• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정표고

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Performance Characteristics of Li-ion Battery and Supercapacitor Hybrid Cell for High Power / Low Temperature Discharge (고출력/저온 방전을 위한 리튬전지와 슈퍼캐패시터 하이브리드 셀의 방전 거동 특성 연구)

  • Jang, Woojin;Hong, Seung-Chul;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Hwang, Taeseon;Oh, Joon-Suk;Ko, Sungyeon;Lee, Gaeun;Ahn, Kyunyoung;Kim, Hyunsoo;Suhr, Jonghwan;Nam, Jae-Do
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we fabricated a parallelly connected Li-ion battery/supercapacitor hybrid cell to combine the advantageous characteristics of Li-ion battery and supercapacitor, high energy density and high power density, respectively, and investigated its discharging characteristics over a wide temperature range from -40 to $25^{\circ}C$. At the initial state of discharging of the hybrid cell, the power was mostly provided by the supercapacitor and then the portion of the Li-ion battery was gradually increased. By installing a switching system into the hybrid cell, which controls the discharging sequence of Li-ion battery and supercapacitor, the maximum power was improved by 40% compared with non switching system. In addition at low temperatures, the power and discharging time of the hybrid cell were significantly enhanced compared to a battery-alone system. The hybrid cell is expected to be applied in electric vehicles and small domestic appliances that require high power at initial discharging state.

The Fundamental Study about eCRM Solution Embodiment for Design Development - focused on the off-line research about preference, image, design elements of refrigerator- (디자인개발을 위한 eCRM솔루션구현에 관한 기초연구 - 냉장고의 선호도, 이미지, 디자인요소에 대한 off-line조사를 중심으로 -)

  • 홍정표;양종열;이유리;오민권;나광진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2002
  • The success of a product is only possible on the basis of user preference for products and the user preference for products is greatly influenced by the design. Designers have to understand user preference and convert it into the combination of specified design attribute, and after that they should design products which have the image that they want to get. Then the product will be sure to be a hit. Therefore, on the point of view of design, it is necessary to find oui definitely the consumer preference frame : the relationship among design preference - design images - design attribute. This study will give you guidelines on which designers can select and design some more objective and reliable design factors, finding out the relation of cause and effect by which they can know what kind of product designs their consumers like and how the popular image which that products offer is composed of. Therefore, in this study, after we developed the consumer response framework which is proposed by Bloch(1995) : distinct relationship model among preference - design image adjective - design factors, we analyzed the relationship among preference-design image adjective - design factors through the empirical researches. And then we give the way of design.

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A study on the relationship between user's preference and aesthetic elements, and the importance of aesthetic elements in product design - With relevance to Electrical Home Appliances - (제품디자인에 있어 사용자 선호와 심미적 영향요소의 상호관계와 디자인 고려 요소에 관한 연구 - 가전제품을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Su-Kyoung;Hong, Jung-Pyo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2005
  • In the highly developing industrial society, design has been playing the central role in the managerial strategy of a company and has been one of the central agendas in determining the economical competence of a country, and has also been regarded as a means to acquire sustainable superior competence. Thus, these trends suggest that the aesthetic value of a product has become more important than its technological function. In this study we reviewed theoretically esthetic factors influencing the preference and the evaluation of a product and made a list of eight esthetic factors based on various referential studies which include simplicity, balance, unity, rhythm, style, novelty, typicality, and proportion. We investigated the esthetic factors affecting consumers preferences and the basis for evaluating a product. Conclusively, this study aimed at providing materials for developing product design by presenting an esthetic guideline and to put these materials to practical use. The study also investigated other considered elements classified by manufactures and the importance of esthetic factors and its influence on consumer tastes.

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A Study on the Typicality and Preference according to Determinants of Typicality (전형성 결정요인에 따른 전형성과 선호도 연구)

  • 나광진;양종열;홍정표;이유리
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated the influence of ideals(goal-directed design attributes) and physical common features on typicality of product design and the relationship between typicality and preference that suggested different result in prior research. So for these objectives we explored the relationship between typicality and preference with two dimensions composed of goal-directed attribute typicality and physical common features typicality. The result showed that consumers' judgment of typicality on product design was increased as the product design has ideals. This was a same result as the prior research. In addition, Increasing the physical common feature with other members in product category, consumers judged that the product design is typical. Otherwise, in results of the relationship between typicality and preference were showed that the design of ideals(goal-directed design attributes) influenced on preference positively, but the design of physical common features had an inverted U-shaped.

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An Analytical Study on Research Trends of Library and Information Science in Korea : 1957∼2002 (한국의 문헌정보학분야 연구동향 분석 : 1957∼2002)

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.9-32
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    • 2003
  • This study is to represent the research trends of the library & information science in Korea through an analysis of papers on journals of 7 library & information science societies, collection of papers in celebration of the founding of 16 departments of library & information science and journals published at 3 specialized institutions from 1957 through 2002. The result of this study are as follows : The average yearly papers: in the case of journals published at the specialized institutions - 42.6 pieces; in the case of the academic journals - 63.1 pieces. The year published the largest nmber of papers: 2002; the order of the number of papers by the domain of library & information science: information science, bibliography, library management, organizing library materials, public service, foundations of library & information science, history of books & libraries, collection development.

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A Study on Factors Affecting Collection Size of University Libraries in Korea (대학도서관 장서규모에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.275-305
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    • 2001
  • This study is to analyze factors affecting collection size by the type of materials of university libraries in Korea. The results of this study are summarized as follows; ①Factors affecting library holdings in volumes: national univ. - volumes loaned, total number of courses, library materials expenditure; private univ. - undergraduate enrollments, library materials expenditure, volumes loaned, number of graduate departments; total univ. - undergraduate enrollments, volumes loaned, library materials expenditure ②Factors affecting periodical titles: all the libraries - graduate enrollments ③Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials: national univ. - graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. - volumes loaned ④Factors affecting volumes added: national univ. - volumes loaned, number of graduate courses; private univ. - number of undergraduate enrollments; total univ. - volumes loaned ⑤Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials added: national univ. - number of graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. not extracted.

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A Study on the Formulation of Uniform Title for Sound Recordings of Korean Traditional Music (한국 전통음악 녹음자료의 통일표제 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Jung-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.425-454
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    • 2007
  • This study is to present a draft for the formulation of uniform title for sound recordings of the Korean traditional music. The draft as the results of this study is summarized as follows: In a musical work of a type of non-composition, the popular name is put into square brackets as a uniform title of court music and folk music in the old Korean traditional music, and the composer's original title is put into square brackets as a uniform title of the new Korean traditional music, but the medium of performance and others are omitted except an identifying element. However, for the formulation of uniform title of a type of composition in an instrumental music, the descriptive form consisted of the order of 'name of one type of composition, medium of performance, serial number, opus number, key, and a descriptive word or phrase' is put into square brackets as a uniform title and the identifying elements. And in the vocal music of the old Korean traditional music, the following medium of performance is used: in vocal choruses, a type of voices; in solo voices, a type of solo voice by sex, but one of the new Korean traditional music follows the descriptive form of the western classical music.

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A Study on the Formula Approach to the Staff Size of University Libraries in Korea (대학도서관 직원수 산출 공식에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn Jung-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.61-92
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    • 1999
  • This study is to set up a formula of the staff size for university libraries in Korea. The methodology of this study applied the multiple regression analysis and the component ratio of professional staff versus nonprofessional staff. The results of this study are swrunarized as follows: (1) Number of librarians = 3.016 + 0.0l6xholdings(unit : 1000 vols) - 0.008volumesadded(unit : 100 vols) + 0.031 x graduate enrollments(unit : 10 persons) + 0.069 x undergraduate enrollments(unit : 100 persons) + 0.043 x library materials expenditure(unite: 10 million won). (2) Number of library staff = 4.638 + 0.024 x holdings(unit : 1000 vols) - 0.012 x volumes added(unit: 100 vols) + 0.017 x graduate enrollments(unit : 10 persons) + 0.106 x undergraduate enrollments(unit : 100 persons)+0.066xlibrary materials expenditure(unit : 10 million won).

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Case Studies on Planning and Learning for Large-Scale CGFs with POMDPs through Counterfire and Mechanized Infantry Scenarios (대화력전 및 기계화 보병 시나리오를 통한 대규모 가상군의 POMDP 행동계획 및 학습 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jongmin;Hong, Jungpyo;Park, Jaeyoung;Lee, Kanghoon;Kim, Kee-Eung;Moon, Il-Chul;Park, Jae-Hyun
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2017
  • Combat modeling and simulation (M&S) of large-scale computer generated forces (CGFs) enables the development of even the most sophisticated strategy of combat warfare and the efficient facilitation of a comprehensive simulation of the upcoming battle. The DEVS-POMDP framework is proposed where the DEVS framework describing the explicit behavior rules in military doctrines, and POMDP model describing the autonomous behavior of the CGFs are hierarchically combined to capture the complexity of realistic world combat modeling and simulation. However, it has previously been well documented that computing the optimal policy of a POMDP model is computationally demanding. In this paper, we show that not only can the performance of CGFs be improved by an efficient POMDP tree search algorithm but CGFs are also able to conveniently learn the behavior model of the enemy through case studies in the scenario of counterfire warfare and the scenario of a mechanized infantry brigade's offensive operations.

A Survey Research on the Circulation System for Students of College and University Libraries in Korea (한국 대학도서관 학생 관외대출제도에 관한 조사연구)

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.9
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    • pp.145-178
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    • 1982
  • This is a survey of the circulation system for students in college & university libraries in Korea. The survey used a questionnaire with 14 questions on 6 items concerning the various aspects of the circulation system in 82 libraries responded among 85 college & university libraries as of 1981. The survey results discovered many problems needing improvement. The following list describes the measures needed to better the problems found in the survey results of 82 libraries. 1. 67.1% of the libraries shows the restricted volumes loaning less than 2 volumes, and 81.7% of the libraries shows the loan periods less than a week, but it is desirable to extend them, when comparing with the size of holdings and the higher educational system at present. 2. It is desirable that the number of a staff in charge of circulation works places one person per average 75-85 books borrowed a day, when calculating an adequate number of the staff on the basis of the correlation between books borrowed a day and number of the staff. 3. 59.8% of the libraries does not have reserved book system, but it is desirable to take it for increasing reliability about the circulation services. 4. More than half of the libraries takes a method of a public announcement on a notice-board for claims of overdue books, but it is desirable to send a claim notice to the individual in viewpoint of keeping their privacies. 5. More than half of the libraries to take the open access system uses a call slip, but it is desirable not to use it in viewpoint of simplicity and economical efficiency of the charging system, because of demanding the unnecessary records. 6. Most of libraries shows many problems of the charging system, especially in factors of the records and filing system, but it is desirable to improve it on the basis of 4 basic factors of the charging system, that is, simplicity, economical efficiency, promptitude and accuracy.

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