• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직업윤리교육

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Exploring Korean Adults' Long-Term Memory of School Science Education (학교 과학교육에 대한 한국 성인의 장기기억에 대한 탐색)

  • Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.487-494
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    • 1995
  • 본 연구는 우리 나라의 성인들이 자신의 초중등 학교 시절 경험하였던 학교 과학교육에 대해 어떤 종류의 즐거운 혹은 괴로운 기억들을 현재까지 갖고 있는가를 탐색하였다. 성인들은 오래 전 경험하였던 매우 인상적인 활동이나 장면들을 통해 학교 과학교육을 기억할 것이고, 이러한 기억은 그들의 학교 과학교육에 대한 전반적인 태도에 결정적인 역할을 할 것이다. 따라서 성인들의 학교 과학교육에 대한 이러한 기억들을 살펴보면, 학교 과학교육의 특징을 이해하고 장기적으로 학교 과학교육을 보다 즐거운 경험의 장으로 만드는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 본 연구는 소규모의 설문 조사를 통해 이루어졌으며, 설문 대상은 대구지역의 30-50대 성인 88명이었다. 설문은 현재 과학과 관련된 특정한 직업을 갖고 있지 않은 사람을 대상으로 하였으며, 설문에서 응답자들은 자신들의 초중등 학교 과학교육을 받으면서 가장 즐거웠던 기억과 가장 괴로웠던 기억이 구체적으로 무엇이며 이러한 경험은 초중고 어느 때이었는가를 응답하였다. 성인들이 가장 즐거웠던 기억으로 지적한 것은 실험 실습 활동(65.9%), 야외학습 활동(19.3%) 등으로 전통적인 교실수업 이외의 활동이 약 86%로 나타났다. 그리고 효과적인 교실수업, 교사의 인성적 특징, 과학전람회 참가 등의 경험을 언급한 경우도 부분적으로 있었다. 성인들이 가장 괴로웠던 기억으로 지적한 것은 따분한 교실수업(51.1%), 실험 실습 활동의 부정적인 측면(28.4%) 등으로 나타났으며, 부분적으로 과다한 숙제, 교사의 인성적 특징, 야외학습 활동, 과학수업의 부재 등을 지적한 경우도 있었다. 또한 전체적으로 즐거웠던 기억은 국민학교 시절의 경험에서(56.8%), 반면 괴로웠던 기억은 고등학교 시절의 경험에서(44.3%) 많이 나타났다. 특히, "개구리 해부 실험" 의 경우, 7명이 가장 즐거웠던 기억으로 8명은 가장 괴로웠던 기억으로 언급하여 매우 상반된 견해를 나타냈다. 따라서 동일한 활동일지라도 학생들에게는 매우 상반된 경험으로 작용하게 되며, 이 경우 생명체에 대한 과학실험의 윤리적 문제와 이에 대한 갈등을 분명하게 드러냈다.

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The Image of Nurses in Newspaper Articles during COVID-19 Era (코로나19 상황 속 간호사의 이미지 : 국내 주요 일간지 분석)

  • Choi, Hannah;Oh, Eui Geum;Lee, Ji Yea
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.626-637
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to describe the image of nurses in the context of COVID-19 pandemic by reviewing newspaper articles (n=451) from 11 major domestic daily newspapers. Analysis of monthly prevalence, favorability towards nurses, proportion of nurse coverage, and thematic analysis was conducted. Five themes and 9 sub-themes were derived from thematic analysis, and major themes are as follows: "Poor work environment"; "Nursing, 'The job of calling'"; "Prominent as a medical profession"; "Strict standards"; and "Expanding the realm of nursing" in order of frequency. In conclusion, media is still reporting a limited role of nurses. Therefore, in order to widen public perspective towards nurses, further academic activities that highlight various roles and positive aspects of nursing profession are needed.

영국의 중의학: 의사, 의사가 아닌 시술자, 중국인 시술자

  • Stollberg, Gunnar
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.14-15
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    • 2003
  • 중의학은 서양의 의료 다원주의의 한 부분이 되었다. 특히 침과 같이 서양의 개념과는 분명히 다른 의료 기법에 있어서는 두드러진다. 그밖에 뜸, 안마, 기공, 중약 및 복합 처방들도 있다. 서양에서 전문직업인화는 보건의료 관련분야에서 중심적인 인력양성 방법이 되었다. 이는 대학이 기반을 다진 중세까지 거슬러 올라가는데, 19세기에는 법인들이 전문직업인 모임으로 바뀌어 가면서 개인적 환경을 변화시키고 직업의 체계를 개발하였다. 변호사, 교사, 사제, 의사가 그 예이다. 의료에 있어서 학교교육을 통해 수련된 의사들이 조산사나 안마사들을 지배하게 되었는데 이런 경향은 1950-60년대에 극에 달한다. 그러다가 이들의 지배는 대중매체, 환자, 다른 주변 의료 보조인력들에 의해 도전을 받는다. 이와 비슷한 양상을 이단적인 의료에서도 관찰할 수 있다. 전문직업인의 우세와 시점이 비슷한 생물의학의 우월적 지배는 많은 다양한 의료에 의해 도전을 받는다. 그러나 생물의학의 우월함의 약세가 시술자들의 전문직업인화 까지를 포함하지는 않았다. 실제로 침술과 같은 치료술들을 전문직업인인 의사나 의사가 아닌 시술자들이 함께 쓰고 있기 때문이다. 이는 직능간의 분쟁을 야기할 가능성이 높다. 이단적 개념을 기존 의료계로 통합하는 것이 전문직업인들인 의사들의 노력으로 이해되었다. 이 견해는 두 가지 문제를 내포하고 있는데, 첫째 의사들을 단일한 속성으로 보고 있다는 것인데, 실제로 현대의학을 배우고 가르치는 나라들 사이에도 매우 다양한 차이가 있음을 간과하고 있다. 둘째로 의료인이 아닌 시술자들도 다양한 분야로 통합되었는데, 통합은 어쩌면 하급의 전문인들의 노력의 결과로 설명되어야 하는 것이 더 알맞을 수 있다. 그러나 이들도 전문직업인의 조직구조를 가져야 만 하고, 그렇지 않으면 파편으로 남을 것이다. 전문직업인주의는 언제나 과학과 연계하고 있는데, 독일 정부와 직업인 조직은 의료과학 집단에게 이단적 시술들의 임상효과를 검증하게 하였다. 이것은 이단 의료계에 우호적인 단체나 적대적인 단체 모두에게 적용되었다. 매우 강한 힘을 가진 냉소적인 조직 가운데 하나는 National Committee of SHI-Physicians and Sickness Funds(Bundesausschuss der Arzte und Krankenkassen).2 인데, 2001년에, 이 단체에서 출판한 자료에는 침의 효용성은 침을 시술하는 사람에 달린 것 일뿐 시술자의 수련이나 침 시술의 배경 개념에 달려있는 것이 아니다. 그러므로 침은 무작위 표본추출 대조군 실험을 통해 효과를 검증받지 못한 다른 치료법들의 범주에 머물러 있다.(cf. Bundesausschuss 2001: 8). 1990년대, 무작위 표본추출 대조군 실험은 생물의학이 아닌 의료의 효과를 검증하는데 알맞지 않고 비윤리적이라고 강한 비판을 받았다. 한편 1995년에 WHO는 침의 유효성 평가를 위해 이 실험기법을 추천하며, 이어 2001년에, the International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques(ICMART)는 침연구와 시술을 위한 헌장(Acupuncture Charter Berlin an Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)3 for acupuncture)을 채택 공표한다. 독일 보험 회사들도 침의 효과와 효율성을 검증하기 위해 대규모 실험을 시작했다. 100,000 명이 넘는 환자들이 무작위 표본추출 대조군 실험을 통해 평가되고 있는데 이 실험은 병원이나 일차의료기관의 외래에서 진행되고 있다. 영국에서는 이 분야의 유력한 Edzard Ernst가 위의 개념과 비슷한 구도를 설정 공표하는데 보완의학 분야의 많은 다른 전문가들의 견해를 무릎 쓰고, 그는 증거기반 의학에 대한 그의 신념을 표방한다. "무작위 표본추출 대조군 실험이 보환의학 분야의 시술을 검증하기 위한 알맞은 방법이 아니라고 끝없이 주장하지만 우리는 거의 모든 치료법을 포괄하는 분야에 이들 실험을 발견하였으니, 이는 보완의학도 엄정한 방법으로 검증할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다고 할 수 있다."(Ernst et al. 2001: xiii). 적어도 독일에서 진행중인 효과 검증 연구가 향후 아시아 의학의 기반 마련에 중요한 역할을 하게 될 것이다. 영국에서는 이에 대한 정치적 수렴이 전문 직업인화에 달려 있을 것이다. 여기에서 나는 아시아에서 유래한 의료의 서양에서 어떻게 사회학적 관찰의 대상으로 분류되고 정의되는지 소개하고자 한다.

Analyzing the Levels of Vocational key competencies Required by Radiological Technologist Job Description in Blind Hiring process (블라인드 채용 시 방사선사 직무기술서에서 요구하는 직업기초능력 수준 분석)

  • Jang, Hyon Chol;Lee, Myung Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to prepare the baseline data for vocational key competence of radiologists by analyzing the communication skills, problem-solving skills, self-development capability, interpersonal skills, and vocational ethics, which are required by NCS job descriptions for radiologists, of college students majoring in radiology. This study surveyed 79 sophomore and junior college students majoring in radiology at S University from Nov 19 to Nov 30, 2018, using questionnaires and analyzed the levels of vocational key competencies. The analysis results of vocational key competences levels showed that the level of interpersonal skills was the highest (71.2 points for juniors and 74.9 points for seniors). The levels of problem-solving skills and self-development capability were low. Conflict management capability, which is a sub-domain of interpersonal skills, was 77.5 and 80.5 points for juniors and seniors, respectively, which were the highest, while leadership ability was the lowest. When the sub-domains of self-development capability were analyzed, self-recognition capability was the highest (70.0 points for juniors and 74.8 points for seniors) and the career development capability was the lowest. Colleges are required to develop a customized regular curriculum that is well-linked to the clinic in order to improve the vocational key competencies required by the NCS job description to prepare for the blind hiring process. Colleges also put efforts to educate radiologists who can actively cope with rapidly changing medical environment by running various non-regular programs.

A Study for Development of Competency-Based Continuing Education System Depending on Nurses Clinical Ladder (간호사 임상경력단계에 따른 역량기반 보수교육시스템 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Jang, Keum-Seong;Kim, Heeyoung;Kim, Nam-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.503-515
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to develop a list of nursing competency for nurses' continuing education, and to propose a competency-based continuing education system according to nurses' clinical ladder. The definition of nursing competency was extracted by analyzing 10 studies. Also, the knowledge base of each nursing competency was confirmed through Carper and Chinn & Kramer's research. Nurses' clinical ladder and preliminary items of nursing competency behavior indicators were verified by seven experts for content validity. The results of this study were as follows; Nursing competencies were defined as 'evidence-based patient care', 'education and counseling', 'nursing management and leadership', 'law and ethics', 'professional value and development', 'research and policy development'. In addition, the validity of the 4 stages of clinical ladder and the 24 indicators of nursing competency were confirmed by experts. These findings suggest that the competency-based continuing education system according to the clinical ladder will be utilized as an effective human resource development strategy for improving the professionalism of nurses.

Factors Influencing Patient Privacy Protection Behavior among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 환자 프라이버시 보호행동 영향요인)

  • Lee, Eun Joo;Shin, Hyun Sook;Ha, Eun Chae
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing patient privacy protection behavior among nursing students and examine the relationships between these factors. Methods: Participants in this study were 144 nursing students who have experienced clinical practice. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression with IBM SPSS Win 23.0 program. Results: Professional self-concept and ethical values were factors influencing patient privacy protection behavior among nursing students. These variables explained 21.9% of the variance for patient privacy protection behavior. A higher level of patient privacy protection behavior was associated with higher levels of professional self-concept and ethical values. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate that strategies for enhancing patient privacy protection behaviors of nursing students should include methods for forming images of positive nurses and firming ethical values.

Relationship among necessity, importance of creative teaching methods, and strengthening core competencies

  • Choi, Hye-Jung;Park, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Min-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to find out the relationship between the perception of the necessity and importance of creative teaching methods and core competencies in universities. A total of 142 people who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study were selected and surveyed using the Naver online questionnaire. It was found that the necessity and importance of creative teaching methods was related to the sub-factors of core competencies such as practical field competency, problem-solving competency, convergence competency, communication competency, job ethics, community consciousness. University education should actively introduce and apply creative teaching methods such as action learning and PBL, focusing on improving core competencies, which are actual abilities to be performed in the field.

Requirement and Perception of Parents on the Subject of Home Economics in Middle School (중학교 가정교과에 대한 학부모의 인식 및 요구도)

  • Shin Hyo-Shick;Park Mi-Soog
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is that I should look for a desirous directions about home economics by studying the requirements and perception of the high school parents who have finished the course of home economics. It was about 600 parents whom I have searched Seoul-Pusan, Ganwon. Ghynggi province, Choongcheong-Gyungsang province, Cheonla and Jeju province of 600, I chose only 560 as apparently suitable research. The questions include 61 requirements about home economics and one which we never fail to keep among the contents, whenever possible and one about the perception of home economics aims 11 about the perception of home economics courses and management. The collections were analyzed frequency, percent, mean. standard deviation t-test by using SAS program. The followings is the summary result of studying of it. 1. All the boys and girls learning together about the Idea of healthy lives and desirous human formulation and knowledge together are higher. 2. Among the teaching purposes of home economics, the item of the scientific principle and knowledge for improvements of home life shows 15.7% below average value. 3. The recognition degree about the quality of home economics is highly related with the real life, and about the system. we recognize lacking in periods and contents of home economics field and about guiding content, accomplishment and application qualities are higher regardless of sex. 4. The important term which we should emphasize in the subject of home economics is family part. 5. Among the needs of home economic requirement in freshman, in the middle unit, their growth and development are higher than anything else, representing 4.11, and by contrast the basic principle and actuality is 3.70, which is lowest among them. 6. In the case of second grade requirement of home economics content for parents in the middle unit young man and consuming life is 4.09 highest. 7. In the case of 3rd grade requirement of economics contents in the middle unit the choice of coming direction and job ethics is highest 4.16, and preparing meals and evaluation is lowest 3.50.

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Effect of Animal Organic Soil Amendment on Growth of Korean Lawngrass and Kentucky Bluegrass (동물성 유기질 개량재가 들잔디 및 캔터키 블루그래스 잔디생육에 미치는 효과)

  • Koh, Seuk-Koo;Tae, Hyun-Sook;Ryu, Chang-Hyun
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2006
  • Many soil amendments have been used nowadays to improve physical and chmical condition of turf soil, which might ultimately optimize turfgrass growth in golf courses. This study was carried out to Investigate the effects of new organic soil amendment containing pig excreta 50% and sawdust 50% on growth of zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica L.) and kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) in greenhouse. Three applicable treatments with soil mixtures of 10, 20, and 30% (v/v) animal organic soil amendment (AOSA) with sand, were tested for chemical property, physical property, visual quality and root length of zoysiagrass and Kentucky bluegrass. As results, application of $10{\sim}30%$ AOSA mixtures were proper to grow turfgrass in soil nutrition. Especially, the treatment with 20% AOSA mixtures showed 0.7% in organic matter, which meets to green standard of USGA. Also, 30% AOSA mixtures was 1.1% in organic matter, which might be desirable for zoysiagrass-planted golf courses in Korea. It was turned out that addition of AOSA decreased the hydraulic conductivity in soil physical property Because the sand possess high hydraulic conductivity, it is recommended to combine $10{\sim}30%$ AOSA with sand in order to sustain soil balance. The treatment with $10{\sim}30%$ AOSA noticeably increased visual quality of both zoysiagras and Kentucky bluegrass during 90 days. However, treatments with either 20% or 30% AOSA were effective to develop root length of zoysiagrass but treatments with 20% AOSA were more effective than that of 30% AOSA mixtures to promote root length of Kentucky bluegrass at 60 days. In conclusion, considering all vital factors such as visible quality, root growth, organic matter content, and economical efficiency, was taken, it is recommended that a $20{\sim}30%$ mixture of AOSA with sand is good for the growth of zoysiagrass and 20% mixture for Kentucky bluegrass.

Analysis of Cognition Pattern of a College Student's Occupational View on Social Welfare Position (사회복지사직에 대한 사회복지학과 학생의 인식유형)

  • Oh, Yun-Sou;Jung, Hyun-Tae;Lee, Seong-Dae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 2014
  • This research is involved in looking into the cognition pattern of social worker position of a fourth-year student majoring in Social Welfare. The purpose of this research is to offer a basic data needed for education of the students who are preparing to get a job of a social worker. For this, applying Q methodology, this research made an objective analysis of their subjective response to social worker position targeting the 30 students in the department of social welfare at the four-year-course college located in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. The research results showed that the cognition pattern of the college students' occupational view on social welfare position could be categorized into the three; The first pattern is a "job-skeptic & reality-evasive" type, who tends to perceive the position of a social worker as the one having a lot of job exhaustion and much workload, showing a pessimistic view on the meaning or a sense of mission of a social worker position. The second pattern is a "practice-centered & specialized-job-seeking type" who tends to think much of practical aspects of a social worker job and to seek after the position of a social worker as a specialized job, and at the same time to rely on the policy or system for a social worker position. The third pattern is a "value-oriented & self-achievement type", who tends to think much of the necessity of value or ethics in putting social welfare into practice and also to make much of self-achievement through the channel of a social welfare worker position. Taken together, it might be possibile to turn out professional human resources, but this research thinks it is more necessary to place the education of values of a social welfare worker.