• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적극적 상호작용

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A Study on the Design and Development of Interactive Non-Face-to-Face Real-Time Classes using EduTech : A Case Study of Christian Education Class (에듀테크를 활용한 상호작용적 비대면 실시간 수업 설계 및 개발 연구 : 기독교교육과 수업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Sunwoo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.343-382
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    • 2021
  • This study is a case study in which the interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech were applied to the Department of Christian Education. The subjects were 20 students from the Christian education department of A University located in the metropolitan area. The course was 'Instructional Methods and Educational Technology' in the first semester of 2020. In theory, I studied non-face-to-face classes and interaction, and edutech and interaction. Afterward, it designed and developed interactive non-face-to-face classes using edutech. The interactive non-face-to-face classes using edutech were developed as a process of applying Flipped-PBL based interactive edutech. In addition, Edutech was selected for active interaction according to the Flipped-PBL process to be carried out in a non-face-to-face situation. In particular, in the process of developing the problem of PBL, it was built around the situation of the church. As a result of applying the class, first, learners showed high satisfaction and interest in the class. Second, positive transference appeared in the space of learning and the space of living. Third, interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech have generated active interaction. In particular, interactive edutech and learning methods have become the main factors enabling active interaction. Through this, learners have improved learning efficiency, immersion, and satisfaction. Also, as an alternative to face-to-face classes, I was able to experience online classes. In other words, the satisfaction and interest of learning, and the transference of learning space, were also possible through active interactions generated through learning methods using interactive Edutech used in class. Furthermore, disabilities in the online communication(Internet) environment and learners' unfamiliarity with the online environment have been found as factors that hinder learning satisfaction and interaction. During learning, obstacles to the online communication environment hinder the utilization of interactive Edutech, preventing active interactions from occurring. This results in diminishing satisfaction and interest in learning. Therefore, we find that designing interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech requires sufficient learner learning and checking of the online communication(Internet) environment in advance for Edutech and learning methods. In response, this study confirmed the possibility by applying interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech to Christian education classes as an alternative method of education that allows active interaction and consistent transference of learning and life. Although it is a case study with limited duration and limitations of the number of people, I would like to present the possibility as an alternative Christian education method of an era where the direction of online classes should be presented as an alternative to a face-to-face class.

Experimental Study on Interaction Inducement to Trigger Active User Engagement in Situated Public Display Environments (공공 디스플레이 환경에서 사용자의 적극적 상호작용을 촉발하는 인터랙션 유도에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Joong Ho Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.765-770
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    • 2024
  • Successful deployment of a situated public display relies on its ability to engage many users steadily and for a considerable length of time. Despite an abundance of valuable findings from previous studies, questions remain as to the keys to such success. In this work, to evaluate its ability to actively entice users to participate in an interactive public display, we compared 3 types of touch-based interaction modes on a multi-touch based public display, the Wall of Quiz, each mode providing, respectively, (1) a funny video clip, (2) a quiz game, (3) a quiz with an encouraging message for 10 consecutive correct answers. We videotaped user behavior in the wild, having developed the Mensecond as an evaluation index, and found that mode (3) resulted in a significantly higher Mensecond rate. This result implies that the provision of motivation leads to in-depth engagement in display content, which may in turn result in successful delivery of such information as ads, notices, campaigns, and so on.

Are polite agents always good? : Effects of closeness and politeness strategies in user-agent relationship (공손한 에이전트는 언제나 좋은가? : 사용자와 에이전트의 관계에서 친밀성과 공손전략의 효과)

  • Park, Joo-Yeon;Park, Ju-Hak
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02b
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    • pp.612-619
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    • 2007
  • 컴퓨터의 공손성은 사용자에게 심리적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구는 사용자와 에이전트의 상호작용에서 에이전트의 언어적 메시지에 사용된 공손전략과 에이전트에 대한 지각된 친밀성이 이 에이전트 평가, 사용자 경험, 메시지의 지각된 공손성에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보았다. 실험은 2(지각된 친밀성)${\times}2$ (적극적 공손 전략)${\times}2$ (소극적 공손 전략) 완전요인 설계로 실시되었다. 실험 결과, 사용자들은 에이전트가 적극적, 소극적 체면을 존중해 주는 공손 전략을 사용하였을 경우 에이전트를 보다 긍정적으로 평가하고 상호작용을 긍정적으로 경험하였으며, 메시지가 공손하다고 지각하였다. 또한 이러한 효과는 에이전트에 대한 지각된 친밀성 정도에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 친밀한 에이전트와 상호작용하였을 경우 적극적 체면을 위협하는 메시지의 부정적 효과가 완화되었으며 소극적 체면을 존중하는 간접적인 화법의 메시지보다 직접적으로 요구를 전달하는 소극적 체면을 위협하는 메시지가 긍정적으로 평가되었다. 이 결과는 에이전트 메시지에 공손전략을 부여하는 것이 에이전트에 대한 호의적 평가와 긍정적 사용자 경험을 이끌어낼 수 있음을 보여주는 것과 동시에 사용자와 에이전트의 관계 발달 정도에 따라 에이전트 메시지에 사용된 공손 전략의 설계가 변화해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.

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A Study about the analysis of Interactive art in the Oriental philosophy (동양철학적 관점에서 바라본 인터렉티브 아트의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Young;Yu, Hui-Beom;Kim, Seon-Ju;Kim, You-Suk;Sung, Jung-Hwan
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.121-125
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    • 2008
  • Media art is developing the art of 'interaction' that get meaning through communicating an audience. Now, media art got the title named interactive media art, but its concept is not clear In this study we divided into two classes - passive and active interactive art. Passive interactive art had the interaction 'participation of communication' and had flat and limited features. Active interactive art meant that an audience played with works actively and found significances between artworks and themselves. Through analysis of case study, we verified a propriety about own interactive art's division. Especially, the active interactive art was very important. The western classical metaphysics seemed to be not perfect in analysis of active interactive art. We tried to analyze active interactive art more perfectly by using the oriental philosophy.

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Verbal Interactions in Heterogeneous Small-group Cooperative Learning (이질적으로 구성된 소집단 협동학습에서의 언어적 상호작용)

  • Lim, Hee-Jun;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.668-676
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    • 2001
  • In order to comprehend the internal processes of heterogeneous small-group cooperative learning in science class, this study investigated verbal interaction patterns by the achievement level. Frequency of verbal behaviors was compared in respect of the achievement level, and participation patterns and characteristics were investigated. Verbal interaction patterns by the achievement level were also analyzed based on students' perceptions of interactions. It was found that there were no significant frequency differences between high- and medium-achieving students' verbal behaviors. The verbal interaction patterns showed co-construction processes between high- and medium-achieving students, which was consistent with the students' perceptions of interactions. These suggested that medium-achieving students actively participated in small-group interactions in science class.

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프로젝트 관리 프로세스

  • 박순규
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    • s.325
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    • pp.36-39
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    • 2004
  • 프로젝트 관리는 통합적인 노력으로 수행되어 어떤 분야에 대한 특정의 조치 또는 불이행은 다른 분야에 영향을 미치게 된다. 즉 프로젝트 범위의 변경은 거의 대부분 프로젝트의 원가에 영향을 미치게 되지만 팀 사기나 품질에는 영향을 미칠 수도 있고, 그렇지 않을 수도 있다. 이와 같은 상호작용은 종종 프로젝트 목표들 간의 다음 그림과 같이 상호절충(Trade-Off)을 필요로 하여, 특정 분야의 성과가 다른 분야의 성과를 희생해야만 향상될 수 있는 경우도 생길 수 있기 때문이다. 한 프로젝트의 성공적인 관리는 이와 같은 상호작용의 적극적인 관리를 필요로 한다.

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A Study on Learning Support based on the analysis of learning process in the college of Engineering (공과대학생들의 학습 과정 분석에 기초한 학습지원 방안 연구 : 수도권 S대 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Young Mee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest some direction to support learning of students in college of engineering. It results from the assumption that engineering education accreditation should come with assessment of the educational process. To analyze the learning process, this study analyzed 5 categories - involvement in and out of instruction, faculty-student interaction, teaching-learning outcomes, and the system of student support. The Research method was questionnaire, and T-test and hierarchical linear model were used. The major findings are as follows. Major-level of satisfaction in teaching-learning and optional-level of satisfaction in teaching-learning are good. But the degree of self-directed learning activities and student-faculty interaction is low, and writing attitude and learning outcomes are not good. Student-faculty interaction, high-order thinking activities and active involvement have a good influence on learning outcomes. So this study suggests to enhance active involvement in instruction, high-order thinking activities, writing skills, and interaction with faculty for the improvement of quality of higher education.

An Analysis of Interaction Types in Home Economics Pre-service Teacher's Instruction Using Advanced Flanders Verbal Interaction Analysis Method (Flanders의 언어 상호작용 분석법을 활용한 가정과 예비교사의 수업 분석)

  • Yang, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the home economics pre-service teachers' verbal interactions during their teaching practicum. For this purpose, the class interactions of four pre-service teachers were recorded, and the data were analyzed using advanced Flanders' verbal interaction analysis. The major findings are as follows: First, the item with the highest proportion of occurrences consisted of the pre-service teachers' 'lectures', 'nonverbal conditions' and 'asks questions'. 'forms a positive learning atmosphere' and 'praises or encourages' exhibited fewer occurrences, and there was little 'giving direction', 'criticizing students or justifying authority'. Second, the instances of class interactions appeared in the form of 'asks questions-student talk response' or 'lecture-asks questions', and in the last class were 'ask questions-student talk initiation' and 'accepts or uses ideas of students'. Third, trends of verbal interactions tend to be generally indirect, and students' remarks have appeared acceptable and compassionate. Fourth, according to expert analysis, 'class management questions' and 'diffusion questions' have increased. Pre-service teachers can guide students through their learning activities, and students can expand their thinking through the teachers' questions. As these results demonstrate, self-study analyses of pre-service teachers and active support in field are needed.

The Effect of Social Media Influencer's Parpasocial Interaction and Relationship on Users's Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention (소셜미디어 인플루언서의 준사회적 상호작용과 관계가 이용자의 브랜드 태도와 구매 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eunsun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.270-281
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    • 2021
  • The emergence of social media and technical development of smart phone allows media users to produce, share and spread a variety of contents, which results in a big change in their media usage pattern. Among those changes, the most prominent one is Youtube's powerful growth. Creators' enthusiastic content productions and users' active sharing actions are caused of the growth. Recently, creators give a powerful effect on users as social media influencer, and the practice of influencer marketing has been focused. This current study is examined the effects of parasocial interaction and relationship on brand attitude and purchase intention. Specially, parasical interaction is divided into identification, interest, and experience parasocial interaction, and the divisions of relationship are trustworthy, friendship, understanding, and commitment. As a result, interest and trustworthy are significant predictors of brand attitude. Also, experience parasocial interaction is negative and friendship is positive predictors of purchase intention. Theoretical and practical implication are discussed.

Development of the Webcasting System based on Real-time Interaction (실시간 상호작용 환경을 제공하는 인터넷 방송 시스템 개발)

  • Huh, Min;Jung, Bok-Moon;Kim, Yung-Sik
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02b
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    • pp.504-511
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    • 2007
  • Webcasting which is the integration of broadcasting and communications, is a prominent service which has changed to involve bi-directional interactions between a user and a system from uni-directional communication. However almost webcasting are operating by uni-direction between living and recording currently so learners have to hear and watch a contents without their suggestion. Therefore learners can not get interaction and feedback that it may be obtain on face to face class, instructor can not ensure concentration and location of student in webcasting. This paper presents a design and development of the webcasting system based on real-time interaction which provides an environment of real-time communication between casting and learner, a fixing of students' location in order to raise a fidelity and a concentration.

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