• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Evaluation of Damaged Stand Volume in Burned Area of Mt. Weol-A using Remotely Sensed Data (위성자료를 이용한 산화지의 입목 손실량 평가)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Chung, Young-Gwan;Jung, Su-Young;Choi, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to estimate the area of damaged forest and the volume of stand tree in burned area, Mt. Weol-A in eastern Chinju, Korea using digital maps derived from supervised classification of Landsat thematic mapper(TM) imagery as reference data. Criterion laser estimator and WinDENDRO$^{tm}$(v. 6.3b) system as a computer-aided tree ring measuring system were used to measure a volume and age of sampled tree. The sample site had been chosen in unburned areas having the same terrain condition and forest type of burned areas. The tree age, diameter at breast height, tree height and volume of the sample tree selected from sample site in unburned area were 27years, 20.9cm, 9.7m and $0.1396m^3$ respectively. Total stand volume of sample site was estimated $2.9316m^3$/0.04ha, Damaged stand volume evaluated to about $16,007m^3$ in the burned area of 218.4ha.

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Applicability of Multi-Temporal MODIS Images for Drought Assessment in South Korea (봄 가뭄 평가를 위한 다중시기 MODIS 영상의 적용성 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Jin-Hee;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.176-192
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    • 2006
  • The need for a systematic drought management has increased since last countrywide drought in 2001. Naturally various studies for establishing drought plan and preventing drought disaster have been conducted. MODIS image provided by Terra satellite has effective spatial and temporal resolutions to observe spatial and temporal characteristics of a region. MODIS data products are easy for preprocessing and correcting geometrically and provide various data set in regular which are applicable for drought monitoring. In this study, Ansung river and the upstream of South Han river basin was chosen for case study to identify and assess spring drought. The multi-period MODIS image and accumulated precipitation were used to detect not only the drought year but also the vegetation change of normal year and the result were compared with various spatial data. The result shows NDVI and LSWI with is more appropriate than LST for assesing spring drought in Korea and two month cumulative precipitation has moderate relationship with drought. It is necessary to use MODIS image which has same period and same space for effective drought analysis because drought is also affected by landover and altitude.

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Development of a GIS Application Model for Evaluating Forest Functions (산림기능평가를 위한 GIS 응용모델의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Ho;Chong, Se-Kyung;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) application model as a decision-making support system in order to evaluate the potential of forests according to their functions, or to classify forest functions. The forest functions analyzed in this study are as follows: production of timber, stable supply of water resources, forest hazards prevention, recreation in forests, conservation of living conditions and natural environment. Using a model possible to evaluate the potential of each forest function and to assort forest functions by making priority-based decisions according to the functions, as well as allowing for various possible analysis environments, its application has been reviewed. Factors for assessing the forest functions could be built by using the following three categories: four maps-topographical map, vegetation map, forest site map and basic forest land use map-whose quantitative drawings had already been made; other self-established maps, such as one indicating the location of sawmills, location map of expressway interchanges, and spatial data of national population distribution map; and attribute data of population and precipitation. The GIS application developed here contributes to the evaluation of forest functions in all the subject areas by map units and national forest management districts based upon the assessment system.

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Nocturnal Surface Cooling and Cold Air Transport Analysis Based on High Density Observation - A Case Study of Eunpyeong New Town in Seoul (고밀도 관측자료를 이용한 야간 지면냉각과 찬공기 이동 분석 - 서울 은평구 뉴타운 사례)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Young-Jean;Won, Hye-Young;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.124-137
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    • 2012
  • Climate analysis is important in urban planning for human comfort. Synoptic weather conditions can only resolve the 30% of local variance of wind conditions whereas 70% of the variance arise from local terrain, buildings, and other small scale thermal conditions. Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS) was developed to resolve such micro-scale climate. The Local-scale air temperature Deviation (LD) analysis map from CAS showed the co-existence of built-up and suburban areas in the study region (CR, Cold-air analysis Region) despite its small extent. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction were monitored in CR. Hourly observed cooling rate agreed well with LD. Cold air production, transportation, and stagnation was visualized by the observed Vertical Temperature Gradient (VTG) along the small stream in CR. VTG observed at the upper-most stream can be divided into two components: radiative cooling and cold air inflow from outside. Radiative cooling exists regardless of the wind speed whereas cold air inflow occurs only with calm wind. From the regression analyses based on the wind speed, the inflow portion was determined as 84% of radiative cooling. Climate analysis in the future will be able to characterize the changes in cold air by urban development plan to support the human comfort.

A Comparative Analysis of Forest Landscape Structures Between Famous and General Korean Forests Using Landscape Indices (경관지수를 이용한 산림청 지정 명산(名山)과 일반 산의 산림경관구조 비교분석)

  • Han, Hee;Song, Jung-Eun;Seol, A-Ra;Park, Jin-Han;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the landscape structures of the National and Provincial Forest Parks in the list of "100 Famous Forests of Korea" designated by Korea Forest Service by comparing them with those of the non-designated forests. Among the designated and the non-designated, 34 mountain forests were chosen respectively over all provinces of Korea. The spatial characteristics of forest landscapes were quantified as the landscape indices independently using FRAGSTATS and the two sets of results of analyses were compared each other. According to the results of the comparative study, the designated forests were found on the higher elevation with the higher average slope and the more complicated relief conditions rather than those of the non-designated. In terms of landscape structure, the designated forests show the larger average patch size, the lower edge density and the higher diversity of landscape components. These results indicate that the more hilly mountain forests with the more complicated spatial distribution patterns of patches are the characteristics of the designated forests. The indices of the forest landscape structure would be useful in understanding the perception of forest landscape.

Implementation of Saemangeum Coastal Environmental Information System Using GIS (지리정보시스템을 이용한 새만금 해양환경정보시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Kim, Chang-Sik;Park, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 2011
  • To monitor and predict the change of coastal environment according to the construction of Saemangeum sea dyke and the development of land reclamation, we have done real-time and periodic ocean observation and numerical simulation since 2002. Saemangeum coastal environmental data can be largely classified to marine meteorology, ocean physics and circulation, water quality, marine geology and marine ecosystem and each part of data has been generated continuously and accumulated over about 10 years. The collected coastal environmental data are huge amounts of heterogeneous dataset and have some characteristics of multi-dimension, multivariate and spatio-temporal distribution. Thus the implementation of information system possible to data collection, processing, management and service is necessary. In this study, through the implementation of Saemangeum coastal environmental information system using geographic information system, it enables the integral data collection and management and the data querying and analysis of enormous and high-complexity data through the design of intuitive and effective web user interface and scientific data visualization using statistical graphs and thematic cartography. Furthermore, through the quantitative analysis of trend changed over long-term by the geo-spatial analysis with geo- processing, it's being used as a tool for provide a scientific basis for sustainable development and decision support in Saemangeum coast. Moreover, for the effective web-based information service, multi-level map cache, multi-layer architecture and geospatial database were implemented together.

Comparative Evaluation of Muddy Water Occurrence Possibility in Dam Reservoir Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 댐 저수지의 흙탕물 발생 가능성 비교 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Choi, Yun-Woong;Park, Jin-Hyeog
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2011
  • The muddy water occurrence possibility of reservoir were analyzed by considering GIS based soil erosion model, sediment delivery ratio and effective reservoir capacity. For the purpose, the weakness factors for the establishment of countermeasures of basin were analyzed by evaluating input factors of RUSLE model based on spatial data such as DEM, soil map, landcover map and so on. The potential of soil erosion was estimated considering highland upland. The sediment yields of Chungju-Dam and Soyanggang-Dam showed the highest result in sediment yield using sediment delivery ratio with considering basin area. The sediment concentration of Imha-Dam and Chungju-Dam showed the highest value as 0.791 $kg/m^3/yr$ and 0.526 $kg/m^3/yr$ respectively in sediment concentration with considering effective reservoir capacity. Especially, sediment yield of Imha-Dam was about 2.36 times lower than Soyanggang-Dam, but the sediment concentration was 1.90 times higher preferably, because the effective reservoir capacity of Imha-Dam was about 4.48 times lower. This study calculated sediment concentration using the 10 years mean rainfall event and could consider the aspects of soil, terrain, landcover, cultivation condition and effective reservoir capacity of each basin effectively through the results. Therefore, these quantitative sediment concentration data could be used to estimate the potential of high density turbid water for reservoir and applied with effective tools for the management of reservoir.

Mapping Man-Made Levee Line Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Orthoimage (라이다 데이터와 항공 정사영상을 활용한 인공 제방선 지도화)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyen-Cheol;Chung, Youn-In;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2011
  • Levee line mapping is critical to the protection of environments in river zones, the prevention of river flood and the development of river zones. Use of the remote sensing data such as LiDAR and aerial orthoimage is efficient for river mapping due to their accessibility and higher accuracy in horizontal and vertical direction. Airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) has been used for river zone mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Use of image source is also efficient for extraction of features by analysis of its image source. Therefore, aerial orthoimage also have been used for river zone mapping tasks due to its image source and its higher accuracy in horizontal direction. Due to these advantages, in this paper, research on three dimensional levee line mapping is implemented using LiDAR and aerial orthoimage separately. Accuracy measurement is implemented for both extracted lines generated by each data using the ground truths and statistical comparison is implemented between two measurement results. Statistical results show that the generated 3D levee line using LiDAR data has higher accuracy than the generated 3D levee line using aerial orthoimage in horizontal direction and vertical direction.

Building a Web-Based Undesignated Cultural Heritages Management Information System - A Case Study of the Namsan Area in Kyeongju - (웹을 이용한 비지정 문화재 관리 시스템 구축 - 경주 남산 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jang, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Hyoung-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to build a web-server for culture heritages management information system in order to efficiently manage and safely preserve undesignated cultural properties in the Namsan area in Kyeongju, which have been neglected so far. In order to achieve this purpose, data were collected on the basis of undesignated cultural properties in the study area. To acquire the location and range GPS were used and spatial data including geographic coordinates, visual materials and structured interviews were conducted through field survey. In addition, in order to obtained reliable and accurate locations of undesignated cultural properties which are scattered, DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) were used. The spatial database was constructed based on the standard of cultural properties and attribute data was linked to geo-spatial information(digital map and aerial photographs). This system was built in a web-server environment. The result shows detailed description on the selected output for selected location and property information can be located on the map. In particular, a database to search for the status and modification of cultural properties will provide information to the users.

Analysis of Highway Hazardous Area by Sun Glare Intensity Using GIS Simulation (GIS Simulation을 이용한 태양광에 의한 교통사고 위험지역 분석)

  • Kim, Ho-Yong;Baik, Ho-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2010
  • Existing traffic safety studies have focused on identifying the relationship among roadway crashes, highway design and incremental weather condition such as rainy/ice weather. However, it is hard to find researches that studied the effect of sun glare on traffic safety although there are abundant evidences demonstrating that fatal traffic crashes are attributed to the sun glare. Affecting drivers'vision particularly during the morning or the evening time when the sun positions close to the horizon, sun glare directly deteriorate drivers'judgmental capability. In this paper, we numerically analyze the effect of sun glare on the drivers'vision in time and space domains. Applied to the roadways around St Louis area in the United States, the GIS based simulation analysis identifies the time of day in a year and the segments of highways that are potentially influenced by the sun glare. This study evidentially confirms the fact that roadway bounded for West and East directions have longer time influenced by sun glare particularly during Spring and Fall season than other roadways. The computational result provides risky time periods of day at intersections or pedestrian crossings where the sun glare potentially endangers traffic safety, which be utilized to reduce the crashes due to the sun glare.