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Optimization of Conditions for Conidial Production in Bipolaris oryzae Isolated from Rice (벼 깨씨무늬병 Bipolaris oryzae의 포자 형성 방법 개선)

  • Seol-Hwa Jang;Seyeon Kim;Shinhwa Kim;Hyunjung Chung;Sook-Young Park
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2024
  • Conidial production is a critical factor in testing pathogenicity and studying the physiology and ecology of fungal pathogens. Therefore, selecting an appropriate condition and medium for consistent conidia production is essential. In this study, we investigated light conditions and suitable medium conditions using the slide culture method to establish optimal conditions for continuous spore acquisition of Bipolaris oryzae. Primarily, we observed conidial production using two B. oryzae isolates, CM23-042 and 23CM10, under two different light conditions: (1) consistent near-ultraviolet (NUV) with fluorescent light, and (2) a 12-hr shift of the NUV-dark cycle. Secondly, we examined conidial formation under seven different media on potato dextrose agar (PDA), V8-Juice agar, minimal medium (MM), sucrose-proline agar (SPA), rabbit food agar (RFA), rice bran agar (RBA), and rice leaf agar (RLA). Under consistent NUV light with fluorescent conditions, conidia were induced in both isolates, whereas conidia were not produced under other conditions after 7 days post-inoculation (dpi). Moreover, B. oryzae isolate CM23-042 produced the highest number of conidia in MM, while isolate 23CM10 yielded the highest number of conidia in PDA after 7 dpi. In summary, our data demonstrated that the consistent NUV light with fluorescent conditions were most conducive for conidia induction in B. oryzae. The selection of a medium for conidiation may vary depending on the B. oryzae isolates, but using MM and PDA or SPA and RFA medium could be effective for spore induction. These findings will contribute to improving conidiation according to the characteristics of collected isolates of B. oryzae.


  • Oh, Kasil
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 1974
  • 간호를 장래의 전문직으로 택하려고 공부하는 간호학생들은 완전한 성인으로서의 발달 과정중 후기 성년기에 속한다. 이시기는 자아를 발견하고 인간이 무엇을 믿으며 인간의 가치가 무엇인가를 추구하는 중요한 시기이다. 다시 말해서 어른과 어린이의 과도기에 서서 자신의 이상적 가치와 기성사회의 기존 가치를 잘 융화시켜 독립된 인간으로서 성숙하려는 노력의 시기이다. 그러므로 성년기의 갈등은 인생의 어느 시기보다도 그 정도가 심하게 나타난다. 간호학생들은 이상의 일반적인 성년기 발달의 요구 외에도 간호대학이라는 특수한 배움의 여건 때문에 좀 더 심각한 문제에 대두된다. 특히 소아과 간호대학이라는 실습환경은 여러 가지 복잡한 병실 사정으로 많은 긴장감을 주는 학습경험이다. 어린이의 간호에는 그들의 발달과정에 따른 다양한 역활이 요구된다. 또한 병원이라는 낯선 환경과 어머니를 떨어져야하는 두려움으로 불안한 어린이와 그 어린이의 불안과 두려움으로 인해 우울과 죄의식에 있는 어머니의 간호는 여러 면에서 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 일으키게 하는 요인이 된다. 본 연구의 문헌조사는 주로 미국 문헌에 나타난 간호 대학생들의 성년기 성숙을 위한 발달의 요구와, 소아병실의 복잡한 여건으로 발생되는 긴장감을 다루고 있다. 문헌을 기초로 하여 저자는 긴장감을 주는 간호활동을 크게 다섯 부군으로 묶었다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호, 2. 어린이 환자나 부모와의 원만한 대화와 상호관계를 위한 간호활동 3. 소아병실에서 요구되는 다양한 간호원의 역활 4. 어린이나 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심 5. 간호의 가치나 이상적 간호. 연구방법으로는 49개의 폐쇄식 질문 항목을 가진 질문지를 사용하였다. 질문 항목들은 문헌연구에서 소아과 간호학 실습시 학생들이 긴장감을 느낀다고 밝혀진 내용들이 다. 학생들은 자신의 경험을 "긴장감이 없었다. ""긴장감이 있었다. ""심한 긴장감이 있었다. ""실습 중 경험이 없었다. "의 사항 중 택일을 하게 되어 있다. 연구대상으로는 모 대학교 간호대학 학생으로 산부인과 간호학 실습을 마친 후 소아과 간호학 실습 8주를 완료한 4학년 학생 42명이었다. 자료분석의 결과는 대부분의 학생들에게 소아과 간호학 실습은 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다고 나타났다. 다음은 연구결과 주목할만한 몇 가지 사항들이다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호는 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 주는 실습 경험이었다. 특별히 심하게 긴장감을 주었던 간호활동은 어린이환자의 상태가 중한 경우로, 장기간 앓는 아이, 선천성 기형이 있는 아이, 회복이 불가능하여 죽게될 아이나 사망하는 경우의 어린이 간호였다. 이 결과는 간호학의 기본과정 즉, 기초간호학이나 내 외과 간호학 실습만으로 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 충분한 준비가 되지 못한다는 것을 뜻 할 수도 있다. 한편, 문헌연구에서 밝힌바와 같이 어리고 연약해 보이는 어린이들의 신체조건이 학생들의 간호활동을 어렵게 하는 경우도 될 수 있겠다. 2. 간호학생들의 어린이 환자와의 대화나 원만한 인간관계에서의 긴장감은 이 연구결과로 평가나 제언이 힘들다. 조사결과에서 학생들은 주로 어린이의 상태가 좋지 않은 경우에 심한 긴장감을 가졌고 일반적인 간호의 경우에는 별로 긴장감이 없었다. 이것은 질병의 상태나 화제, 이야기 할 때의 상황에 따라 긴장감의 여부가 달라질 수 있다는 결론이 되겠다. 3. 소아병실에서의 다양한 역활을 수행하는 것은 비교적 긴장감이 많이 생기는 간호활동으로 나타났다. 그러나 재미있는 사실은 학생들이 간호원으로서의 전문가적인 입장에서, 환자나 보호자를 가르칠때는 별로 문제가 없었으나 어린이 기르는 방법이나 어린이 이해면에서 좀 더 잘 안다고 생각되는 어머니가 지켜 볼때의 어린이 간호에는 긴장감을 가진다는 사실이다. 이것은 Jewett의 연구에서 밝힌바와는 상반되는 결과다. 그의 연구에서 학설들은 부모나 어머니들에 의해 전문가로서 인정받고 기대되는 경우가 제일 어려운 경험이 있다고 밝혔다. 4. 어린이 환자나 그들 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심은 학생들에게 심한 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다. 특히 신체적 간호에 대해 의뢰하는 경우에는 더 심한 긴장감을 준다고 표현한다. 일반적으로 부모가 병실에 상주하는 경우에는 그들의 의뢰심이 심하며 이것은 학생들에게 감당하기 힘든 긴장과 어려움을 주게된다. 왜냐하면 성년기의 학생들은 그들 자신이 먼저 타인에게서 이해받기를 원하며 또 관용을 베풀어주기를 원하는데 그것을 남에게 주어야 하는 입장은 학생들을 긴장되게 하는 실습활동인 것이다. 5. 학생들은 그들이 배운 간호의 이상이나 가치가 실습지에서의 여러 경우와 맞지 않는 것을 보았을 때 극심한 긴장감을 갖는다고 밝혔다. 의사나 병원 행정의 사실이 자신의 이상과 맞지 않는다는 것보다는 간호원의 간호업무의 차이에서 더 비판적인 반응을 보였다. 대부분의 성년기 학생들은 그들의 이상적인 간호원상을 그들의 선배나 실무 간호원 중에서 찾으려는 시기에 그들의 간호활동이 이론과 다른 점이나 학생 자신의 소아과 간호의 가치와 다른 것을 보았을 때는 심한 반감과 긴장감을 갖게된다. 이 문제는 어린 사람이 윗 어른과 함께 동료의식을 갖고 일하기 어려운 한국적 사회구조 때문에 더 심하게 긴장감을 주는 경험인지도 모른다. 선배 간호원의 전문인으로서의 권위와 어린이 환자 보호자의 어른으로서의 권위 사이에서 자신의 이상과 가치의 추구는 용이하지 않으며 내적 갈등은 어쩔수 없는 일 일 것이다. 6. 대부분 높은 백분율의 긴장 반응은 죽음이나 환자의 사망에 관련된 간호활동 항목에서 나타났다. 이 연구의 대상 학생들은 2, 3학년에서 죽음에 대한 강의를 들었지만 이 연구 결과에 의하면 충분한 학습 경험이 주어진 것 같지 않다. 어떠한 경우의 죽음에라도 어린이 환자나 그 보호자들의 심리를 잘 이해하고 반응을 잘 관찰해서 적절한 간호를 해 줄 수 있는 다양한 방법의 학습 경험이 필요하다고 보겠다. 7. 학생들의 긴장도가 어린이 간호에 더 심한가, 보호자 간호에 더 심한가를 알기 위한 비교 결과는 비교적 비슷한 정도로 나타났다. 8. 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습시의 긴장도는 과거의 병실 실습기간의 장, 단이나 가정에서의 어린인 간호의 경험과는 별 연관성이 없었다. 연구의 대상자가 적기 때문에 단정을 하기는 힘이 들지만 소아과 간호학 실습이 다른 병실의 실습과는 분리되어서 완전히 다르게 다루어 져야만 하며 간호교육자들의 주의 깊은 관심과 노력이 필요한 실습교육이 라 하겠다. 이상의 전반적인 고찰에 의하면 한국 성년기 간호학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습은 미국의 경우와 마찬가지로 긴장감을 주는 경험이다. 문화배경의 다른 점은 무시하고라도 Davis와 Oleson이 결론한 바와 같이 "간호대 학생은 어디를 막론하고 다 같은 성격과 문제를 가지고 있다. " 앞으로 보다 효과적인 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 연구를 위해 다음의 몇 가지를 본 연구의 결과를 가지고 제언한다. 1. 보다 여러 지역에서 다양한 교육 방법을 가진 학교의 학생을 대상으로 한 연구의 필요성. 2. 학생들이 실습 전 선입견이나 이미 들어서 생긴 긴장감의 개입 여부를 밝힐 수 있는 연구. 3. 학생 개인의 과거 경침이 긴장감 유발에 미치는 영향을 위한 연구 4. 이 연구의 결과를 입증할 수 있는 종단적 연구. 5. 이 연구에서 나타난 긴장감이 학습 행위에 미치는 영향을 알기 위한 관찰적 연구. 이 연구를 위해 많은 도움을 주셨던 보스턴대학의 Dr. Kennedy와 연세대학의 여러 선생님께 심심한 감사를 드립니다.

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Purification Characteristics and Hydraulic Conditions in an Artificial Wetland System (인공습지시스템에서 수리학적 조건과 수질정화특성)

  • Park, Byeng-Hyen;Kim, Jae-Ok;Lee, Kwng-Sik;Joo, Gea-Jae;Lee, Sang-Joon;Nam, Gui-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.4 s.100
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between purification characteristics and hydraulic conditions, and to clarify the basic and essential factors required to be considered in the construction and management of artificial wetland system for the improvement of reservoir water quality. The artificial wetland system was composed of a pumping station and six sequential plants beds with five species of macrophytes: Oenanthe javanica, Acorus calamus, Zizania latifolia, Typha angustifolia, and Phragmites australis. The system was operated on free surface-flow system, and operation conditions were $3,444-4,156\; m^3/d$ of inflow rate, 0.5-2.0 hr of HRT, 0.1-0.2 m of water depth, 6.0-9.4 m/d of hydraulic loading, and relatively low nutrients concentration (0.224-2.462 mgN/L, 0.145-0.164 mgP/L) of inflow water. The mean purification efficiencies of TN ranged from 12.1% to 14.3% by showing the highest efficiency at the Phragmites australis bed, and these of TP were 6.3-9.5% by showing the similar ranges of efficiencies among all species. The mean purification efficiencies of SS and Chl-A ranged from 17.4% to 38.5% and from 12.0% to 20.2%, respectively, and the Oenanthe javanica bed showed the highest efficiency with higher concentration of influent than others. The mean purification amount per day of each pollutant were $9.8-4.1\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in BOD, $1.299-2.343\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in TN, $0.085-1.821\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in TP, $17.9-111.6\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in SS and $0.011-0.094\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in Chl-a. The purification amount per day of TN revealed the hi링hest level at the Zizania latifolia bed, and TP showed at the Acrous calamus bed. SS and Chl-a, as particulate materials, revealed the highest purification amount per day at the Oenanthe javanica bed that was high on the whole parameters. It was estimated that the purification amount per day was increased with the high concentration of influent and shoot density of macrophytes, as was shown in the purification efficiency. Correlation coefficients between purification efficiencies and hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) were 0.016-0.731 of $R^2$ in terms of HRT, and 0.015-0.868 of $R^2$ daily inflow rate. Correlation coefficients of purification amounts per day with hydraulic conditions were 0.173-0.763 of Ra in terms of HRT, and 0.209-0.770 daily inflow rate. Among the correlation coefficients between purification efficiency and hydraulic condition, the percentages of over 0.5 range of $R^2$ were 20% in HRT and in daily inflow rate. However, the percentages of over 0.5 range of correlation coefficients ($R^2$) between purification amount per day and hydraulic conditions were 53% in HRT and 73% in daily inflow rate. The relationships between purificationamount per day and hydraulic condition were more significant than those of purifi-cation efficiency. In this study, high hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) are not likely to affect significantly the purification efficiency of nutrient. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the purification amounts per day with high hydraulicloadings (HRT and inflow rate) for the improvement of eutrophic reservoir withrelatively low nutrients concentration and large quantity to be treated.

An accuracy analysis of Cyberknife tumor tracking radiotherapy according to unpredictable change of respiration (예측 불가능한 호흡 변화에 따른 사이버나이프 종양 추적 방사선 치료의 정확도 분석)

  • Seo, jung min;Lee, chang yeol;Huh, hyun do;Kim, wan sun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : Cyber-Knife tumor tracking system, based on the correlation relationship between the position of a tumor which moves in response to the real time respiratory cycle signal and respiration was obtained by the LED marker attached to the outside of the patient, the location of the tumor to predict in advance, the movement of the tumor in synchronization with the therapeutic device to track real-time tumor, is a system for treating. The purpose of this study, in the cyber knife tumor tracking radiation therapy, trying to evaluate the accuracy of tumor tracking radiation therapy system due to the change in the form of unpredictable sudden breathing due to cough and sleep. Materials and Methods : Breathing Log files that were used in the study, based on the Respiratory gating radiotherapy and Cyber-knife tracking radiosurgery breathing Log files of patients who received herein, measured using the Log files in the form of a Sinusoidal pattern and Sudden change pattern. it has been reconstituted as possible. Enter the reconstructed respiratory Log file cyber knife dynamic chest Phantom, so that it is possible to implement a motion due to respiration, add manufacturing the driving apparatus of the existing dynamic chest Phantom, Phantom the form of respiration we have developed a program that can be applied to. Movement of the phantom inside the target (Ball cube target) was driven by the displacement of three sizes of according to the size of the respiratory vertical (Superior-Inferior) direction to the 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm. Insert crosses two EBT3 films in phantom inside the target in response to changes in the target movement, the End-to-End (E2E) test provided in Cyber-Knife manufacturer depending on the form of the breathing five times each. It was determined by carrying. Accuracy of tumor tracking system is indicated by the target error by analyzing the inserted film, additional E2E test is analyzed by measuring the correlation error while being advanced. Results : If the target error is a sine curve breathing form, the size of the target of the movement is in response to the 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm, respectively, of the average $1.14{\pm}0.13mm$, $1.05{\pm}0.20mm$, with $2.37{\pm}0.17mm$, suddenly for it is variations in breathing, respective average $1.87{\pm}0.19mm$, $2.15{\pm}0.21mm$, and analyzed with $2.44{\pm}0.26mm$. If the correlation error can be defined by the length of the displacement vector in the target track is a sinusoidal breathing mode, the size of the target of the movement in response to 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm, respective average $0.84{\pm}0.01mm$, $0.70{\pm}0.13mm$, with $1.63{\pm}0.10mm$, if it is a variant of sudden breathing respective average $0.97{\pm}0.06mm$, $1.44{\pm}0.11mm$, and analyzed with $1.98{\pm}0.10mm$. The larger the correlation error values in both the both the respiratory form, the target error value is large. If the motion size of the target of the sine curve breathing form is greater than or equal to 20 mm, was measured at 1.5 mm or more is a recommendation value of both cyber knife manufacturer of both error value. Conclusion : There is a tendency that the correlation error value between about target error value magnitude of the target motion is large is increased, the error value becomes large in variation of rapid respiration than breathing the form of a sine curve. The more the shape of the breathing large movements regular shape of sine curves target accuracy of the tumor tracking system can be judged to be reduced. Using the algorithm of Cyber-Knife tumor tracking system, when there is a change in the sudden unpredictable respiratory due patient coughing during treatment enforcement is to stop the treatment, it is assumed to carry out the internal target validation process again, it is necessary to readjust the form of respiration. Patients under treatment is determined to be able to improve the treatment of accuracy to induce the observed form of regular breathing and put like to see the goggles monitor capable of the respiratory form of the person.

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The Landscape Configuration and Semantic Landscape of Hamheo-pavilion in Gokseong (곡성 함허정(涵虛亭)의 경관짜임과 의미경관)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Sim, Woo-Kyung;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2015
  • This research traced the characteristics of the semantic landscape, construction intent, landscape composition, and geomantic conditions of the area subject to the research based on the research methods of 'field investigation, document studies, and interviews,' centering around the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion (Jeonnam Tangible Cultural Assets No. 160). The result of the research, specifically revealing the forms and methods by which the reciprocal view of nature and landscape composition appearing in the landscape of the entire area of Hamheo-pavilion, as part of the analysis and interpretation over the view-based construction characteristics and position of the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion, can be summarized as follows. First, Hamheo-pavilion is a pavilion built as a resting area and as a venue for educational activities in 1543 in the nearby areas after Gwang-hyeon Sim founded Gunjichon-jeongsa for educational activities and dwelling purposes at Gunchon at the 30th year of King Jungjong. Gunchon, where Hamheo-pavilion and Gunjichon-jeongsa is located, exhibits the typical form having water in the front, facing Sunja-river(present Seomjin-river), and a mountain in the back side. Dongak-mountain, which is a guardian mountain, is in a snail-type form where cows leisurely ruminate and lie on the riverside, and the Hamheo-pavilion area is said to be an area bordering on one's way of enjoying peace and richness as it is a place with plentiful grass bushes available for cows to ruminate and lie down while sheppards may leisurely play their flutes at the riverside. The back hill of Hamheo-pavilion is a blood vessel that enters the water into the underwater palace of the turtle, and the building sitting on the turtle's back is Hamheo-pavilion, and the Guam-jodae(龜巖釣臺) and lava on the southern side below the cliff can be interpreted to be the underwater fairly land wanted by the turtle.6) Second, Hamheo-pavilion is the scenery viewpoint of Sungang-Cheongpung (3rd Scenery) and Seolsan-Nakjo(雪山落照, 9th Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Gokseong, while also the scenery viewpoint of Hamheo-Sunja(2nd Scenery) and Cheonma-Gwiam(天馬歸岩, 3rd Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Ipmyeon. On the other hand, the pavilion is reproduced through the aesthetics of bends through sensible penetration and transcendental landscape viewed based on the Confucian-topos and ethics as the four bends among the five bends of Sunja-river arranged in the 'Santaegeuk(山太極) and Sutaeguek(水太極, formation of the yin-yang symbol by the mountain and water)' form, which is alike the connection of yin and yang. In particular, when based on the description over Mujinjeong (3rd Bend), Hoyeonjeong(4th Bend), andHapgangjeong(2nd Bend) among the five bends of Sunja-river in the records of Bibyeonsainbangan-jido(duringthe 18th century) and Okgwahyeonji(1788), the scenery of the five bends of Sunja-river allow to glimpse into its reputation as an attraction-type connected scenery in the latter period of the Joseon era, instead of only being perceived of its place identity embracing the fairyland world by crossing in and out of the world of this world and nirvana. Third, Hamheo-pavilion, which exhibits exquisite aesthetics of vacancy, is where the 'forest landscape composed of old big trees such as oak trees, oriental oak trees, and pine trees,' 'rock landscape such as Guam-jodae, lava, and layered rocks' and 'cultural landscape of Gunchon village' is spread close by. In the middle, it has a mountain scenery composed of Sunja-river, Masan-peak, and Gori-peak, and it is a place where the scenery by Gori-peak, Masan-peak, Mudeung-mountain, and Seol-mountain is spread and open in $180^{\circ}$ from the east to west. Mangseo-jae, the sarangchae (men's room)of Gunjichon-jeongsa, means a 'house observing Seoseok-mountain,' which has realized the diverse view-oriented intent, such as by allowing to look up Seol-mountain or Mudeung-mountain, which are back mountains behind the front mountain, through landscape configuration. Fourth, the private home, place for educational activities, pavilion, memorial room, and graveyard of Gunji-village, where the existence and ideal is connected, is a semantic connected scenery relating to the life cycle of the gentry linking 'formation - abundance - transcendence - regression.' In particular, based on the fact that the descriptions over reciprocal views of nature regarding an easy and comfortable life and appreciations for a picturesque scene of the areas nearby Sunja-river composes most of the poetic phrases relating to Hamheo-pavilion, it can be known that Hamheo-pavilion is expressed as the key to the idea of 'understanding how to be satisfied while maintaining one's positon with a comfortable mind' and 'returning to nature,' while also being expressed of its pedantic character as a place for reclusion for training one's mind and training others through metaphysical semantic scenery.

Studies on the Natural Distribution and Ecology of Ilex cornuta Lindley et Pax. in Korea (호랑가시나무의 천연분포(天然分布)와 군낙생태(群落生態)에 관한 연구(研究))

  • Lee, Jeong Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.24-42
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    • 1983
  • To develop Ilex cornuta which grow naturally in the southwest seaside district as new ornamental tree, the author chose I. cornuta growing in the four natural communities and those cultivated in Kwangju city as a sample, and investigated its ecology, morphology and characteristics. The results obtained was summarized as follows; 1) The natural distribution of I. cornuta marks $35^{\circ}$43'N and $126^{\circ}$44'E in the southwestern part of Korea and $33^{\circ}$20'N and $126^{\circ}$15'E in Jejoo island. This area has the following necessary conditions for Ilex cornuta: the annual average temperature is above $12^{\circ}C$, the coldness index below $-12.7^{\circ}C$, annual average relative humidity 75-80%, and the number of snow-covering days is 20-25 days, situated within 20km of from coastline and within, 100m above sea level and mainly at the foot of the mountain facing the southeast. 2) The vegetation in I. cornuta community can be divided that upper layer is composed of Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora, middle layer of Eurya japonica var. montana, Ilex cornuta and Vaccinium bracteatum, and the ground vegetation is composed of Carex lanceolata and Arundinella hirta var. ciliare. The community has high species diversity which indicates it is at the stage of development. Although I. cornuta is a species of the southern type of temperate zone where coniferous tree or broad leaved, evergreen trees grow together, it occasionally grows in the subtropical zone. 3) Parent rock is gneiss or rhyolite etc., and soil is acidic (about pH 4.5-5.0) and the content of available phosphorus is low. 4) At maturity, the height growth averaged $10.48{\pm}0.23cm$ a year and the diameter growth 0.43 cm a year, and the annual ring was not clear. Mean leaf-number was 11.34. There are a significant positive correlation between twig-elongation and leaf-number. 5) One-year-old seedling grows up to 10.66 cm (max. 18.2 cm, min. 4.0 cm) in shoot-height, with its leaf number 12.1 (max. 18, min), its basal diameter 2.24 mm (max. 4.0 mm, min. 1.0 mm) and shows rhythmical growth in high temperature period. There were significant positive correlations between stalk-height and leaf-number, between stalk-height and basal-diameter, and between number and basal diameter. 6) The flowering time ranged from the end of April to the beginning of May, and the flower has tetra-merouscorella and corymb of yellowish green. It has a bisexual flower and dioecism with a sexual ratio 1:1. 7) The fruit, after fertilization, grows 0.87 cm long (0.61-1.31 cm) and 0.8 cm wide (0.62-1.05 cm) by the beginning of May. Fruits begin to turn red and continue to ripen until the end of October or the beginning of November and remain unfading until the end of following May. With the partial change in color of dark-brown at the beginning of the June fruits begin to fall, bur some remain even after three years. 8) The seed acquision ratio is 24.7% by weight, and the number of grains per fruit averages 3.9 and the seed weight per liter is 114.2 gram, while the average weight of 1,000 seeds is 24.56 grams. 9) Seeds after complete removal of sarcocarp, were buried under ground in a fixed temperature and humidity and they began to develop root in October, a year later and germinated in the next April. Under sunlight or drought, however, the dormant state may be continued.

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Studies on Dairy Farming Status, Reproductive Efficiencies and Disorders in New Zealand (I) A Survey on Dairy Farming Status and Milk Yield in Palmerston North Area (뉴질랜드 (Palmerston North) 의 낙농 현황과 번식 및 번식장해에 관한 연구(I) Palmerston North 지역의 낙농 현황과 우유 생산량에 관한 조사 연구)

  • 김중계;맥도날드
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2000
  • Eighty dairy farms in Palmers ton North area in New Zealand were surveyed on 1) general characteristics (10 Questions), 2) milk yield and feed supplementary (7 questions), 3) reproductive efficiencies (12 questions) and 4) reproductive disorders (12 questions) by mail questions from February to July, 1998. Among those 4 items from 38 dairy farms (47.5%), especially in items 1) and 2), overall dairy farming situation, supplementary feeding and milk yields were surveyed and analyzed for Korean dairy farmers (especially in Cheju island) to have better understanding or higher economical gains. The results were as follows. 1. In dairy experience, 21 (45%) among 38 dairy farms surveyed were answered that farming less than 15 years, 15~19 year, 20~25 years and over 26 years experience were 3 (7.9%), 7 (18.4%), 6 (15.8%) and 5 (13.2%) which generally showed longer experience compare to Korean dairy farming situation. In survey of labour input and business goal of dairy farming, self-managing farms, sharemilkers, unpaid family manpowering farms, manager running farms, farms with hired worker, farms with part time helper and other type was 21 (55.3%), 10 (26.3%), 2 (3.5%), 3 (5.3%), 18 (31.6%), 2 (3.5%), and 1 (1.8%), respectively. 2. Analyzing pasture and tillable land, pasture according to feeding scale (200, 300 and 400 heads) were 56, 90 and 165.3 ha, and tillable lands were 51, 78 and 165 ha which showed some differences among feeding scale. In recording methods in 38 farms replied, 36 (95%) dairy handbook and 23 (70%) dual methods taking farms were higher than that of 10 (26.3%) computer and 15(39.5%) well-recorder methods. 3. Dairy waste processing facilities in environmental field were almost perfect except of metropolitan area, and so no problem was developed in its control so far. Hence, 26 farm (68.4%) of pond system was higher rather than those in 8 (21.2%) of using as organic manure after storing feces of dairy cattle, 1(2.6%) bunker system and 3 (7.9%) other type farms. 4. In milking facilities, 33 farms (86.9%) of Harringbone types were higher than those in 3 (7.9%) of Walkthrough types, 1 (2.6%) of Rotary system and other types. Although the construction facilities was not enough, this system show the world-leveled dairy country to attempted to elevate economic gains using the advantage of climatic condition. 5. In milking day and yearly yield per head, average 275 milking days and 87 drying days were longer than that of 228 average milking days in New Zealand. Annual total milk yield per head and milk solid (ms) was 3,990 kg and approximately 319 kg. Dairy milk solid (ms) per head, milk yield, fat percentage was 1.2 kg, 15.5 kg and average 4.83% which was much higher than in other country, and milk protein was average 3.75%. 6. In coclusion, Palmerstone North has been a center of dairy farming in New Zealand for the last 21 years. Their dairy farming history is 6~9 year longer than ours and the average number of milking cows per farm is 355, which is much greater than that (35) of Korea. They do not have dairy barn, but only milking parlors. Cows are taken care of by family 0.5 persons), are on a planned calving schedule in spring (93%) and milked for 240~280 days a year, avoiding winter. Cows are dried according to milk yield and body condition score. This management system is quite different from that of Korean dairy farms. Cows are not fed concentrates, relying entirely on pasture forages and the average milk yield per cow is 3,500 kg, which is about 1/2 milk yield of Korean dairy farms. They were bred to produce high fat milk with an average of 4.5%. Their milk production cost is the lowest in the world and the country's economy relies heavily on milk production. We Korean farmers may try to increase farming size, decreasing labor and management costs.

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Thermal Environments of Children's Parks during Heat Wave Period (폭염 시 어린이공원의 온열환경)

  • Ryu, Nam-Hyong;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • This study was to investigate the user's thermal environments of the children's parks according to pavements and sunscreen types during periods of heat waves. The measurements were conducted at the sand pits, rubber chip pavement, shelters, and green shade ground of the two children's parks located in Jinju, Korea(Chilam: $N\;35^{\circ}11^{\prime}1.4{^{\prime}^{\prim}}$, $E\;128^{\circ}5^{\prime}31.7{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, elevation 38m, Gaho: $N\;35^{\circ}09^{\prime}56.8{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, $E\;128^{\circ}6^{\prime}41.1{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, elevation 24m) over three days during 11-13, August, 2016. The highest ambient air temperatures at the Jinju Meteorological Office during the three measurement days were $35.9{\sim}36.8^{\circ}C$, which corresponded with the extremely hot weather. A series of experiments measured air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, black globe temperature, and long-wave and short-wave radiation of the six directions 0.6 m above ground level. The wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT) and the universal thermal climatic index(UTCI) were used to evaluate thermal stress. Surface temperature images of the play equipment were also taken using infrared thermography. Surface temperatures of the play equipment and grounds were used to evaluate burn risk through contact with playground materials. The results showed the following. The maximum air temperatures averaged over 1-hour period for three days were $36.6{\sim}39.4^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those temperatures by up to $2.8^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $1.0^{\circ}C/2.3^{\circ}C$(shelters). The minimum relative humidity values averaged over 1-hour period for three days were 44~50%. The sun shades increased those humidity values by up to 6%(green shade) and 4%/6%(shelters). The risk of heat related illness at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and high in the daytime hours. The maximum WBGT values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were $31.2{\sim}33.6^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those WBGT values by up to $2.4^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $0.5^{\circ}C/2.1^{\circ}C$(shelters) compared to sandpits, but would not block the risk of heat related illness in the daytime hours. The category of heat stress at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and very strong in the daytime hours. The maximum UTCI values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were $39.9{\sim}48.1^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those UTCI values by up to $7.8^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $4.1^{\circ}C/8.2^{\circ}C$(shelters) compared to sandpits, but could not lower heat stress category from extreme and very strong to strong and moderate in the daytime hours. According to the burn threshold criteria when skin was in contact with playground materials, the maximum surface temperature of the stainless steels($70.8^{\circ}C$) surpassed three seconds $60^{\circ}C$ threshold for uncoated steel, that of the rubber chip($76.5^{\circ}C$) surpassed five seconds $74^{\circ}C$ threshold for the plastic, that of the plastic slide($68.5^{\circ}C$) and seats($71.0^{\circ}C$) surpassed the one min $60^{\circ}C$ threshold for plastic, respectively. The surface temperatures of shaded play equipment were lower approximately $20^{\circ}C$ than those of play equipment exposed to the sun. Therefore, sun shades can block the risk of burns in daytime hours. Because of the extreme and high risk of heat related illness and extreme and high heat stress at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, parents and administrators must protect children from the use of playgrounds. The risk of burn when contact with play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, was very high. The sun shades are essential to block the risk of burn from play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during heat waves.