• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자세 오차

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3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for CNS Using CT Simulation (입체조준장치를 이용한 중추신경계의 방사선 입체조형치료 계획)

  • 추성실;조광환;이창걸
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : A new virtual simulation technique for craniospinal irradiation (CSI) that uses a CT-simulator was developed to improve the accuracy of field and shielding placement as well as patient positioning. Materials and Methods : A CT simulator (CT-SIM) and a 3-D conformal radiation treatment planning system (3D-CRT) were used to develop CSI. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask while the rest of the body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetric image was then obtained with the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and body. Virtual fluoroscopy was performed with the removal of visual obstacles, such as the treatment table or immobilization devices. After virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and on the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment fields was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR) and digitally composited radiography (DCR) images from virtual simulation. Port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for geometric verification. Results : We successfully performed virtual simulations on 11 CSI patients by CT-SIM. It took less than 20 minutes to affix the immobilization devices and to obtain the volumetric images of the entire body. In the absence of the patient, virtual simulation of all fields took 20 min. The DRRs were in agreement with simulation films to within 5 mm. This not only reducee inconveniences to the patients, but also eliminated position-shift variables attendant during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyes and the spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. Differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 m in the vertebral contour. Conclusion : Our analysis showed that CT simulation of craniospinal fields was accurate. In addition, CT simulation reduced the duration of the patient's immobility. During the planning process. This technique can improve accuracy in field placement and shielding by using three-dimensional CT-aided localization of critical and target structures. Overall, it has improved staff efficiency and resource utilization by standard protocol for craniospinal irradiation.

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Usefulness of Non-coplanar Helical Tomotherapy Using Variable Axis Baseplate (Variable Axis Baseplate를 이용한 Non-coplanar 토모테라피의 유용성)

  • Ha, Jin-Sook;Chung, Yoon-Sun;Lee, Ik-Jae;Shin, Dong-Bong;Kim, Jong-Dae;Kim, Sei-Joon;Jeon, Mi-Jin;Cho, Yoon-Jin;Kim, Ki-Kwang;Lee, Seul-Bee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Helical Tomotherapy allows only coplanar beam delivery because it does not allow couch rotation. We investigated a method to introduce non-coplanar beam by tilting a patient's head for Tomotherapy. The aim of this study was to compare intrafractional movement during Tomotherapy between coplanar and non-coplanar patient's setup. Materials and Methods: Helical Tomotherapy was used for treating eight patients with intracranial tumor. The subjects were divided into three groups: one group (coplanar) of 2 patients who lay on S-plate with supine position and wore thermoplastic mask for immobilizing the head, second group (non-coplanar) of 3 patients who lay on S-plate with supine position and whose head was tilted with Variable Axis Baseplate and wore thermoplastic mask, and third group (non-coplanar plus mouthpiece) of 3 patients whose head was tilted and wore a mouthpiece immobilization device and thermoplastic mask. The patients were treated with Tomotherapy after treatment planning with Tomotherapy Planning System. Megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) was performed before and after treatment, and the intrafractional error was measured with lateral(X), longitudinal(Y), vertical(Z) direction movements and vector ($\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}$) value for assessing overall movement. Results: Intrafractional error was compared among three groups by taking the error of MVCT taken after the treatment. As the correction values (X, Y, Z) between MVCT image taken after treatment and CT-simulation image are close to zero, the patient movement is small. When the mean values of movement of each direction for non-coplanar setup were compared with coplanar setup group, X-axis movement was decreased by 13%, but Y-axis and Z-axis movement were increased by 109% and 88%, respectively. Movements of Y-axis and Z-axis with non-coplanar setup were relatively greater than that of X-axis since a tilted head tended to slip down. The mean of X-axis movement of the group who used a mouthpiece was greater by 9.4% than the group who did not use, but the mean of Y-axis movement was lower by at least 64%, and the mean of Z-axis was lower by at least 67%, and the mean of Z-axis was lower by at least 67%, and the vector was lower by at least 59% with the use of a mouthpiece. Among these 8 patients, one patient whose tumor was located on left frontal lobe and left basal ganglia received reduced radiation dose of 38% in right eye, 23% in left eye, 30% in optic chiasm, 27% in brain stem, and 8% in normal brain with non-coplanar method. Conclusion: Tomotherapy only allows coplanar delivery of IMRT treatment. To complement this shortcoming, Tomotherapy can be used with non-coplanar method by artificially tilting the patient's head and using an oral immobilization instrument to minimize the movement of patient, when intracranial tumor locates near critical organs or has to be treated with high dose radiation.

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Physical Offset of UAVs Calibration Method for Multi-sensor Fusion (다중 센서 융합을 위한 무인항공기 물리 오프셋 검보정 방법)

  • Kim, Cheolwook;Lim, Pyeong-chae;Chi, Junhwa;Kim, Taejung;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1125-1139
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    • 2022
  • In an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) system, a physical offset can be existed between the global positioning system/inertial measurement unit (GPS/IMU) sensor and the observation sensor such as a hyperspectral sensor, and a lidar sensor. As a result of the physical offset, a misalignment between each image can be occurred along with a flight direction. In particular, in a case of multi-sensor system, an observation sensor has to be replaced regularly to equip another observation sensor, and then, a high cost should be paid to acquire a calibration parameter. In this study, we establish a precise sensor model equation to apply for a multiple sensor in common and propose an independent physical offset estimation method. The proposed method consists of 3 steps. Firstly, we define an appropriate rotation matrix for our system, and an initial sensor model equation for direct-georeferencing. Next, an observation equation for the physical offset estimation is established by extracting a corresponding point between a ground control point and the observed data from a sensor. Finally, the physical offset is estimated based on the observed data, and the precise sensor model equation is established by applying the estimated parameters to the initial sensor model equation. 4 region's datasets(Jeon-ju, Incheon, Alaska, Norway) with a different latitude, longitude were compared to analyze the effects of the calibration parameter. We confirmed that a misalignment between images were adjusted after applying for the physical offset in the sensor model equation. An absolute position accuracy was analyzed in the Incheon dataset, compared to a ground control point. For the hyperspectral image, root mean square error (RMSE) for X, Y direction was calculated for 0.12 m, and for the point cloud, RMSE was calculated for 0.03 m. Furthermore, a relative position accuracy for a specific point between the adjusted point cloud and the hyperspectral images were also analyzed for 0.07 m, so we confirmed that a precise data mapping is available for an observation without a ground control point through the proposed estimation method, and we also confirmed a possibility of multi-sensor fusion. From this study, we expect that a flexible multi-sensor platform system can be operated through the independent parameter estimation method with an economic cost saving.

Tutorial on the Principle of Borehole Deviation Survey - An Application of the Coordinate Transforms (시추공 공곡 측정의 원리 - 좌표계 변환의 응용)

  • Song, Yoonho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2020
  • To share an understanding of trajectory measurement in surveys using borehole, this tutorial summarizes the relevant mathematical principles of the borehole deviation survey based on coordinate transform. For uncased or open holes, calculations of the azimuth-deviation-tool face rotation using three-component accelerometer and magnetometer measurements are summarized. For the steel-cased holes, calculations are based on the time-derivative formula of the coordinate transform matrix; yaw-pitch-roll angles through time are mathematically determined by integrating the threecomponent angular velocity measurements from the gyroscope while also removing the Earth's rotation effect. Sensor and data fusion to increase the accuracy of borehole deviation survey is explained with an example of the method. These principles of borehole deviation surveys can be adapted for attitude estimation in air-borne surveys or for positioning in tunnels where global positioning system (GPS) signals cannot be accessed. Information on the optimization filter that must be incorporated in sensor fusion is introduced to help future research.

The Verification of a Numerical Simulation of Urban area Flow and Thermal Environment Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Model (전산 유체 역학 모델을 이용한 도시지역 흐름 및 열 환경 수치모의 검증)

  • Kim, Do-Hyoung;Kim, Geun-Hoi;Byon, Jae-Young;Kim, Baek-Jo;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.522-534
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to verify urban flow and thermal environment by using the simulated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model in the area of Gangnam Seonjeongneung, and then to compare the CFD model simulation results with that of Seonjeongneung-monitoring networks observation data. The CFD model is developed through the collaborative research project between National Institute of Meteorological Sciences and Seoul National University (CFD_NIMR_SNU). The CFD_NIMR_SNU model is simulated using Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Local Data Assimilation Prediction System (LDAPS) wind and potential temperature as initial and boundary conditions from August 4-6, 2015, and that is improved to consider vegetation effect and surface temperature. It is noticed that the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of wind speed decreases from 1.06 to $0.62m\;s^{-1}$ by vegetation effect over the Seonjeongneung area. Although the wind speed is overestimated, RMSE of wind speed decreased in the CFD_NIMR_SNU than LDAPS. The temperature forecast tends to underestimate in the LDAPS, while it is improved by CFD_NIMR_SNU. This study shows that the CFD model can provide detailed and accurate thermal and urban area flow information over the complex urban region. It will contribute to analyze urban environment and planning.

전자부품의 냉각을 위한 자연대류 상관 관계식의 평가

  • 이재헌
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.504-514
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    • 1987
  • 복잡한 전자부품의 조립시에 필요한 열적 디자인에 관한 정보는 오래전부터 실험을 통하여 얻어지고 있다. 실험적 데이터를 이용하여 무차원 파라미터로 표시된 실험결과는 꼭 같지는 않지만 현상적으로는 비슷한 상황에 응용될 수 있다. 여기서는 학술문헌에 나타나 있는 자연대류에 관한 실험적인 상관관계식들과 프레임에 수직으로 꽂혀있는 균일가열 전자회로기판의 모델에서 얻어진 무차원 자료들을 비교하고자 한다. 대부분의 자료들은 수정채널 Rayleigh수(Ra")가 15~100범위에 속하며, 이러한 범위는 부품이 조밀하게 배치된 기관이 서로 좁은 채널을 이루고 있으며, 동시에 상당한 전력을 소비하고 있는 경우에 해당한다. Wirt와 Stutzman, Bar-Cohen과 Rohsenow의 일반상관관계식은 AT'||'&'||'T Bell 연구소에서 개발된 전자기기를 이용하여 수집한 실험데이터를 잘 표현하고 있으며 10 < Ra" <1,000범위에서 추천될 수 있다. 두개의 유사한 상관관계식과 비교할 때 상당히 좋은 예측을 보였으며 또한 Sparrow와 Gregg의 연구결과와도 잘 일치하므로 Ra" < 10인 경우에 Aung의 완전발달층류의 채널유동방식, Ra" > 1,000인 경우에는 Aung등의 단일 수직평판 근사식이 추천될 수 있다. Coyne의 알고리즘에 의한 계산치는 10

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A Shape Control of Welded Joints to Improve Fatigue Strength (피로강도 향상을 위한 용접이음부의 형상제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang Ib;Kook, Seung Kyu;Lee, Dong Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.4 s.71
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    • pp.479-492
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    • 2004
  • When U-ribs of steel deck plates are connected at the field, overhead welding should be done with backing strips. Misalignments may occur and lead to eccentric moments as well as high stress concentrations at welded joints. In this study, stress analyses and fatigue tests were carried out. Stress analyses for U-ribs' welded joints with backing strips were performed with different misalignments, root shapes, root gaps, and backing strip sizes. From the stress analyses, the stress concentration factors increased with increasing misalignments and root gaps. With the fixed misalignments and root gaps, the stress concentration factors obtained in the case of the semi-circle root shape were lower than those in the case of the right-angle root shape. It was verified that backing strip sizes have little influence on stress concentration factors. The fatigue tests for U-ribs' welded joints with backing strips indicated that increased misalignments shorten fatigue life drastically and cracks usually initiate at the root of the base metal and are propagated to the weld bead surface. Based on the results of the stress analyses, root-shape control methods were developed to mitigate stress concentration by changing welding condition control, radius curvature, and flank angle.

Station Keeping Maneuver Planning Using COMS Flight Dynamic Software

  • Kim, Hae-Yeon;Lee, Byoung-Sun;Hwang, Yoo-La;Shin, Dong-Suk;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.16-21
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    • 2007
  • Various perturbations by the sun, the moon and the earth itself cause a continuous change in nominal position of a geostationary satellite. In order to maintain the satellite within a required window, north-south station keeping for controlling inclination and right ascension of ascending node, and east-west station keeping for controlling eccentricity and longitude are required. In this paper, station keeping maneuver simulation for Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) was performed using COMS Flight Dynamics Software(FDS) and the results were analyzed. COMS performs weekly based east-west/north-south station keeping to maintain satellite within ${\pm}0.05^{\circ}$ at the nominal longitude of $128.2^{\circ}E$. In addition, COMS performs wheel off-loading maneuver twice a day to eliminate attitude error caused by one-solar wing in the south panel of the satellite. In this paper, station keeping maneuver considering wheel off-loading maneuver was performed and the results showed that COMS can be maintained well within ${\pm}0.05^{\circ}$ window using COMS FDS.

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Rectification of Smartphone Image Based on Reference Images for Facility Monitoring (시설물 모니터링을 위한 기준영상 기반 스마트폰 영상의 기하보정)

  • Kim, Hwiyoung;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong;Yoon, Hyuk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2017
  • Monitoring of facilities such as roads, dams and bridges is important for their long-term sustainable usage. It has usually suffered with safety and cost problems, which makes more frequent monitoring difficult. As an efficient and economicalsolution to these problems, one may consider the use of smartphone to capture the status of the facilities. To derive quantitative analysis results with the smartphone images for facility monitoring, one should first rectify the images in a way as automatic and economical as possible. In thisstudy, we propose such a rectification method, which rectifiessmartphone images acquired from arbitrary locations based on reference images.In the proposed method, we determine the camera extrinsic parameters of each smartphone images using the reference imagesrather than ground control points, and project the image to the target surface of the facility based on the determined camera parameters. The method were applied to test data acquired from a small dam toward water-area facility monitoring. The experimental results showed that the camera extrinsic parameters were determined with the accuracy of 5 cm and $0.28^{\circ}$ in the position and attitude. The accuracy of the distance measured from the rectified image was evaluated to 10 cm. With the rectified images, one can accurately determine the location and length of the target objects required for facility monitoring.

GIS and Geographically Weighted Regression in the Survey Research of Small Areas (지역 단위 조사연구와 공간정보의 활용 : 지리정보시스템과 지리적 가중 회귀분석을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Dong-Gi
    • Survey Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the utilities of spatial analysis in the context of survey research using Geographical Information System(GIS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) which take account of spatial heterogeneity. Many social phenomena involve spatial dimension, and with the development of GIS, GPS receiver, and online location-based services, spatial information can be collected and utilized more easily, and thus application of spatial analysis in the survey research is getting easier. The traditional OLS regression models which assume independence of observations and homoscedasticity of errors cannot handle spatial dependence problem. GWR is a spatial analysis technique which utilizes spatial information as well as attribute information, and estimated using geographically weighted function under the assumption that spatially close cases are more related than distant cases. Residential survey data from a Primary Autonomous District are used to estimate a model of public service satisfaction. The findings show that GWR handles the problem of spatial auto-correlation and increases goodness-of-fit of model. Visualization of spatial variance of effects of the independent variables using GIS allows us to investigate effects and relationships of those variables more closely and extensively. Furthermore, GIS and GWR analyses provide us a more effective way of identifying locations where the effect of variable is exceptionally low or high, and thus finding policy implications for social development.

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