• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보화 기기 활용

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The Study Of Using iPod, iPhone As an instrument of education (교육용 도구로서의 아이팟(iPod), 아이폰(iPhone) 활용 방안 연구)

  • Jang, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Jung-Woo
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2010
  • Making use of mobile in the education field with international providing of iPod, iPhone and the rapid growth of information oriented society suggest lots of ideas in the aspect of method of education. Using the various technology of iPod and iPhone leads to change of teaching method because iPod and iPhone supports lots of skills of teaching which is student-centered is gradually supplying to students. Furthermore, Not only the development of various mobile contents can be materialized in iPod circumstance is processing in information-communication field of Korea, but also a recognition of people about iPod and iPhone is changing positively. Along this change, it expects to using of iPod and iPhone for teaching methods in school will affect to the education effectively and promote the quality of education. So, this study was focused on the development application for using iPod and iPhone in each subjects of Society and Science according to this features of changes with expecting the educational effect accompanied by using iPod and iPhone and searched the previous examples of using mobile application.

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Relationship between Digital Informatization Capability, Digital Informatization Accessability and Life Satisfaction of Disabled People: Multigroup Analysis of Perceived Social Support Network (장애인의 디지털정보화역량, 디지털정보화활용 수준, 일상생활만족도 간 관계: 지각된 사회적 지지망 수준에 따른 다집단 분석)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.636-644
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore practical intervention strategies by identifying the relationships among digital informatization capacity, level of digital informatization accessability and life satisfaction of disabled people and to determine differences among these relationships depending on perceived level of social support networks. The participants were 1,639 disabled people from the 2017 digital information gap survey and the results, based on structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis, are as follows. First, digital informatization capacity has a positive influence on the level of digital informatization accessability(β=.65), and life satisfaction(β=.08). The level of digital informatization accessability also has positive influence on life satisfaction(β=.44). Second, the analysis result of the mediated effects of digital informatization accessability level between digital informatization capacity and life satisfaction was significant at a level (β=.29) even greater than the direct effect of digital informatization capacity on life satisfaction. Third, digital information capacity and digital informatization accessability have an influence on life satisfaction regardless of their perceived level of social support. The findings suggest that creating online environments where disabled people can enjoy leisure, culture, and social interaction with high accessibility and utility are as important as providing education for improving their digital informatization capacity.

Building River Information System using Electromagnetic River Measurement Devices (전자기파 기반의 하천계측기기를 활용한 다차원 하천정보화시스템 구축방안)

  • Kim, Dong-Su;Kang, Boo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 2011
  • Recently, various new devices have been introduced, which are capable of quickly measuring river hydrodynamic and morphologic features in the very broad riverine area. These devices are changing paradigm of understanding river characteristics in terms of data-driven aspect rather than the conventional numerical modeling approaches based on the limited field observations. This paper demonstrates the representative features and applications of the several recent riverine devices such as ADCP, LSPIV, MBES and ABL. In addition, the paper introduces an example of river information system that incorporates and relates such two- and three-dimensional hydrodynamic and morphologic data on top of geographic information system, where their spatio-temporal variations are also able to be tracked.

Designing the Excel Utilization System for Seniors (시니어를 위한 엑셀 활용 시스템 설계)

  • Sim, Hye-Jeong;Yeo, Jeong-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 2012
  • Increasing number of elderly's active participation in society, it is arisen the needs of senior information for training. Most of the senior's experiences in the digital device are low and because they do not get the information in formal education, they are vulnerable to the business office of utilizing the documents. For activities of society, it needs the excel education on enterprise document management training. According to this study, it is designed and implemented the 'Happyseniorcel' which is Excel application system for seniors. As a result of survey, it improves menu-use convenience, screen-color organization satisfaction and screen magnification efficiency compared to current excel. By using 'Happyseniorcel', it is expected to improve excel utilization and to encourage the social activities.

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A Study on Factors that Influence the Mobile Social Participation of Disabled Elderly People - with the focus on a comparison with young adults with disabilities (고령장애인의 모바일 사회참여 영향요인 연구 - 청장년장애인과의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Roh, Seung-Hyun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the factors that influence the mobile social participation of elderly disabled people compared to that of young adults with disabilities. The analysis was conducted using Heckman's two-stage model. The first stage of the research focused on the populations who have mobile devices, while the second stage focused on factors that influence mobile social participation. The results of the study are as follows: for elderly people with disabilities, mobile social participation is associated with living alone, PC usage ability, mobile usage ability, internet usage ability, and attitude towards digital use. Based on the results of this research, this study presents a plan to support the mobile social participation of elderly people with disabilities.

A Study on Teaching and Learning Strategies to Enhance Information Utilization of North Korean Defectors (북한이탈주민의 정보 활용 강화를 위한 교수학습 전략 연구)

  • Lee, Sunhee;Byun, Hoseung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2020
  • The main purpose of this study was to analyze the general informatization situation of North Korean defectors and to study the characteristics and needs of the learners in order to provide the directions of information education for them. The results of the study showed the following characteristics of the North Korean defectors: They are slow learners due to the fear of new devices, have difficulty in learning due to the unfamiliar language of information and English, and indifferent when the situation is not related to themselves. Based on these learner characteristics and needs, this study suggests the strategies of step-by-step repetition, use of North and South Korean dictionary of the information terminology, apply job-centered and communication abilities, and suggested a four-element STEP model. Raising the level of informatization of North Korean defectors will help establish a successful settlement to South Korea. This will be a valuable foundation and a stepping stone for the future unification of Korea.

The Moderation Effect of Social Support on the Relationship between the Level of Digital Information Usage and Life Satisfaction of People with Disabilities (장애인의 디지털정보화 활용 수준이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지의 조절효과 분석)

  • Moon, Young-Im;Lee, Seong-Gyu;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.36-53
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    • 2021
  • Recently, Korean society has emphasized the level of digital information usage in each individual's life due to the advent of the intelligent information society and the great digital transformation. The purpose of this study is to examine how the level of digital information usage of people with disabilities affects their satisfaction with life and whether social support moderates the relationship between the level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. This study analyzed the data of 2,200 people with disabilities taken from the 2020 Survey on the Digital Divide conducted by the National Information Society Agency. The results of the analysis suggest that people with disabilities have a higher degree of satisfaction when they are employed and have a higher than average monthly income and higher levels of digital information usage and social support. In addition, the results show that social support played a negative moderator role between the level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. This shows that life satisfaction can increase when the disabled frequently use digital devices and technologies in their daily lives without relying on social support, and suggested the need for intervention in policies and practice sites.

The Effect of Information Conditions on Mental Health among Elderly (노인의 정보기기 접근 수준이 정신건강 영역에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2013
  • The major aim of this research is to examine the effect of computer and internet literacy and cellular phone possession on depression and suicidal ideation among elderly. This study used data of 2011 national survey results on the elderly life conditions. To determine the effectiveness of computer and internet literacy and cellular phone possession, a total of 6,774 respondents over 60 years of age was selected. The SPSS package was used to analyze the data. Multiple linear regression and logit analysis was run to verify influence of information conditions(computer and internet literacy and cellular phone possession) on depression and suicidal ideation. The results are as follows. First, the elder who is male, younger, has higher education and economic level and lives with spouce is in good information conditions. On the contrary to this, the elder who is female, older, low level of education and economic, single and lives with grandchildren is in information minority group. They have high level of depression and rate of suicidal ideation. Second, computer and internet literacy and cellular phone possession associate with level of depression significantly. Third, computer and internet literacy do not associate with suicidal ideation significantly. The results of this study provide significant source to plan informatization policy and welfare services for socially isolated older people.

A Study on the Computer Use Policy for the Digital Divide of Marriage Immigrants (결혼이민자들의 정보격차 해소를 위한 컴퓨터 활용 정책방안 연구)

  • Bang, Sung A
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2019.01a
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    • pp.181-184
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 결혼이민자들의 성공적인 정착을 위해서는 그 수단 중의 하나로서 정보격차 수준의 완화를 통하여 정보불평등에 따른 사회불평등을 해소시켜 주기 위한 정보화교육 활성화의 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 결혼이민자의 정보격차해소를 위한 정책적 시사점은 첫째, 결혼이민자를 위한 공공기관과 그들이 자주 이용하는 기관의 정보화 교육프로그램의 다양화에 따른 정보 접근권의 확대, 둘째, 인터넷을 통한 사회참여 활동 기회제공을 위한 시스템 구축마련, 셋째, 디지털기기를 이용한 이체, 송금, 계좌조회, 공인인증서, 세금납부, 각종 민원서류발급, 공과금, 고지서 확인, 각종 복지 및 보조금 신청, 공공서비스 관련 정보검색 등의 업무 능력 향상을 위한 '찾아가는 맞춤형 서비스 프로그램' 확대, 넷째, 인터넷 비이용자들을 위한 교재개발과 체계적인 커리큘럼 개발을 위한 교육기관 지원정책 확대, 다섯째, 결혼이민자를 위한 컴퓨터 자격증반의 운영을 활성화를 통한 취업 및 창업의 기반을 지원해주어야 함을 제시하였다.

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Airtouch technology smart fusion DID system design (Airtouch 기술을 활용한 스마트융합 DID 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Gwang-Yong;Hwang, Bu-Hyun
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 2013
  • Airtouch technology to integrate the system in the way of information delivery devices, touch screen DID this study is to develop new ways of information delivery systems. Airtouch technology to design and implement a system that can be utilized to view the college campus announcements, education, information, and employment information, and store the remote operation and sharing content, the development of cloud services to sync content via smart technology implementation fusion DID systemto develop. Packs USB interface kinek because you may be used in connection with the information appliances, and low-cost product by leveraging the Kinect sensor, Airtouch technology implementation. Types of input devices paper Airtouch technology systems, the user's hand gestures alone can interact with information appliances, smart fusion system developed by DID by tracking the user's hand movements to manipulate the mouse pointer, and information through the user's hand gestures to command the unit so that you can make. Airtouch technology smart fusion DID system technology utilizing a ripple effect on other industries, such as the online education industry, advertising, information industry increases. Also, replace the existing interface device with the versatility of a wide range of technologies, usability is an infinite expansion.