• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형공간정보기술

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Estimation of spatial distribution of snow depth using DInSAR of Sentinel-1 SAR satellite images (Sentinel-1 SAR 위성영상의 위상차분간섭기법(DInSAR)을 이용한 적설심의 공간분포 추정)

  • Park, Heeseong;Chung, Gunhui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.12
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    • pp.1125-1135
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    • 2022
  • Damages by heavy snow does not occur very often, but when it does, it causes damage to a wide area. To mitigate snow damage, it is necessary to know, in advance, the depth of snow that causes damage in each region. However, snow depths are measured at observatory locations, and it is difficult to understand the spatial distribution of snow depth that causes damage in a region. To understand the spatial distribution of snow depth, the point measurements are interpolated. However, estimating spatial distribution of snow depth is not easy when the number of measured snow depth is small and topographical characteristics such as altitude are not similar. To overcome this limit, satellite images such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be analyzed using Differential Interferometric SAR (DInSAR) method. DInSAR uses two different SAR images measured at two different times, and is generally used to track minor changes in topography. In this study, the spatial distribution of snow depth was estimated by DInSAR analysis using dual polarimetric IW mode C-band SAR data of Sentinel-1B satellite operated by the European Space Agency (ESA). In addition, snow depth was estimated using geostationary satellite Chollian-2 (GK-2A) to compare with the snow depth from DInSAR method. As a result, the accuracy of snow cover estimation in terms with grids was about 0.92% for DInSAR and about 0.71% for GK-2A, indicating high applicability of DInSAR method. Although there were cases of overestimation of the snow depth, sufficient information was provided for estimating the spatial distribution of the snow depth. And this will be helpful in understanding regional damage-causing snow depth.

A Review on GIS Research Trends using Content Analysis Method - Focus on the GIS Journals Published from 1993 to 2006 - (내용분석 기법을 활용한 GIS관련 연구 동향 분석 - 최근 14년(1993~2006) 간 학회지 투고논문을 중심으로 -)

  • SaKong, Ho-Sang;Seo, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to analyze academic and technological progresses of GIS as reviewing research trends of GIS journals for which four major GIS journals, KAGIS(The Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies), KSISS(Korea Spatial Information System Society), KOGSIS(The Korean Society for Geospatial Information System), GISAK(Geographic Information System Association of Korea) have been selected. As the authors suppose that subjects of academic articles reflect academic and social demands, total 1,222 articles that have been published by the four journals from 1993 to 2006 were reviewed and analyzed by content analysis method. Because of large volumes and variety of research scopes, all topics in the papers were classified into several categories with title and keywords referenced in each paper and the categories were analyzed into 5 years period. Thus, from the analysis results, this paper asserts that research trends and academic progresses are well-structured to review recent GIS areas in Korea and the outcomes of the analysis can be an adequate guidelines to establish NGIS policies and strategies.

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Application of Geographic Information Systems for Effective Management of University Forests (대학연습림의 효율적 관리를 위한 지리정보시스템의 활용방안)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Kim, Taekyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1999
  • The functional change of university forest have led to need more complicated techniques for forest management strategies, and more information about forest and natural environment. Therefore the systematic tools, like the so-called Forest Information System to which apply the techniques of geographic information system, are eagerly required for collecting, editing, managing, analyzing the various data about forest and environment, and for supporting the decision-making process. The digital mapping, which could be a primary step to construct the Forest Information System, was carried out using the many kinds of thematic spatial data referring to the Seongju Experimental Forest of Taegu University. As a result, various digital maps including forest type, soil type and so on were constructed. And then we made an user-interface system to link the attributive data in management plan to the thematic spatial data. This system was regarded as the effective tool capable of the more rapid query, analysis and update of related data for systematic management of university forest. Moreover, it would be a useful tool of decision-making in devising, assessing and operating the plan of forest management and development. But there would be much room for supplementation and improvement to make the more convenient and powerful system for the external demands, therefore more concerns and efforts in collecting, revising and updating the data is continuously required.

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The Case Study on Application of 3 Dimensional Modeling Method with Geophysical Data (물리탐사 자료에 대한 3차원 지반 모델링 적용 사례 연구)

  • Heo, Seung;Park, Joon-Young;Do, Jung-Lok;Yoo, In-Kol
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2008
  • The three dimensional model method is widely applied in resource development for feasibility study, mine design, excavation planning and process management by constructing the database of various data in 3 dimensional space. Most of geophysical surveys for the purpose of engineering and resource development are performed in 2 dimensional line survey due to the restriction of the field situation, technical or economical situation and so on. The acquired geophysical data are used as the input for the 2 dimensional inversion under the 2 dimensional assumption. But the geophysical data are affected by 3 dimensional space. Therefore in order to reduce the error caused by 2 dimensional assumption, the 2 dimensional inversion result must be interpreted considering the additional information such as 3 dimensional topography, geological structure, borehole survey etc. The applicability and usability of 3 dimensional modeling method are studied by reviewing the case study to the geophysical data acquired in field of engineering and resource development.

Development of Change Detection Technique Using Time Seriate Remotely Sensed Satellite Images with User Friendly GIS Interface (사용자 중심적 GIS 인터페이스를 이용한 시계열적 원격탐사 영상의 변화탐지 기법의 개발)

  • 양인태;한성만;윤희천;김흥규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2004
  • The diversity, expansion of human activity and rapid urbanization make modem society to faced with problems like damage of nature and drain of natural resources. Under these circumstances rapid and accurate change detection techniques, which can detect wide range utilization changes, are needed for efficient management and utilization plan of national territory. In this study to perform change detection from remote sensing images, space analysis technique contained in Geographic Information System is applied. And from this technique, the software. that can execute new change detection algorithm, query, inquiry and analysis, is produced. This software is on the basis of graphic user interface and has many functions such as format conversion, grid calculation, statistical processing, display and reference. In this study, simultaneously change detection for multi-temporal satellite images can be performed and integrated one change image about four different periods was produced. Further more software user can acquire land cover change information for an specific area through querying and questioning about yearly changes. Finally making of every application module for change detection into one window based visual basic program, can be produced user convenience and automatic performances.

Validation on the Utilization of Small-scale Unmanned Aerial Systems(sUAS) for Topographic Volume Calculations (토공량 산정을 위한 소형무인항공시스템의 활용성 평가)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2017
  • Small-scale UAS(Fusion technique of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles platform and Sensors, 'sUAS') opens various new applications in construction fields and so becoming progressively common due to the considerable potentials in terms of accuracy, costs and abilities. The purpose of this study is that the investigation of the validation on the utilization of sUAS for earth stockpile volume calculations on sites. For this, generate 3D models(DSM) with sUAS aerial images on an cone shaped soil stockpile approximately $270m{\times}300m{\times}20m$, which located at Baegot Life Park in Siheung-si, compared stockpile volume estimates produced by sUAS image analysis, against volume estimates obtained by GNSS Network-RTK ground surveying method which selected as the criteria of earth stockpile volume. The result through comparison and examination show(demonstrate) that there was under 2% difference between the volume calculated with the GNSS Network RTK data and the sUAV data, especially sUAS imaged-based volume estimate of a stockpile can be greatly simplified, done quickly, and very cost effective over conventional terrestrial survey methods. Therefore, with consideration of various plan to assess the height of vegetation, sUAS image-based application expected very useful both volume estimate and 3D geospatial information extraction in small and medium-sized sites.

Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buildings in Urban Area using Disaster Management Platform (재난관리플랫폼을 이용한 도심지 건물군의 지진피해평가)

  • Jang, Sung-Hyun;Kwon, Dong-Hee;Hwang, Chan-Gyu;Choi, Soo-Young;Chey, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2019
  • Because of its physical characteristics, earthquake has a great impact on a wide area in a short time, so it needs a resilience based seismic countermeasures to restore the community function. For this reason, in this study, the seismic damages of urban buildings were assessed stochastically by virtual earthquakes using public data information and disaster management program(Ergo-EQ). A geographical map reflecting geological characteristics of the target area was created with the buildings and topographic data in Dalseo-gu, Daegu City. In addition, an integrated database including building characteristics was modified to be linked with the Ergo-EQ program. The seismic damages for the buildings were evaluated through the exceedance probability of four different damage levels. From the damage results, it can be identified not only the seismic damage of each building, but also the major factors affecting earthquake damage.

Measures to improve the DEM using SAR images in the river corridor (합성개구레이더 영상을 이용한 하천내 DEM 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Noh, Hui-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.913-922
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this research is to propose the measurement of improving DEM by using the water surface range of SAR image analysis for river corridors and to suggest the construction of satellite-based 3D river spatial information of inaccessible regions such as North Korea. For this research, it has been progressed from the accessible area, watershed of Namgang river, the branch of Nakdonggang river. The satellite image was collected from SAR satellite image data for a year in 2021 which was provided by ESA from Sentinel-1A/B data and extracted from the seasonal water surface area. Ground gauge water level was collected from hourly intervals data by WAMIS. The DEM was improved by analysis of the river altitude of water surface area change by the combination of the ground water level of minimum to maximum water surface area data extracted from SAR image analysis. After the improvement of DEM, the altitude of the river varied that it is defined to comprise more natural form of river DEM than the existing DEM. The correction validation of improvement DEM was necessary in field survey elevation data; however, the correction validation was not progressed due to the absence of the data. Although, the purpose of this research is to provide the improvement of DEM by using the analyzed water surface by existing DEM data and SAR image analysis. After the progression of additional correction validation research, we would plan to examine the application in other places and to progress the additional methodological research to apply in inaccessible and unmeasured area including the North Korea.

AW3D30 and SRTM30 Digital Elevation Models -Comparison around coastal islands in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea- (AW3D30 DEM과 SRTM30 DEM의 정확도 비교 -경상남도 연안도서를 중심으로-)

  • YANG, In-Tae;LEE, Dong-Ha;ACHARYA, Tri Dev;HAN, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2018
  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) being fundamental data in geospatial domain is produced from different data and using various methods. As they are derived their precision varies and altering derivative in application. In this work, we compare two widely used DEMs namely(Advanced Land Observing Satellite World 3D 30m and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 30m) around coastal islands in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. First statistics of each DEM were calculated and later overlapped in Landsat image for visual comparison of areas below and above zero-meter elevation. As a result, it was found that DEMs were highly correlated with each other and had similar statistics. Besides having few high differences in hilly land area, they were able to represent the coastal lines. It has also been noted that they have many negative values and should carefully select study area covering full watershed in coastal regions to avoid negative elevation even after filling the sinks.

A Study on 3D Scan Technology for Find Archetype of Youngbeokji in Seongnagwon Garden (성락원 영벽지의 원형 파악을 위한 3D 스캔기술 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Park, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • This study on circular identifying purposes was performed of Youngbeokji space located in Seongnagwon(Scenic Sites No.35). Through the data acquisition of 3D high precision, such as the surrounding terrain of the Youngbeokji. The results of this study is summarized like the following. First, the purpose of the stone structures and structure within the Youngbeokji search is an important clue to find that earlier era will be a prototype. 3D scan method of enforcement is searching the whole structure, including the surrounding terrain and having the easy way. Second, the measurement results are as follows. Department of bedrock surveyed from South to North was measured by 7,665mm. From East to West was measured at 7,326mm. The size of the stone structures, $1,665mm{\times}1,721mm$ in the form of a square. Its interior has a diameter of 1, 664mm of hemispherical form. In the lower portion of the rock masses in the South to the North, has fallen out of the $1,006mm{\times}328mm$ scale traces were discovered. Third, the Youngbeokji recorded in the internal terrain Multiresolution approach. After working with the scanner and scan using the scan data, broadband, to merge. Polygon Data conversion to process was conducted and mash as fine scan data are converted to process data. High resolution photos obtained through the creation of 3D terrain data overlap and the final result. Fourthly, as a result of this action, stone structure West of the waterway back outgoing times oil was confirmed. Bangjiwondo is estimated to be seokji of structure hydroponic facility confirmed will artificially carved in the bedrock. As a result of this and the previous situation of the 1960s could compare data was created. This study provides 3D precision ordnance through the acquisition of the data. Excavations at the circle was able to preserve in perpetuity as digital data. In the future, this data is welcome to take a wide variety of professionals. This is the purpose of this is to establish foundations and conservation management measures will be used. In addition, The new ease of how future research and 3D scan unveiled in the garden has been used in the study expect.