• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지이용 분포

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An Application of Artificial Intelligence System for Accuracy Improvement in Classification of Remotely Sensed Images (원격탐사 영상의 분류정확도 향상을 위한 인공지능형 시스템의 적용)

  • 양인태;한성만;박재국
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2002
  • This study applied each Neural Networks theory and Fuzzy Set theory to improve accuracy in remotely sensed images. Remotely sensed data have been used to map land cover. The accuracy is dependent on a range of factors related to the data set and methods used. Thus, the accuracy of maps derived from conventional supervised image classification techniques is a function of factors related to the training, allocation, and testing stages of the classification. Conventional image classification techniques assume that all the pixels within the image are pure. That is, that they represent an area of homogeneous cover of a single land-cover class. But, this assumption is often untenable with pixels of mixed land-cover composition abundant in an image. Mixed pixels are a major problem in land-cover mapping applications. For each pixel, the strengths of class membership derived in the classification may be related to its land-cover composition. Fuzzy classification techniques are the concept of a pixel having a degree of membership to all classes is fundamental to fuzzy-sets-based techniques. A major problem with the fuzzy-sets and probabilistic methods is that they are slow and computational demanding. For analyzing large data sets and rapid processing, alterative techniques are required. One particularly attractive approach is the use of artificial neural networks. These are non-parametric techniques which have been shown to generally be capable of classifying data as or more accurately than conventional classifiers. An artificial neural networks, once trained, may classify data extremely rapidly as the classification process may be reduced to the solution of a large number of extremely simple calculations which may be performed in parallel.

A Pilot Study on Environmental Understanding and Estimation of the Nak-Dong River Basin Using Fuyo-1 OPS Data (Fuyo-1 OPS 자료를 이용한 낙동강 하류지역의 환경계측 시고)

  • Kim, Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.169-198
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    • 1996
  • The objectives of this investigation are : 1. To analyze spectral signature and the associated vegetation index for geometric illumination conditions inf1uenced by low solar elevation and high slope orientations in mountainous forest. 2. To assess the accuracy of the spectral angle mapper classification for the a winter land cover in comparison with the maximum likelihood classification. 3. To produce the image of water quality and water properties that could be used to estimate the water pollution sources and the tide-included by turbid water in estuarine and coastal areas. These objectives are to characterize environmental and ecological monitoring applications of the Nak-Dong River Basin by using Fuyo-1 OPS VNIR data acquired on December 26, 1992. The results of this paper are as follows : 1. The spectral digital numbers and vegetation indexes (NDVI and TVI) of mountainous forest are higher on the slope facing the sun than on the slope hidden the sun under low sun elevation condition. 2. The spectral angle mapper algorithm produces a more accurate land cover classification of areas with steep slope, various aspects and low solar elevation than the maximum likelihood classifier. 3. The maximum likelihood classification images can be used for identifying the location and movement of both freshwater and salt water, regardless of geometric illumination conditions. 4. The color-coded density sliced image of selected water bodies by using the near-infrared band 3 can provide distribution of the water quality of the Lower Nak-Dong River. 5. The color-coded normalized difference vegetation index image of the selected mountain forest is suitable to classify winter vegetation cover types, i.e., forest canopy densities for slope orientations.

Analysis of Spatial Distribution and Estimation of Carbon Emissions in Deforestation Using GIS and Administrative Data (GIS와 행정 자료를 이용한 산림전용지의 공간분포 및 탄소배출량 분석 - 강원도 원주시를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jinwoo;Lee, Jungsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.3
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    • pp.466-475
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    • 2011
  • This study purposed to analyze the spatial pattern and the amount of carbon emission at the deforestation area based on the administrative and GIS data. The total size of deforestation area in last nine years (2000-2008) was about 649 ha, and it was occurred annually about 72 ha. The occurrence rate of deforestation per administrative area in Wonju was about 0.74%. It was 0.34% higher than that of Kwangwondo, and 0.06% less than that of National rate. On the other hand, the forms of deforestation by purpose were not related to the administrative district unit. The number of deforestation forms was highest at settlements. second most frequent form is other land. Grassland showed the lowest score. In addition, the deforestations were more occurred which is closed to the existing housing and building rather than roads. The number of deforestation was 1.2 times higher based on 300m. Seventy percent of deforestation was occurred which is less than 0.5 ha in size, and it increased to 91% when the size is less than 1ha. The total size of theoretical carbon emission based on deforestation area was estimated at 23,424 tc, and average annual carbon emission was estimated by 2,603 tc. Carbon emission per ha was 36.1 tC/ha. This study results will be useful to construct the greenhouse gas statistical verification system against the Post-2012 by GIS.

Evaluation of Flooding Characteristics of Dam Reservoir using Cumulative Flooding Area Curve (누가침수면적곡선을 이용한 댐 저수구역의 침수특성 평가)

  • Munseok Lee;Chulsang Yoo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2023
  • Floodplain in a reservoir is defined as the area naturally formed between the design flood level and the normal pool level. Located around the dam reservoir, floodplain has been damaged in many different ways including cultivation. As it is impossible to restore all the damaged floodplain at once, it is necessary to determine their order of priority. This process considers various factors, among which the flooding frequency is an important hydrologic characteristic, Different from the floodplains in a river, all the floodplains around the given dam reservoir have the same flooding frequency. To overcome this problem, this study proposes to use the cumulative flooding area curve, which represents the cumulative flooding area corresponding to the reservoir water level. Especially, this study evaluates the flooding frequency of those water levels corresponding to the cumulative flooding area of 30%, 50% and 70%. As application examples, this study considers the five restoration candidates each selected in the Andong Dam, Imha Dam, Youngju Dam and Nam river Dam of the Nakdong River Basin. As a result, the cumulative flooding area curve was found to well represent the overall shape of the floodplain (i.e., steep-to-mild slope or mild-to-steep slope). Also, the flooding frequency of those water levels corresponding to the cumulative flooding area of 30%, 50% and 70% was found to be so effective to quantify the hydrologic characteristics of a floodplain.

Analysis of the Effect of Heat Island on the Administrative District Unit in Seoul Using LANDSAT Image (LANDSAT영상을 이용한 서울시 행정구역 단위의 열섬효과 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung Il;Ryu, Jieun;Jeon, Seong Woo;Jung, Hui Cheul;Kang, Jin Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.821-834
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    • 2017
  • The increase in the rate of industrialization due to urbanization has caused the Urban Heat Island phenomenon where the temperature of the city is higher than the surrounding area, and its intensity is increasing with climate change. Among the cities where heat island phenomenon occurs, Seoul city has different degree of urbanization, green area ratio, energy consumption, and population density in each administrative district, and as a result, the strength of heat island is also different. So It is necessary to analyze the difference of Urban Heat Island Intensity by administrative district and the cause. In this study, the UHI intensity of the administrative gu and the administrative dong were extracted from the Seoul metropolitan area and the differences among the administrative districts were examined. and linear regression analysis were conducted with The variables included in the three categories(weather condition, anthropogenic heat generation, and land use characteristics) to investigate the cause of the difference in heat UHI intensity in each administrative district. As a result of analysis, UHI Intensity was found to be different according to the characteristics of administrative gu, administrative dong, and surrounding environment. The difference in administrative dong was larger than gu unit, and the UHI Intensity of gu and the UHI Intensity distribution of dongs belonging to the gu were also different. Linear regression analysis showed that there was a difference in heat island development intensity according to the average wind speed, development degree, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) value. Among them, the SAVI and NDBI showed a difference in value up to the dong unit and The creation of a wind route environment for the mitigation of the heat island phenomenon is necessary for the administrative dong unit level. Therefore, it is considered that projects for mitigating heat island phenomenon such as land cover improvement plan, wind route improvement plan, and green wall surface plan for development area need to consider administrative dongs belonging to the gu rather than just considering the difference of administrative gu units. The results of this study are expected to provide the directions for urban thermal environment design and policy development in the future by deriving the necessity of analysis unit and the factors to be considered for the administrative city unit to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon.

Measures to Implements the Landscape Conservation and Management Urban Heritage Utilizing Public Goods: Focused on the Historic Sites of Seoul (공공재를 활용한 도시유산의 경관 보전 및 관리개선방안 - 서울시 사적을 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Young-Suk;Jung, Ki-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.98-114
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    • 2016
  • The this study aimed to expand urban heritage using Public Goods and to suggest the assemblage of urban heritage and urban spaces in order to improve landscape conservation and management scheme of urban heritage exposed to a rapidly changing urban environment. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows: First, in order to improve understanding of the heritage in urban spaces, urban heritage were illustrated on a 1:1000 map with all the public facilities surrounding it using a cultural heritage conservation map listed on the Cultural Heritage Administration's web site, standards for changing present condition, and a topographic map. Second, the status and changes of urban heritage and surroundings were analyzed using the minutes of Historical Cultural Heritage Division Committee for 10 years from 2005 to 2014 to create a status map of urban heritage. Land uses surrounding the urban heritage were investigated the areas of conservation potential and the places that can enhance the to find out values of urban heritage. Also, a profile was created to examine the site characteristics surrounding urban heritage, and photos were taken at important heritage areas and public facilities in order to record the field. Third, analyzed were the relationship of the distance, location, function, and distribution between urban heritage and public facilities surrounding the heritage. using visual features and moving routes in order to identify their impacts on urban heritage and their functions as potential resources. In addition, the role of Public Goods in urban spaces and the plan for revitalizing surrounding areas asset were examined. Fourth, selections were made on Public Goods that have direct or indirect effects on urban heritage. The role of public asset was investigated through visual, areal, and linear elements. The results were summarized to suggest improvement landscape and management mauser on of urban heritage.

Classifying Forest Habitat Types Based on Potential Polyclimax Vegetation (다극성상(多極盛相) 잠재식생개념(潜在植生槪念)에 의거(依據)한 삼림환경형(森林環境型) 분류(分類)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.78 no.2
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 1989
  • The habitat typing method of classification based on community has been developed on many forested areas in the ROCKY MOUNTAINS of WESTERN NORTH AMERICA, and is being used in providing an objective principle of guide for classification of forest sites, land classification, vertical distribution and multipurpose management of forest. I actually made a trial of forest habitat type classification - The methodology can be segmented into a number of tasks including reconnaissance, selection of stands to be sampled, location of plots, data gathering, preliminary and computer analysis, preparation of key- and map of habitat type and description for each habitat type in a view of forest management - on UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA FORESTS in order to examine whether its application is fit or not in korean forest circumstances : these are composed mainly of artificial forest and forest in the early stage of succession. The main results obtained from this study were summarized as follows 1. A hierarchical classification-Climax, Habitat type and Phases-of forest sites was developed using the habitat typing method of classification. 2. A diagnostic key is provided for field identification of the types based upon presence and number of indicator species, and forest managers could prepare a map of habitat type and classify forest habirat types by reference to it. 3. The classified habitat types were considered to be effective on providing an objective principle of guide for multipurpose management of forest including potential productivity for timber, feed productivity of forage and wildlife, selection of the right species in the right sites, application of method of treatment and so forth. 4. Forest habitat type classifications based upon extrapolation which used relict species and associated stands is considered to be suitable for korean forest circumstances and objective in studying potential vegetation, vertical and horizontal distribution of forest.

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Review of Remote Sensing Studies on Groundwater Resources (원격탐사의 지하수 수자원 적용 사례 고찰)

  • Lee, Jeongho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.855-866
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    • 2017
  • Several research cases using remote sensing methods to analyze changes of storage and dynamics of groundwater aquifer were reviewed in this paper. The status of groundwater storage, in an area with regional scale, could be qualitatively inferred from geological feature, surface water altimetry and topography, distribution of vegetation, and difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration. These qualitative indicators could be measured by geological lineament analysis, airborne magnetic survey, DEM analysis, LAI and NDVI calculation, and surface energy balance modeling. It is certain that GRACE and InSAR have received remarkable attentions as direct utilization from satellite data for quantification of groundwater storage and dynamics. GRACE, composed of twin satellites having acceleration sensors, could detect global or regional microgravity changes and transform them into mass changes of water on surface and inside of the Earth. Numerous studies in terms of groundwater storage using GRACE sensor data were performed with several merits such that (1) there is no requirement of sensor data, (2) auxiliary data for quantification of groundwater can be entirely obtained from another satellite sensors, and (3) algorithms for processing measured data have continuously progressed from designated data management center. The limitations of GRACE for groundwater storage measurement could be defined as follows: (1) In an area with small scale, mass change quantification of groundwater might be inaccurate due to detection limit of the acceleration sensor, and (2) the results would be overestimated in case of combination between sensor and field survey data. InSAR can quantify the dynamic characteristics of aquifer by measuring vertical micro displacement, using linear proportional relation between groundwater head and vertical surface movement. However, InSAR data might now constrain their application to arid or semi-arid area whose land cover appear to be simple, and are hard to apply to the area with the anticipation of loss of coherence with surface. Development of GRACE and InSAR sensor data preprocessing algorithms optimized to topography, geology, and natural conditions of Korea should be prioritized to regionally quantify the mass change and dynamics of the groundwater resources of Korea.

Content and Characteristics of Forest Cover Changes in North Korea (북한(北韓) 지역(地域) 산림면적(山林面積) 변화(變化)의 규모(規模)와 특성(特性))

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Joung, Mi-Reyoung;Yoon, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.3
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    • pp.352-363
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    • 1999
  • It has been rare to obtain reliable information related to the size of forest land in North Korea. Several sources of forest statistics, ranging from the first map of forest distribution in Korean Peninsula produced in 1910 to official data reported by the North Korea Government in 1997, were gathered and analyzed to define the characteristics of forest cover changes over years. In addition, Landsat satellite data obtained from 1973 to 1993 were processed for the two study areas of the provinces of Pyungyang and Heasan, where the topography and land use pattern are significantly different each other. Using three sets of multitemporal Landsat imagery, land cover ma-ps were produced by computer classification. Although forest statistics reported before 1990 are somewhat inconsistent, they mere gradually decreasing over years. The estimates of 1991 satellite data and the recent statistics reported in 1998 shows very steep decline in forest lands as compared to the ones before 1990. The abrupt decrease of forest lands after 1990 was also found on the detailed analysis of Landsat data for the two study areas of Pyungyang and Heasan. The rapid decline of forest lands may have something to do with the poor economic situation of the country and the continuing natural disasters of severe flooding and drought. Unstocked forest, which was not classified into forest land, was a very distinct and pervasive land cover type that can be easily observed on satellite imagery. Since unstocked forest land in North Korea may be a critical factor for degrading environmental quality as well as for the continuing natural disasters, further analysis is necessary to define the exact extent and the physical characteristics of the cover type.

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Potential Habitat Area Based on Natural Environment Survey Time Series Data for Conservation of Otter (Lutra lutra) - Case Study for Gangwon-do - (수달의 보전을 위한 전국자연환경조사 시계열 자료 기반 잠재 서식적합지역 분석 - 강원도를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Ho Gul;Mo, Yongwon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.24-36
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    • 2021
  • Countries around the world, including the Republic of Korea, are participating in efforts to preserve biodiversity. Concerning species, in particular, studies that aim to find potential habitats and establish conservation plans by conducting habitat suitability analysis for specific species are actively ongoing. However, few studies on mid- to long-term changes in suitable habitat areas are based on accumulated information. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the time-series changes in the habitat suitable area and examine the otters' changing pattern (Lutra lutra) designated as Level 1 endangered wildlife in Gangwon-do. The time-series change analysis used the data on otter species' presence points from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th national natural environment surveys conducted for about 20 years. Moreover, it utilized the land cover map consistent with the survey period to create environmental variables to reflect each survey period's habitat environment. The suitable habitat area analysis used the MaxEnt model that can run based only on the species presence information, and it has been proven to be reliable by previous studies. The study derived the habitat suitability map for otters in each survey period, and it showed a tendency that habitats were distributed around rivers. Comparing the response curves of the environmental variables derived from the modeling identified the characteristics of the habitat favored by otters. The examination of habitats' change by survey period showed that the habitats based on the 2nd National Natural Environment Survey had the widest distribution. The habitats of the 3rd and 4th surveys showed a tendency of decrease in area. Moreover, the study aggregated the analysis results of the three survey periods and analyzed and categorized the habitat's changing pattern. The type of change proposed different conservation plans, such as field surveys, monitoring, protected area establishment, and restoration plan. This study is significant because it produced a comprehensive analysis map that showed the time-series changes of the location and area of the otter habitat and proposed a conservation plan that is necessary according to the type of habitat change by region. We believe that the method proposed in this study and its results can be used as reference data for establishing a habitat conservation and management plan in the future.