• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리자원

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Analysis on Herbaceous Communities and Flora around Abeliophyllum distichum Habitats (미선나무 자생지 주변의 초본군락과 식물상 분석)

  • You Ju-Han;Lee Cheol-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2005
  • The study was carried out to offer the raw data on counterplan of restoration and conservation by systematical and objective analyzing the flora and herbaceous communities around Abeliophyllum distichum habitats. In the results of flora survey, as the site that the most taxa were showed was Yulji-ri, Geosan-gun III, there was surveyed as 114 ones; 48 families, 91 genera, 99 species and 15 varieties, and as Younjeong-ri, Jincheon-gun V was showed the fewest ones, there was appeared 54 ones; 28 families, 49 genera, 47 species and 7 varieties. The dominant species of herbaceous communities were verified Humulus japonicus${\cdot}$Artemisia princeps var. orientalis(Chujeom-ri, Goesan-gun I), Oplismenus undulatifolius(Songdeok-ri, Goesan-gun II and Maechon-ri, Yeongdong-eup IV), Carex siderosticta${\cdot}$Pueraria thunbergiana${\cdot}$Artemisia princeps var. orientalis(Yulji-ri, Geosan-gun III), Streptolirion cordifolium(Younjeong-ri, Jincheon-Eun V) and Sasa borealis(Junggye-ri, Buan-gun IV). In correlation analysis, Artemisia princeps var. orientalis${\cdot}$Carex siderosticta, Sasa borealis${\cdot}$Festuca ovina, Sasa borealis${\cdot}$Smilax china and Festuca ovina${\cdot}$Smilax china were showed the highest relativity. In similarity index analysis, as the site that was showed highest value was Yulji-ri, Geosan-gun III and Maechon-ri, Yeongdong-eup IV, there was turned up about some $27.27\%$. In the results of regression analysis between environmental factors and number of species, R-square of altitude and number of species was some $70.0\%$.

Development of a Suitability Analysis System for Wind Energy Facilities Using 3D Web GIS (3차원 Web GIS 기반 풍력에너지 시설물 적지분석 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Kwang-Deuk;Yun, Chang-Yeol;Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2012
  • Recently, with an increased social interest in new and renewable energy resources, together with rapid advancement in IT(information technology) and spatial information technology, there have recently been a lot of attempts to find out methods to make systematic and scientific use of information technology and spatial information technology, depending upon a fusion with GIS(Geographic Information System) spatial information technology in the field of new and renewable energy. This paper developed a suitability analysis system to conduct a correct and precise analysis of an ideal place for wind energy facilities in comprehensive consideration of topographic, economic, and cultural environments. It also used recent spatial information technology including 3D GIS to develop a supportive system for an analysis and decision making of an ideal place for 3D Web GIS-based wind energy facilities like a precise field information implementation, a 3D result display, a 3D object implementation, simulation, and so on. These systems make it possible to build scientific new-renewable energy facilities, to collect, manage and analyze information in an accurate and quantitative manner. In addition, they help serve as a turning point for the construction of a real-time information supply system. Furthermore, they can support rational decision making by making it possible to analyze a variety of forms of field information through building a system for the management of 3D image-based information on new-renewable energy resources.

Analysis of Home Range of Asiatic Black Bear Released in Jirisan National Park (지리산국립공원에 방사된 반달가슴곰의 행동권 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Jin;Kim, Sun-Do;Kang, Jae-Gu;Kim, Jong-Kab;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to provide basic information for assessment conditions as habitat to conserve and restore asiatic black bear released in Jirisan National Park. The field investigation at Piagol, Bitjeom, Jangdanggol, Baemsagol, Chilseon valley, and Hanshin valley which checked for habitat of released asiatic black bear were conducted from 2008 to 2010. There were no obvious differences in home range size of asiatic black bear by study year. The seasonal home ranges were analyzed $25.64km^2$ for males and $17.57km^2$ for female in spring, $73.02km^2$ for males and $27.45km^2$ for females in summer, $41.58km^2$ for males and $13.26km^2$ for females in fall, and $6.11km^2$ for males and $2.89km^2$ for females in winter based on 95% Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) method, respectively. In average elevation by gender of asiatic black bear, the male was higher than the female. respectively. Average elevation by season were $894{\pm}33m$ in spring, $852{\pm}20m$ in summer, $985{\pm}67m$ in fall, and $996{\pm}26m$ in winter, respectively.

Co-Ethnic Relationships and Tendencies of Korean Entrepreneurs in Japan: A Case Study of Ikuno Area, Osaka (재일한인 중소규모 자영업자의 직업과 민족 간의 유대관계-오사카 이쿠노구를 사례로-)

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.601-615
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    • 2007
  • Many Korean migrants in Japan have established small businesses using their ethnic networks as they were discriminated and excluded from Japanese society and labour market. The aim of this study is to explore the changes in characteristics of Korean migrants' businesses by generation, focusing on the role of co-ethnic relationships including ethnic networks and resources on their businesses. This study analyzed Korean migrants' dependence of the ethnic resources to understand the relationship between the ethnic. When Koreans first moved to Japan, laborers amounted the most, but the number of the professionals and the small business owners has increased gradually. This change was influenced by the change of generation and the improvement of education, as well as recognition of Japanese society and the change of policies toward Korean migrants in Japan. In early times when the number of small business owners started to increase, many cases such as a business, an employment, the use of Korean banks used to depend on ethnic resources. Also there were many businesses of which main customers were Koreans. However, the dependence of the ethnic resources has become diverse as the structure of the occupation has changed. The maintenance or exclusion of co-ethnic relationship depends on the structure of society and economy, and its result affect the relationship between Korean migrants in Japan and Japanese.

GML Application: Developing of Data Model for Geological Information and Its Implementation (GML(Geography Markup Language) 응용: 지질주제정보 데이터 모델개발과 시험구현)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Moon, Sun-Hee;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2003
  • OGC(Open GIS Consortium, Inc.)에서 2000년에 XML의 지리정보 처리를 위한 GML 1.0이 제안된 이후 최근 GML 3.0이 발표되기까지 국제적으로는 다양한 GIS 응용분야에서 GML을 현실 문제에 이용하고자 하는 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 현재 우리나라에서도 국가 GIS(NGIS)에서 GML을 도입하여 국내 표준안으로 추진하고자 다양한 기반연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 중요한 GIS 응용중의 하나인 지질자원 정보 분야에서 GML을 활용하기 위한 기반연구로서 우리나라의 표준 지질도(또는 수치지질정보)와 기타 지질자원 정보 인프라 구축에 적용될 수 있는 다양한 지구과학자료를 대상으로 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지질자원 분야에서의 GML 응용을 위한 기반 데이터 모델과 이를 처리하기 위한 아키텍처를 UML 기법으로 설명하고, 이를 바탕으로 시험 구현된 운용환경에서 실제 대상 지역을 선정하여, 연구지역에 대한 지질자원 정보의 GML 적용 사례를 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위한 연구 내용으로는 수치 지질도를 XML-GML의 기본 스키마구조에 따라 엔코딩한 뒤, 주제정보의 표현을 위한 XSLT, SVG 파일 변환 처리 등을 수행하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 지질자원 분야의 정보화 인프라 구축을 목적으로 하는 기초 시험연구로 수행되었는 바, 우리나라에서는 2001년 이후 GIS 수치 주제도로서 수치 지질도의 보급이 활성화되면서, 이 정보를 제작/공급하는 기관이나 업무에 사용하는 기관 등에서 GML 기반으로 데이터를 제작하거나 운용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다. 또한, 다른 분야에서 GIS 주제정보를 다루는 경우에도 GML을 주제정보와 연계하여 현실 문제에 적용이 가능한 창조 모델로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.}94,\;29.4{\pm}30.3,\;45.1{\pm}44$로 Mel 10군과 Mel 30군이 유의적인 감소를 보였으나(p<0.05) 이들 두 군 간의 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과로, 랫트에서 복강수술 후 melatonin 10mg/kg투여가 복강 내 유착 방지에 효과적이라고 생각된다.-1}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$로서 두 생태계에 축적되었다.여한 3,5,7군에서 PUFA 함량이 증가한 반면, SFA 함량은 감소하여 P/S 비율, n-3P/n-6P 비율은 증가하는 경향이었으며 이는 간장의 인지질, 콜레스테롤 에스테르, 총 지질의 지방산조성에서도 같은 경향을 볼 수 있었다.X>$(C_{18:2})$와 n-3계 linolenic acid$(C_{18:3})$가 대부분을 차지하였다. 야생 돌복숭아 과육 중의 지방산 조성은 포화지방산이 16.74%, 단불포화지방산 17.51% 및 다불포화지방산이 65.73%의 함유 비율을 보였는데, 이 중 다불포화지방산인 n-6계 linoleic acid$(C_{18:2})$와 n-3계 linolenic acid$(C_{18:3})$가 지질 구성 총 지방산의 대부분을 차지하는 함유 비율을 나타내었다.했다. 하강하는 약 4일간의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전거래전략을 활용하는 경우 주식투자기간은 24개월이하의 중단기가 적합함을 발견하였다. 이상의 행태적 측면과 투자성과측면의 실

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A checklist of vascular plants in limestone areas on the Korean Peninsula (한반도 석회암지대의 관속식물 목록)

  • KIM, Jung-Hyun;NAM, Gi-Heum;LEE, Seung-bae;SHIN, Sookyung;KIM, Jin-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.250-293
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    • 2021
  • Limestone areas are sedimentary rock outcrops consisting of calcium carbonate created several hundreds of millions of years ago by calcium-secreting marine organisms and subsequently lifted above sea level by tectonic movement. Limestone areas support very high levels of endemic species of plants and are recognized as biodiversity areas with much biological information. The purpose of this study is to devise a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of limestone areas through analyses of the floristics and plant species compositions in ten limestone areas on the Korean Peninsula. The results of 153 field surveys from April of 2010 to October of 2016 identified 1,202 taxa in total, representing 1,096 species, 18 subspecies, 84 varieties, 2 forms, and 2 hybrids in 530 genera and 133 families. Among them, 55 taxa were endemic plants to Korea, and 38 taxa were red data plants. The floristic target plants amounted to 102 taxa, specifically 27 taxa of grade V and 75 taxa of grade IV. In all, 121 alien plants were recorded in the investigated area. Calciphilous plants amounted to 102 taxa, specifically 14 taxa of calciphilous indicator plants, 30 taxa of superlative most calciphilous plants, and 58 taxa of comparative more calciphilous plants. A cluster analysis showed a high degree of similarity between sites that are geographically adjacent with similar habitat environments. Limestone areas also supported groups distinct from those in non-limestone areas, demonstrating the specificity of limestone flora. Plant geography approaches therefore appear to be crucial to gain a better understanding of the level of biodiversity in limestone areas, not only at the interspecific but also at the intraspecific level. These results highlight the importance of protecting limestone habitats to preserve not only their interspecific but also the intraspecific diversity, which is highly threatened.

Viewing Africa based on 'Factual Contents' and 'Representation' : Centered on Africa Contents in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies Textbooks ('사실'과 '재현'의 관점에서 아프리카 다시 보기 -초.중학교 사회 교과서 아프리카 서술 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Da-Won;Han, Geon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.440-458
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the ignorance and prejudice with regard to African culture, which can be seen at the textbook and class course centering the geography class from 1990's to the present, and reviewed critically the related education and learning effects for mutual understanding. This study results are as follows: First, in the geographic environment contents, the image regarding huge continent, the local image regarding the various physical environments and the geographical importance as the ancient civilization birthplace were not included in the description. Second, the description regarding the African culture and history was focused to the singular African image, so the fixed concept and distorted image has been rooted into the formation of cultural meta-knowledge. Third, the negative sides rather than positive development and the past backward facts rather than changed status have been emphasized in the description regarding African resources and industry as well, so only the region surrounded with the various problems including poverty and the image as underdeveloped country have been rooted into the description. Now, real Africa view, an image for a variety of attractive and vibrant Africa rather than the same culture and characteristics of African must be learned in text books.

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Development of Forest Fire Information Management System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 산불 정보관리시스템 개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Oh, Jeong-Soo;Lee, Si-Young;Jo, Yun-Won;Baek, Seong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2001
  • Recently our nature of environment has destroyed by a large scaled forest fire. In order to manage these forest fires, forecasting of it is considered as the most important thing. In this paper the database related to forest fire was first built and the efficient forest fire information management system was implemented by using GIS. The main goal of this system is that forest fire managers have GUI(graphic user interface) to analyze data of forest fire effectively and update and retrieve information in database. For the efficient GUI, this system is built in Visual Basic 6.0 and Map Object 2.0. Map Object 2.0 is combined to have various and powerful functionality of GIS analysis as component ware. The Oracle 8.0 is used as DBMS in this study to manage all the spatial and attributed information in database effectively. In the future, this system will play a critical role as making a decision supporting system for scientific forest fire protection and help real time forest fire hazard information offers service for public welfare administration business management.

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Application of Geographic Information Systems for Effective Management of University Forests (대학연습림의 효율적 관리를 위한 지리정보시스템의 활용방안)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Kim, Taekyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1999
  • The functional change of university forest have led to need more complicated techniques for forest management strategies, and more information about forest and natural environment. Therefore the systematic tools, like the so-called Forest Information System to which apply the techniques of geographic information system, are eagerly required for collecting, editing, managing, analyzing the various data about forest and environment, and for supporting the decision-making process. The digital mapping, which could be a primary step to construct the Forest Information System, was carried out using the many kinds of thematic spatial data referring to the Seongju Experimental Forest of Taegu University. As a result, various digital maps including forest type, soil type and so on were constructed. And then we made an user-interface system to link the attributive data in management plan to the thematic spatial data. This system was regarded as the effective tool capable of the more rapid query, analysis and update of related data for systematic management of university forest. Moreover, it would be a useful tool of decision-making in devising, assessing and operating the plan of forest management and development. But there would be much room for supplementation and improvement to make the more convenient and powerful system for the external demands, therefore more concerns and efforts in collecting, revising and updating the data is continuously required.

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Analyzing Site Characteristics and Suitability for Wind Farm Facilities in Forest Lands (산지 내 풍력발전단지 입지 특성 및 적합성 분석)

  • Kwon, Soon-Duk;Joo, Woo-Yeong;Kim, Won-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study are to provide a guideline for the suitability of wind farm facilities in forest lands and to suggest improvement plans of policies and systems to minimize the damage of forest lands. First, we implemented a literature review and field surveys to examine and select factors for the suitability of wind farm facilities in forest lands. Spatial database for selected location factors of wind farm facilities in forest lands was constructed to develop the suitability model for locating wind farm facilities focusing on Gangwon-do. Data used in this study include wind power resource, legal mountainous preserved area, forest roads, developed areas, forest class, and other spatial data. In order to find specific-sized potential areas for a certain number of wind farm turbines, we used block statistics and focal statistics methods. As a result, the areas for potential wind farm locations were 1,261ha from a block statistics method and 1,411ha from a focal statistics method. Based on the outputs of this research, it is required to make an urgent solution for the prevention of forest disaster and to prepare reduction measures for the destruction of ridge landscape.