• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적극적 상호작용

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Interactive Storytelling Materialized with Real-Time Edited Videos - A proposal of a volume branch structure - (실시간 편집 영상으로 구현하는 인터랙티브 스토리텔링 - 볼륨 브렌치 구조 제안 -)

  • Kwon, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.391-402
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    • 2020
  • In today's era of media convergence, users can watch a drama by choosing a story like a game or enjoy a game directed like a movie. These two media material interactive storytelling, and there have been discussions about them for many years. The purposes of this study are to propose a new branch structure for interactive storytelling and find a new perspective for the method of proceeding with a branch structure. The main research targeted a game that materialized interactive storytelling best. Based on the findings, the study proposed a volume branch structure including a plot border and adjuster concept for interactive storytelling to keep the story narrative and help the users feel interactions freely. This structure can be materialized only with real-time edited videos in the game media and will be possible in the application cases of a physical engine that continues to develop and artificial intelligence that has not been introduced in games actively.

Continuation and change of Taiwan's New Southbound Policy in the De-Sinicization: The dynamics of Balancing and Bandwagoning (탈중국을 위한 대만 남향정책의 지속과 변화: 균형과 편승의 동학)

  • Kim, Sunjae;Kim, Suhan
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.69-114
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes Taiwan's 「New Southbound Policy」 from the perspective of 'balancing' and 'bandwagoning' in international politics. Specifically, it examines the changes and characteristics of 'Southbound policies' that have continued since the period of the Lee Teng-hui(李登輝) administration, and examines the meaning of the New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) administration. Taiwan's foreign policy has been strongly influenced by external variables such as U.S.-China relations. Previous Taiwanese governments have actively promoted Southbound policies to advance to Southeast Asian countries such as ASEAN with the aim of 'De-Sinicization', but have not achieved much results. This is because variables such as cooperative U.S.-China relations and strong checks from China played a role at the time. In this environment, Taiwan had to pursue an appropriate 'balancing' between the United States, China, and Southeast Asian countries. However, since the inauguration of the Trump administration, strategic competition between the U.S. and China has been maximized, creating a new space for Taiwan's foreign policy. This is because the U.S. valued cooperation with Taiwan in the process of embodying the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy' to curb China's rise. The New Southbound Policy promoted by the Tsai Ing-won administration is different from the existing Southbound policies in that it seeks to link with the U.S. India-Pacific Strategy and attempts to advance to South Asian countries such as India. From an international political point of view, the Tsai Ing-won administration's New Southbound Policy can be interpreted as a 'bandwagoning' to the United States, not a balanced strategy between the U.S. and China. Strategic competition between the U.S. and China is expected to intensify for a considerable period of time in the future, and honeymoon between Taiwan and the U.S. are also expected to continue. Taiwan's bandwagoning strategy, which actively pursues a link between the New Southbound Policy and the India-Pacific Strategy, is also expected to be maintained.

A Study of Creative Teaching Method for Improvement of the Computer Literacy and the Learning Attitude (컴퓨터 활용 능력 및 학습 태도 향상을 위한 창의적 교수법 연구)

  • Kim Jong-Hoon;Kim Jong-Jin;Ko Jeong-Lim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2006
  • Since learner-centered, participatory, real-situation education is stressed today, we need a new creative method for teaching computers to elementary school students. Nevertheless, there is scant research in this area. Therefore, in my study, I have analyzed the state of the methods of teaching computer literacy in the elementary schools. My aim is to develop a method of computer teaching in the real situation of elementary schools which will greatly improve the learning process. Creative teaching method gives students the initiation. And lead for then to join the activities for using the student's reciprocity. It is the students centered method. As a result of this study offering the educational teaching method of the creative teaching method for the improvement of computer literacy and learning attitude in the school society which has no knowledge brings the practical effects of computer attainments. Some limitation of the subject and theme of this investigation. Then requires the continual study for the of development creative teaching method with the extension experimental groups and educational subjects.

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A Study of Kuwoonmong Writing and Enjoyment in the Aspects of Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行) Imagination (음양오행적 상상력에 기반한 <구운몽>의 창작과 향유 방식 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-jin
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.153-193
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the creation and enjoyment of Kuwoonmong (九雲夢) using a reference system called the cultural imagination, which is related to the Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行). When Kim Manjung wrote Guwoonmong, he may have composed figures and events based on this imagination. In particular, when he designed the eight seonnyeo (팔선녀), he set the order such as Gap (甲), Eul (乙), Byeong (병), Jeong (丁), etc. and characterized them according to the celestial stem (天干). Thus it was easy to avoid overlapping of characters and to construct various stories and relationships between them. The table below shows the characters of Kuwoonmong corresponding to the celestial stem. In not only the individual person but also the narrative world, Kuwoonmon demonstrates Yin-Yang and Wu Xing's imagination. In this respect, Kuwoonmon can be considered a large symbol encompassing the abstract theory of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing. Of course, the writer, Kim, Manjung would not have tried to symbolize the principle intentionally. However, he was also present in the environment of the cultural imagination that has been formed over the years. The same is true for the contemporary recipients of Guwunmong. They would have had a pleasant experience applying the cultural imagination and strengthening their familiar world view and human view.

Comparison of the Rearers of Creative Achievers in the East and the West (창조적 성취자를 키운 동서양 양육자의 특성 비교)

  • Moon, Yeon-Hee;Han, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.395-426
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to delve into parents who turned their children into creative achievers in the East and the West in an attempt to determine the cultural generality and specificity of the rearing of gifted children. The subjects in this study were Western parents, who brought up Marie Curie, Einstein, Edison and Newton, and Eastern parents, who raised Lee Hwang, Lee lee, Jeong Yak-yong and Heo Nanseolheon. To compare their parenting characteristics, common denominators and differences, a variety of data were investigated, including historical records about the parents, biographies, critical biographies, autobiographies and letters. As to the common features of the parenting style of the eight Asian and Western parents, they were talented themselves or capable of educating their children in their talent areas, and provided them with optimal learning environments or chances without pushing them. They accentuated independent spirits and emphasized renovative and open way of thinking. And at least one parent in each family showed absolute support for their child. Regarding differences in parenting style between the East and the West, the Western parents urged their children to develop their talents with more intention, rather the Asian parents prized the well-rounded personality and growth of their children. The former interacted with their children in an horizontal manner, but the latter had a vertical relationship with their children. The former expressed their feelings in an active way, but the latter had their emotion in control. Besides, the Western parents disclosed themselves to their children by showing them even their mistakes or improper behaviors, whereas the Asian parents strived in everyday life to give their children a good example or a good role model.

Phenomenological Study on Relationships of People with Acquired Disability with the Opposite Gender (후천적 장애인이 이성과의 관계 맺기에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Park, Hun-Kyung;Moon, Jung-In;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2011
  • Objective : The purpose of this research was to understand the emotions of disabled in starting relationships with the opposite gender and disclosing experienced events related to starting relationships with the opposite gender. Methods : In order to gain an understanding of experience, emotions and process of people with acquired disability, phenomenological study, a form of qualitative research was used. Data on subjects was collected through in-depth interviews, on-the-scene recording and technical observation diary, etc and were analyzed through Colaizzi's phenomenological study method. Results : Subjects who had acquired disabilities experienced changes in physical, psychological, social aspects and especially in the course of relationships with the opposite gender. Data from in-depth interviews of 8 subjects were analyzed 6 types of subject themes were derived. 1) Diagnosis of varying psychological reactions. 2) Various psychological reactions of parents and the other gender. 3) Through aggressive support rehabilitation volition will change. 4) After you have a disability as a lack of social skills. 5) Changes in confidence through rehabilitation. 6) the other gender for the different ideas. Conclusion : This research is valuable in presenting important data in understanding problems and emotions of relationships of people with acquired disabilities with opposite gender. Starting relationships with the opposite gender has more meaning than any other interacting activities in society. Conflicts exist in starting relationships and support programs for various specialists are indispensable.

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품질경쟁력 평가모형에서 제품 디자인의 인과관계와 디자인 경영에 관한 실증적 분석 : 한국 제조업 부문을 중심으로

  • 임채숙;임양택
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.170-213
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    • 2004
  • 생산자 중심에서 소비자 중심으로의 경영 패러다임이 변화함에 따라, 이제 디자인 경영(design management)의 시대가 도래하였다 즉, 제반 기능의 활동이 독립적이고 순차적으로 이루어지는 기존 경영방식(즉, 제품 개발 $\rightarrow$ 제품 디자인 $\rightarrow$ 제조 $\rightarrow$ 마케팅 $\rightarrow$ 판매)과는 달리, 디자인 경영은 디자인을 중심으로 제반 기능간의 통합과 조정을 이룬다. 이 결과, 디자인 경영은 조직간의 커뮤니케이션을 활성화시키며 소비자의 추상적인 욕구가 구체적으로 상품에 표현되도록 노력한다. 이렇게 함으로써, 디자인 경영은 기업 이미지 창조의 역할을 적극적으로 수행하는 것이다. 이와 같은 소비자 중심의 경영은 과거 제품의 판매(sales)지향적이던 기업 활동을 소비자와의 관계(relationship)지향적으로 변화시키고 있다. 본 연구의 분석 목적은 제품 디자인을 품질경쟁력의 결정요인으로서 포함시켜 품질경쟁력의 평가모형을 개발하고 품질경쟁력의 결정요인 및 상관관계와 품질함수를 추정함으로써 제품 디자인 및 디자인 경영의 기능적 역할을 규명하고 디자인 경쟁력 수준을 평가 및 측정할 수 있는 모형을 정립함과 동시에 이를 제고할 수 있는 정책방향을 제시하는 것이다. 이로써, 본 연구는 신상품의 개발과정에서 어떻게 제품 디자인이 연구개발, 제조, 마아케팅, 판매 등의 제반 기능들과 상호 작용하며 이들 기능들의 통합과 조정을 추구할 수 있는가를 보여주는 디자인 경영의 이론적 기초를 제공하고자 함이다. 상기와 같은 연구목적과 분석목표를 위하여, 한국 제조업 부문의 400개 표본기업에 대하여 소정의 설문조사를 통하여 추출된 측정변수들을 기초로 품질경쟁력의 결정요인을 분석하고 품질경쟁력 지수를 도출하여 산업부문별 및 제품유형별로 비교하였으며, 품질함수를 추정하였다. 전술한 분석결과를 토대로, 디자인 경영이론의 기초를 제공하기 위한 시도로서 제품 디자인의 파급효과와 인과관계에 대한 가설검정을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. (1) 품질경쟁력의 결정요인으로서 주요 제품들의 기능성, 기본 성능, 제품성과의 기술적 성취도, 제품 수명(내구성), 신뢰성, 핵심 기술력, 사용 편의성, 서비스 편의성, 생산 용이성, 제품 디자인의 우수한 정도가 a=0.01 수준 하에서 유의적으로 추정되었다. 이들 변수들 중에서 품질경쟁력에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 측정변수는 제품의 기본 성능, 수명(내구성), 신뢰성, 제품 디자인의 순서로 추정되었다. 이것은 한국 제조업이 아직 산업 디자인이 품질경쟁력에 크게 영향을 미치는 성숙단계에 이르지 못하였음을 의미한다. (2) 제품 디자인에게 영향을 끼치는 유의적인 변수는 연구개발력, 연구개발투자 수준, 혁신활동 수준(5S, TPM, 6Sigma 운동, QC 등)이며, 제품 디자인은 우선 품질경쟁력을 높여 간접적으로 고객만족과 고객 충성을 유발하는 것으로 추정되었다. 상기의 분석결과로부터, 본 연구는 다음과 같은 정책적 함의를 도출하였다. 첫째, 신상품 개발과 혁신을 위한 포괄적인 연구개발 프로젝트를 품질 경쟁력의 주요 결정요인(제품의 기본성능, 신뢰성, 수명(내구성) 및 제품 디자인)과 연계하여 추진해야 할 것이다. 둘째, 기업은 디자인 경영 마인드 제고와 디자인 전문인력 양성을, 대학은 디자인 현장 업무를 통하여 창의력 증진과 기획 및 마케팅 능력 교육을, 정부는 디자인 기술개발 및 디자인 교육지원의 강화를 통하여 각각 디자인 경쟁력$\rightarrow$품질경쟁력을 제고시켜야 할 것이다.

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The Significance of Traditional Storytelling in the sense of Performance Theory (연행론의 관점에서 본 전통 스토리텔링)

  • Kim, Kyung-Seop;Kim, Jeong-Lae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2018
  • Storytelling is a compound of two words, 'story' and 'telling'. While the static aspect of 'story' has been emphasized, the dynamic and specific aspect of telling has been ignored. So, in the argument of 'storytelling', it is necessary to break from talking about 'story' and discuss the matter in terms of 'telling' and 'interaction'. In order to accept this need, the term 'Traditional Storytelling' is coined to engage 'oral-storytelling situation' more actively. When 'storytelling' is expressed by a storyteller, it can be referred to 'traditional storytelling', called 'oral performance'. In fact, the storytelling, which has a long history, originated from oral storytelling such as 'oral narration'. It is natural that our current storytelling isn't the same storytelling of an oral period, but the traditional storytelling casts a few crucial viewpoints to us these days when 'telling' has a significant meaning. In the first place, it is 'reflexivity' that we should note in the form of traditional 'storytelling'. It is a kind of self-reference which means reflecting and looking back at oneself in the form of narration. Through this reflexivity, the storytelling is affected by the site of telling and an aspect of one-off thing very frequently. Another point we need to note is a frame. Through this frame, the traditional storytelling come to hold time and space of narration.

A Study on the Method of Christian Youth Education for the Improvement of Relationship (관계성 향상을 위한 기독 청년교육 방안 연구)

  • Park, Eunhye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.121-154
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    • 2022
  • This study is to summarize the relationship between youth in terms of developmental psychology, university education, faith, and spirituality in order to form and improve relationships, which are major developmental tasks of youth, and to suggest Christian youth education by the elements of education. Relationships are formed when you are connected to another person and community, feel interested in each other, feel a sense of bond and belonging, and maintain a stable and satisfactory relationship. This is not skill or technology, but is related to life attitude and value, and continuous learning and training are required. Various developmental tasks in youth have something in common with relationships. Relationships positively affect the lives of young people, such as satisfaction with college life in the early stages of youth, adaptation to college life, personality, and career decision. Relationships are also very important in faith because human existence and faith are defined and formed through relationships. The relationship between the community and others plays an important role in spiritual development for the meaning of life and inner growth. In the aspects of learners and educational environment, it was suggested to understand learners with desire for relationships, the generation they live in, and the educational environment in which the relationship between young people occurs. In terms of teachers, teachers have to try to change their roles such as facilitators, guides, managers, and mentors. For the educational purpose and content, it was suggested that relationships should be the ultimate purpose and the educational content for this was presented in three different types of relationships and each main contents to be dealt with. In terms of educational method, it was proposed to select a learner-centered group learning method that induces communication and active participation of learners to cause interaction by considering other elements of education according to the content of the relationship in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. In the aspects of educational results and evaluation, it was proposed to confirm that what was considered during the educational planning stage was effectively carried out in actual education, to evaluate various evaluation methods, various aspects, and to summarize the evaluation results for the specific application.

A Study on the Directorial Approaches of by Juan Mayorga (후안 마요르가 작 <하멜린> 연출적 접근방법 연구)

  • Lee, Seo-A;Cho, Joon-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.161-180
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to define Juan Mayorga's play Hamelin as a Post-Epic Theatre and to study the practical directing technique for Hamelin as a Post-Epic Theatre. Post-Epic Theatre, which appeared after the Post-drama, has the purpose of presenting social issues, communicating interactively between the actors and the audience, and making the audience think about the issues presented by the techniques of immersion and alienation. To this end, after examining the theoretical background of the Post-Epic Theatre, the characteristics of the Post-Epic Theatre of Hamelin were identified and based on these features, '1. Building a visual image based on a Cubistic multifocal concept' and '2. The concept of directing was derived from reinforcing Meta-drama through role-playing'. Next, the actual directing technique was discussed, focusing on the chain action of immersion and alienation that occurs in the form of communication between actors and audiences. '1. Presenting the characteristics of the work through Post-Epic Theatre scenography', '2. Co-existence of actors and characters', '3. Building and utilizing body-centered gestus' are them. As a result, demanding an active attitude from the audience, various experiences such as critical thinking of the audience, strengthening the characteristics of post-epic dramas, and active meaning creation were made possible.