• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탐방평가

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협회탐방/본회 - 정부위탁업무의 "시공능력평가공시" 및 적격심사평균비율 발표 등 회원봉사를 최우선으로 - 대한설비건설협회 회원부 -

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.237
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    • pp.55-58
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    • 2010
  • 대한설비건설협회 본회는 건설진흥사업 외에 기술 가스진흥사업, 회원봉사 및 조사사업, 정보화 사업, 기획 관리사업, 홍보사업 등 다양한 사업활동을 함으로써 설비건설업계 발전에 견인차 역할을 담당하고 있다. 본지는 지난해 12월호부터 전국 13개 시 도회를 대표하여 설비건설업계의 발전 및 위상강화, 회원사의 권익보호 등을 추진하고 있는 본회에 대하여 소개하고 있다. 이번 호에는 정부위탁업무 "시공능력 평가공시" 및 적격심사 평균비율 발표 등 회원봉사를 최우선으로 하는 회원부를 소개한다.

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지원탐방 - 조용한 듯 강하고, 작지만 큰 강원지원 ❺ 강원지원 편

  • 축산물품질평가원
    • KAPE Magazine
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    • s.227
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2015
  • 아직은 6월호 전북지원에 담뿍 젖어있을 무렵인 지난 6월 10일, 강원지원 독립사무실 개원식이 개최됐다. 개원식에 맞춰 취재를 가려고 이제나저제나 하고 있던 차였기에 빨라도 2~3주는 뒤에 하게 될 본격적인 취재에 앞서 사전방문을 하게 됐다. 그래서인가 마음 한편 왠지 모를 조급함을 품고 지원 사무실을 찾았었다. 하지만 이날 개원식은 메르스의 여파로 인해 차분하면서도 새 시작의 설렘을 느끼기 충분한 분위기였다. 작은 조급함 따윈 금세 날려버리고 이리저리 신나게 이후 취재계획을 짜게 할 만큼 기분 좋은 첫인상이었다.

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Topographic Tourism Resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si: Analysis and Valuation (동해 무릉계곡의 지형관광자원 분석과 평가)

  • Kwon, Dong Hi
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated and analyzed the topographic landscape resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si from the viewpoint of geotourism in order to suggest the tourism contents and tour course. A total of 29 topographic landscapes were observed; these are broadly divided into 4 features including weathering landform, mountainous landform, fluvial landform, and structural landform. Major topographies are fluvial landform (13) and weathering landform (12). At least 19 topographies (14 sites, 19 topographic landscapes) are currently used as tourism resources, with 10 topographies having potential to be developed as new tourism resources. The 10 topographic landscapes are as follows: (1) Jamryong Bawi (Hidden Dragon Rock), (2) Janggipan Bawi (Korean Chessboard Rock), (3) Nurungji Bawi (Parched Rice Rock), (4) Damjang Bawi (Fence Rock), (5) Gyedan Bawi (Stairs Rock), (6) Heundeul Bawi (Rocking Rock), (7) Jeopsi Bawi (Dish Rock), (8) Dol Umul (Stone Well), (9) Jogak Bawi (Carved Rock), and (10) Dubu Bawi (Topu Rock). The topographic tour course can be divided into 3 routes considering accessibility and time. Route 1 is a basic one that anyone can easily use; Route 2 and 3 can be used by visitors who have more time to spare or who are more active.

The Evaluation of Socio-Psychological Carrying Capacity based on Marginal Utility Theory Model : The Case Study of Bukhansan National Park (한계효용이론 모델을 이용한 북한산국립공원 사회.심리적 수용력 평가)

  • Han, Sang-Yoel;Kwon, Heon-Gyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.3
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2009
  • Bukhansan National Park is facing dramatic increase of visitors since no entrance fee charge effected in January of 2007. This study was carried out to estimate socio-psychological carrying capacity of Bukhansan National Park based on marginal utility theory model, provide management tactics by stages. 512 visitors to Bukhansan National Park were surveyed during the October of 2008. The data analysis indicated that sociopsychological carrying capacity was estimated as approximately 65,000 people per day for Bukhansan National Park.

Importance-Performance Analysis on Design Attributes of Self-Guided Interpretive Signs in the Nature Trail of Naejangsan National Park (내장산 국립공원 자연관찰로의 자기안내식 해설판 디자인 속성에 대한 중요도-성취도 분석)

  • Kim Sang-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2006
  • Interpretive sign is a communication medium that is often used in self-guided interpretation. Understanding interpretive signs and their users is important to maximize the effectiveness of interpretation. This study evaluated design attributes of interpretive signs by visitor's personal characteristics and visiting patterns using Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA). Data were collected from August to September of 2003 at the self-guided trail in Naejangsan National Park, Korea. Visitors using the trail participated in a questionnaire survey, and a total of 276 subiects was used for data analysis. The IPA results showed that female(23.3%) than male(13.3%), low age group(43.3%) than middle(0.0%) and high age group(0.0%), higher education group(36.7%) than lower education group(0.0%), medium size group(33.3%) than large(10.0%) or small group(16.7%), 'with child' group(66.7%) than 'without child' group(20.0%) rated higher importance and lower performance on more design attributes of the interpretive signs. These groups also showed higher rate of 'Concentrate Here(CH)' attributes that require urgent improvement. The 'with child' group showed the especially high rate of 'CH' attributes. The results suggest that interpretive signs need to be designed considering diverse user groups. It is also necessary to develop some standardized items of the sign design attributes for more efficient and reliable implementation of IPA and other evaluative works.

Evaluating Home Ranges of Endangered Asiatic Black Bears for In Situ Conservation (멸종위기종 반달가슴곰의 현장 내 복원을 위한 행동권 평가)

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Paek, Kyung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2005
  • A project has recently begun to reintroduce endangered Asiatic black bears to the Jirisan National Park. However, information on home range that is necessary to maintain the Minimum Viable Population (MVP) of those bears does not exist. Based on point data of two bears that were released for trial in Jirisan in 2001, we identified the movement pattern of bears and estimated their home ranges with two different methods Finally, the possibility of conserving the MVP of bears was evaluated by comparing the location and size of the home range with habitats which have been found to be suitable for bears. The frequency of bears' appearance reduced drastically as road densities of both paved roads and legal trails increased. The midpoint of home ranges of the two bears was 376.85 $km^2$ and 50.76 $km^2$ based on 100% MCP (Minimum Convex Polygon) and 95% AK (Adaptive Kernel Home Range Method), respectively, with an overlapped area of 126.0 $km^2$ and 3.99 $km^2$ each. The core areas of their home ranges are located not in the no-entry zone, where major trails were open to the public - despite being designated as no -entry zone - but in areas where most trails were closed to the public. A discrepancy between core areas of home ranges and potentially suitable habitats suggests the effects of vehicles and tracking people through roads within the park. Thus, for the success of in situ conservation of endangered bears, well-planned management of habitats is needed to protect bears and to ensure the home ranges to support the MVP.

우리, 만나볼란 - '그대는 나의 운명' 꿈꾸는 평가사 박해천 대전충남지원 이력팀장

  • 축산물품질평가원
    • KAPE Magazine
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    • s.234
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2016
  • 축산물품질평가원에는 2016년 2월 현재 300여명의 직원들이 건강한 축산물의 생산 유통 소비 환경을 구축하기 위해 전국 각지 축산 현장을 누비고 있습니다. 현장에 계시는 생산농가나 유통관계자 등 축산 유통인이라면 축평원의 직원들과 함께 호흡을 나눈 경험이 있으실 테고 그만큼 익숙하시겠지요. 하지만 일반 소비자분들이시라면 등급정보지를 통해 살짝 엿봤다고는 하지만 생소한 점이 더 많으실 것 같습니다. 특히 축평원이라는 그림을 이루는 300여명의 다양한 구성원 조각들은 일반 소비자 뿐 아니라 축산 유통인들에게도 아직 미지의 세계가 아닐까 싶습니다. 그래서 준비했습니다. 2015년 '지원탐방'에 이은 기획 연재 2탄!! '우리, 만나볼란?' 다양한 이야기와 함께 하는 매력적인 축평원의 조각 다시보기. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 아울러 등급정보 $365^+$는 언제나 열려 있으니 '이 사람이 궁금하다'하는 인물이 있다면 제안해주세요. 열심히 취재해 매력 한 터럭까지 탈탈 털어 보여드리겠습니다!!

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Analysis of Visitor's Satisfaction Factors and Determinants in Naejangsan National Park, Korea (내장산국립공원의 탐방객 만족요인 및 예측모형 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Pil;Baek, Jae-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for developing the practical park management. For this, satisfaction degree, satisfaction factors and estimated model by satisfaction variables of visitors analyzed through a questionnaire survey in Naejangsan National Park, Korea. In the evaluation of the satisfaction, variables of 'Lack of public facility'. 'Lack of use program', 'Lack of facility to stay' 'Charge of user fee, parking fee' and 'Exorbitant pay' at Naejangsan park office and 'Charge of user fee, parking fee', 'Lack of use program' and 'Lack of facility to stay' at Baekam park office was more unsatisfied than any other variable. Satisfaction factors by Factor Analysis were loaded with 'Facility management' at Naejangsan park office(34.3%) and 'user management' at Baekam park office(45.6%) by the highest contribution degree. In estimated model of satisfaction by Multiple Regression Analysis showed in order of 'damage of trail', 'Lack of commercial facility', and 'Littering problem' at Naejangsan park office and 'damage of cultural and historic resource', 'Lack of commercial facility', 'Touting' at Baekam park office. So, Naejangsan National Park needed intensive management policy and institutional apparatus for facility management and user education.

Direction for Improving Management Model based on Carrying Capacity for Managing natural resources in ecotourism area : Focused on Getz, LAC, VIM and VERP (생태관광지역 자연자원 관리를 위한 수용력 기반 관리모델 개선방향 : Getz, LAC, VIM, VERP 관리모델을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hong Chul;Oh, Choong Hyeon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.107-133
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    • 2014
  • The eco-tourism has caused a variety of problems between use and conservation. The situation requires introduction of scientific management techniques, such as controlling the number of visitors to the destination and identifying appropriate carrying capacity. Getz, LAC, VIM and VERP have been developed for this purpose and they are the management model based on carrying capacity that have been explored for introduction and application in Korea. However, it is necessary to modify and supplement the management model to suit the purpose of ecotourism characteristics and the status of ecotourism in Korea. Therefore, we identified the problems of the existing management model and presented three improvements. strengthen the interdependent linkages between carrying capacity and the management goals; improve the tourism opportunity distribution model; improve the phased management. It will help many ecotourism sites to effectively manage the impacts of visitors in Korea with a minimum amount of effort and costs.

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Trend Analysis on Facility Monitoring of Korea National Parks (국립공원 시설모니터링 변화추이 분석)

  • Lee, Ju-Hee;Bae, Min-Ki;Sim, Kyu-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.4
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    • pp.487-500
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to provide direction for national parks management policies by analyzing national park facility monitoring data collected every 2 years from 2002 to 2006. The results of this study showed the following. Firstly, 16 mountainous national parks showed increasing values in importance and performance in IPA. The trend analysis results showed that the location and capacity of parking lots as well as the number of rest rooms need to be improved. Secondly, two marine national parks indicated increasing values in campground and coastal facilities in IP value. Also, the location, number, and cleanliness of rest rooms, safety and surface condition of trail, guard rail and warning signs, information signs, drinking water fountains and shower facilities were priorities for improvement. The implications of this study will be able to help by providing guidelines for installation and maintenance of park facilities which in turn will improve visitor satisfaction and establish national park facility operation policies.