• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Origin of Manganese Nodules and Their Distribution in the KODOS-89 Area, Northeastern Equatorial Pacific. (KODOS-89 지역 망간단괴의 성인과 분포)

  • 정회수;정갑식
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 1990
  • In the KODOS (Korea Deep Ocean Study)-89 area, western part of clarion-Clipperton fracture zones in the northeastern equatorial Pacific, magnate nodules and sediments were sampled during the 'Farnella' cruise in Oct., 1989. Bulk chemical and mineralogical analyses have been made on a suit of ferromanganese nodules and sediments to study the origin and distribution pattern of the nodules. The nodules are classified into three groups based on their origin: diagenetic nodules with high Mn/Fe ratio, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mg, todorokite contents and rough surface texture; hydrogenetic nodules with high Fe, Co, vernadite contents and smooth surface texture; and transitional nodules with intermediate characters between diagenetic and hydrogenetic nodules. Study area is divided into four zones according to the origin and abundance of nodules: far north area where nodules are hydrogenetic and intermediate in abundance; north area where nodules are diagenetic and low in abundance; south area where nodules are diagenetic and intermediate in abundance; seamount area where nodules are hydrogenetic and high in abundance. distribution pattern of manganese nodules in the KODOS-89 area seems to be controlled by latitudinal variation of productivity in water column and sea bottom morphology.

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An Example of Internal Wave Detection in North Coastal Waters of Cheju Island Using a SAR Image (SAR를 이용한 제주도 북부해역에서의 내부파 관측예)

  • Kim, Tae-Rim;Won, Joong-Sun
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 1999
  • The satellite image acquired by RADARSAT SAR on August 15, 1996 reveals internal waves in north coastal waters of Cheju Island. It is indicated from the image data, the tidal elevation data, and the bottom topography data, the internal waves seem to be generated by interaction between shallow bottom and tidal currents travelling in the stratified water in the summer time during the tidal changeovers from ebb to flood. The internal waves generated in such condition show patterns of trains of solitons. Probable amplitude of observed solitons is calculated using estimation of the soliton wave length from SAR image data and K-dV equation. Detection of the internal waves is very significant not only to military strategist for underwater maneuvers such as operation of submarines, but also to physical and biological oceanographers. Temporal and spatial variation of the internal waves are needed to be measured by simultaneous in-situ field study together with SAR to examine the nature of these internal waves.

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Benthic Foraminiferal Communities of Surface Sediments in the Southwestern Continental Shelf of the East Sea, Korea (동해 남서대륙붕 표층퇴적물의 살아있는 저서성 유공충 분포)

  • Woo, Han-Jun;Oh, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Hyo-Young;Choi, Dong-Lim;Lee, Chi-Won
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 1997
  • The southwestern continental shelf of the East Sea, Korea developed mud deposits as a belt in the inner shelf area from Pusan to Pohang. The general surface sediments consist of very poorly to poorly sorted muddy sediment. The differences of physical, geological and geomorphic conditions in the study area may control and produce distinctive foraminiferal populations. To establish a baseline of environment for the muddy sediments in the southwestern continental shelf of the East Sea, 17 stations were sampled and proved to contain 45 species of living benthic foraminifera. Analysis of the foraminiferal populations in cluster analysis recognized to five habitat zones. These habitat zones contain distinctive cooccurrences of the entire occurring species. Foraminiferal community composition appeared to be closely interrelated of water masses, depths, nutrients and sediment characters.

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Study on the Evaluation Criteria of Environment Assessment for the Various Type of Small-Scale Development Projects in the Riparian Areas (수변지역 소규모 개발사업의 유형별 환경평가 기준에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Yong-Joon;Sagong, Hee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.218-225
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    • 2016
  • Various strategies and management plans have been established in order to conserve water quality as well as ecosystem, prevent deterioration of scenic area, and more importantly, retain drinking water securely. However, due to the introduction of numerous small-scale development projects on the waterside area outside protection area of source water and reparian area, river water quality and landscape are severely deteriorated. In this study, We analyzed the expected environmental impacts on the ecosystem, topograph, geology, landscape, water quality according to development type, and assigned different environmental points to each development type depend on environmental impacts, which is able to divide small-scale development project into three categories such as projects with rigorous review, projects with general review and projects with simple review. Finally, we suggested the appraisal basement is to avoid or minimize the expected environment impacts of the small-scale development projects in riparian areas so that make them sustainable development by reasonable restriction.

Classification of small irrigation ponds in western Civilian Control Zone in Korea (서부 민간인 통제구역에 존재하는 둠벙의 유형분류)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Geun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.275-289
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    • 2011
  • We investigated the hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of small irrigation ponds in civilian control zone of Paju city in Korea. Among 85 small irrigation ponds, water level of 52 ponds changed seasonally and that of 33 was constant. Water sources of 12 ponds were surface water, 29 surface water and ground water, and 44 ground water. 4 ponds locate in the edges of forests, 33 in flat-lands, and 48 in valleys. Water in 45 ponds was exchanged with paddy fields and 40 ponds were isolated from paddy fields. Endangered or endemic species were inhabited in 26 ponds, which have ground water as water source and constant water level. Based on these characteristics, we suggested 4 types of small irrigation ponds: spring, water exchanging, stagnant/spring, stagnant water. This classification system will help ecosystem managers to investigate ponds systematically and manage them based on pond type.

Topographical change of sandbar and vegetation settlement in Jang-Hang wetlands for Han River Estuary Wetlands Restoration (한강 하구 습지복원을 위한 장항습지의 사주 지형변화 및 식생정착)

  • Ahn, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Si-Nae;Chung, Sang-Joon;Lee, Dong-Jun;Lee, Sam-Hee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2012
  • Estuary is unique habitat ground under substantial changes of water quality, river side, bed material, and micro topography. Construction of SinGok underwater weir with excessive dredging for downstream of weir has changed hydraulic conditions of Han River. This study investigates spatial changes of estuary and expansion process of vegetation on sandbar for JangHang estuary in Han River through analysis of physical and ecological characteristics. As a result of investigation, we found that area of sandbar in JangHang estuary is expanded six times compared between 1985 and 2006, and area of Phragmites australis is gradually decreased while area of Salix subfragilis Anderson. is increased. Also the analysis result of soil layer shows that the Jang-Hang wetlands are created by effect from river, and woody plants are settled from middle part of wetlands, then spread to upper and lower part of wetlands.

The Characteristics of Fine Granitic Soils on a Drainage Catena in Hwayang Ri, Pyeongtaeg Area (배수(排水) Catena에 있어서 세입질(細粒質) 화강암(花崗岩) 토양(土壤)의 특성(特性) (평택군(平澤郡) 현덕면(玄德面), 화양리(華陽里)))

  • Rim, Sang-Kyu;Jung, Seog-Jae;Moon, Joon;Um, Ki-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.276-281
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    • 1985
  • This study was conducted to examine the morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of the Song-jeong (residuum), Dae-gog (local colluvium-alluvium), Ji-san and Og-cheon (local-alluvium) series with fine loamy texture derived from fine granitic parent materials on the drainage catena. 1. These soils consist of a catena, and then a color sequence due to the influence of topography, water table and free iron content. 2. The poorer the drainage, the higher were the silt/clay ratio, soil reaction, organic matter, and available phosphate content in soils but the active iron content was lower.

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Fusion Matching According to Land Cover Property of High Resolution Images (고해상도 위성영상의 토지피복 특성에 따른 혼합정합)

  • Lee, Hyoseong;Park, Byunguk;Ahn, Kiweon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2012
  • This study proposes fusion image matching method according to land cover property to generate a detailed DEM using the high resolution IKONOS-2 stereo pair. A classified image, consists of building, crop-land, forest, road and shadow-water, is produced by color image with four bands. Edges and points are also extracted from panchromatic image. Matching is performed by the cross-correlation computing after five classes are automatically selected in a reference image. In each of building class, crop-land class, forest class and road class, matching was performed by the grid and edge, only grid, only grid, grid and point, respectively. Shadow-water class was excepted in the matching because this area causes excessive error of the DEM. As the results, edge line, building and residential area could be expressed more dense than DEM by the conventional method.

Location Technique of Cutting Area Used by GPS Augmentation System (GPS보정항법 시스템을 활용한 절개지 위치조사 기법)

  • Kang, Ho-Yun;Kang, In-Joon;Song, Suk-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.629-635
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    • 2009
  • Collapses of cutting area have frequently occurred due to heavy rainfall caused by the recent unusual weather patterns. Collapses of cutting area have the most crucial influence on the damaged property and casualties. Therefore, formulating and preparing an effective measures and control system is urgent. For this reason, in this study, we researched formation investigation method of location-based cutting area for an efficient management of cutting area. We conducted comparative and analytic research on the hand GPS method and DGPS method which is GPS augmentation system, using SBAS signals. The results of the research showed that there was difficult in discerning the accurate shape of cutting area when the existing method was used; however, the detecting the shape of four sides and accurate location was possible when DGPS was used. Consequently, it is possible to establish a preventive measures for cutting area, which considers the condition of the surrounding environment of cutting area because the polygon based management of incision cliff is attainable, apart from the existing control point based approach.

A Study on the Process management Methodology of Spatial Database Standard Construction (공간데이터 표준구축공정의 관리방법론 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gil;No, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.331-345
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to standardize the work classification system in spatial data. Up to now, a systematic standard for constructing process and quality management has not yet been established in Korea, thus, it is possible for the national budget to be wasted. The regulations related to constructing spatial data are also obscure, and absurd for feasible application to reality, which results in a lack of reliability of the quality of spatial data. This study was conducted by investigating and analyzing regulations related to spatial data quality and various literature, including studies on spatial data quality conducted by the NGII. And also, the study was conducted by investigating and analyzing the constructing processes and working methods of major firms that have experience in constructing a GIS for a local governing body. Based on the analyzed data, we standardized work classification and management methodology for control point surveying using GPS, leveling, aerial photographing, digital mapping, topographic mapping, digital elevation modeling, aerial photographic DB construction, digital orthophotomap.