• Title/Summary/Keyword: 참조학문

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GaN growth on atomistically engineered Si surfaces

  • 이명복;김세훈;이재승;이정희;함성호;이용현;이종현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.113-113
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    • 1999
  • 최근의 고품질 III-N 화합물 반도체 박막성장과 더불어 청색계열의 LED 및 LD의 성공적인 실현은 본 연구분야에 대한 새롭고 헌신적인 상업적, 학문적/ 기술적 투자환경을 유도해 나가고 있다. 특히, c-축 배향 단결정 사파이어를 기판재료로 사용하고 얇은 GaN buffer의 사용은 고온에서 그 위에 성장되는 성장박막의 특성을 크게 향상시키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 절연체를 기판으로 사용함에 따른 소자구조 및 제작공정의 복잡성과 기판과 GaN 박막사이의 큰 격자 부정합에 따른 결함센터 등은 소자의 전기, 광학적, 구조적 특성에 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하고 양질의 박막을 성장하기 위한 GaN 혹은 그 대체 기판의 개발에 많은 연구투자가 이루어지고 있는 현실 속에서 Si을 기판으로 이용한 GaN 성장의 가능성이 조심스럽게 점쳐지고 있다. 현재까지의 연구결과를 참조할 때 대체로 복잡한 interlayer를 사용하여 박막성장이 일부 이루어졌으나 그 재현성이나 성장의 중요인자에 대한 해석은 아직 분명하게 밝혀져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 원자적 관점에서 Si의 표면에 일부 변화를 유도하고, MOCVD 방법으로 그 위에 성장되는 GaN 박막의 광학적 및 표면 morphology 등에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 핵심적인 성장인자를 추출하고자 시도하였다. 성장된 GaN/Si 박막의 물성은 SEM(AFM), PL, XRD, Auger depth profile 장비등을 이용하여 조사하였으며 사파이어 기판 위에 성장된 GaN 박막의 특성들과 비교 검토하였다.

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Collaboration between Artists and Engineers: 'Experiments in Art and Technology' Group (예술가와 공학자의 협업 모델: '예술과 기술의 실험' 그룹)

  • Lim, Shan
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2019
  • 'Experiments in Art and Technology' Group was established in the mid-20th century, and then developed the larger interdisciplinary experiments into the range of art world and its outside field. The motive power of group's activities was the collaboration between artists and engineers traversing the boundary between old different disciplinary conventions. E.A.T was officially launched in 1967 by the engineers Billy Klu¨ver and Fred Waldhauer and the artists Robert Raushenberg and Robert Whitman. They performed various possibility of material, technology, and engineering available to contemporary art. By reflecting the function of art and technology in society, eventually they developed the methodology of new aesthetics which had organic relationship with contemporary world. In this sense, this research have its academic significance. This paper firstly examined the socio-cultural context of emerging the E.A.T. group as a representative model for convergent practice, and verified the fact that the collaboration between artists and engineers had produced the expansion of artistic expression as well as new relationship among art, engineering, and society by considering E.A.T's various projects. Therefore, I will refer the E.A.T. group as an exemplary model for concrete method of collaboration that contemporary discourses about convergence need.

A Study on the Beauty Educational Method for Post Digital Generation (포스터 디지털세대를 위한 미용교육 방법 연구)

  • Yun, Un-Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.701-710
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to lead the post digital generation of professional beautician training purpose is to find an efficient educational method. Beauty Education Facaility survey conducted in the center of reminders and educational statistics (

    note) and, thereby, Seoul, Daejeon, Chungcheong and Gyeonggi and beauty-related high schools and colleges, universities, graduate schools in the study from June 10, 2013 July 31 to one of the online survey after having KSDC, KSDC online statistical analysis is to identify the actual situation by. Through this study, unlike other studies beauty training colleges, graduate schools, universities and high schools were opened in order, the future belongs to the Department of Health Science or Art as areas of growth that was observed. Statistical results ([Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] note) similar to the previous studies, but the rise in the proportion of male students, majors, the beauty of the segmentation and high school education is not the beginning of the percentage of high school increased so that it was able to find the differences. This study is to be excuse inadequacy of date selection for only certain number of beauty educational facilities, the learner-centered surveyors, and a lack of ditailled educational curriculum and in-depted researched on educational method, which it is to modofied and supplement in future.

  • An Analysis of Subject Authorities Related to Korea in the National Diet Library of Japan (일본국립국회도서관의 한국 관련 주제명 전거데이터 분석)

    • Kim, Jeong-Hyen
      • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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      • v.52 no.3
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      • pp.49-72
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      • 2021
    • Based on the analysis of the NDL authority system, this study was conducted to analyze the characteristics of subject authorities related to Korea in the NDL. The results are as follows. First, NDL subject authorities related to Korea are 3,143 in total including 2,205 headings and 938 subdivisions. Among them, social sciences accounted for more than half with 52.4%, and economics by individual discipline accounted for the most with 552 cases, 17.6%. Second, most of the subject headings of historical events caused by or directly related to Japan are described from the Japanese perspective, and terms familiar to Korea are mainly described in reference, not in heading. Third, subject headings representing Korean characteristics or historical events are considerably lacking or nondescript. Forth, when referring the name of the country, the term 'Joseon (朝鮮)' continues to be used to refer to both South and North Korea; however, it is necessary to subdivide the history after 1948 which includes the era of the 'Republic of Korea' and the 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea'. Using the term Joseon to refer North and South Korea may cause the reader to perceive Korea as persisting in the Joseon Dynasty. Furthermore, while 'Balhae (渤海)' is regarded as Chinese history, it is a part of Korean history and should be added to the Korean historical periods.

    A Study on the Supporting System for Scientific Data Visualization at the National Level (국가수준의 과학데이터 시각화 지원체계에 관한 연구)

    • Park, Dong-Jin;Chae, Kyun-Shik;Ryu, Beom-Jong;Lee, Sang-Tae
      • Journal of Information Management
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      • v.42 no.2
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      • pp.85-102
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      • 2011
    • Conventionally, scientific data visualization is thought of as one of activities performed by scientists during the scientific data analysis. However, recently, there exits a set of research papers which count scientific data visualization as a independent research area. They show the research subjects for studying the scientific data visualization technology and methods. In case, a scientist or group of scientists can not solve their own visualization problem due to the unskillfulness and inexperience on using visualization tool. Therefore, it needs to help them by the systematic way for solving the problem. In this study, we analyze and propose the national level scientific visualization support system for scientists. In particular, we first analyze the existing papers and find out the critical success factors. Then, by integrating the findings of the analysis, we propose the research areas which need to be focused, and the strategic direction and specific research topics for scientific data visualization support system in national level.

    A Study on Spatial Composition of University Library Focused on P University Library (대학도서관 공간 구성 연구 - P대학교 도서관을 중심으로 -)

    • Lee, Yong-Jae;Park, Kyung-Seok;Kim, Bo-In
      • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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      • v.23 no.2
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      • pp.133-150
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      • 2012
    • University libraries need to reborn as central space of the academic activities of university at the 21st century knowledge-based society. This study conducted case study on P University libraries and explored the directivity of spatial composition to actively respond to needs of customers. To do this study, we examined the related papers in and out of Korea, visited major academic libraries in Korea and compared the cases. And we did a survey targeting the customers of P university libraries. The result of survey confirmed that the needs of customers almost correspond to the directivity of spatial composition which we found at the cases for this study. The result of this study can be some references for Korean university libraries to improve their space and do user-oriented library marketing.

    Study on Developing the Scale of Korea Citizen's Intentionality out of Inborn Ability and Mission (한국 도시민의 목적지향 성향 척도 개발을 위한 연구)

    • Sohnn, Jou-Hwan;Ha, Kyu-Soo
      • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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      • v.15 no.10
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      • pp.6056-6065
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      • 2014
    • The aim of this study was to develop a scale of the Korea citizen's intentionality out of their inborn ability and mission. To set up the concept of the above intentionality, there have been many academic and religious studies for reference in addition to the existing productivity, Korea elderly successful aging scale, and the scale of life qualities for review. The first 57 items for questionnaires were created thereafter. The final 27 items were confirmed, which were constantly modified by a professor of statistics and corresponding author in effective response and in removing the redundant items after the first items had been reduced to 44 preliminary items through the many an item-by-item discussions with pastors, theologians and social workers. A survey was conducted around the metropolitan area and 380 records were collected. Factor analysis to verify the validity of the measurement tool was completed, and showed that there were 6 sub-factors; "recognition of being", "autonomous life", "self-completion", "initiative", "acceptance", and "economic feasibility". In addition, reliability analysis was implemented and found to be reliable because the Cronbach's α value was 0.6 or more.

    A Study on Development of Market Oriented MIS Curriculum (시장지향적 MIS 교육과정 개편을 위한 연구)

    • Lee, Ji-Myoun;Bock, Gee-Woo
      • Information Systems Review
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      • v.10 no.3
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      • pp.207-222
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      • 2008
    • In recent business environment, we realize that MIS is taking important role in which it has been involved. However, we are having difficulty to find out the identity of MIS in business studies since MIS is derived from Micro Economics, Operations Research, Computer Science and so on. And there is no clear boundary in order to classify with other business area in consisting curriculums. Furthermore, IT staffs in the field are facing difficulties to utilize what they have learned MIS curriculums provided from business studies. In this research, we would like to present implications for development of market oriented MIS curriculums, which can be the actual needs of IT fields, through analysis of System Integration project for recent three years, analysis of IT capability based on the survey of IT consultants and analysis of application S/W technology trend in global vendor referred to "MIS Curriculum: The Current State of the Art and a Proposed Future Model (Lee et al, 2007)". As enterprise application software technology develop, the system integration can be achieved through special system solutions such as ERP, CRM, SCM, BI, etc. We also have acknowledged that solution consultants who have the ability of packaged S/W application are in demand since S/W vendors have become larger and more practical through M&A. Therefore, we have come to a conclusion regarding new direction of curriculum for increasing human power in IT industry which we demonstrated in detail through this research.

    The Development of Invention Teacher Education Standard - Invention Contents Standards - (발명 교사 교육 표준 개발 -발명 내용학 내용 표준을 중심으로-)

    • Kim, Yong Ig;Choi, Yu Hyun;Noh, Jin Ah;Gang, Jong Pho;Kim, Jee Sook;Nam, Hyen Wook;Moon, Seoung Hwan;You, Young Gil;Lee, Sang Bong;Lee, Myoung Hoon;Lee, Jeoung Guen;Jeoung, Jin Woo;Lim, Yeoun Jin;Lee, Eun Sang
      • 대한공업교육학회지
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      • v.38 no.1
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      • pp.275-297
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      • 2013
    • Invention Teacher Education(ITE) is composed of Invention Contents Standards(ICS) and Invention Education Standards(IES). The purpose of this study is to developing ICS of ITE. To achieve the goal, we used the methods of research; analyzing advanced research, content analysis, development, survey, verify the validity. The research results of this study is summarized as follows. ICS is composed of 10 large areas; the concept and characteristic of invention, invention and society, invetion in living, creativity development, invention and design, invention and solving problem, convergence of knowledge and invention, invention project, intellectual properties and patent application, invention and management of technology. 10 large areas has 20 core contents and 90 subordinate elements. ICS will be based on the academic of developing programming besides it will be reference of standards in the case of progressing invention education.

    Characteristics of Boulevard-type Plaza Design - Focusing on Ansan Gwangduk Theme Plaza Design, Ansan City, Korea - (광로형 광장 설계의 특징과 의의 - 안산 광덕로 테마광장 설계를 중심으로 -)

    • Jeong, Wook-Ju
      • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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      • v.41 no.6
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      • pp.185-198
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      • 2013
    • The 2002 World Cup cheering in front of Seoul City Hall and Seoul Plaza design competition provided an opportunity for the discussion of a variety of discourses regarding our plaza culture. The Gwanghwamun Plaza constructed in 2009 also generated discussions for questions on the function of our plaza as a symbolic, humanistic and utilized place. The questions on whether we have created a plaza culture or what should be done for the design of our plaza are still being explored. The reason is that our plazas were constructed without social consensus regarding identity of our plaza while we are influenced by western plaza ideas. The principle of our plaza culture and shape is not yet discussed and determined. The emergence of discussion sparked by the Gwanghwamun Plaza and the Seoul Plaza can be seen as a positive phenomenon. If we can continue to build creative discourse, we will be able to establish our plaza cultures soon. In this context, the Ansan Gwangduk-ro theme plaza design can be a significant material to be discussed. The design competition for the plaza was held in 2009 and it is followed by the construction of the plaza in late 2010. Considering cultural and spatial issues on our plaza in mind, the project will be explained and the identity of the contemporary design will also be explored.

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