• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학교 성적

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Construction of an Hybrid Firewall for School Networks and Implementation of a Graphical Interface for Access Control Rules (학교망을 위한 혼합방화벽 구축 및 접근제어 규칙을 위한 그래픽 인터페이스 구현)

  • Park, Chan-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2000
  • Due to the advantages of Internet, many teachers use Internet as an educational tool and due to the computerized works in schools, the usages of the Internet increase. However, because of the openness of the Internet, the sensitive data of an organization are exposed to outsiders and the Internet-based working has some problems such as the corruptions of instructional data or on-line assessment results. The need for protecting a school network from outsiders increases but the school networks with firewalls rarely exist. In this paper, in order to solve the security problem of a school network, we construct a hybrid firewall for school networks. In addition, we implement a graphical user interface for teachers to set up the access control rules of a hybrid firewall easily. The interface also provides the facilities such as log analysis, a real-time monitor for network traffics, and the statistic on traffics.

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Prevalence and Related Risk Factors of Suicidal Ideation in Urban Adolescents (일 도시지역 청소년의 자살사고 유병률과 위험인자에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae Ho;Lee, Yu Jin
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2014
  • Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the prevalence and related risk factors of suicide ideation among middle and high school students in an urban area. Methods: We surveyed 3,691 middle and high school students (2,159 male, 1,532 female, 11-19 years of age) using a self-report questionnaire that covered basic socio-demographic data, academic achievements, presence of physical or psychiatric illness, sleep duration on weekdays, time spent at private academies on weekdays and weekends, and subjective needs for counseling. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Reynolds' Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) were included in the survey. Results: The prevalence of students with high suicide ideation ($SIQ{\geq}62$) was 4.6%. In a logistic regression model, female sex (p = 0.002), younger age (p < 0.001), poor academic achievement (p = 0.043) and higher score of BDI (p < 0.001) were associated with a higher SIQ score. In addition, younger age (p = 0.045) and a higher BDI score (p < 0.001) were associated with a higher SIQ score adolescents having high suicide ideation ($SIQ{\geq}62$). Conclusion: Related risk factors of suicide ideation in adolescents were female sex, younger age, poor academic achievement, and a depressive mood. It would be especially helpful to pay more attention to younger adolescents and a depressive mood as a high-risk group. The understanding of these factors will be helpful for providing an effective suicide screening and prevention program for adolescents.

A Study on the Profile Analysis of Types of Adolescents' Stress (청소년의 스트레스 유형에 대한 프로파일 탐색)

  • Lim, Chae Young;Yeum, Dong Moon;Jung, Hyun Tae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.2
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    • pp.213-232
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the stress profile that adolescent perceives by using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), and to examine the effect of characteristics variable per groups that appeared in profile. By using the cross-section data of 'A survey on the human right of Korean children and adolescent in 2013' issued by National Youth Policy Institute, the LPA concerning the stress type was conducted and surveyed 9,521 adolescents from fourth grade in elementary school to seniors in high school nationwide. The result of this study shows that two class types were selected according to the goodness-of-fit index and latent class classification rate. Type 1 is named low-risk group as they show low level, whereas type 2 is named relative risk group as they show high level. In order to predict the characteristics of adolescent stress, the study conducted Binary Logistic Regression analysis on the basis of low-risk group. There is higher probability to belong to relative risk group, the more they are female students than male students, the less their subjective health condition and happiness, the more runaway experience, the less school grades and the less economic affluence in their household. The implication of this research, its limitation and direction of follow-up research were suggested.

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Characteristic analysis for moving in and moving out of departments - Focused on the D university example - (학과 간 전출과 전입의 특성분석 - D대학교의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Seungbae
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2013
  • As far as the universities in south Korea are concerned, they have to meet the need of the situation as the number of the incoming students are decreasing because of the population-reducing in south Korea. The Ministry of Education Science and Technology is enforcing the restructuring of an universities by evaluating all the universities in Korea by using some indices (employment rate, supplement rate of students etc.). Most of the universities in Korea are widely permitting the changes of the major study as a method to improve the 'supplement rate of students' among some measures. These changes of major study (moving in and moving out) can give rise to difficulties in managing an university because there might be the departments with a small number of students as they moving out from low level departments to high level ones. Moreover, as raising the change rate of the major study, there is no loss from the university's point of view but a department could be in a difficult situation. The purpose of this study is to grasp the characteristics for changing major study by a general statistical analysis and graphs produced by a social network analysis with the D university's case. The results of this study are as follows; (a) category is from the engineering to humanity-society, (b) entrance level is from low to high, and (c) employment rate is from low to high as well.

An Analysis on Perception of Mothers about Career for Elementary Science-Gifted Children (초등과학영재 어머니들의 자녀 진로에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Kwon, Yoon-Ah;Kim, Hyo-Nam
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.577-586
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to try to structuralize the perception of the mothers of science-gifted elementary students using the concept mapping approach. The mothers who participated in this research had children who were 5th and 6th graders selected as science-gifted by a regional education office, a science high school and two national universities in a city. One of the authors interviewed 26 mothers, and extracted 50 general statements of their perceptions about the career path of their children. Ten mothers who participated in interviews sorted a shuffled pack of statement cards. The categorization of the statements into the dissimilarity matrix was carried out by SPSS multidimensional scaling analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis to generate a conceptual diagram. After that 140 mothers rated each statement using a Likert-type response scale from one to five. The result showed six clusters of parental views such as were 'Burden of private education, grades and going to the next grade,' 'Thinking about career guidance in gifted education and school,' 'Parental roles in child career education,' 'Difficulties in career guidance at home,' 'Demand for strengthening the parental capacity for career guidance,' and 'Demand for social support.' 'Demand for social support' obtained the highest sympathy from mothers of elementary science gifted.

우리도 국제수학경시대회(IMO)에 참가 하여야 한다.

  • 박한식;최영한
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1987
  • 호주 정부는 1988년이 유럽인의 호주 이민 200주년이 되는 것을 기념하여 대대적인 행사를 추진하고 있으며 이 행사의 일환으로 1988년 7월 9일 부터 21일 까지 "제29회 국제수학경시대회"를 개최할 예정이다. 이 대회의 주최측에서는 우리나라에도 중ㆍ고등학생의 참가를 요청하였다. 필자들은 이 대회에 우리나라 대표를 파견할 경우를 대비하여 그 동안 IMO에 관한 여러가지의 정보를 조사한 바 대회 참가 여부에 대하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 참가의 필요성 (1) 중ㆍ고등 학생들에게 수학에 관한 관심을 높히고, 나아가서는 모든 국민에게 과학적인 사고의 향상을 기대한다. (2) 궁극적으로 수학을 위시한 기초 과학, 응용 과학에 대한 전반적인 관심도가 높아져서 수학자 및 과학자의 저변 확대를 기대할 수 있고, 특히 수리적인 사고력이 뛰어난 사람을 조기에 찾아내어 2000년대의 과학 선진국 건설에 중추적인 역할을 맡을 인력자원을 확보할 수 있다. (3) 현재 중ㆍ고등학교 수학 교육이 계산 위주, 암기 위주로 되어 있고, 학력 고사를 위시하여 많은 시험이 객관적으로 사고력 배양이 고려되지 않고 있다. IMO 참가자를 선발하기 위하여 거국적인 경시 대회를 개최한다면 자연히 이를 대비한 주관식 문제를 접할 기회를 가지게 되고, 따라서 수학 교육의 목적중의 하나인 사고력 배양을 기대할 수 있다. (4) 우리 국민의 조직적인 사고력과 과학적인 두뇌를 세계적으로 자랑할 수 있는 좋은 기회이다. (5) 자라나는 새싹들에게 국제 대회의 기회를 주므로써 장차 우리나라의 수학 수준을 국제적으로 높힐 수 있는 기틀을 마련한다. 2. 우리나라 학생이 IMO에 참가하여 우수한 성적을 거둘수 있는지 여부 (1) 절대적으로 있다. 참가하는 첫 해부터 상위권에 들어갈 것이다. 우리의 중ㆍ고등학교 수학 수준이 세계 평균보다 약간 높다. 그리고 몇 년의 경륜을 쌓는다면 세계 1, 2위에 도전 할 수 있다. 이것은 올림픽이나 아시아 게임에 기울이는 비용의 몇 만분의 일을 가지고, 그 보다 훨씬 높은 수준의 국력을 과시할 수 있는 기회이다. (2)매년 그 성적이 올라가리라 생각한다. 예로서 우리와 비교하여 형편없는 국력을 가진 몽고가 8년간 꼴찌를 하다 1894년 대회에서 참가국 33개국 중에서 10위를 차지하였다. 미국은 참가 첫 해부터 2위를 하였고, 11년 동안 1위 2번, 2위 4번을 하였으며, 매번 5위 이내에 머물렀다. (3) 월남은 그 나라의 사정때문인지 자주 참가하지 못하였다. 그러나 참가할 때마다 항상 상위권에 속하였다. 이것은 월남 국민들의 수학에 관한 관심도를 나타낸다고 본다. 우리 국민도 월남 국민에 못지 않으리라 생각한다. 3. 한국수학교육학회가 주관하여 뛰어난 학생을 선발 할 수 있는지 여부 (1) 있다. (2)한국수학경시대회 (KMO) 위원회를 한국수학교육학회 산하에 구성하여 KMO를 주관하게 하고, 또 국내의 여러 수학경시대회에서 우수한 성적을 나타낸 학생중에서 일정한 인원(50명 정도)을 선발하여 특별히 선정된 훈련팀으로 하여금 조직적인 훈련을 시킨다면 된다. 4. 기타 (1) 과거 어떠한 형태로든 국제 대회에 참가한 경력은 전혀 없다. (2) 1960년대에 서울대학교 공과대학 학생회에서 주최한 수학경시대회가 있었으나 보잘것이 없었고, 현재에도 각 시도별 또는 대학주관의 경시대회가 있으나 거국적인 호응을 받지 못했다. 물론 국제 대회에 참석시키는 것은 엄두도 내지 않았다.

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Factors Influencing Attempted Suicide Among Adolescents in Korea (청소년들의 자살시도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Gyuyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3139-3147
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the condition surrounding attempted suicide and related factors among middle and high school students in Korea. Methods : Data from 72,435 participants of 2013 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Based Survey were analyzed. Statistical analyses were conducted on weighted data using SPSS 21 software to account for the complex sampling designs. Results : Complex samples logistic regression analysis, school level, socioeconomic status, drinking alcohol, drug use, experience of school bullying were associated with an increased proportion of attempted suicide for boys and girls. Particularly, male students was associated with living type. Conclusion : The results of this study highlight the important of developing a program that focuses on enhancing suicidal prevention & respect life program with life skills program, to effectively reduce the likelihood of attempted suicide among adolescents in Korea.

A Study on the Consumption Behavior of Cellular Phone of Middle School Students and Consumer Education by Mothers (어머니에 의한 소비자교육이 중학생의 휴대폰 소비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Joo;Choi, Jeong-Hye;Jang, Sang-Ock
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to see relationship between middle school students' cellular phone consumption behavior and their mothers' consumer education. A survey was conducted with middle school students at nine middle schools in Gyeongnam who possessed a cellular phone and their mothers(1,080 in total). The results of this study are as follows: First, middle school students' cellular phone consumption behavior was relatively at the average level or higher: they were best at A/S and change and refund and were at the average level in collecting and using information for purchase followed by contract. This consumption behavior was associated with such variables as gender, academic performance, and monthly pocket money. Second, as for consumer education for middle school students' mothers in general, purchase education was most highly recognized, followed by citizenship education and value education. However, value education was relatively weak, which should be reinforced. Mothers' consumer education was associated with children's grade, academic performance and monthly pocket money. Third, since middle school students' desirable cellular phone consumption behavior was strongly associated with their mothers' consumer education, it is highly urgent to improve the quality of consumer education by mothers at home.

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The Relationship between Enterance Exam Stress and Oral Care Self-Efficacy in 3rd year Girl High School Students (인문계 3학년 여자 고등학생의 입시스트레스와 구강관리 자기효능감과의 관련성)

  • Cho, Hye-Eun;Chung, Kyung-Yi
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.551-561
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between entrance exam stress and oral care self-efficacy in girls high school. From June to July 2018, A self-reported questionnaire was administered to 192 high school students in the G area. The data were analyzed for independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient by using SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. Among the sub-sectors of entrance exam stress, exam tension/poor was the highest with 3.07 points, followed by Insufficient spare time stress 2.83 points, future uncertainty stress 2.57 points, and parent pressure stress 2.44 points. the variables related to exam tension/poor stress were academic performance (p<.01), family income level (p<.05), Subjective oral health status(p<.05), and daily brushing frequency(p<.01). The highest level of oral care self-efficacy was 3.13 points for brushing self-efficacy, followed by dental visits 2.80 points and interdental hygiene 2.64 points. As a result of analyzing the general characteristics and oral care self-efficacy, subjects related to brushing self-efficacy were subjective oral health status, caries snacking(daily), and caries drinks(daily)(p<.01). There were negative correlations between entrance exam stress and oral care self-efficacy. The higher the entrance stress, the lower the oral care self-efficacy. To prevent oral disease and increase oral care self-efficacy of students with high entrance stress, it is necessary to provide school oral health education programs that can facilitate oral health behaviors.

A survey of Specialists Cognition on Authorization of Credits for the Same Subjects in Entering a Same Department of the College Among Technical High School Graduates (공업고등학교 졸업생의 대학 동일계 학과 진학시 동일 과목 학점 인정에 관한 전문가 인식 조사)

  • Lee, Sang Hyuk;Kim, Ho Dong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.26-43
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to survey of specialists cognition to authorize credits for the same subjects in entering a department of the same area in college among technical high school graduates. Today with generalized college education, about 80% of technical high school graduates enter college. Therefore, authorization of credits for the same subjects is necessary to reduce educational waste in terms of articulation among technical high schools, junior colleges and universities. In this study, a survey was conducted with 100 specialists in technical education, including technical high school teachers, researchers, and professors at junior college or technical college in university, getting answers from 84 subjects (81.25%). The results of this research can be summarized as follows: First, it is valid to authorize credits for all practical subjects completed in technical high school when technical high school graduates enter the same department at college but most of junior college professor unsuitable response. Second, it is valid to authorize credits through its own prescribed test for the same subjects when technical high school graduates enter the same department of engineering at junior college or technical college in university but opposed 62.5% of junior college professor. Third, it is most of respondent valid to authorize credits for the same subjects if results of its own examination for authorization by university are at a fixed level or higher when technical high school graduates are admitted as a junior at the same department in technical college of university after graduation from the same department at junior college.