• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이용지도

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A risk analysis of water courses and landslide using contour maps -Focusing on Mt. Seonggo in Cheonan City- (등고선지도를 이용한 수로 및 산사태 위험 분석 -천안의 성거산을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sae-Keun;Kim, Dong-Keun;Maeng, Seung-Ryol
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2012
  • Due to the topographical and climatic features of Korea, there is a strong possibility of a landslide. Recently, many landslides, caused by the improper land development, frequently occured at the mountain area every summer. Cheonan has been recognized to be relatively safe against landslide, but with the increased risk factors, systematic analysis of the landslide is required. In this paper, the topographical features of Mt. Seonggo in Cheonan City were extracted using contour maps, and water courses and basin areas in heavy rain were computed using the results. Conclusively, Mt. Seonggo areas were relatively safe in the view points of the length of water courses and rain-inflow, but in case of some narrow areas, sustainedly observation was required. Meanwhile, a contour map is proper to analyze the risk of landslide in the 1'st level in that it is more cost effective than other types of digital map.

1/10,000 Scale Digital Mapping using High Resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 축척 1/10,000 수치지도 제작)

  • Lee, Byung-Hwan;Kim, Jeong-Hee;Park, Kyung-Hwan;Chung, Il-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2000
  • The subjects of this study are to examine and to apply the methods of making 1 : 10,000 scale digital maps using Russian's 2 m resolution satellite images of Alternative and 8 m resolution stereo satellite images of MK-4 for the Kyoha area of Paju-city where aerial-photo surveying is not possible. A digital elevation model (DEM) was calculated from MK-4 images. With this DEM, the Alternative images were orthorectified. Ground control points (GCP) were acquired from GPS surveyings and were used to perform geometric corrections on Alternative images. From field investigation, thematic attributes are digitized on the monitor. RMS errors of the planar and vertical positions are estimated to ${\pm}0.4$ m and ${\pm}15$ m, respectively. The planar accuracy is better than an accuracy required by NGIS (national GIS) programs. Local information from field investigation was added and the resulting maps should be good as base maps for, such as, regional and urban plannings.

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Effect of Grid Cell Size on the Accuracy of Dasymetric Population Estimation (격자크기가 밀도구분적 인구추정의 정확성에 미치는 영향)

  • JUN, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2016
  • This study explored the variability in the accuracy of dasymetric population estimation with different grid cell sizes. Dasymetric population maps for Fulton County, Georgia in the US were generated from 30m to 420m at intervals of 30m using an automated intelligent dasymetric mapping technique, population data, and original and simulated land use and cover data. The accuracies of dasymetric population maps were evaluated using RMSE and adjusted RMSE statistics. Lumped fractal dimension values were calculated for the dasymetric population maps generated from resolutions of 30m to 420m using the triangular prism surface area (TPSA) method. The results show that a grid cell size of 210m or smaller is required to estimate population more accurately in terms of thematic accuracy, but a grid cell size of 30m is required to meet an acceptable spatial accuracy of dasymetric population estimation in the study area. The fractal analysis also indicates that a grid cell size of 120m is the optimal resolution for dasymetric population estimation in the study area.

Depth map temporal consistency compensation using motion estimation (움직임 추정을 통한 깊이 지도의 시간적 일관성 보상 기법)

  • Hyun, Jeeho;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2013
  • Generally, a camera isn't located at the center of display in a tele-presence system and it causes an incorrect eye contact between speakers which reduce the realistic feeling during the conversation. To solve this incorrect eye contact problem, we newly propose an intermediate view reconstruction algorithm using both a color camera and a depth camera and applying for the depth image based rendering (DIBR) algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, an efficient hole filling method using the arithmetic mean value of neighbor pixels and an efficient boundary noise removal method by expanding the edge region of depth image are included. We show that the generated eye-contacted image has good quality through experiments.

Implementation of RTD-2000 Based Waterworks Pipe Network Monitoring System using Internet Map Service (범용지도를 이용한 RTD-2000 기반의 상수도 관망 모니터링 시스템의 구현)

  • Park, Jun-Tae;Hong, In-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.1450-1457
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    • 2011
  • Currently most of leak detection monitoring systems use digital maps with paying royalties, and this increases the cost of system construction and financial burdens on local self-governing bodies that manage such systems. Moreover, they have inefficiencies in repair and maintenance, functional expansion, and compatibility with other systems. Thus, this study developed a waterworks pipe network monitoring system that pursues low cost and high efficiency using general-purpose maps on the Internet such as google maps. As this system uses highly compatible free maps, it costs less in construction and its hardware requirements are lower than existing systems, and consequently, overall monitoring performance is enhanced and the cost of construction goes down sharply. This study also proposed a method for pipeline DB construction, which can be started together with the construction of the monitoring system, in order to improve the field applicability of the system.

High accuracy map matching method using monocular cameras and low-end GPS-IMU systems (단안 카메라와 저정밀 GPS-IMU 신호를 융합한 맵매칭 방법)

  • Kim, Yong-Gyun;Koo, Hyung-Il;Kang, Seok-Won;Kim, Joon-Won;Kim, Jae-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a new method to estimate the pose of a moving object accurately using a monocular camera and a low-end GPS+IMU sensor system. For this goal, we adopted a deep neural network for the semantic segmentation of input images and compared the results with a semantic map of a neighborhood. In this map matching, we use weight tables to deal with label inconsistency effectively. Signals from a low-end GPS+IMU sensor system are used to limit search spaces and minimize the proposed function. For the evaluation, we added noise to the signals from a high-end GPS-IMU system. The results show that the pose can be recovered from the noisy signals. We also show that the proposed method is effective in handling non-open-sky situations.

3D Building Modeling Using LIDAR Data and Digital Map (LIDAR 데이터와 수치지도를 이용한 3차원 건물모델링)

  • Kim, Heung-Sik;Chang, Hwi-Jeong;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.3 s.33
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a method for point-based 3D building reconstruction using Lidar data and digital map. The proposed method consists of three processes: extraction of building roof points, identification of roof types, and 3D building reconstruction. After extracting points inside the polygon of building, the ground surface, wall and tree points among the extracted points are removed through the filtering process. The filtered points are then fitted into the flat plane using ODR(Orthogonal Distance Regression) in the first place. If the fitting error is within the predefined threshold, the surface is classified as a flat roof. Otherwise, the surface is fitted and classified into a gable or arch roof through RMSE analysis. Experimental results showed that the proposed method classified successfully three different types of roof and that the fusion of LIDAR data and digital map could be a feasible method of modeling 3D building reconstruction.

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Computer-Assisted Map Analysis for Planning Forest Road Network (컴퓨터 지도분석(地圖分析)을 이용(利用)한 임도계획(林道計劃))

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.3
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 1991
  • Route projection of forest road involves several constraints ranging from construction cost to environmental impacts. This study is designed to assess the capability of computer-assisted map analysis techniques for deriving several alternatives of forest road planning. Three cartographic models are presented to address the limit of slope, soil erosion, and aesthetic value in designing forest roads over a relatively small size of mountainous forest. Primary spatial analysis techniques used are distance measurements and connectivity analysis. The fundamental approach used was to generate a set of friction maps in which each friction map represents a combined restriction for a forest road projection. Products of the spatial analysis are compared by both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results demonstrate that computer-assisted map analysis has a potential to solve rather complex problems of forest road planning by providing several alternatives effectively.

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Impervious Surface Mapping of Cheongju by Using RapidEye Satellite Imagery (RapidEye 위성영상을 이용한 청주시의 불투수면지도 생성기법)

  • Park, Hong Lyun;Choi, Jae Wan;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2014
  • Most researches have created the impervious surface map by using low-spatial-resolution satellite imagery and are inefficient to generate the object-based impervious map with a broad area. In this study, segment-based impervious surface mapping algorithm is proposed using the RapidEye satellite imagery in order to map impervious area. At first, additional bands are generated by using TOA reflectance conversion RapidEye data. And then, shadow and water class are extracted using training data of converted reflectance image. Object-based impervious surface can be generated by spectral mixture analysis based on land cover map of Ministry of Environment with medium scale, in the case of other classes except shadow and water classes. The experiment shows that result by our method represents high classification accuracy compared to reference data, quantitatively.

Strategic Plan for Improvement of Citizen Service using Ubiquitous Technology on Public Area: Geospatial Web based Service (유비쿼터스 기술을 이용한 다중집합장소의 시민서비스 고도화 방안 : 지리공간 웹 기반 서비스 제공을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Young-Ok;Kim, Hee-Won
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2008
  • Enterprises as well as central and local governments have tried to apply ubiquitous technology to the actual life on the various types of business and projects. In this paper we develop strategic plan to provide public service on public areas based on needs analysis of public services as well as trend analysis of ubiquitous and web technology. Ubiquitous service model should be based on geospatial web which can incorporate participation and collaboration concepts, as the wire/wireless network system develop rapidly. To achieve this purpose, we suggest the following projects; 1), construction of internet map based on geospatial web technology, 2), development of web contents based on geospatial web, 3), installing ubiquitous equipment, and 4), upgrade Seoul Metropolitan Government's homepage and internet system which can incorporate web 2.0 concepts. Ubiquitous service model should be based on not only development of ubiquitous technology but also needs of consumer such as citizen, enterprises, and public sectors which have an interest in that place. Geospatial web will be the core of development of ubiquitous service models.

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