로부터 운반 퇴적된 충적층이 넓게 형성되어 농경생활에 적합하여 유적존재 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다.



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