• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영화텍스트

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The Social Dilemma of Chinese Village Community: Focusing on the Film (중국 마을 공동체의 사회적 딜레마: 영화 <빈관>을 중심으로)

  • Sun, Ming-Yue;Lee, Hee-Seung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to examine the dilemma of rural China under rapid urbanization process after economic reform, by paying attention to the problem of the order of village community and the expression of individual desires depicted in the film with a rural background. To this end, the narrative analysis, which is suitable for exploring the story structure and expression style of the text, was conducted to examine the community order and ethics, patriarchy and paternity, and the expression of desires of subject. In the film, closed space and villagers, who are disciplined by community customs, local culture, and formality of the rule of manners, are depicted. The film is covered in a form of mystery movie dealing with the deaths of members of the village community. However, the film talks about the rise of the Imaginary desire of subject against the symbolic rules of community order and ethics through the puzzle pieces story according to the perspectives of the characters. In conclusion, through the narrative analysis, it was possible to examine the implications of weakened communal discipline and paternity of the countryside by the rapid urbanization of China, and implications of the lethargy and neurosis of the subjects.

Properties of Human Cognitive Learning in a Movie Scene-Dialogue Memory Game Using EEG-Based Brain Function Analysis (EEG 기반 뇌기능 분석을 이용한 영화 장면-대사 기억 게임에서의 인지 학습 특성)

  • Lee, Chung-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Sol;Lee, Sang-Woo;Ko, Bong-Kyung;Kim, Joon-Shik;Zhang, Byoung-Tak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06c
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 2011
  • 기억 인출 단서는 학습을 통해 장기기억 공간에 저장된 정보를 인출하는 과정에서 중요하며, 서로 다른 종류의 기억 인출 단서에 따른 기억 인출 결과 및 이에 대한 인지 학습적 특성 규명은 교육, 범죄 수사, 그리고 인간의 뇌 기능을 모방한 기계학습 연구 등에서 중요하게 다루어져야 할 문제이다. 본 논문에서는 비디오 데이터를 이용하여 학습한 내용을 인출하는 과정에서 텍스트와 이미지가 각각 인출 단서로서 기억인출 결과에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 기억 정보 및 시각 정보 처리와 관련된 뇌 영역에서의 뇌전도 분석을 이용하여 이를 해석하였다. 실험 결과를 통해 기억 인출을 위해 이미지-텍스트를 제시할 경우 전전두엽의 기억인출 관련 부위와 시각 피질이 위치한 후두엽의 인터랙션이 높게 이루어지면서 암묵적인 시각적기억 표상의 인출이 발생하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

Analysis of Vocabulary Relations by Dimensional Reduction for Word Vectors Visualization (차원감소 단어벡터 시각화를 통한 어휘별 관계 분석)

  • Ko, Kwang-Ho;Paik, Juryon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.01a
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2022
  • LSTM과 같은 딥러닝 기법을 이용해 언어모델을 얻는 과정에서 일종의 부산물로 학습 대상인 말뭉치를 구성하는 어휘의 단어벡터를 얻을 수 있다. 단어벡터의 차원을 2차원으로 감소시킨 후 이를 평면에 도시하면 대상 문장/문서의 핵심 어휘 사이의 상대적인 거리와 각도 등을 직관적으로 확인할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 기형도의 시(詩)을 중심으로 특정 작품을 선정한 후 시를 구성하는 핵심 어휘들의 차원 감소된 단어벡터를 2D 평면에 도시하여, 단어벡터를 얻기 위한 텍스트 전처리 방식에 따라 그 거리/각도가 달라지는 양상을 분석해 보았다. 어휘 사이의 거리에 의해 군집/분류의 결과가 달라질 수 있고, 각도에 의해 유사도/유추 연산의 결과가 달라질 수 있으므로, 평면상에서 핵심 어휘들의 상대적인 거리/각도의 직관적 확인을 통해 군집/분류작업과 유사도 추천/유추 등의 작업 결과의 양상 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. 이상의 결과를 통해, 영화 추천/리뷰나 문학작품과 같이 단어 하나하나의 배치에 따라 그 분위기와 정동이 달라지는 분야의 경우 텍스트 전처리에 따른 거리/각도 변화를 미리 직관적으로 확인한다면 분류/유사도 추천과 같은 작업을 좀 더 정밀하게 수행할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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A study on the usage patterns of Yun Dong-ju's poetry in the musical (- 창작가무극 <윤동주, 달을 쏘다>에 나타난 윤동주 시 활용 양상 연구)

  • Son, Mi-young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2019
  • Yun Dong - ju's poetry and his representations are used in various visual and dramatic media. According to its medium and genre characteristics, Yoon Dong - ju's representations and his poems are selected and changed. It is also the process of reading what the text is trying to convey to the public through a single person. In this study, Yoon Dong - joo's poetry was compared with other poetry of poetry. Particularly, the discussion was focused on the creative actor . If the creative drama is transmitting the feelings of Yoon Dong-ju through the city, the film conveys the poem of Yoon Dong-ju. Gamuplays are more restrictive than the movies because of their genre. As a result, the emotional expressions of the characters are more intense, the progress of the narrative is also dramatic, and the aspect of Yun Dong - ju, a poem illuminated by the movie and the drama, also differs. If the film aims to portray poet Yoon Dong-ju as a genuine literary youth, the creative poet reinterprets Yun's poetry as having a meaning of resistance.

Research on Attribute of Postdramatic Theatre from (2019) by Theater Group "Mul-Kyul" (극단 '물결'의 <밑바닥에서>(2019)에 나타난 포스트드라마 연극 특성 연구)

  • Ra, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.295-306
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    • 2020
  • In 21st century, theater evolves into a complex aspects. Advanced visual media, such as photography and movies has brought crisis to theater's position, and that crisis led contemporary theater seek for distinctive strategy by repeatedly pondering over the format in which it can be more competitive than other arts. And postdramatic theatre is one of distinctive characteristics of this trend in contemporary theater. Among these flows, The aim of thesis is to study the phenomenon of postdramatic theatre and its practical application in the recently performed (2019) by Theater Group "Mul-Kyul". (2019) puts the body at the front, one of the features of the postdramatic theatre. When creating stage, or developing narratives, the process of characterization, or even highlighting dramatic themes, non-verbal focused theatrical expressions hold a dominant position over verbal expressions. Also, by combining various non-verbal elements like object, with body language, it builds a complex Scenography and creates a metaphorical expression. In this regards, I would like to classify the postdramatic theatre phenomenon shown in the (2019) into 'Disorganization of text through Scenography' and 'Collage of Body Language and Object' and consider its characteristics and meanings.

The Prediction of the Helpfulness of Online Review Based on Review Content Using an Explainable Graph Neural Network (설명가능한 그래프 신경망을 활용한 리뷰 콘텐츠 기반의 유용성 예측모형)

  • Eunmi Kim;Yao Ziyan;Taeho Hong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.309-323
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    • 2023
  • As the role of online reviews has become increasingly crucial, numerous studies have been conducted to utilize helpful reviews. Helpful reviews, perceived by customers, have been verified in various research studies to be influenced by factors such as ratings, review length, review content, and so on. The determination of a review's helpfulness is generally based on the number of 'helpful' votes from consumers, with more 'helpful' votes considered to have a more significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. However, recently written reviews that have not been exposed to many customers may have relatively few 'helpful' votes and may lack 'helpful' votes altogether due to a lack of participation. Therefore, rather than relying on the number of 'helpful' votes to assess the helpfulness of reviews, we aim to classify them based on review content. In addition, the text of the review emerges as the most influential factor in review helpfulness. This study employs text mining techniques, including topic modeling and sentiment analysis, to analyze the diverse impacts of content and emotions embedded in the review text. In this study, we propose a review helpfulness prediction model based on review content, utilizing movie reviews from IMDb, a global movie information site. We construct a review helpfulness prediction model by using an explainable Graph Neural Network (GNN), while addressing the interpretability limitations of the machine learning model. The explainable graph neural network is expected to provide more reliable information about helpful or non-helpful reviews as it can identify connections between reviews.

Effect of Charade Techniques on a Character's Personality Development : Focusing on the Movie "April Story" (셔레이드 기법이 인물의 성격구축 결정에 미치는 영향 : 영화 "4월 이야기"를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2012
  • With the help of information technology for a film, characteris both the composition of the story and one of the most important elements that lead the story. Character has a close relationship with personality description, and the character's age, background, education, and occupation help decide his or her personality. Charades are important in that by describing a character's psychology using charade techniques, it gives a stronger impression than by describing with merely lines or narration. When a man's thought changes, their behavior changes; when a behavior is repeated, it becomes habit; when a habit is repeated, it becomes nature. The nature is the person's personality, otherwise called character. Therefore, charade techniques describe a character's psychology well, and consequently, it has maintained its importance. Because human nature and in-depth psychological description have a connection with a character's personality development, I would like to discuss the topic through this research. By using Director Shunji Iwai's "April Story" as the text, the effects of charade techniques on a character's personality development in film will be analyzed by seeking and presenting the methodology shown within the work through charade-acting techniques used by the characters for the development of character's personality.

Detecting Rectangular Image Regions in a Window Image for 3D Conversion (3D 변환을 위한 윈도우영상에서 사각 이미지 영역 검출)

  • Gil, Jong In;Lee, Jun Seok;Kim, Manbae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.795-807
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, 2D-to-3D conversion techniques have gained much attraction. Most of conventional methods focused on natural images such as movie, animation and so forth. However, it is difficult to apply these techniques to window images mixed with text, image, logo, and icon. Also, different depth values of text pixels will cause distortion and a proper 3D image can not be delivered in some situations. To solve this problem, we propose a method to classify a given image into either a window or a natural image. For the window image, only rectangular image regions (RIR) are detected and converted in 3D. Other text and background are displayed in 2D. The proposed method was performed on more than 10,000 test images. In the experimental results, the detection ratio of window image reaches 97% and RIR detection ratio is 87%.

Deep Learning-based Target Masking Scheme for Understanding Meaning of Newly Coined Words

  • Nam, Gun-Min;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2021
  • Recently, studies using deep learning to analyze a large amount of text are being actively conducted. In particular, a pre-trained language model that applies the learning results of a large amount of text to the analysis of a specific domain text is attracting attention. Among various pre-trained language models, BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)-based model is the most widely used. Recently, research to improve the performance of analysis is being conducted through further pre-training using BERT's MLM(Masked Language Model). However, the traditional MLM has difficulties in clearly understands the meaning of sentences containing new words such as newly coined words. Therefore, in this study, we newly propose NTM(Newly coined words Target Masking), which performs masking only on new words. As a result of analyzing about 700,000 movie reviews of portal 'N' by applying the proposed methodology, it was confirmed that the proposed NTM showed superior performance in terms of accuracy of sensitivity analysis compared to the existing random masking.

A study on cultural consumers of OTT original contents based on Text Mining, focusing on Netflix's 'Parasyte: The Grey' based on a comic book (텍스트 마이닝 기반 OTT 오리지널 콘텐츠의 문화소비자 연구, 만화 원작의 넷플릭스 '기생수: 더 그레이' 중심으로)

  • Oh Se Jong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.789-797
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    • 2024
  • The study of cultural consumers plays an important role in selecting actors, location selection, marketing, and scenarios in movies and series, and in box office factors. In particular, the study of cultural consumers of OTT original contents can produce viewer-tailored works by utilizing massive viewing data, social media user analysis, and location-based information. The research method analyzed the emotional vocabulary of text mining N-gram, CONCOR, and Bayesian classifier machine learning. Through the Netflix work 'Parasyte: The Gray' based on a comic book, the analysis of cultural consumption patterns of cultural consumers, actor selection, implications of genre change, complex human emotional narrative, location selection, and the effects of VFX were analyzed. In addition, the changed story development and storytelling structure were examined through Dan Harmon's 8 stages of hero storytelling. This study will save costs and time in cultural content development and the entertainment industry through the response factors of cultural consumers in OTT original contents and considerations for production.