• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진도관리

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Management Methods and Vegetation in a Windbreak Forest around the Coast of Gwanmaedo, Jindo-gun, Jeonnam (전남 진도군 관매도 해안 방풍림의 식생과 관리방안)

  • Kim, Ha-Soug
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the characteristics of Pinus thunbergii community that forms a windbreak forest around the coast of Gwanmaedo located in Jodo-myeon, Jindo-gun, Jeollanamdo which is located in the south-western areas of Korea from December 2005 to April 2007 and to suggeste the ecological management methods of coastal windbreak areas. P. thunbergii community, a coastal windbreak forest of Gwanmaedo, was classified into disturbance, growth, mixture, stability, and back mountain vegetation according to major companions species and vegetation types. P. thunbergii community of disturbance and growth vegetation needs active management through tree thinning, mowing, weeding out, use of rest space, and felling sick pine trees. P. thunbergii community of mixture, stability, and back mountain vegetation needs active preservation of a coastal windbreak to restore natural vegetation by making a windbreak walk and a forest buffer zone and inducing vegetation succession. Accordingly, in this study, ecological management methods were suggested according to the actual state of distribution by habitat characteristics of coastal windbreak areas such as management of beaches and surrounding area of idle lands, restoration of back wetlands, inhibition of foreign plants, maintenance of diversity of species and habitats, and prevention of aging and spread of damage from insects.

Reengineering Daily Reporting Process by Using Task Generator and Mobile Technology (작업생성기와 모바일 기술을 이용한 작업일보 프로세스 리엔지니어링)

  • Kang Woo-Young;Chin Sangyoon;Kim Yea-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.6 no.3 s.25
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2005
  • As construction projects are getting more complex and larger in size, the amount of information is increased exponentially, which requires information management systems to accumulate as-built information throughout the project life-cycle. Particularly, a daily report system is very important, since it helps them keep track of various as-built information at the most detailed level. However, there have been many problems with daily reporting since its process is time-consuming and contains a lot of redundancies and ambiguities. Therefore, the objective of this research is to improve a process of collecting as-built information and managing daily report. To do so, this research developed a to-be process model and a daily report system. The daily report system developed in this research consists of interactive task generator and daily report management modules. The system has been successfully implemented in a real world construction project. The system development processes including process analysis, information models and system features are described along with discussions on the results and improvements.

An Analysis of Risk Factors of a Construction Project through Execution Plan (실행분석을 통한 건설 프로젝트의 위험 요인 분석)

  • Park Young-Min;Kim Soo-Yong;Kim Ki-Young
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.6 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2005
  • The major purpose of construction project management is to meet defined targets(scope or quality) on schedule and budget. Korean construction industry is suuering from lower productivity as compared to other industry sectors. 'Management software' of the construction industry has not been developed as fast as hardware in the aftermath of compressed economic development following the Korean War. Therefore, this study is intended to compare project execution at planning phase and at completion phase and identifying the risk factor of construction projects. Construction projects are more extensive and long-winding than any other projects and stake holders of complex interests are often involved. In this study, we identified and analyzed risk factor for domestic building construction projects and outputs of this study will be conducive to the improvement of construction management processes in the future.

A Study on Simulation Method for Progress Management in Railway Structures (철도 시설물의 진도관리를 위한 시뮬레이션 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Seung;Park, Nam-Jin;Seo, Hwa-Jin;Kim, Chang-Hak;Shin, Min-Ho;Kang, Leen-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1513-1517
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the important of Progress Management is being emphasized because construction have become more complex and increasingly specialized. The existing progress control method needs to be changed because only numerical information is being provided and is very difficult to understand all poor progress. To resolve these problem, this study suggests a simulation method for progress management by using 4D CAD System because 4D CAD system has effective functions to convert numerical information to visualized information. The suggested simulation method not only are reviewed an application of railway construction but enables managers to understand problems in managing this system for verifying the suggested simulation method.

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Research of Schedule Managing and Forecasting for Project Progress Method in Defense Research & Development using Earned Schedule Concept (Earned Schedule 개념을 활용한 국방 연구개발 사업진도 기법의 일정 관리 및 예측 기능 연구)

  • Cho, Jungho;Ryu, Sangchul;Lim, Jaesung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2019
  • Traditional project progress method(PPM) has been used for Korean defense research and development project management for the last 20 years. However, it is difficult to intuitively understand the performance in terms of the project schedule, because the PPM does not provide the function of managing and forecasting project schedule. Therefore, this paper proposes new schedule managing and forecasting function for the PPM using earned schedule management concept. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed functions through several defense projects and prove that it is possible to reinforce the schedule management function of the PPM.

Development of Cloud BIM(Building Information Modeling) System Prototype in conjunction with Daily Report (작업일보를 연동한 Cloud BIM(Building Information Modeling) System 프로토타입 개발)

  • Ko, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Byung-Kon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.41-43
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    • 2013
  • Cloud BIM(Building Information Modeling) System은 건설 프로젝트에서 생성되는 정보들을 프로젝트 참여자가 네트워크 환경에서 BIM 데이터의 활용과 공유를 목적으로 개발되고 있다. 본 작업일보와 연동한 Cloud BIM System 프로토타입은 시공현장의 실제 상황과 좀 더 현장감있고 정밀하게 관리할 수 있도록 작업일보를 BIM 체계로 개발함으로써, 시설물의 3차원 가시화를 통하여 시공현황 및 진도계획을 신속, 정확하게 파악할 수 있도록 BIM 3차원 모델을 관련 데이터와 연동하여 확인할 수 있게 하였다. Cloud BIM System 보급을 통하여 설계업무 외에도 작업일보와 시공진도 간의 정확성 향상, 공종간의 간섭확인 등 시공 현장에서의 BIM 활용확대를 촉진할 수 있을 것이다.

연안VTS 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Yeong-Seup;Kim, Nam-Sik;Lee, Chan-Haeng
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.191-193
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    • 2012
  • 2007년 12월 충남 태안에서 발생한 허베이스피리트호 유류오염사고를 계기로 총리실 해양오염 관리체계 평가 결과에 따라 국토부 진도 연안VTS 해경 인수 연안VTS 신규 구축업무는 현장 집행세력을 보유한 해경에서 운영함이 타당하다고 결론, 이에 따라 전 연안 해역 효율적 관리를 위해 기존 해경 상황실과 연안VTS 통합운영으로 업무효율을 극대화하기 위함이다.

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공공안전을 관리를 위한 국내외 국가기반시설(CIP)의 복합재난 관리 방안

  • Kim, Yong-Tak;Gwon, Hyeon-Han
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2017
  • 국가기반시설의 기능 상실은 신속한 재난 대응 및 복구를 불가능하게 할 뿐만 아니라 국가안보의 심각한 위협요인으로 작용한다. 본고에서는 국가주요시설의 체계적 위험도 관리를 위한 DB 현황 조사 및 분석을 수행하였으며 국내외 국가기반시설의 취약성 평가 절차를 조사 분석하였다. 조사에 따르면 선진국의 경우 다양한 기반시설 분야에 적합한 재난관리 방법론을 연구하고 그에 적용할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하여 재난 예방, 관리, 분석 등의 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 국가에서 관리되는 시스템의 활용범위와 같이 시스템의 대부분이 상황전파 및 재난신고접수와 사후 피해 상황 보고 등의 복구진도관리 위주로 운용되고 있으며 취약성 분석 및 시설체계관리의 효율성을 증대하는 기능은 미비하여 복합적인 재난 유형에 적합한 관리체계가 마련되어 있지 못하고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 다양한 국내외 체계 및 사례를 조사하여 국가기반시설 간 상호의존성을 고려한 복합재난 관리 체계를 소개하였다.

The Evaluation for Stability at Joint Part in Composition Dam (복합댐 접합부의 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Hong;Oh, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2008
  • Research dam is consisted of concrete gravity dam that right bank department is built to concrete material, left bank department is composition dam that is consisted of rockfill dam that consist of rockfill material In domestic case, composition dam form of storage of water facilities of about 17,000 does not exist hardly in dam of irrigation water industry drinking water purpose that manage local government or other institution, Even if exist, is real condition that there is total nonexistence administrator fare of facilities, Choose unique dam of domestic multipurpose dam and analyzed conduct special quality of con'c gravity dam and rockfill dam joint part To analyze dynamic conduct special quality of composition dam by analytic method in this research, Do modelling via axis of dam and achieved static(Psuedo-static, modify Psuedo-static) and dynamic analysis, When achieving earthquake response analysis, analyzed seismic response analysis between concrete part and rockfill's part.

Progress Measurement of Structural Frame Construction using Point Cloud Data (포인트 클라우드 데이터를 활용한 골조공사 진도측정 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Kim, Sanghee;Kim, Gwang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2024
  • Recently, 3D laser scanning technology, which can collect accurate and quick information on phenomena, has been attracting attention among smart construction technologies. 3D laser scanning technology can obtain information most similar to reality at construction sites. In this study, we would like to apply a new member identification method to an actual building and present the possibility of applying point cloud data, which can be collected using 3D laser scanning technology, to measuring progress at construction sites. In order to carry out the research, we collected location information for component identification from BIM, set a recognition margin for the collected location information, and proceeded to identify the components that make up the building from point cloud data. Research results We confirmed that the columns, beams, walls, and slabs that make up a building can be identified from point cloud data. The identification results can be used to confirm all the parts that have been completed in the actual building, and can be used in conjunction with the unit price of each part in the project BOQ for prefabricated calculations. In addition, the point cloud data obtained through research can be used as accurate data for quality control monitoring of construction sites and building maintenance management. The research results can contribute to improving the timeliness and accuracy of construction information used in future project applications.