• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중요도 조정

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Evaluation of Rice Protein Content Variation on Cultivation and Environmental Conditions (재배 및 환경조건에 따른 쌀 단백질 함량 변동 평가 )

  • Yun-Ho, Lee;Jeong-Won, Kim;Jae-Hyeok, Jeong;Woon-Ha, Hwang;Hyeon-Seok, Lee;Seo-Yeong, Yang;Chung-Keun, Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2022
  • The effect of year, varieties, nitrogen application, and transplant time were examined in relation to rice of protein. An experiment was conducted using 12 rice varieties to investigate the effect of management and weather conditions on brown rice protein of during the filling stage. The transplanting time was set to be three groups including early, medium, and late timing. The nitrogen application was set to be 0 N kg / 10a, 9N kg / 10a and 18 N kg / 10a to examine the effect of fertilizer management on protein content. Field experiments were conducted in three growing seasons including 2019, 2020, and 2021. The brown rice of protein content were 5.7%, 5.9%, and 6.6% under early, medium, and late transplanting time conditions, respectively. The protein content differ by variety. For example, Chucheong, Hopum, Ilpum, Mipum, Odae, Saenuri, and Saeilmi had more than 6.1%, and Chindeul, Shindongjin, Samkwang, Unkwang, Younhojinmi were less than 6.1%. Nitrogen content was 5.7% for 0kgN /10a, 6.1% for 9kgN /10a, and 6.8% for 18kgN /10a. The contribution of the characteristics to the protein content was highest in nitrogen content (38.8%), followed by transplanting time (13.7%), variety (8.2%), and year (3.5%). The average temperature for 20 days after heading time was the highest (9.3%), followed by sunshine duration (3.9%) and solar radiation (3.5%). Our results revealed that brown rice protein content was determined to be affected by changes in average temperature, sunshine duration and solar radiation for 20 days after heading time. This suggested that assessment of temperature and solar radiation after heading time would indicate the degree of rice quality in terms of protein.

Changes in Abscisic Acid, Carbohydrate, and Glucosinolate Metabolites in Kimchi Cabbage Treated with Glutamic Acid Foliar Application under Extremely Low Temperature Conditions (이상저온 시 글루탐산 엽면 처리에 의한 배추의 ABA, 탄수화물 및 Glucosinolate 대사체 변화)

  • Sim, Ha Seon;Jo, Jung Su;Woo, Ui Jeong;Moon, Yu Hyun;Lee, Tae Yeon;Lee, Hee Ju;Wi, Seung Hwan;Kim, Sung Kyeom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 2022
  • Glutamic acid is a precursor of essential amino acids that play an important role in plant growth and development. It is one of the biostimulants that reduce cold stress damage by stimulating biosynthetic pathways leading to cryoprotectants. This study evaluated the effects of glutamic acid foliar application on Kimchi cabbage under low-temperature stress. There were six treatments, combining three photo-/dark periods temperature levels (11/-1℃ extremely low, E; 16/4℃ moderately low, M; and 21/9℃ optimal, O) with and without glutamic acid foliar application (0 and 10 mg·L-1; Glu 0 and Glu 10). Glutamic acid foliar application was sprayed once 10 days after transplanting, and then temperature treatment immediately after glutamic acid foliar application was conducted for up to four days. After four days of treatment, abscisic acid (ABA), phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), and abscisic acid-glucose ester (ABA-GE) contents were higher with Glu 10 treatment than Glu 0 treatment in M treatment. Glucose content was highest in E with Glu 10 treatment (52.1 mg·100 g-1 dry weight), while fructose content was highest in O with Glu 0 treatment (134.6 mg·100 g-1 dry weight). The contents of glucolepiddin (GLP), glucobrassicin (GBS), 4-methoxyglucobrassicin (4MGBS), neoglucobrassicin (GNBS), and gluconasturtiin (GNS) were highest among all treatments in E with Glu 10 treatments (0.72, 2.05, 1.67, 9.40 and 0.85 µmol·g-1 dry weight). After two days of treatment, rapid changes in PA and DPA contents of E with Glu 10 treatments were confirmed, and several individual glucosinolate contents (GLP, GBS, 4MGBS, GNBS, and GNS) were significantly different depending on low temperature and glutamic acid treatment. In addition, the content of fructose was significantly lower than that of O treatment in E and M treatments after four days of treatment. Therefore, although the changes in PA, DPA, glucose, fructose, and individual glucosinolates according to low temperature and glutamic acid foliar treatment were shown. A clear correlation between low temperature and glutamic acid effects could not be evaluated. Results indicated that Brassica crops are cryophilic vegetables, do not react sensitively to low temperatures, and mostly have cold resistance.

A Comparative Study on the Concept of Light Presented in Elementary School Science Curriculum and Textbooks in Korea, the US, China, and Japan (한국, 미국, 중국, 일본의 초등학교 과학 교육과정과 교과서에 제시된 빛 관련 개념에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jiwon;Kim, Jung Bog
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 2022
  • Although the concept of light is important in the elementary school curriculum, substantial research suggests that students and teachers have difficulties in understanding it. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for these difficulties-whether it is due to the content or due to the presentation method of contents, structure, and expression. The national curriculum and textbooks of Korea, the US, China, and Japan were comparatively analyzed from the following perspectives: 1) key concepts of light, 2) structure of light units in the textbook, 3) materials, light sources, and optics used in light units. Consequently, there were differences between countries in their inclusion of the concept of light in the curriculum. In particular, the Korean curriculum studies the concept of refraction by a convex lens, whereas the concept of light, light source, and vision is not introduced. Furthermore, countries also differed in their structuring of units. The Korean curriculum was presented segmentally by concept rather than structured according to core ideas or perspectives, and the connection between concepts was unclear. In addition, there were differences between the countries in materials, light sources, and optical instruments to explain key concepts. On using light, the US curriculum provides a purpose and uses light to achieve it, and China and Korea understand the concept. It was divided into the method of using the material to deepen. Based on the results of this analysis, the implications for the elementary science curriculum in Korea were derived as follows. First, it is necessary to introduce concepts sequentially and organize them so that the connection between concepts is well expressed. Second, it is necessary to introduce light and light sources as the predominant concepts. Third, it is necessary to include the principle of seeing objects. Fourth, it is necessary to adjust the material and content level of the refraction concept included in the light and lens unit. Fifth, an integrated approach is required because light has a deep connection with various concepts included in the elementary science curriculum.

Preliminary Inspection Prediction Model to select the on-Site Inspected Foreign Food Facility using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (차원축소를 활용한 해외제조업체 대상 사전점검 예측 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Hae Jin Park;Jae Suk Choi;Sang Goo Cho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2023
  • As the number and weight of imported food are steadily increasing, safety management of imported food to prevent food safety accidents is becoming more important. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety conducts on-site inspections of foreign food facilities before customs clearance as well as import inspection at the customs clearance stage. However, a data-based safety management plan for imported food is needed due to time, cost, and limited resources. In this study, we tried to increase the efficiency of the on-site inspection by preparing a machine learning prediction model that pre-selects the companies that are expected to fail before the on-site inspection. Basic information of 303,272 foreign food facilities and processing businesses collected in the Integrated Food Safety Information Network and 1,689 cases of on-site inspection information data collected from 2019 to April 2022 were collected. After preprocessing the data of foreign food facilities, only the data subject to on-site inspection were extracted using the foreign food facility_code. As a result, it consisted of a total of 1,689 data and 103 variables. For 103 variables, variables that were '0' were removed based on the Theil-U index, and after reducing by applying Multiple Correspondence Analysis, 49 characteristic variables were finally derived. We build eight different models and perform hyperparameter tuning through 5-fold cross validation. Then, the performance of the generated models are evaluated. The research purpose of selecting companies subject to on-site inspection is to maximize the recall, which is the probability of judging nonconforming companies as nonconforming. As a result of applying various algorithms of machine learning, the Random Forest model with the highest Recall_macro, AUROC, Average PR, F1-score, and Balanced Accuracy was evaluated as the best model. Finally, we apply Kernal SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) to present the selection reason for nonconforming facilities of individual instances, and discuss applicability to the on-site inspection facility selection system. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will contribute to the efficient operation of limited resources such as manpower and budget by establishing an imported food management system through a data-based scientific risk management model.

세계의 유황수급 전망

  • Ceccotti S.P;Messick D.L
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 1996
  • '90년대 전반기 중 세계 경제 상황은 정치, 경제 및 환경의 급격한 변화에 따른 불황으로 유황시장에도 심대한 영향을 미치게 되었다. 이와 같은 경기의 후퇴는 다수의 생산자로 하여금 전반적인 시장 상황을 바꿀 수 있는 전략 변경 및 새로운 시장 개발을 촉진시키게 하였다. 최근에 전개되고 있는 극단적인 정치$\cdot$경제적인 변화는 재래시장과 무역균형을 변경시키게 되었다. 개선되는 세계경제에 따른 광범위한 구조조정과 지난 2년간 진행되어온 전반적으로 농업에 유리한 조건에 힘입어 1995년 유황공업은 회복이 시작되어 54.63백만 톤이 생산되었다 국제 유황 무역은 수요와 공급 면에서는 균형을 못 찾고 있다. 1995년 유황생산 중 무역량은 $45\%$에 이르렀다. 유황생산에 영향하는 요소가 변함에 따라 무역의 형태가 변하게 되고 세계 유황 수급 균형에 영향을 주게 되었다. 지난 2년간 있었던 유황생산 회복은 다음 십년간 지속될 것으로 예측된다. 대부분 수요의 증가는 자연가스의 생산을 지배하는 요소에 따라 결정 될 것이다 1986년 이래 유가가 떨어진 후 세계 에너지 수요는 연간 $2.3\%$ 증가하였다. 석유와 가스는 미래 에너지 수요의 증가로 $70\%$이상을 공급하게 될 것이다. 동아시아에서 회수 유황은 원유의 정제로부터 유래된 것으로 가장 신장이 큰 공급원으로 2005년까지 주요유황생산 부분이 될 것이다. 동아시아에서 주요 회수 유황생산국은 일본으로 전체의 $66\%$를 차지한다. 석유 정제로부터 회수 유황생산량은 동아시아에서 증가하고 있다. 유황회수 시설 투자는 일본을 위시하여 한국, 싱가폴 및 태국에서 이루어지고 있으며 이는 점차 증대되는 환경규제에 기인된다. 동아시아 공업국가 예컨대 일본과 한국에서의 유황소비는 인산생산 저조로 정체해 있으나 지난 10년간 여타의 아시아 국가에서의 유황소비는 꾸준히 증가되었다. 이 같은 증가는 앞으로 10년간 계속 될 것으로 추정된다. 이는 유황비료 소비가 4.81백만 톤에서 6.6백만 톤으로 증가될 것으로 예상되고 이는 주로 중국이 내수 인산생산을 증가시키려는 데 기인된다. 더욱이 다가올 10년은 다수의 아시아 국가의 급속한 경제 발전으로 비료 이외의 유황의 소비가 꾸준히 증가 될 것이다. 동아시아는 10.29백만 톤을 생산하고 10.99백만 톤을 소비하여 1995년에는 70만 톤의 유황이 부족하였다. 이와 같은 영향이 계속된다면 동아시아 유황부족은 2005년에는 1.05백만 톤으로 증가될 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 중국에서 황화철에서부터 공급되는 유황함량이 많아 이 지역에서의 원소유황의 진정한 균형에 대해서는 정확하게 평가되지 못한다. 1995년 동아시아에서는 1.3백만 톤의 원소유황을 일본, 캐나다, 미국에서 수입했다. 이들 국가는 앞으로도 이 지역의 주요 공급자가 될 것이다. 황산의 많은 양은 일본에서 이 지역으로 수출되는데 그 양은 1995년 10만톤 이상에 이른다. 더욱이 경제?환경적 이점 때문에 중국이 황화물에서 회수하는 유황대신 원소 유황의 수입을 지속적으로 증가시키고 있어 지역내의 유황 부족이 증가 될 것이다. 이 같은 상황진전으로 앞으로 10년 이내에 2.5백만 톤의 추가시장이 있게 될 것이다. 이 기간내 한국으로서 현재 326,000톤의 부족에서 2005년에는 309,000톤의 과잉으로 유황균형이 변할 수 있는 주요계기가 될 것이다 이 같은 과잉은 회수 유황생산이 1995년 333,000톤에서 2005년 870,000톤으로 $161\%$가 증가될 것으로 예상된다. 동기간 내에 기타 유황생산은 280,000톤에서 320,000톤으로 $14\%$ 증가되는 것으로 추정된다. 그리하여 2005년 한국에서 유황 공급은 1.19백만 톤이고 수요는 881,000톤으로 추정 된다. 미래 한국에서 유황의 또 다른 잠재시장은 식물양분으로서 이다. 인산비료 생산은 유황산업의 골격으로 1995년 세계적으로 인산비료는 유황소비의 53%인 53.60백만 톤을 점유하였다. 작물의 유황결핍 현상은 세계도처에서 나타나고 있어 식물양분으로서 유황시장은 20년전의 시장과 같이 현황을 띠는 시장으로 유황공업이 때를 만나게 될 것이다. 공업국에서 유황의 대기로의 방출억제로 자연 공급량이 감소되고 개발도상국에서 증산으로 유황의 탈취가 증가됨에 따라 유황 부족은 점차 중요한 문제로 확산되고 있다. 세계적으로 $1993\~1994$년간 7.52백만 톤으로 추정되는 유황 부족이 농산물의 수량과 질을 하락시키는 결과를 가져오게 하였다: 이와 같은 현상으로 유황비료의 수요가 증대되었고 산업계는 수요증대에 대응할 기술개발에 노력하게 되었다. 현재의 식량생산과 비료 소비추세가 지속된다면 아시아에서 2000년까지 매년 4.5백만 톤의 유황부족이 있게 될 것이다 이와 같은 유황비료의 부족은 적절한 대책을 취하지 않는 한 2010년에는 6.5백만 톤으로 증가 될 것이다. 동아시아는 경제발전으로 유황비료 장기 잠재시장이 기대되고 새로운 시장으로 $50\%$이상을 점유하게 될 것이다. 서구와 북미에서 유황비료 산업은 이윤 있는 잠재시장으로 인정되고 상업적으로 앞서 있는 시장이다. 점증하는 수요에 대한 대처와 유황비료의 성공은 시장에서 가격에 좌우된다. 실제로 북미와 서구에서 현재의 소매가격은 유황 톤당 $266\~466\$$의 범위에 있다. 인도에서는 비료로서 유황시장은 덜 발달된 단계로서 대표가격은 $120\$$이다. 이 가격 범위로 보아 2010년에 동아시아 시장의 잠재 유황비료 시장은 3.4백만 톤에 이르고 비료공업에서 추가로 얻는 이윤은 408백만 내지 1조5천억$\$$이 될 것이다. 이와 같은 시장이 발전 될 수 있는 것은 계속된 제품개발과 비료산업 시장개척에 달려있다.

  • PDF

Evaluation of Spectral Band Adjustment Factor Applicability for Near Infrared Channel of Sentinel-2A Using Landsat-8 (Landsat-8을 활용한 Sentinel-2A Near Infrared 채널의 Spectral Band Adjustment Factor 적용성 평가)

  • Nayeon Kim;Noh-hun Seong;Daeseong Jung;Suyoung Sim;Jongho Woo;Sungwon Choi;Sungwoo Park;Kyung-Soo Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2023
  • Various earth observation satellites need to provide accurate and high-quality data after launch. To maintain and enhance the quality of satellite data, it is crucial to employ a cross-calibration process that accounts for differences in sensor characteristics, such as the spectral band adjustment factor (SBAF). In this study, we utilized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A satellite imagery collected from desert sites in Libya4, Algeria3, and Mauritania2 among pseudo-invariant calibration sites to calculate and apply SBAF, thereby compensating the uncertainties arising from variations in bandwidths. We quantitatively compared the reflectance differences based on the similarity of bandwidths, including Blue, Green, Red, and both the near-infrared (NIR) narrow, and NIR bands of Sentinel-2A. Following the application of SBAF, significant results with reflectance differences of approximately 1% or less were observed for all bands except NIR. In the case of the Sentinel-2A NIR band, it exhibited a significantly larger bandwidth difference compared to the NIR narrow band. However, after applying SBAF, the reflectance difference fell within the acceptable error range (5%) of 1-2%. It indicates that SBAF can be applied even when there is a substantial difference in the bandwidths of the two sensors, particularly in situations where satellite utilization is limited. Therefore, it was determined that SBAF could be applied even when the bandwidth difference between the two sensors is large in a situation where satellite utilization is limited. It is expected to be helpful in research utilizing the quality and continuity of satellite data.

Image Analysis of Angle Changes in the Forearm during Elbow Joint Lateral General Radiography: Evaluation of Humerus Epicondyle and Elbow Joint (팔꿉관절 측방향 일반촬영에서 아래팔뼈 각도 변화에 따른 영상 분석 : 위팔뼈 위관절융기와 팔꿉관절 평가)

  • Hyo-Soo Shin;Hye-Won Jang;Jong-Bae Park;Ki Baek Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.607-614
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    • 2023
  • Clear overlapping of the bilateral epicondyle and proper separation of the elbow joint are crucial for obtaining accurate lateral general radiographs of the elbow. However, due to the complex anatomical structure of the elbow, achieving optimal positioning is challenging, leading to the need for repeated x-ray examinations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the angle of the forearm in patients where accurate lateral images of the elbow joint can't be obtained after vertical incidence using a styrofoam device during elbow joint lateral x-ray imaging. Twenty patients were enrolled in our study following the established protocol. First, a vertical x-ray at an angle of 0° between the forearm and the table was taken (control group). Here, if the lateral image of the elbow joint was deemed inadequate, the forearm angle was adjusted using custom-made styrofoam supports with 5° and 10° inclinations (experimental groups). For the evaluation method, two assessors utilized a 5-point Likert scale to assess the images. The reliability of the assessments was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. As a result, patients with inadequate overlap of the bilateral epicondyle and separation of the elbow joint in the initial examination (control group) were able to obtain the best images when setting a 10° angle between the forearm and the table. The subjective evaluation was 1.6 ± 0.8 points at 0°, 2.7 ± 0.8 points at 5°, and 4.4 ± 1.3 points at 10°, respectively. The reliability analysis for the angles of 0°, 5°, and 10° yielded Cronbach's alpha values of 0.867, 0.697, and 0.922, respectively. In conclusion, when it is not possible to obtain accurate images using the conventional position and X-ray beam direction, it is considered that by initially acquiring images with an angle of 10° between the forearm and the table, and gradually decreasing the angle while obtaining images, it would be possible to achieve the optimal image while reducing the number of repeat examinations.

Two Points for the Successful Representation of Performing Art Festivals:Artistic Characteristics and Festivity - in the Case of the 'Festival d'Avignon' (공연예술축제를 구성하는 '예술성'과 '축제성'의 특성 분석 - 아비뇽 페스티벌의 사례를 중심으로)

  • RYOO, Jeung-ah
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.253-285
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    • 2011
  • The number of "Performing Arts Festivals" is growing increasingly in South Korea. This trend is mainly held in large cities which are difficult to communicate closely among residents. South Korea, while the pace of city life and speed of development are very fast, increasing number of "Performing Arts Festivals" with communal characteristics is in the natural process of festival evolution in large cities. In the evolution of the contemporary festival, it is natural to see some increase of modern festival after the development of traditional and folk festivals. It is important that the "Performing Arts Festivals" express the two elements, artistic character and festivity, not only in distinctively but also in harmony. The "Performing Arts Festivals" should consider the process of the organization, human resources, networking systems of the human communication process, resource use, etc. For the success of the festival, we must obtain the complementary effects between two attributes:festival characteristics and artistic senses. Therefore, we chose the 'Festival d'Avignon' as the reference of the total representation of artistic characteristics and festivity. From the case of the Festival d'Avignon, we get the implications of the development of performing arts festival in South Korea. To explain the festival value and artistic significance of the Festival d'Avignon, we explained the spontaneity and openness to public participation, the relationship between spectators and works, the representation of memory and communicative image, etc. To explain the artistic attributes of the 'Festival d'Avignon', we explained the mission to reconcile the artistic and the popular, to promote the artistic know-how, understanding how to communicate with the public, to consider more artistic quality than commercial benefits. Essentially, this study shows the meaning and the vision to forecast the future as well as the recent proliferation in various fields of Performing Arts Festivals. This study may help to improve analytical precision of Performing Arts Festivals.

Performance Features of Pansori Drummer from a viewpoint of the Relationship with Singer (창자와의 관계에서 본 판소리 고수의 공연학)

  • Song, Mikyoung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.23
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    • pp.63-103
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    • 2011
  • This paper inquires closely into the background of pansori gosu(drummer) and his social position based on documents and oral materials and the performance features of gosu in the entire process of pansori performance, 'preparation', 'performance' and 'aftermath', focused on the relationship between the changja(singer)-gosu. In the past, some gosus were ex-tightrope performers. Their social position and working conditions were better than that of the ex-tightrope performers but were worse than that of the pansori singer. After 1910's, people formed some special sense about the gosu due to the change of the space for pansori performances and the technological advances on the media, and gosu's conditions improved. The theory of pansori drum gradually began to be established well. The function and the role of gosu in the whole process of pansori performance may be summarized as follows. To begin with, the training with various and a lot of singers is required in the 'preparation'. Rehearsals are divided into individual practices and joint practices, and the latter can be controlled by the level of the capacity of gosu and the degree of the experience between chanja-gosu. Next, bobiwi(flattering drumming) and chuimsae(encouraging remarks) are important in tbe 'process'. The gosu has to share the speed of one jangdan(rhythmic patterns) and the accent of the sori and adjust his enery. Besides, he has to acknowledge the naedeureum(beginning sign) and reply with changja's singing. In formal performances, working in harmony with changja and gosu and their joint experiences are necessary for the gosu; in pansori contests, giving chanja a stability; in contests for gosu, drumming skill, position, chuimsae; in small performances and new adaptation of pansori, cheap fees and positive response of the transformational play or ad-lib; in lecturer concerts, reacting quickly to rapidly changing situations. Chuimsae is way which gosus and audiences express their feeling together, however, its context and sound are different. Finally, 'aftermath' is a process the pair of chamgja and gosu mutually evaluates about performance or audiences estimate that.

North Korean folk Operas and Musical Politics of Selection - Focused on National Operas Prior to Revolutionary Operas (북한 초기 고전 각색 가극과 선별의 음악 정치 - 혁명가극 이전 민족 가극을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Myung-Mun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.69-96
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    • 2019
  • North Korea has conserved operas in a selective manner. The subject matters of operas recorded in the history of North Korea can be divided into classical tales, translated foreign works, Korean War and war against Japan. Operas that adapted folk classics of the 1950s are considered valuable materials to verify the changes of genres posterior to division of regime between North and South Korea. The officially confirmed works include "Kumgangsan Palseonnyeo (Gyeonwoo Jiknyeo)," "Chunhyangjeon." "Kongjwi Patjwi (Kotsin)," "Ondal," and "Geumnaneui Dal." These works had gone through recreation in terms of realistic situation setting, abolition of class difference, adjustment of social rank and punishment of evil while the base lies in the original folk classics. People emphasized in adapted folk operas are described as those who are hard-working souls without giving importance of difference of social rank, content with the currently living space, devoted to their parents and full of patriotic spirit, and members of community who participate in organized fights against unfair exploitation. This was the fruit of encouragement of work creation supporting union between labor and individual life, destruction of old things and fight promoting this destruction. Folk operas of South and North Korea posterior to Korean War have similarities in that both deal with a love story transcending social ranks and the concomitant conflicts and they focus on the audience who enjoy the operas. Nonetheless, they are different in that this love in North Korea became a tool of educating people wished by the regime, while it became an object of securing the audience by adding the tragic element to love in South Korea. North Korean operas of the initial stage are characterized by playwriting method emphasizing difficult life and compensation of common people, realistic stage expression, accentuation of melody and agreement between notes and lyrics. This was efforts designed to continuously lead senses concentrated from the theater to everyday life of people. In effect, this is in line with the playwriting method of revolutionary operas. Adapted folk operas were subject matters ideal for easily approaching the audience and leaving them good memories at the same time. To realize socialist realism, they went through an experiment of reviewing "people" through the classic folk operas. The possibility of continuation of a work was determined by thorough evaluation after carrying out an experiment in terms of subject matters, theme, music and operation plans from the moment of which the work was on the stage. The sign consisted in the possibility of visit of "Kim Il-sung" to appreciate the work and presentation of directionality. By proposing the clear directionality of which hard-working people who deny social status system can be duly compensated, it encouraged the audience who saw the opera to voluntarily put this in practice. Thus, operas established the directionality through selective processes for creating public communion even before revolutionary operas.