• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학업적 적응

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Composition and Realization of Korean Culture Liberal Arts Subjects for International Students (외국인 유학생을 위한 한국문화 교양교과목 구성과 실제)

  • Mun, Jung-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.658-666
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    • 2020
  • In this paper it is considered that international students who are studying at Korean universities have difficulty in completing their studies while adjusting to Korean university life. The reason for this is that most international students enter university but they are lack of liberal arts knowledge such as Korean language skills and foundation studies necessary for their major studies. However, most universities focus on teaching Korean language as a liberal arts course for international students. Therefore It suggests that the most important and urgent required is for international students to improve their liberal arts knowledge as well as their Korean language skills. Furthermore, this paper argues order for international students who do not have enough liberal arts such as Korean language proficiency or basic science to study successfully, a systematic liberal arts curriculum and teaching methods for international students should be presented and applied in the field. Accordingly, this paper shows an example of the class operated by applying the knowledge-based Korean language teaching method to the cultural class, which is a dedicated subjects for international students, and proved its effectiveness.

The Design of Web Base ADHD Student information Sharing System Prototype (ADHD학생 행동관찰 공유시스템 프로토타입 제안)

  • Park, Hyun-Mi;Ahn, Mi-Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2012.01a
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 교사-부모간의 원활한 정보 공유를 통해 ADHD학생의 학교 적응과 학업 수행을 도울 수 있는 교사-부모간의 ADHD학생 행동 관찰 공유시스템의 프로토타입을 제안해보고자 하였다. 선행연구를 통해 ADHD학생이 통합교육을 효율적으로 받기 위해 전제되어야 할 것이 교사와 부모의 협력인 점과 현재 교육현장에서 교사 부모 협력의 실질적 방안의 요구됨을 확인했다. 선행 연구 자료를 통해 도출한 ADHD학생 행동관찰 공유시스템의 설계전략을 기반으로 스토리보드를 작성하고 교사측면과 부모측면, 그리고 공유측면 시스템 기능으로 분류하여 프로토타입을 제안하였다. 본 연구는 실제 ADHD학생 행동관찰 공유시스템의 개발과 개발된 시스템이 교육 현장에서 어느 정도의 효용성과 이용성을 갖게 될지 검증하는 실증적 후속 연구가 필요하다고 제언한다.

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The Effect of College Life Satisfaction on Ego-Resilience (대학생의 학교생활만족이 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Woo-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2020.01a
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    • pp.101-102
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 학교생활만족이 자아탄력성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보고 대학생활적응의 기초자료 활용과 시사점의 제공에 목적을 두고자 하였다. 이를 위해 통계자료를 활용하여 요인분석은 Varimax에 의한 직교회전에 의하여 요인적재치를 산출하였고, 설문문항에 대한 측정은 크론바하 알파계수(Crobach's Alpha)를 이용하여 신뢰도 검증을 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 스트레스, 친구관계, 정서적지지는 학교생활만족에 따라 자아탄력성에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 전공수업, 대학환경은 학교생활만족에 따라 자아탄력성에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다.

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Effect of Intrinsic Learning Motivation on Korean Language Performance: Moderating Effect of Social Support (내재적 학습동기가 국어수행에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지의 조절효과)

  • Kim Hey Kyoung;Chung Eun Kyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2022
  • There are many studies that intrinsic learning motivation and social support play an important role in the study of children and adolescents. However, studies examining the effects of intrinsic learning motivation and social support by measuring the actual academic performance of elementary school students are rare. This study attempted to verify the effect of intrinsic learning motivation on Korean language performance and moderating effect of social support in 5th and 6th graders in elementary school. 122 elementary school students in local county-level areas participated in this study. The Korean language test was conducted about 5 months after intrinsic learning motivation and social support of families and teachers were measured. The results revealed that Korean language performance showed a significant positive correlation with intrinsic learning motivation and social support, and also showed a significant correlation between learning motivation and social support. In the regression analysis with control variables, it was found that intrinsic learning motivation had a significant effect on Korean language performance. The moderating effect of social support was analyzed by dividing it into family support and teacher support. The interaction effect of learning motivation and social support was significant only in teacher support, not in family support. In specific, when teacher support was high, Korean language performance was high regardless of the student's learning motivation level, but when teacher support was low, the student's learning motivation mattered in the performance. Based on the results of this study, implications and limitations were discussed.

The Longitudinal effect of parental depressive symptoms on language development, problem behavior, and school adjustment in the first grade child (부모의 우울이 초등학교 자녀의 언어발달, 문제행동 및 학교적응에 미치는 종단적 영향)

  • Kwon, Taeyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.338-348
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the longitudinal relationship between paternal depressive symptoms and maternal depressive symptoms simultaneously. This study also identified the interplay of paternal and maternal depressive symptoms for predicting elementary children's language development, their problem behaviors and their school adjustment. Using the data from the Panel Study on Korean Children for the 4th-8th years (2011~2015 year), this study used the Latent Growth Curve Model, which is helpful for examining longitudinal relationship differences among variables. The sample subjects were 1,754 parents and children. The results are as follows. The initial level of paternal depressive symptoms had a positive impact on the rate of change in maternal depressive symptoms. The initial level of maternal depressive symptoms had a negative impact on the rate of change in maternal depressive symptoms. Mothers' depressive symptoms showed not only the mothers' own depression problem. but also the self-effect and counterpart effect of depression on the fathers' depression problem. The rate of change in maternal depressive symptom mediated the relation between the initial level of parental depressive symptoms and children's receptive language, internalizing/externalizing problems, and school adjustment. Therefore, depression prevention and intervention programs for both fathers and mothers are needed for the healthy development and school adaptation of school-age children.

A Study on the Correlation between the resilience in school lives and Family Protection Factors focusing on youths in single-parent families (한부모가족 청소년을 중심으로 한 학교적응유연성과 가족보호요인의 상관성 연구)

  • Han, Shin-Ae;Han, Chun-Nam
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2018
  • The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, family support has the greatest influence on school adjustment flexibility, and the following is family function. Second, the effect of family protection factors on the interest in the school was found to have a statistically significant effect on the relationship between parents and family support. Third, the factors affecting the attitude toward the achievement of the family, the relationship with the parents, the family support, and the family function were not found to be influential. Fourth, as a result of examining the factors influencing the compliance with school norms, it was found that the better the family function, the better the adherence to school norms. In conclusion, the relationship between parents and their parents was significant. This was to know how important parental relationship, family function, and family support are in the adjustment of single parent families.

Moderated Mediation Effect of Self-control on the Relationship of 'Neuroticism - Smart Phone Addiction - School Adaptation' (신경증-스마트폰 중독-학교적응의 매개관계에 대한 자기 통제력의 조절된 매개효과 검증)

  • Jung, Sung Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to demonstrate 'moderated mediation' effect of self-control on the relationship of neuroticism-smart phone addiction-school adaptation. For this purpose, we carried out a survey targeting middle school students who were vulnerable to smart phone addiction, and 1,400 middle school students responded to questionnaire. The results showed that the moderated mediation effect of self-control was statistically significant. In detail, school satisfaction and school performance, the sub-factors of school adaptation, showed significant results but social relation non-significant. Concerning moderating effect of self-control, results supported significantly moderating effect, demonstrating that high level of self-control showed consistently lower level of smart phone addiction than low level of self-control regardless of level of neuroticism. We can find the meanings of this study in having demonstrated, on the one hand, the causal process of smart phone addiction, and on the other, moderating effect and moderated mediation effect on this causal process through interaction between neuroticism and self-control. Finally, limitations and suggestions for future research were discussed.

An Evaluation Study of an ESP Module Program Combining with Keller's Learning Motivation Model for the 1st grade Nursing Students (학습동기모델과 특수목적영어 융합 모듈 프로그램 평가연구: 간호학과 신입생을 대상으로)

  • An, Seon uk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an ESP module program which combines Keller's ARCS model for the $1^{st}$ grade nursing students. Students' learning motivation and academic achievement were compared between an intervention group and a control group and their perception and subjective effects on the module program were identified. Quantitative data showed that the overall level of learning motivation in the intervention group was significantly higher than that in the control group (t=2.391, p=.019). No significant difference was found on the level of academic achievement between two groups (t=0.116, p=.098). Contents analysis on the qualitative data showed that ESP module program was interesting, effective, helpful for understanding clinical settings, and giving confidence and satisfaction. According to the result, it is assumed that the ESP module program which combines ARCS model can be effective in motivating the $1^{st}$ grade nursing students to learn nursing contents and English.

A Exploratory Study on the Determinants Predicting Student Depature of Freshmen: Focusing on the Case of S University (대학 신입생 중도탈락 예측 요인 분석: S대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eun-jung;Lee, Jeong-hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to derive the main factors for predicting student departure of university freshmen and provide the basis for establishing policies to prevent student departure at the institutional level. For this purpose, a random forest model is developed with the data observed for 2 years at a four-year private university in Seoul. In the prediction model, 6 variables of school adjustment factors and 12 variables of institution satisfaction factors are applied. The top 6 variables presenting the highest MDA turn out to be emotional stability, financial conditions, assurance in the choice of major, satisfaction with the choice of university, educational method(systematic teaching method), educational method(effectiveness of major education). Based on the results of this study, it is suggested the necessity of institutional design supporting freshmen to adapt to university life and stably continue their studies.

Levels and their Correlations of Decision-Making-Competency, Adjustment to College Life, Satisfaction to College Life in Freshmen (전문대학 신입생의 의사결정역량, 대학생활적응, 대학생활만족도 정도 및 상관성 연구)

  • Park, Mi-Jeong;Ham, Young-Lim;Oh, Doo-Nam
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the levels and to analyze their correlations of decision-making-competency, adjustment to college life, satisfaction to college life in freshmen. The subjects were 325 freshmen. Data were collected through structured questionnaire from September to October, 2009, and analyzed with SPSS 17.0. The results of this study were as follows: decision-making-competency of college freshmen was $61.77{\pm}7.70$, adjusting to college life was $60.97{\pm}8.94$, and satisfaction to college life was $57.97{\pm}10.80$. Relationships between adjusting to college life and decision-making-competency in college freshmen (r=.159, p<.001), between decision-making-competency and satisfaction to college life (r=.121, p<.05), between adjustment to college life and satisfaction to college life (r=.543, p<.001) showed a statistically significant positive correlations. These results will be used for developing programs for the college freshmen in adjusting to college life and student dropout prevention.