• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실습 교육과정

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A Study on the consciousness of Biomedical ethics, Attitudes Human tissue donation and transplantation (생명의료윤리의식과 인체조직 기증 및 이식에 대한 태도)

  • Yun, Mi-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the awareness of biomedical ethics and attitudes toward human tissue donation and transplantation among Nursing students and General college students. The study was conducted on 2016 May 1st to June 10th with 521 students at two universities. Study results showed awareness of biomedical ethics score of nursing students was 2.16 and general college students 2.01, which was statistically significant difference. Attitude scores towards human tissue donation and transplantation were 2.52 and 2.50, not statistically significant (t=4.671, p=.000). Study results indicate the need to establish biomedical ethics preferred curriculum. It also seems necessary to offer students related systematic training program in order to increase the awareness of bio-medical ethics.

Roles of the Specialized Education Recognized by Professional Panels (전문가 패널들이 인식하는 공업계고등학교의 전문교육 역할)

  • Oh, Seung-gyun
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to clarify the elements of the function of the role of industrial high schools that its experts perceived. The content of this research is verify the function element required for the performance of the role of specialized education through content validity ratio(CVR). This research adopted the method of literature research and Delphi method, which is to collect and come to an agreement of the opinions of the 26 research panels. The first round is constructed by the semi-constructed questionnaire for the analysis of the opinions of the panels by inductive method. The second round is to categorize the result of the first one into 7 domains, and asked each category by Likert's 5 scale checklists, and statistically analyzed mean, medium, standard deviation, and quartile. The third round is to statistically analyze Mean, standard deviation, medium, and validity ratio(CVR) to reassure the opinions of the panels on the basis of the result of the first one. The categorized contents of the function required for the performance of the specialized education in this research is 'in-service visit and in-service training', 'licence acquiring education', 'employment counseling and job employment information', 'custom-made education connected with industry', 'career education' and 'enhancement of basic career competency'. The panels are divided into professors, teachers, professionals, and policy administrators, and they verified the validity rate of the function role and priority of emphasis. The result showed that the tendency of the education is converting from physical function-centered education to education of emotional attitude and competence of thought.

An Intravenous Injection Simulator using Augmented Reality for Veterinary Education (증강현실 기술을 사용한 수의학 교육용 정맥 주사 훈련 시뮬레이터)

  • Lee, Jun;Seo, Anna;Kim, WonJong;Kim, Jee-In;Lee, SeungYeon;Eom, KiDong
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2012
  • A veterinary student learns and experiences veterinary processes though experiments and practices using real animals. However, animal protection laws regulate animal experiments and restrict number of the experiments on laboratory animals, veterinary students would have less chances of the experiments and the practices for their veterinary training with real animals. This paper proposes a simulator for veterinary education based on augmented reality (AR). We selected an intravenous injection procedure for the simulation because the injection procedure is the most frequently used procedure during veterinary training and the most difficult stage for beginning veterinary students. The proposed AR simulator provides with a tangible prop, of which shape looks like a leg of a real dog. It also has a injection simulator, which receives user's input and sends force feedbacks to indicate results of the injection simulation. We developed a WorkBench type AR system with an LED display and cameras for visual information processing. Finally, we evaluated its performance through experiments and user studies to check its acceptance level and usability of the proposed system. We compared the proposed system with a traditional video based education and an AR based system using a head mounded display (HMD). The results that the proposed system showed better performances over these systems.

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A Study on the Practical Knowledge of Low-Experienced Teacher Librarian in Library Based Instruction (저경력 사서교사의 도서관활용수업에 대한 실천적 지식 형성 과정 탐색)

  • Lee, Seung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the process of forming practical knowledge about library-based instruction of low-experienced teacher librarians. The study conducted interviews with six teacher librarians with less than three years of teaching experience. The analysis of the data collected focused on the teachers' self-knowledge and instructional knowledge, which are in the areas of practical knowledge. The results of the analysis of the study are as follows. First, the self-knowledge of teacher librarians was a teacher with leadership, who led students and teachers to reading education and information literacy instruction. Second, the self-knowledge of teacher librarians was most concretely formed in the process of pre-service teacher training, and the reflection on the teacher's image was taking place in the school field. Third, the knowledge of the instructional knowledge for library-based instruction was focused on library collaborative instruction, and various teaching methods were being learned and applied in school field. Fourth, there was a difference in the instructional knowledge of library-based instruction among teacher librarians. Through this study, it is suggested that the teacher training course and educational practicum activities should be changed by reflecting the contents of the actual school field, and the analysis of library-based instruction should be continued.

Search for the Education of High-Tech Emotional Textile and Fashion (하이테크 감성 섬유패션의 교육 방향에 대한 모색)

  • Youn Hee Kim;Chunjeong Kim;Youngjoo Na
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2023
  • High-tech sensibility textile and fashion, in which consumers' emotions and various textile and fashion technologies are converged, is an important industrial group. It is important to develop the ability to apply in practice by gathering the creative by understanding other fields and exchanging ideas through interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of emotional engineering. Through interdisciplinary research and collaboration, talent must be nurtured of individuals who would lead the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution with the ability to empathize with others as well as the creative convergence-type intellectual ability necessary for the rapidly changing society. To determine content-creation methods, basic research is conducted. Additionally, this study investigates on the current status and educational process of the emotional textile-fashion industry worldwide. To nurture talents in the textile and fashion sensibility science, the basic contents are created to manage the knowledge that delivers sensibility science and the ICT related to this field, as well as in the intensive, PB-style conceptual design based on sensibility. The process from derivation of consumer emotion analysis and product development can be experienced through smart kit practice. Moreover, various methods are developed to set up intellectual property rights generated while developing ICT convergence products as start-ups. The study also covers new knowledge rights to develop emotional textile fashion.

Development and Evaluation of Home Economics Maker Education Program for High School Students: Focusing on the Contents of 'Hanbok and Creative Clothing' (고등학교 가정과 메이커 교육 프로그램 개발과 평가: '한복과 창의적인 의생활' 내용 요소를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Saetbyeol
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest valuable maker education programs by implementing and evaluating a Home Economics(HE) maker education program developed based on the content of "Hanbok and Creative Clothing" for high school students. The results of this study are as follows. First, the HE maker education model for high school students was designed and developed. The HE maker education model was developed by integrating and modifying the TMSI model of the maker education model and Laster's HE practical action teaching model. The HE maker education model consisted of 4 steps: tinkering(T: 4-hour class), practical reasoning(P: 3-hour class), making together(M: 4-hour class), and sharing and spreading(S: 1-hour class) with a total of 12-hour lesson plans. The theme of the developed HE maker program is 'Practice and spread of creative traditional culture of life (Hanbok)'. Second, the results of online survey of 240 high school students who participated in this maker class showed that HE maker class had positive effects in the order of experiential(4.26), cognitive(4.22), emotional(4.18), social(4.18), and practical(4.10). It is expected that the findings of this study will contribute to diversifying the curriculum of Home Economics, thereby improving the quality of Home Economics Education.

Education Evaluation of Basic CPR on Guard Major Collegian in Gwangju and Jeonnam Region (광주·전남지역 경호학과 대학생의 심폐소생술(CPR) 교육평가)

  • Jang, Chul-Won
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.266-272
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    • 2011
  • This study is focused on guard major collegians who are composed of factor in medical emergency system. In the case of cardiac failure, it is to make its basic data develop its education program of CPR which can increase the patient's survival rate before his hospitalization. The subject of study is composed of 120 persons who are 94 boy-collegians(78.3%) and 26 girl-collegians(21.7%) in sex and 66 first-grade collegians(55.0%) and 54 second-grade collegians(45.0%) in a school year. There is significant difference in the practices of artificial respiration and the thorax pressure after the education of basic CPR in sex(p<0.01). The practices of artificial respiration in boy-collegians($93.72{\pm}4.21$) is higher than in girl-collegians($82.31{\pm}6.36$) and the practices of thorax pressure in boy-collegians($92.45{\pm}4.44$) is higher than in girl-collegians($88.08{\pm}6.49$). The satisfaction degree of boy-collegians($4.33{\pm}0.59$) is higher than that of girl-collegians($3.73{\pm}0.67$) after theory & practice education of basic CPR(p<0.01). It is necessary to develop the education program and educate its knowledge & technology in proportion to collegians characteristics of sex and school year. Also, education authorities should develop a subject of the accident provided the practical education of CPR for guard major collegians.

Research Trends in Teaching-Learning Methods for Home Economics Education (가정과 교육의 교수.학습 방법에 관한 국내 연구 동향)

  • Kim, Eun Jeung;Kwon, Yoojin;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to examine the research trends and to suggest future research directions in teaching-learning methods for Home Economics education, by analyzing articles published in three major academic journals in the field. From each of the research studies, the teaching-learning method, the related content area, and the learning effect measures were quantitatively codified. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis and cross-tabulations. According to the results, the number of teaching-learning method studies steadily increased since 1998 and peaked in 2010 and 2011. The most frequently studied content areas were combinations of more than two content areas, and the most frequently studied teaching-learning method was the Content-Based methods, followed by Practical Thinking/Problem Solving, and IT-Based methods. The most frequently used measures of learning effect were Knowledge/Understanding, Attitudes toward Home Economics subject, General Attitudes/Competencies, and the Attitudes toward the Instructional Method, in the order of frequencies. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the teaching-learning method research and also provide implications to the documentation of Home Economics curriculum for secondary education.

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A Comparative Study on the Improvement of Curriculum in the Junior College for the Industrial Design Major (2년제 대학 산업디자인전공의 교육과정 개선방안에 관한 비교연구)

  • 강사임
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the curriculum for industrial design department in the junior colleges. In order to achieve the purpose, two methodologies were carried out. First is job analysis of the industrial designers who have worked in the small & medium manufacturing companies, second is survey for the opinions of professors in the junior colleges. Some results were as follows: 1. The period of junior college for industrial designers is 2 years according to present. But selectively 1 year of advanced course can be established. 2. The practice subjects same as computational formative techniques needed to product development have to be increased. In addition kinds of selection subjects same as foreign language, manufacturing process, new product information and consumer behavior investigation have to be extended. 3. The next subjects need to adjust the title, contents and hours. (1) The need of 3.D related subjects same as computer modeling, computer rendering, 3.D modeling was high. The use of computer is required to design presentation subjects. (2)The need of advertising and sale related subjects same as printing, merchandise, package, typography, photography was low, the need of presentation techniques of new product development was high. (3) The need of field practice, special lecture on practice and reading original texts related subjects was same as at present, but these are not attached importance to form. As the designers feel keenly the necessity of using foreign language, the need of language subject was high.

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Development of teacher training program for smart education (스마트교육 교사연수 프로그램개발)

  • Jeon, Me-Ae;Maeng, Joon-Hee;Chun, Se-Yeoung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.102-127
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a training program on smart education for teachers, which will contribute to establishing and promoting smart education in schools. To achieve the purpose, researchers set up a process composed of five phases: analysis, design, development,s implementation and assessment. For details of the training program, analysis was conducted on areas such as environment, learners and assignments, and the results were used to design the five subjects - theory and practice of smart education; use of smart education platform; solutions for smart teaching and learning; case studies of smart education; and smart education practice and addiction to smart devices - and 12 learning assignments. Training materials for teachers taking the program and teaching materials that can be used by teachers in schools were developed based on the results of requirement analysis and program design. For the assessment, 72 teachers from elementary and middle schools in D city participated in the training program of through the smart education research centers designated as an in-service training center for teachers. The program was finally completed by incorporating assessments of the participants and consultations with experts. The discussions made in the process of the program development will provide suggestions for future development of training programs on smart education for teachers.