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Estimation of Chlorophyll Contents in Pear Tree Using Unmanned AerialVehicle-Based-Hyperspectral Imagery (무인기 기반 초분광영상을 이용한 배나무 엽록소 함량 추정)

  • Ye Seong Kang;Ki Su Park;Eun Li Kim;Jong Chan Jeong;Chan Seok Ryu;Jung Gun Cho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.669-681
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    • 2023
  • Studies have tried to apply remote sensing technology, a non-destructive survey method, instead of the existing destructive survey, which requires relatively large labor input and a long time to estimate chlorophyll content, which is an important indicator for evaluating the growth of fruit trees. This study was conducted to non-destructively evaluate the chlorophyll content of pear tree leaves using unmanned aerial vehicle-based hyperspectral imagery for two years(2021, 2022). The reflectance of the single bands of the pear tree canopy extracted through image processing was band rationed to minimize unstable radiation effects depending on time changes. The estimation (calibration and validation) models were developed using machine learning algorithms of elastic-net, k-nearest neighbors(KNN), and support vector machine with band ratios as input variables. By comparing the performance of estimation models based on full band ratios, key band ratios that are advantageous for reducing computational costs and improving reproducibility were selected. As a result, for all machine learning models, when calibration of coefficient of determination (R2)≥0.67, root mean squared error (RMSE)≤1.22 ㎍/cm2, relative error (RE)≤17.9% and validation of R2≥0.56, RMSE≤1.41 ㎍/cm2, RE≤20.7% using full band ratios were compared, four key band ratios were selected. There was relatively no significant difference in validation performance between machine learning models. Therefore, the KNN model with the highest calibration performance was used as the standard, and its key band ratios were 710/714, 718/722, 754/758, and 758/762 nm. The performance of calibration showed R2=0.80, RMSE=0.94 ㎍/cm2, RE=13.9%, and validation showed R2=0.57, RMSE=1.40 ㎍/cm2, RE=20.5%. Although the performance results based on validation were not sufficient to estimate the chlorophyll content of pear tree leaves, it is meaningful that key band ratios were selected as a standard for future research. To improve estimation performance, it is necessary to continuously secure additional datasets and improve the estimation model by reproducing it in actual orchards. In future research, it is necessary to continuously secure additional datasets to improve estimation performance, verify the reliability of the selected key band ratios, and upgrade the estimation model to be reproducible in actual orchards.

Analysis of Uncertainty in Ocean Color Products by Water Vapor Vertical Profile (수증기 연직 분포에 의한 GOCI-II 해색 산출물 오차 분석)

  • Kyeong-Sang Lee;Sujung Bae;Eunkyung Lee;Jae-Hyun Ahn
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_2
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    • pp.1591-1604
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    • 2023
  • In ocean color remote sensing, atmospheric correction is a vital process for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of ocean color products. Furthermore, in recent years, the remote sensing community has intensified its requirements for understanding errors in satellite data. Accordingly, research is currently addressing errors in remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) resulting from inaccuracies in meteorological variables (total ozone, pressure, wind field, and total precipitable water) used as auxiliary data for atmospheric correction. However, there has been no investigation into the error in Rrs caused by the variability of the water vapor profile, despite it being a recognized error source. In this study, we used the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal Vector version 2.1 simulation to compute errors in water vapor transmittance arising from variations in the water vapor profile within the GOCI-II observation area. Subsequently, we conducted an analysis of the associated errors in ocean color products. The observed water vapor profile not only exhibited a complex shape but also showed significant variations near the surface, leading to differences of up to 0.007 compared to the US standard 62 water vapor profile used in the GOCI-II atmospheric correction. The resulting variation in water vapor transmittance led to a difference in aerosol reflectance estimation, consequently introducing errors in Rrs across all GOCI-II bands. However, the error of Rrs in the 412-555 nm due to the difference in the water vapor profile band was found to be below 2%, which is lower than the required accuracy. Also, similar errors were shown in other ocean color products such as chlorophyll-a concentration, colored dissolved organic matter, and total suspended matter concentration. The results of this study indicate that the variability in water vapor profiles has minimal impact on the accuracy of atmospheric correction and ocean color products. Therefore, improving the accuracy of the input data related to the water vapor column concentration is even more critical for enhancing the accuracy of ocean color products in terms of water vapor absorption correction.

Factors Affecting Intention to Introduce Smart Factory in SMEs - Including Government Assistance Expectancy and Task Technology Fit - (중소기업의 스마트팩토리 도입의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - 정부지원기대와 과업기술적합도를 포함하여)

  • Kim, Joung-rae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.41-76
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    • 2020
  • This study confirmed factors affecting smart factory technology acceptance through empirical analysis. It is a study on what factors have an important influence on the introduction of the smart factory, which is the core field of the 4th industry. I believe that there is academic and practical significance in the context of insufficient research on technology acceptance in the field of smart factories. This research was conducted based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), whose explanatory power has been proven in the study of the acceptance factors of information technology. In addition to the four independent variables of the UTAUT : Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions, Government Assistance Expectancy, which is expected to be an important factor due to the characteristics of the smart factory, was added to the independent variable. And, in order to confirm the technical factors of smart factory technology acceptance, the Task Technology Fit(TTF) was added to empirically analyze the effect on Behavioral Intention. Trust is added as a parameter because the degree of trust in new technologies is expected to have a very important effect on the acceptance of technologies. Finally, empirical verification was conducted by adding Innovation Resistance to a research variable that plays a role as a moderator, based on previous studies that innovation by new information technology can inevitably cause refusal to users. For empirical analysis, an online questionnaire of random sampling method was conducted for incumbents of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, and 309 copies of effective responses were used for empirical analysis. Amos 23.0 and Process macro 3.4 were used for statistical analysis. For accurate statistical analysis, the validity of Research Model and Measurement Variable were secured through confirmatory factor analysis. Accurate empirical analysis was conducted through appropriate statistical procedures and correct interpretation for causality verification, mediating effect verification, and moderating effect verification. Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Government Assistance Expectancy, and Task Technology Fit had a positive (+) effect on smart factory technology acceptance. The magnitude of influence was found in the order of Government Assistance Expectancy(β=.487) > Task Technology Fit(β=.218) > Performance Expectancy(β=.205) > Social Influence(β=.204). Both the Task Characteristics and the Technology Characteristics were confirmed to have a positive (+) effect on Task Technology Fit. It was found that Task Characteristics(β=.559) had a greater effect on Task Technology Fit than Technology Characteristics(β=.328). In the mediating effect verification on Trust, a statistically significant mediating role of Trust was not identified between each of the six independent variables and the intention to introduce a smart factory. Through the verification of the moderating effect of Innovation Resistance, it was found that Innovation Resistance plays a positive (+) moderating role between Government Assistance Expectancy, and technology acceptance intention. In other words, the greater the Innovation Resistance, the greater the influence of the Government Assistance Expectancy on the intention to adopt the smart factory than the case where there is less Innovation Resistance. Based on this, academic and practical implications were presented.

Analysis of the Effect of the Etching Process and Ion Injection Process in the Unit Process for the Development of High Voltage Power Semiconductor Devices (고전압 전력반도체 소자 개발을 위한 단위공정에서 식각공정과 이온주입공정의 영향 분석)

  • Gyu Cheol Choi;KyungBeom Kim;Bonghwan Kim;Jong Min Kim;SangMok Chang
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2023
  • Power semiconductors are semiconductors used for power conversion, transformation, distribution, and control. Recently, the global demand for high-voltage power semiconductors is increasing across various industrial fields, and optimization research on high-voltage IGBT components is urgently needed in these industries. For high-voltage IGBT development, setting the resistance value of the wafer and optimizing key unit processes are major variables in the electrical characteristics of the finished chip. Furthermore, the securing process and optimization of the technology to support high breakdown voltage is also important. Etching is a process of transferring the pattern of the mask circuit in the photolithography process to the wafer and removing unnecessary parts at the bottom of the photoresist film. Ion implantation is a process of injecting impurities along with thermal diffusion technology into the wafer substrate during the semiconductor manufacturing process. This process helps achieve a certain conductivity. In this study, dry etching and wet etching were controlled during field ring etching, which is an important process for forming a ring structure that supports the 3.3 kV breakdown voltage of IGBT, in order to analyze four conditions and form a stable body junction depth to secure the breakdown voltage. The field ring ion implantation process was optimized based on the TEG design by dividing it into four conditions. The wet etching 1-step method was advantageous in terms of process and work efficiency, and the ring pattern ion implantation conditions showed a doping concentration of 9.0E13 and an energy of 120 keV. The p-ion implantation conditions were optimized at a doping concentration of 6.5E13 and an energy of 80 keV, and the p+ ion implantation conditions were optimized at a doping concentration of 3.0E15 and an energy of 160 keV.

Production of a New Synthetic Korean Native Commercial Layer Using Crossbreeding among Native Chicken Breeders (토종 종계 계통 간 교배조합 시험에 따른 신품종 토종 실용산란계 생산)

  • Ka Bin Shin;Seul Gy Lee;Kigon Kim;Junho Lee;Suyong Jang;Jung Min Heo;Hyo Jun Choo;See Hwan Sohn
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted a diallel-crossbreeding test using four Korean native chicken parent stock lines (YC, YD, CK, and CF) to develop a native commercial layer with high egg-laying performance. A total of 312 chickens in six combinations were examined for various traits, including livability, body weight, age at first egg-laying, hen-day, and hen-housed egg production, egg weight, and egg quality, from hatching to 60 weeks of age. The results showed that the average survival rate was 77.1±18.8% with the YDYC combination having the highest survival rate along with excellent specific combining ability. The YDYC combination exhibited significantly higher body weight compared to the other combinations (P<0.01). The average age at first egg-laying was 121.3±2.5 days, with no significant difference between the combinations. The average hen-day egg production was 74.0±6.4%, and the hen-housed egg production was 181.4±33.8 eggs with the YDCF and YCCK combinations demonstrating the highest laying performance, while the YDYC and CKCF combinations had the lowest (P<0.05). Laying performance was more influenced by specific combining ability than general combining ability. The eggs from the YDYC combination were significantly lighter and had the darkest shell color (P<0.01), whereas the YDCF combination exhibited the thickest eggshells. There was no difference in internal egg quality among combinations, except the YDCF combination had the darkest yolk color. Overall, we concluded that the YCCK combination, characterized by high laying performance and livability, and the YDCF combination with high laying performance and good egg quality are the most desirable combinations for Korean native commercial layers.

Experimental Study on Energy Saving through FAN Airflow Control in the Generator Room of a 9200-ton Training Ship (9200톤급 실습선 발전기실 FAN 송풍유량 제어를 통한 선박에너지 절약에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Moon-seok Choi;Chang-min Lee;Su-jeong Choe;Jae-jung Hur;Jae-Hyuk Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.697-703
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    • 2023
  • As a part of the global industrial efforts to reduce environmental pollution owing to air pollution, regulations have been established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The IMO has implemented various regulations such as EEXI, EEDI, and CII to reduce air pollution emissions from ships. They are also promoting measures to decrease the power consumption in ships, aiming to conserve energy. Most of the power used in ships is consumed by electric motors. Among the motors installed on ships, the engine room blower that takes up a significant load, operates at a constant irrespective of demand. Therefore, energy savings can be expected through frequency control. In this study, we demonstrated the efficacy of energy savings by controlling the frequency of the electric motor of the generator blower that supplies combustion air to the generator's turbocharger. The system was modeled based on the output data of the turboharger outlet temperature in response to the blower frequency inpu. A PI control system was established to control the frequency with the target being the turbocharger outlet temperature. By maintaining the turbocharger design standard outlet temperature and controlling the blower frequency, we achieved an annual energy saving of 15,552kW in power consumption. The effectiveness of energy savings through frequency control of blower fans was verified during the summer (April to September) and winter (March to October) periods. Based on this, we achieved annual fuel cost savings of 6,091 thousand won and reduction of 8.5 tons of carbon dioxide, 2.4 kg of SOx, and 7.8 kg of NOx air pollutants on the training ship.

Person Perception in Cyber-space: Focused on Comparisons with Face-to-face Communication and Gender differences (가상공간에서의 대인지각: 면대면 조건과의 비교 및 성차를 중심으로)

  • Taeyun Jung;Jong-Dae Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2004
  • Study 1 composed of three experiments examined differences in person perception between computer-mediated (or CMC) and face-to-face (or FTF) communications. In Experiment 1, each of 17 groups of 4-5 discussed a donation entrance system through CMC and a week later a college-based university system through FTF communication mode for half an hour. Then members of a given group rated each other along with self-ratings on five personality traits. Results indicated that in FTF than CMC condition, ratings of others were more positive and also self-peer agreement and meta-accuracy were larger in spite of no large difference in inter-judge agreement between two communication modes. In Experiment 2, 17 groups of 4 in each of the CMC and FTF condition discussed a college-based university system for an hour. Then group members rated each other on another five trait dimensions. Although ratings of others were more positive in FTF than CMC condition, there no systematic differences in two types of agreement and meta-accuracy between the two communication modes. In Experiment 3, 17 groups of 4 in each of the CMC and FTF condition discussed a donation entrance system for an hour and then group members rated each other on five trait dimensions different from those used in Experiment 1 and 2. The findings replicated Experiment 1. Study 2 examined gender differences in person perception in CMC. Fifteen dyads for each of the man-man, man-woman, and man-woman conditions communicated for an half hour in CMC and then rated each other along with self ratings on 25 personality trait dimensions. Results indicated that participants rated their partners more negatively for extorversion, agreeableness and culture factors, which was due mainly to woman's negative evaluations for their male partners. Also, self-peer agreement was the largest in the man-man communication condition. These findings were discussed in relation to differences between CMC and FTF communication modes.

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Comparison of Spodoptera frugiperda Control Effects for Corn According to the Control Thresholds and Chemical Spraying Methods (열대거세미나방에 대한 옥수수의 요방제 수준 및 약제 살포방법에 따른 방제 효과 비교)

  • You Kyoung Lee;Hyun Ju Kim;Nak Jung Choi;Bo Yoon Seo;June Yeol Choi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2023
  • As global warming continues, the time of invasion of Spodoptera frugiperda has been advanced and the inflow rate has been increasing, leading to great increases in damage to crops. In this study, in order to minimize crop damage caused by S. frugiperda, the control period was set for corn fields through control thresholds, and the control effects according to the chemical spraying methods were investigated in forage corn filed. Even under the condition of 4% injury level during the corn silking stage, the damage rate of ear was 70%, showing an aspect of extensive damage. The economic injury level of S. frugiperda second instar larvae was shown to be 0.7 larvae per stalk, and the control threshold level was shown to be 0.6 larvae. The income was calculated by applying the corn wholesale unit price, and according to the result, even under the condition of injury level of 4%, there was a loss of KRW 895,221/10a, and the higher the injury level, the greater the decrease in income. To control S. frugiperda, the insecticidal effects of 10 single formulations registered for S. frugiperda were tested, and according to the results, four types(emamectin benzoate, chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb, and spinetoram) showed high insecticidal activity not lower than 93.3%, and three types (chloran- traniliprole, spinetoram, and indoxacarb) were considered to be effective in controlling S. frugiperda as they showed high residual effects through insecticidal effect persistence tests. Therefore, conventional control and aerial control were conducted twice at 7-day intervals with indoxacarb SC and chlorantraniliprol WP, which show high activity against S. frugiperda, respectively, prior to the silking of forage corn. As a result, conventional control showed higher control values, 46.3%p in the case of indoxacarb SC and 21.7%p in the case of chlorantraniliprol WP, than aerial control through the primary control. In the secondary control too, higher control values of 26.7%p in the case of indoxacarb SC and 40.4%p in the case of chlorantraniliprol WP were found in conventional control than in aerial control. Therefore, it is considered necessary to prepare measures to improve the control effects in the recent situation where alternative methods for manpower control are widely used.

Five-year monitoring of microbial ecosystem dynamics in the coastal waters of the Yeongheungdo island, Incheon, Korea (대한민국 인천 영흥도 인근 해역 미소생태계의 5년간의 군집구조 변화 모니터링)

  • Sae-Hee Kim;Jin Ho Kim;Yoon-Ho Kang;Bum Soo Park;Myung-Soo Han;Jae-Hyoung Joo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2023
  • In this study, changes in the microbial ecosystem of the Yeongheungdo island coastal waters were investigated for five years to collect basic data. To evaluate the influence of distance from the coast on the microbial ecosystem, four sites, coastal Site (S1) and 0.75, 1.5, and 3 km away from the coast, were set up and the changes in physicochemical and biological factors were monitored. The results showed seasonal changes in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and pH but with no significant differences between sites. For nutrients, the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen increased from 6.4 μM in April-June to 16.4 μM in July-November, while that of phosphorus and silicon phosphate increased from 0.4 μM and 2.5 μM in April-June to 1.1 μM and 12.0 μM in July-November, respectively. Notably, phosphorus phosphate concentrations were lower in 2014-2015 (up to 0.2 μM) compared to 2016-2018 (up to 2.2 μM), indicating phosphorus limitation during this period. However, there were no differences in nutrients with distance from the coast, indicating that there was no effect of distance on nutrients. Phytoplankton (average 511 cells mL-1) showed relatively high biomass (up to 3,370 cells mL-1) in 2014-2015 when phosphorus phosphate was limited. Notably, at that time, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon was not high, with concentrations ranging from 1.1-2.3 mg L-1. However, no significant differences in biological factors were observed between the sites. Although this study revealed that there was no disturbance of the ecosystem, further research and more basic data on the microecosystem are necessary to understand the ecosystem of the Incheon.

Exploring Mask Appeal: Vertical vs. Horizontal Fold Flat Masks Using Eye-Tracking (마스크 매력 탐구: 아이트래킹을 활용한 수직 접이형 대 수평 접이형 마스크 비교 분석)

  • Junsik Lee;Nan-Hee Jeong;Ji-Chan Yun;Do-Hyung Park;Se-Bum Park
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2023
  • The global COVID-19 pandemic has transformed face masks from situational accessories to indispensable items in daily life, prompting a shift in public perception and behavior. While the relaxation of mandatory mask-wearing regulations is underway, a significant number of individuals continue to embrace face masks, turning them into a form of personal expression and identity. This phenomenon has given rise to the Fashion Mask industry, characterized by unique designs and colors, experiencing rapid growth in the market. However, existing research on masks is predominantly focused on their efficacy in preventing infection or exploring attitudes during the pandemic, leaving a gap in understanding consumer preferences for mask design. We address this gap by investigating consumer perceptions and preferences for two prevalent mask designs-horizontal fold flat masks and vertical fold flat masks. Through a comprehensive approach involving surveys and eye-tracking experiments, we aim to unravel the subtle differences in how consumers perceive these designs. Our research questions focus on determining which design is more appealing and exploring the reasons behind any observed differences. The study's findings reveal a clear preference for vertical fold flat masks, which are not only preferred but also perceived as unique, sophisticated, three-dimensional, and lively. The eye-tracking analysis provides insights into the visual attention patterns associated with mask designs, highlighting the pivotal role of the fold line in influencing these patterns. This research contributes to the evolving understanding of masks as a fashion statement and provides valuable insights for manufacturers and marketers in the Fashion Mask industry. The results have implications beyond the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of design elements in sustaining consumer interest in face masks.