• Title/Summary/Keyword: 여유길이

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Estimating Efficiency of Invisible Drainage for Treating Non-point Source Pollution (비점오염원 처리를 위한 비노출 배수로의 효과분석)

  • Song, Ju-Il;Kim, Kyoung-Beom;So, Jae-Chul;Yoon, Sei-Eui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.79-79
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    • 2011
  • 도시지역에서 강우발생 시 우수는 대부분 도로를 통해 이동하고 배수된다. 도로의 배수시설은 도로면의 안전을 확보하기 위한 목적뿐만 아니라 도로 이외의 지역에 흐르는 유출수를 배수시키는 기능도 포함하고 있다. 현재 우리나라의 도로배수는 빗물받이와 횡유입부를 통해 대부분 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 배수시설이 제 기능을 충분히 발휘하지 못하면 노면수가 정체되고, 노면수가 인근 주택가로 유입되어 침수피해를 가중시키는 경우도 있고, 교통의 원활한 흐름을 저해하게 된다. 도로배수시설의 설계 시 설계빈도에 상위하도록 충분한 여유를 두고 설치하더라도 부유잡물 등에 의해 그 효율이 저하될 수도 있다. 또한 배수시설을 통해 배수되는 초기 유출수는 많은 비점오염원을 포함하고 있고, 이러한 오염원이 하천으로 유입되어 하천수 및 저수지를 오염시킬 수도 있다. 본 연구에서는 배수시설 중 빗물받이의 효율개선과 비점오염원을 처리할 수 있는 비노출배수로에 대하여 수리실험을 실시하고 효과를 검토하였다. 이를 위해 폭 2.4 m, 길이 10.0 m의 실험도로를 제작하였고, 유입유량을 증가시켜가며 배수효율을 확인하였다. 또한 흙탕물을 유입시켜 비노출 배수로를 통해 배수시킨 후 유입수와 유출수의 부유물질, BOD, $COD_{Mn}$, TN, TP의 량을 측정하고 변화를 확인하였다. 이때 비점오염원처리를 위한 여과재료로는 제오라이트를 이용하였다. 실험결과 실험도로의 측면에 비노출 배수로를 설치하였을 경우 도로위에 수심이 거의 발생하지 않으면서 배출할 수 있는 최대 유량은 2.29 l/s였고, 서울시를 기준으로 설계빈도 10년에 대하여 본 연구의 실험도로 규격에서의 유출량이 1.09 l/s임을 고려할 때 10년 빈도 강우강도 발생 시 비노출 배수로가 충분한 여유를 가지고 배수 시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 실험도로의 규격에서 2.29 l/s의 유출량이 발생하기 위한 강우강도는 서울시를 기준으로 100년 빈도에 상위하는 강우강도로 비노출 배수로에 막힘이 없는 경우 100년 빈도의 강우시에도 노면수 배출이 가능하였다. 쓰레기와 모래와 같은 부유잡물이 배수로를 막고 있다 하더라고 배수효율 저하는 크게 발생하지 않았다. 또한 BOD와 $COD_{Mn}$의 농도는 유입수와 비교하여 30%이상의 제거 효율을 보였다. 특히 부유물질의 경우 제거효율이 50 %인 것으로 검토되어 본 연구의 비노출 배수로가 초기우수의 오염원제거에 효과가 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Critical Chain Project Management as a New Paradigm for Reducing the Project Delivery Time (프로젝트 일정 단축을 위한 새로운 경영 패러다임 Critical Chain Project Management(CCPM))

  • Jang, Seong-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2007
  • Critical Chain Project Management(CCPM) is a new project management system paradigm which maintains the advantages of PERT/CPM and improves the shortcomings of it. In CCPM the task durations are determined as 50% time estimates, ie average time discarding the their contingency. CCPM determines the critical chain the constraint of a projects considering the logical precedence relationship and resource conflict resolution. Project buffer is located at the end of critical chain to absorb the variations of critical chain. The size of project buffer is usually calculated as the half of the sum of critical chain length. Also feeding buffer is inserted after each non-critical chain which feeding into the critical chain to prevent the time delay of critical chain from uncertainties of non-critical chains. Resource buffer can be utilized to improve the availability of resources of critical chain. Buffer management is a project execution and control mechanism. Buffers are classified into 3 zones. They are OK zone, Watch and Plan zone and Expediting zone. If the project status is within Watch and Plan zone, contingency plan is established. And if it changes into Expediting zone, the preplanned contingency plan are executed to recover the time delay. In CCPM the workers are asked to work with relay runner work mechanism that they work fast if possible and report their completion to project manager for the succeeding task to start as soon as possible. The task durations are not considered as the promised time schedule. The multi-tasking is prohibited.

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A Study on the Evaluation of Ready-Made Jacket for Women according to Pattern Size Using 3D Scanner (3D scanner를 이용한 여성복 재킷의 패턴 사이즈에 따른 착의평가 연구)

  • 서추연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.3_4
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    • pp.390-401
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    • 2002
  • This study was to evaluate the fitness and the suitability of size specification of the ready made jacket for women by analysing pattern size and space between skin and clothing using 3D scanner. The results were as follows: 1. Pattern B had the lowest score and the feeling of wearing was significantly different among the given patterns even though all jacket size specification were the same. 2. Ease amount was different between each brand even though the jacket size specification was the same due to the different pattern grading rules. And increasing grading amounts were bigger in horizontal direction rather than in vertical direction. 3. We could obtain accurate a 3 dimensional figure, using 3D scanner which was very useful and more accurate than 2 dimensional data using photography method. 4. Analyzing the average space between skin and clothing of each pattern, there was no significant difference in the average space between skin and clothing among all patterns except waist part of B88 size. And analyzing the average space between skin and clothing of each measured body parts by each size, there existed a significant difference in the interscye, abdomen and hip parts.

Study on the Installation warrants of staggered crosswalk traffic island on Urban Streets - Focusing on pedestrian safety and service level - (도시부가로 이단 횡단보도 교통섬 설치 준거에 관한 연구 - 보행자 안전과 서비스수준을 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Kwan-Bo;Kim, Joong-Hyo;Park, Kyung-Woo;Ha, Dong-Ik
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2013
  • On the Staggered Crosswalks, pedestrians cross the crosswalks two times. This method can reduce the cycle, the vehicle delay and the walking distance by increasing the major direction of green time. The safety of pedestrians is also effective. This study suggests the warrant of the facilities of island width and length etc. by considering the road structure and pedestrians. Also this study suggests the standard of the safety through the accident analysis of Staggered crosswalks and General Crosswalks. In the results, accident rate of the Staggered Crosswalks 18.3(100 million vehicle-km) was lower than the accident rate of the General Crosswalks 28.3(100million vehicle-km). By understanding the start point of crossing of the Staggered Crosswalks, the analysis of the location and types of accident suggests the safety zone(spare space). The setting warrants of Staggered Crosswalks are 4 lane over the road and the 2 meter over sidewalk width of island. The minimum length of the Pedestrian island was doubled compared to the crosswalks width. And the maximum length was set by considering the wait time of the pedestrians.

Development and Application of Vulnerability Analysis Index for River Levee (하천 제방의 취약성 분석 지수 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, Hoosang;Lee, Jaejoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.spc
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we propose a new method for evaluating the vulnerability to flooding river levee. The purpose of this study is to examine how to apply the factors necessary to calculate the proposed levee flood index. To do this, the safety flood level was analyzed by applying the planned flood level. The levee flood vulnerabilities index was calculated based on seven factors such as freeboard, levee crown section, levee section ratio, safety factor, raised spot length, Seepage line change degree, and critical velocity. The Levee Flood Vulnerability Index(LFVI) of the levee developed in this study was used to levee vulnerability analysis. The results of the analysis were divided into 1 to 7 grades using Levee Flood Vulnerability Index(LFVI).

Body Measurement Changes and Prediction Models for Flight Pilots in Dynamic Postures (자세에 따른 부위별 체표길이 변화량 분석 및 예측모형 개발 -공군 전투조종사를 대상으로-)

  • Lee, Ah Lam;Nam, Yun Ja;Chen, Lin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2020
  • Wearing ease is a critical factor when designing special uniforms such as flight pilot's garment and should reflect occupational properties for better performance. This study measured skin surface on 31 areas in seven postures that refer to the pilot's occupational postures as well as made six prediction models including linear mixed model (LMM) for each body part to find the best fit model. Skin surface measured from 3D body scanned images of 11 male pilot participants. There were significantly positive and negative changes in various areas from standing posture (P1) to dynamic postures (P2-P7). Six models were designed in various compositions using stature and chest circumference as fixed effects and subject and posture as random effects. The best models were linear mixed models with one fixed effect (chest circumference or stature, varies with body parts) and two random effects (subject and posture). The results of this study provide reference data to set wearing ease for pilot's garment and suggests a new methodology in this research area, but verifying the effect of diverse independent variables is left for future studies.

Midship Section Design of Ship Structures Based on Reliability Analysis (신뢰성 해석에 기초한 선체 중앙단면 설계)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 2011
  • This study is concerned with the reliability analysis and its based design of midship section against the ultimate bending strength. Eight bulk carriers and seven oil tankers over 100m length are chosen for the present study. Target reliability indices for the two ship types have been derived based on the results reliability analysis of the present ship models. Reliability-based structural design codes are proposed for use in design of midship section of bulk carriers and oil tankers. The design codes proposed in this study have been successfully applied to re-design of midship section of the present ship types. It has been found that the proposed codes can provide more uniform structural design results.

HVAC & Refrigeration System for Work Barge Vessel (WORK BARGE 선의 냉동.공조 SYSTEM)

  • Nam, Im-Woo;Jung, Jae-Chun;Kim, Bong-Je
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2008
  • 최근 작업자 숙소 및 이송용 외에 작업용으로 사용 가능한 Barge선의 일종인 Accommodation Work Barge 선의 건조량이 증가 추세인 바 현재 중국에서 건조 중인 해당 선박의 HVAC & Refrigeration system에 대하여 정리하였다. 본 시스템은 R404A Direct expansion 냉각방식 (직접팽창방식)이 적용되었으며 HVAC system 중 Air conditioning 부분에 대해서는 선박의 각 Deck 기준으로 Zoning 하여 개별적인 Air handling unit와 Condensing unit를 구성하였으며 (각 unit의 용량은 필요용량의 100%), 냉동 창고의 Refrigeration system은 해당 격실 (육고, 어고, 야채고)에 각각 Unit cooler를 설치하고, Condensing unit를 기계실에 설치하였다. 장비는 전체 용량 100%에 대하여 항시 운전하는 100% 용량의 장비와 비상시에 운전하는 100% 용량의 예비 장비로 구성된다. 냉동 창고에 인접한 Dry provision store는 냉동 창고와는 별개로 중앙 공조기로부터의 냉각 공기를 이용하여 Spot cooling하였다. 본 System의 구성에 대한 장점 및 단점은 아래와 같다. 1. Air conditioning system이 각 Zone에 대하여 구성되므로 각 Zone에 대하여 제어가 가능하다. 2. Air con. 실에 Air handling unit와 Condensing unit가 설치되므로 냉매 배관의 길이가 짧다. 3. Air con. 실에 Air handling unit와 Condensing unit가 설치되므로 실내의 Maintenance space 상에 여유가 없다.

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Buffered Routing Tree Construction under Buffer Location and Wiring Constraints (버퍼 삽입 위치 및 배선 제한을 고려한 Buffered 배선 트리 구성)

  • 정동식;김덕환;임종석
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a simultaneous buffer insertion and routing method is proposed under the constraints of wire and buffer locations by macro or IP blocks. A new grid graph is proposed to describe the regions in which buffers(or both wires and buffers) are not available. Under this grid we describe a method of constructing a buffeted tree that minimize the maximum source to sink delay. The method is based on the dynamic programming with pruning unnecessary partial solutions. The proposed method improved the slack time of the delay by 19% on the average while using less buffers and similar wire length.

Korean Apparel Wearing Behavior of Foreigners (외국인의 한국 의류 착의실태)

  • Maharjan Shreejana;Chang-Bum Heo;Kyung-Seo Yoon;Ye-Sun Kim;Hyang Ki Yu;Su-Joung Cha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.07a
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    • pp.345-346
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 한국 거주 외국인을 대상으로 한국 의류의 착용실태 및 착용 시 불편사항, 선호도 등을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 그 수요가 증가하고 있는 외국인 소비자를 흡수할 수 있는 의류개발에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 하였다. 본 연구는 설문지법으로 진행되었으며, 분석에는 SPSS 26.0 프로그램을 사용하였다. 의류 구매장소는 온라인 쇼핑이 가장 많았고, 구매 아이템은 티셔츠, 재킷이 많았다. 가격대는 3만원에서 5만원 사이가 가장 많았다. 구매 이유는 심미적 요인이 높았다. 한국 의류는 어깨부위, 다리길이가 가장 불편하였고, 바지가 가장 맞지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 선호스타일은 캐주얼과 모던 스타일이 많았고, 심플하고 편안한 이미지의 의복을 선호하며, 천연소재를 선호하였다. 조금 여유있는 실루엣의 의복을 선호하고 재킷, 티셔츠 등의 아이템을 선호하였다. 향후 국적, 체형 등에 따른 착의실태 및 선호도에 대한 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

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