• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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Environmental Analysis for Discovering Specialized Local Sports Tourism (지역 특화 스포츠관광 발굴을 위한 환경 분석)

  • Yang, Eun-Seok;Choi, Kyoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2021
  • This is an environmental analysis study for discovering specialized local sports tourism and aims to provide implications for the development of sports tourism industry in the Chuncheon region by analyzing the current status of domestic and overseas sports tourism and presenting overseas cases of specialized regional sports tourism. Therefore, through SWOT analysis and secondary data survey, implications for the development direction according to facilities, programs, and public relations and marketing were derived. Sports tourism contributes to vitalization of local economy by converging with local tourism centering on sports participation or viewing. Thus, it must be organized with differentiated products taking into account the characteristics of the area. An investigation of the main components of domestic and overseas sports tourism shows that mega sports events or specialized local leisure sports are connected to tourism resources for commercialization. In Korea, 3 to 4 local areas are discovered and supported annually through the specialized local sports tourism promotion program. This study suggests a development plan by evaluating and analyzing the performance of the Chuncheon Spo-Tour program. In terms of facility, it is necessary to construct accommodation facilities that harmonize with the natural environment, develop new programs connected to Songam Sports Town, and reinforce existing equipment. In terms of program, it is necessary to develop canoe/kayak water courses utilizing Uiam-Lake, train professionals to operate programs, and develop programs that take into consideration seasonal characteristics as well as the level of each participants. In terms of PR/marketing, it is important to build competitiveness by using ICT, improving public awareness of the sites, and adopting reasonable pricing policies. The development of specialized local sports tourism products through remedies and efforts will contribute to vitalization of local economy.

Characteristics of Benthic Invertebrates in Organic and Conventional Paddy Field (논 생태계 내 유기농법 재배 지역과 관행농법 재배 지역의 저서무척추동물군집의 특성)

  • Han, Min-Su;Nam, Hyung-Kyu;Kang, Kee-Kyung;Kim, Miran;Na, Young-Eun;Kim, Hye Rim;Kim, Myung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2013
  • BACKGROUND: Today, environmentally friendly farming has become an important feature of agricultural policy. It promotes or sustains farming systems which protect and enhance the environment. This study was conducted to compare benthic invertebrate communities in an organic and a conventional paddy field in South Korea. METHODS AND RESULTS: Benthic invertebrates were collected at 11 regions of a rice paddy from June to August, 2009, 2010 and 2011. These comparisons undertaken using a community assessment approaches such as the number of individuals and species and community composition. Generally, the larger number of individuals and species of benthic invertebrates was observed in an organic paddy than in a conventional paddy field. Organic paddy fields could supported the wider range of species and abundance in aquatic invertebrates comparing to conventional paddy fields. Carrying capacity to support larger numbers of invertebrates also tends to be higher in organic paddy than in conventional paddy field. Specially, organic farming regions surrounded by forests were high quality habitat for benthic invertebrates than other surrounded regions such as grassland. CONCLUSION(S): We concluded that organic farming was more advantaged to benthic invertebrates than conventional farming. In order to improve biodiversity in rice paddy field, farming regimes without agricultural chemicals are recommended. The effect of organic management on biodiversity and abundance of benthic invertebrates could be maximized across highland farmland.

Perceptions of Teachers, Program Instructors, and Local Experts on Implementing Community-Based Socioscientific Issues Programs (지역사회연계 과학이슈 교육프로그램 운영의 교육적 함의에 대한 운영 교사 및 강사, 지역 전문가의 인식 탐색)

  • Kim, Gahyoung;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2017
  • The purposes of the study are to investigate the experiences of major stakeholders (i.e. science teachers, program instructors, local experts, etc.) who participated in implementing Community-Based Socioscientific Issues Programs (SSI-COMM) and to provide educational implications for further implementation. SSI-COMM dealt with three issues (i.e. abandoned pets, fine dust, and recycling) that students often encountered in their local community. Each program, lasting over 16 class periods in a free semester, included in-school and out-of-school activities in order to promote their interest and participation in community. Four teachers, four program instructors, and six local experts joined the interviews to explain their experience of participating in the programs. As a result, school teachers, program instructors, and local experts positively appreciated their experiences of the program implementation and perceived educational potentials of SSI-COMM. All the stakeholders mentioned that they became more interested in local socioscientific issues and strongly perceived the need for the implementation of such programs linked to their own community. The science teachers appreciated the opportunities to identify students' potentials through SSI-COMM and believed that SSI-COMM would contribute to reducing the gap between learning and practice. The program instructors, observed that out-of-school activities contributed to enhancing students' self-confidence and fulfillment in learning. Finally, the local experts obtained a sense of belonging to their community and were very satisfied with their contribution. The SSI-COMM programs are expected to be one of the educational models that will help to encourage the participation of students and stakeholders in facilitating educational activities in relation to the community.

A Study on National Development & Balanced Development by Region - Mainly Interrelation between Economic growth and Balanced Regional Development - (국가발전과 지역균형발전에 관한 연구 - 경제성장과 지역균형발전의 상관관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Nam-il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.2 s.34
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2005
  • A balanced regional development has a great meaning of economics in the fact that the People could enjoy the equal level of lift everywhere in the country by reducing the income disparity and economic productivity between regions, however as the our country was given Preponderance of economical power and development to the metropolitan area centering around Seoul due to a factor of politics, social structure as well as a national economic policy centering around a rapid economic growth, the unbalanced regional growth gave rise to great hindrance to a national development. Especially, the unbalanced 9rowth between regions gave rise to a sense of alienation to a citizen in a special region as well as a distortion of an effective resources distribution. therefore it was deepen a social discord to hinder the unity of the people due to always coming to involve social ,political affairs. The major contents of this study is to clarify relations between the economic growth and the balanced regional development to form a concept of a national development, and this thesis made disparities in population and convenient facilities between regions through change of convenient facilities of life, economic growth, and population between regions an analytic object to concrete the studies. Also, this thesis made a whole countw land an analytic object of spatial sphere. and it made a unit of ten years when the five-year economic development plan was achieved from the year 1962 to 2001 an otject of the time range of studies.

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Promoting Policy for Creative Economy and Regional Development in Korea (창조경제정책논의와 지역발전)

  • Nahm, Kee-Bom;Song, Jung Eun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.632-645
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    • 2014
  • This paper criticized the recent Korean 'creative economy policies' focused on regional developmental implications. Even though the policies targeted to promote ICT new startups and build virtuous circle of ICT industrial ecosystem in Korea as a whole, the outside regions of the Seoul-Busan industrial axis where the bases of ICT industries are very weak would suffer from systematic exclusion in ICT investments and deepening regional disparities. Second, ICT-centered policies would selectively affect or operate commensurate with the size of regions in this low-growth, after-financial crisis age. Third, the possibilities of regional insularity and lock-in in these low levels of 'related variety' regions would worsen the industrial competitiveness. Lastly, the policies should be reoriented to fortify region-based creative economic ecosystem based upon triple helix learning region.

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A Study on the Evolution of EU Regional Policies: Focusing on the Reform of Structural Fund (유럽연합(EU) 지역정책의 발전에 관한 일고(一考): 구조기금 개혁을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Hong-Yul
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.351-381
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    • 2011
  • When EU was formed in the late 1950s, the income gap or economic development between member nations was similar so that the interest in execution of regional policies at the level of union was relatively small, with just Italy showing some interest relatively. In 1975, however, ERDF was founded, and nations such as Spain or Portugal that were falling behind in economic development compared to existing member nations joined EU, and the regional policy of the union gradually gained attention. Accordingly, EU gradually increased the budget size for regional policies so that through 1980s and 1990s, the budget size grew over 4 times. In 2004 and 2007, 12 Central-Eastern European nations with great gaps in income level with existing member countries joined EU all at once, so that the resolution of regional inequality among member nations arose as an important assignment in the development of the community. Accordingly, EU has modified the overall goals and basis of regional policies to deal with this matter. From such perspectives, this report examined the development process of regional policies executed by EU for the last 50 years. In the conclusion parts, the issues that appeared in the process of executing EU's regional policies were also examined at the same time.

Comparative Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Firms in Korea (우리나라 중소기업법인의 업종별 지역별 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeung, Gil-Chea
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2010
  • Over the past 20 years new and small firms have been identified as significant components of economic strategies for job and wealth creation. Implicit in these strategies has been the search for policies which will increase the supply of new firms, and will encourage established firms' growth. Yet the majority firms spend the whole of their economic life within the small firm sector. The aim of this paper is to suggest a multidimensional approach to the understanding of the comparative characteristics of the small firm by providing evidence as to the factors which describe firms of different sizes, regions and industries. And I discuss in the context of policy options for regional economic development in Korea. The results from the analyses are summarized as follows. The size of the small firms in the sample measured in terms of both number of employees and sales revenue are characterized by regions, export performance and R&D. There is also some indication that growing firms may develop more complex environment. These results are based upon a multi-dimensional analysis of the strategic profile of a sample of small firms using KIS. From this observation of the firms during the data collection period, this is a conclusion that I find intuitively appealing.

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Regional Broadcasting Program Factors Influence Public Relations for The Traditional Market Unity: Focused on (전통시장 융합을 위한 지역 방송 프로그램 요인이 공중관계성에 미치는 영향: 광주방송<시장이 좋다>를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Il-Gi;Choi, Yun-Seul;Shin, Hyun-Sin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • To identify the satisfaction level towards Gwangju regional TV broadcasting company's program, "I Like the Market" and the effect of market vitalization on the market merchants' public relationships, this study carried out survey targeting 256 merchants who are residing at the region. The research results demonstrated that the satisfaction level towards the program and market vitalization via the program exert significant effect on the public relationships. Specifically, satisfaction level towards the program for the vitalization of regional broadcast exert effect in the following order; devotion, relationship and reliability. Meanwhile, market vitalization exert positive effect on the relationship, reliability and devotion, in the order mentioned. This implies that the development of quality program for the regional residents plays an important role in the convergence of regional broadcast and in increasing broadcasting company's brand image. Accordingly, positive interaction via regional vitalization when it comes to the formation of regional broadcast program going forth may be needed for regional broadcast policies.

The Development of a Safety Environment Survey Framework Considering Regional Characteristics (지역 특성을 고려한 안전환경 조사 프레임워크 개발)

  • Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.364-378
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    • 2015
  • As safety Issue becomes one of the hot topics, practical researches and feasible policies are in needs not only for central government but also local officers. The previous studies focused on organizational or institutional approaches and on functional efficiencies, especially how to integrate disaster data at every stage of disaster from preparedness to recovery. Physical and social environments differ from among others, top-down disaster management plan cannot work, and therefore more practical statistics and survey is required to prepare the safety management plan for local government. We aim to suggest a safety environment survey framework and to apply it to two guns (Muan and Goheung). We considered main factors of the framework based on legal requirement for safety index and four stages of disaster progress. Two guns are located in remote area and have a population who are weak to disaster. Action items were drawn from the survey and analysis from the framework respectively. We expect this framework to be expanded to include more urbanized and complex areas.

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The Study on the Satisfaction Factors of the Support Projects for the Adjacent Residents to Multipurpose Dams (다목적 댐주변지역지원사업 고객만족에 미치는 영향 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Shang Moon;Lee, Byungchul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2013
  • Multi-purpose dams are regarded to contribute to the Korean society not only positive affects but also negative ones. Especially, negative considerations are usually prevailed around multi-purpose dam sites and their vicinities even though the Government adopted "act on dam construction and assistance, etc. to neighborhood area" in 1989 and has supported many various projects since 1990. Nevertheless, many arguments and controversies about effects of multi-purpose dams and support projects to vicinities" have happened so frequently and sometimes brought a suit against government. These situations imply that support projects are not so sufficient to fulfil peoples' expectations. Therefore, this research figured out the key factors that affected residents' satisfaction about multi-purpose dams and support projects. The results of the research are as follows: 1) 'social necessity of dams', 'rationality of the process in supporting project' and 'appropriateness of supporting project', were statistically significant to 'customer satisfaction'; 2) among these factors, 'rationality of the process in supporting project' was the most related to 'customer satisfaction': 3) 'appropriateness of supporting project', 'social necessity of dams' were also revealed as second third factors that relate to the satisfaction.