• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연동 분석

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Service Configuration Method between MThings (IoMT에서 MThing간 서비스 연동 기법)

  • Kum, Seungwoo;Moon, Jaewon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.168-169
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    • 2021
  • 최근 미디어 기반 분석 기술의 활성화에 따라 국제 표준 기구인 ISO/IEC는 미디어 관련 분석 및 제어 기술에 대한 표준화를 진행하고 있다. ISO/IEC SC29 WG7은 Internet of Media Thing (IoMT) 이라는 기술명으로 Internet of Thing (IoT) 기술을 이용하여 미디어 기반 분석 서비스의 제공을 위한 인터페이스 기술에 대한 표준화를 진행 중이며, 이는 IoMT를 통한 미디어 취득 기기 및 센서 기기, 미디어 분석 기기, 미디어 저장 및 표현 기기에 대한 인터페이스를 정의하고 있다. 기본적으로 이 표준은 IoT 기법을 기반으로 하고 있는 데, IoT 기법은 서비스 제공자 - 소비자의 peer to peer 서비스 관리 기법으로 다양한 기기간 연동을 제공하는 미디어 기기간의 서비스 구성의 적용을 위해서는 연계에 대한 고려가 추가로 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 상기와 같은 IoMT 기반의 미디어 서비스 구성에 있어 IoMT 기기간 연계를 보다 손쉽게 설정하고 구성할 수 있는 서비스 연동 기법에 대한 요구사항을 검토하고 해결 방안을 검토한다. 단일 기기에 대한 제어와 달리 다양한 기기간의 밀접한 연계를 통한 미디어 서비스에 대하여, 본 논문은 각 기기간 연결을 autonomous하게 수행할 수 있는 별도의 IoMT 기기를 제시하여 해당 기기간 연계 기법을 제시한다. 이 과정에서 별도의 IoMT 기기가 제공해야 할 요구사항 및 주요 기능에 대한 척도를 함께 제시한다.

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Dosimetric Analysis of Respiratory-Gated RapidArc with Varying Gating Window Times (호흡연동 래피드아크 치료 시 빔 조사 구간 설정에 따른 선량 변화 분석)

  • Yoon, Mee Sun;Kim, Yong-Hyeob;Jeong, Jae-Uk;Nam, Taek-Keun;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Chung, Woong-Ki;Song, Ju-Young
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2015
  • The gated RapidArc may produce a dosimetric error due to the stop-and-go motion of heavy gantry which can misalign the gantry restart position and reduce the accuracy of important factors in RapidArc delivery such as MLC movement and gantry speed. In this study, the effect of stop-and-go motion in gated RapidArc was analyzed with varying gating window time, which determines the total number of stop-and-go motions. Total 10 RapidArc plans for treatment of liver cancer were prepared. The RPM gating system and the moving phantom were used to set up the accurate gating window time. Two different delivery quality assurance (DQA) plans were created for each RapidArc plan. One is the portal dosimetry plan and the other is MapCHECK2 plan. The respiratory cycle was set to 4 sec and DQA plans were delivered with three different gating conditions: no gating, 1-sec gating window, and 2-sec gating window. The error between calculated dose and measured dose was evaluated based on the pass rate calculated using the gamma evaluation method with 3%/3 mm criteria. The average pass rates in the portal dosimetry plans were $98.72{\pm}0.82%$, $94.91{\pm}1.64%$, and $98.23{\pm}0.97%$ for no gating, 1-sec gating, and 2-sec gating, respectively. The average pass rates in MapCHECK2 plans were $97.80{\pm}0.91%$, $95.38{\pm}1.31%$, and $97.50{\pm}0.96%$ for no gating, 1-sec gating, and 2-sec gating, respectively. We verified that the dosimetric accuracy of gated RapidArc increases as gating window time increases and efforts should be made to increase gating window time during the RapidArc treatment process.

An Approach to Calibrating a Progression Adjustment Factorat Signalized Intersections - Toward Theory of Background - (신호등(信號燈) 연동화보정계수(連動化補正係數) 산출(算出) 모형(模型)의 개발(開發) - 이론적(理論的) 고찰(考察)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Yong Jae;Choi, Woo Hyuck
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 1994
  • The recent study of the delay models have assumed random arrival which has a constant average flow rate throughout the cycle. However, where signals are spaced closely together or form part of progressive system, platoon flows are common and more closely represent reality. In such cases, those results are quite different pattern of estimated delay from that of observed one. In order to solve this problem, the 1985 HCM takes Progression Adjustment Factor (PAF) into account. In the 1985 HCM, however, it has deficiencies in defining and applying it, such as platoon ratio ($R_p$) and platoon arrival type. The Purpose of this study is to investigate theoretically the predictive ability of the individual models concerned through comparing the estimated delay and PAF suggested by NCHRP Report 339, KHCM or USHCM (1985) with the observed obtained by field survey at a signalized intersection.

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A Study on Standardization of IISS Software for Combat Interface Information Analysis of Naval Combat Management System

  • Cheol-Hoon Kim;Dong-Han Jung;Young-San Kim;Hyo-Jo Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2024
  • The IISS(Integrated Interface Storage System) software performs the function of transmitting tactical domain messages of Combat Management System for interface analysis of Naval Combat System. The source code is relatively large because the IISS software handles most messages. The modifications of source code of the IISS software occur frequently due to changes in interconnected equipment and messages. Therefore, additional effort and cost are required during the development process. In this paper, we studied standardization of the IISS software to improve reusability. Through the feature model, the components of the IISS software were divided by function and modification elements were separated. And the structure of the IISS software was improved by applying design patterns. As a result, it was possible to minimize modifications of the IISS software by changes in interconnected equipment and messages and a reduction in development costs could be expected.

Internetworking Models Between Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet Based on IPv6 (무선 센서 네트워크와 IPv6 기반 인터넷 간의 연동 모델)

  • Kwon, Hoon;Kim, Jeong-Hee;Kwak, Ho-Young;Do, Yang-Hoi;Kim, Dae-Young;Kim, Do-Hyeun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.1474-1482
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    • 2006
  • Recently, it is advanced about the variable research of IPv6 and the wireless sensor network. However, the existed researches are not enough about the internetworking technology between the wireless sensor network and the Internet based on IPv6 for supporting ubiquitous service. Accordingly, this paper proposes two internetworking models for connecting the wireless sensor network and Internet based on IPv6. The relay router in the first model and the sink node of the wireless sensor network in the second mode] were used as a gateway. Then we analyze and compare with two internetworking models. Additionally we construct the test-bed connected between the wireless sensor network and KOREN(KOrea advanced REsearch Network) based on IPv6 using the first model. And we verified the operation of the test-bed by experiments.

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Quantitative Evaluation of Gated Radiation Therapy Using Gamma Index Analysis (감마지표 분석을 통한 호흡연동방사선치료의 정량적 평가)

  • Ma, Sun Young;Choi, Ji Hoon;Jeung, Tae Sig;Lim, Sangwook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2013
  • Generally, to evaluate gated radiation therapy, moving phantoms are used to simulate organ motion. Since the target moves in every direction, we need to take into account motion in each direction. This study proposes methods to evaluate gated radiation therapy using gamma index analysis and to visualize adequate gating window sizes according to motion ranges. The moving phantom was fabricated to simulate motion in the craniocaudal direction. This phantom consisted of a moving platform, the I'm MatriXX, and solid water phantoms. A 6 MV photon filed with a field size of $4{\times}4cm^2$ was delivered to the phantom using the gating system, while the phantom moved in the 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-cm motion ranges. The gating windows were set at 40~60%, 30~40%, and 0~90%, respectively. The I'm MatriXX acquired the dose distributions for each scenario and the dose distributions were compared with a $4{\times}4cm^2$ static filed. The tolerance of the gamma index was set at 3%/3 mm. The greater the gating window, the lower the pass rate, and the greater the motion range, the lower the pass rate in this study. In case treatment without gated radiation therapy for the target with motion of 2 cm, the pass rate was less than 96%. But it was greater than 99% when gated radiation therapy was used. However gated radiation therapy was used for the target with motion greater than 4 cm, the pass rate could not be greater than 97% when gating window was set as 30~70%. But when the gating window set as 40~60%, the pass rate was greater than 99%.

Case Study of Business Innovation of Agriculture Venture Firm through Strategic Alignment between Strategy and Infrastructure (전략과 인프라의 전략적 연계를 통한 농업벤처기업 경영혁신 사례 연구)

  • Park, Sang Hyeok;Han, Man Sun;Jeon, Hyoung Kwang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2014
  • Strategic link, to develop the business strategy and to build the infrastructure of the organization, is an important challenge to management activities of the company, it is a major study of management academia. Effective strategy and information systems influence the success of the organization. Strategic alignment model for analyzing linkage was introduced in this study. Strategic alignment model, is composed of business strategy, organization infrastructure, information technology strategy, and information technology infrastructure. We have studied that this models appear in some form in the field of actual companies. Our research subject is a agricultural venture in Chungnam province.

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Design and Implementation of an XML Meta-Data based Protocol Analyzer for LTE Systems (LTE 시스템을 위한 XML 메타데이터 기반의 프로토콜 분석기 설계 및 구현)

  • Pi, jun-il;Lee, Chul-woo;Bok, kyoung-soo;Yoo, jae-soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 2011
  • 최근 무선통신의 발전과 스마트 폰 사용자의 급격한 증가로 인하여 멀티미디어 콘텐츠에 대한 관심과 요구가 급속히 증대되고 있다. 이를 수용하기 위한 이동통신 시스템 환경 역시 급속도로 변하고 있으며, 그중 LTE 시스템에 대한 관심과 개발이 진행되고 있는 상황이다. 이에 따라 개발단계부터 안정화단계까지 해당 시스템의 프로토콜 검증과 분석을 위한 분석기의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 LTE 프로토콜과 연동 메시지를 XML 메타데이터로 기술한 에이전트-서버 구조의 프로토콜 분석기를 제안한다. 제안하는 프로토콜 분석기는 LTE 시스템에 최적화된 프로토콜 분석이 가능하고 연동 규격 변경시에도 XML 메타데이터 수정만으로 적용가능하다.

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