• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생환경

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Evaluation of Flow Resistance Coefficient based on Physical Properties of Vegetation in Floodplains and Numerical Simulation of the Changes in Flow Characteristics (홍수터 식생의 물리적 특성을 고려한 흐름저항계수 산정 및 흐름특성 변화 모의)

  • Ji, Un;Jang, Eun-kyung;Ahn, Myeonghui;Bae, Inhyeok
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.212-222
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the flow resistance coefficient was calculated considering the physical properties and distribution characteristics of floodplain vegetation, and the effect of floodplain vegetation distribution on flow characteristics was analyzed by reflecting it in a two-dimensional numerical simulation. The three-dimensional point clouds of vegetation acquired using ground lidar were analyzed to apply floodplain vegetation's physical properties to the existing formula for vegetation flow resistance calculation. The floodplain vegetation distribution in the modeling was divided into locally distributed and fully distributed conditions in the floodplain. As a result of the simulation of the study site, the flow resistance coefficient of floodplain vegetation was found to have a value of about five times or more compared to the flow resistance coefficient of the main channel bed when the design flood occurs based on Manning's n coefficient. Also, it affected the hydraulic characteristics in the main channel and floodplain.

A Study on the Potential Vegetation Recovery according to the Environment and Type of Tunnel Entrance and Exit (고속도로 터널 입·출구부 유형과 주변 환경에 따른 식생복구 잠재성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Cheol;Choi, Song-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Pil;Song, Jae-Tak;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to classify, evaluate and grade the existing highway tunnels to increase landscape and natural statistics keeping the structural safety about tunnel gates area and induce the ones that will be constructed in the future by drawing the improvements and restoring the techniques as an environment-friendly. To examine the types of tunnel gate area, total 54 tunnels were investigated by selecting Gyeongbu Expressway, Yeongdong Expressway, and Jungang Expressway. Tunnel entrances and exit ports were classified as a Wall-closed type and Protruding type, which is based on tunnel gate type. Vegetation Landscape types were classified as Multilayer-Same as the surrounding landscape_(MS), Multilayer-Difference of surrounding landscape_(MD), Single layer-Same as the surrounding landscape_(SS), Single layer-Difference of surrounding landscape_(SD), and a Desolate type which based on vegetation layers and environment-friendly. Potential vegetation recovery was identified based on the structural stability and revegetation potential of the tunnel. The factors include the structural stability of the slope height and slope gradient were selected. Revegetation potential was identified as a growth potential. This factor was used in the step to classify vegetation recovery potential of a tunnel. The result, which investigated the types of tunnel entrances and exit parts has found that the most typical in 33 places was a Wall closed type with 61.1% of the total ones. The case of vegetation landscape types was created but different from the ones surrounding it with 85.2% of the total ones. It is judged that the currently constructed vegetation of tunnel entrance and exit parts had put convenience on the safety and management before landscape consideration. In addition, tunnel entrance and exit parts with excellent potential for vegetation recovery were all Protruding type. In addition, it is judged that slope stability can easily obtain growth. Therefore, entrance and exist of the highway tunnels, which will be constructed in the future, should reflect location and the result of the natural and ecological survey in design by performing it in advance and their types, which minimize the damage area range, should be applied to the local characteristics suitably. In addition, the ecologically healthy tunnel construction should be done by introducing active vegetation recovery techniques based on its safety.

The Relationship between Vegetation (Halophyte Communites) Distribution and Environmental Factors in Estuaries in Korea (한반도 하구에 분포하는 식생(염생식물 군락)과 환경요인 간의 관계)

  • Sung, Nak-Pil;Moon, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Jong-Hak
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2022
  • This study was identified the distribution of vegetation in domestic estuaries and analysed the relationship with environmental fcators based on the health assessment data of the estuary ecosystem surveyed between 2016 and 2018. Of the 325 estuaries surveyed, 187 vegetation communites were investigated in 300 estuaries and 53 halophyte communites accounted for 28.3%. No vegetation distribution was found in the other 25 estuaries. Considering the circulation of estuary, 41 halophyte communites were investigated in open estuaries and 26 halophyte communites in closed estuaries. As a result of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) between the entire distributed vegetation community and environmental factors, salinity (conductivity), T-N, and T-P concentrations were strongly correlated. Among the riverbed material materials of the estuary, the composition ratio of silt, sand, and pebble was the most correlated. Therefor, it is estimated that the distribution location of the halophyte communites were differentiated by being influenced by the sea ares, estuary circulation type, resistance to salinity and riverbed material ratio.

Analysis of Environmental Equity of Green Space Services in Seoul - The Case of Jung-gu, Seongdong-gu and Dongdaemun-gu - (서울지역 녹지서비스의 환경형평성 분석 - 중구, 성동구, 동대문구를 사례로 -)

  • Ko, Young Joo;Cho, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Woo-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.100-116
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    • 2019
  • Urban green spaces, as a means to mitigate social problems and environmental risks, are getting more attention in evaluating urban environment. The inequity of green space distribution is becoming a major issue in urban planning and management. This study investigated the characteristics of green space in 3 districts (Jung-gu, Dongdaemun-gu, Seongdong-gu), that are composed of 46 administrative divisions in central Seoul, to analyze the environmental equity of urban green spaces. The correlations between the amount of green space, including the coverage of street trees, and the socioeconomic status of each administrative division were analyzed. To deduce the effects of plant coverage on the urban temperature regime, the relationship between the normalized difference of vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) was analyzed. The research revealed that the mean NDVI of an administrative division was negatively correlated with the percentage of basic living recipients and disabled people. The LST of a division with low NDVI was higher due to the lack of green coverage. Such environmental inequities were closely related to residential building type, which was strongly affected by the economic status of residents. The LST of an apartment area was $2.0^{\circ}C$ lower than that of single-family houses and multi-housing areas. This is expected as the average NDVI of the apartment area was more than twice as high as the other environments considered in this study. The inequity can be exacerbated without urban planning which is deliberately designed to reduce it.

Vegetation Structure of Cheonseongsan Area - In the Case of the Wonhyo Tunnel Reserved Section of the Gyeongbu Line for KTX - (천성산지역의 식생구조 - 경부고속철도 원효터널 계획구간을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi Song-Hyun;Oh Koo-Kyoon;Kang Hyun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2005
  • The Wonhyo tunnel section of the Gyeongbu line for KTX, which will be driven through the Cheonseongsan, has the opposing opinions between conservation and development. To investigate the vegetation structure of the Cheonseongsan area, sixty five plots(unit: $100m^2$) were set up and surveyed. The analysis results of the actual vegetation map was showing that the conifer-deciduous and deciduous community is $53\%$, And DGN 8 was $86.88\%$ in the analysis of Degree of Green Naturality. Five representative communities which are conifer-deciduous, de-ciduous, Pinus densiflora -Quercus dentata, P. densiflora-Q. acutissima and Q. dentata community, were investigated on a species composition.

The Characteristics of the Vegetation of 'Amgok' Wetland, Gyeongju National Park, Korea (경주국립공원 내 암곡습지 유역권 식생분포 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Suk;Choi, Song-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Hwan;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Bae, Jung-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.381-395
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we surveyed 6 times for the actual vegetation type and flora of Amgok wetland (Intermediate moor area, Alnus japonica community area) and it's watershed area in Tohamsan district, Gyeongju National Park from Apr. to Nov. in 2011. As a result of the actual vegetation type, most vegetation of watershed area was disturbed by human activity except wetland area. Even though the wetland is relatively broad compared with it's watershed, the wetland: watershed is around 1:10. The flora was surveyed 65 family, 184 species, 1 subspecies, 39 variety, 8 forma and totally 233 taxonomic group in the watershed. The wetland type was looked intermediate moor. Naturalized plants was surveyed 2taxonomic in the wetland area and total was17 taxonomic. This area has relatively broad wetland and soundly conserved. But several Salix koreensis and Acer ginnala are growing so needed the interest and monitoring.

Characteristics of Vegetation Structure and Bird Community in the Urban Park of Gwangju City (광주시 도시공원의 식생구조 및 야생조류군집 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이규완;이두표
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2002
  • To suggest basic research data for a plan raising naturalness of urban park forest, the structure of forest vegetation and bird community were analyzed in four urban parks of Gwangju city. And also, their relationships were discussed. Some of the structural characteristics in the two communities were closely related to each other. Species and individual densities of birds were relatively high in Songjong and Sangmu park showing the vigorous successional progress, but were low in Anchong park with simple vegetation. The bird group that nest and feed in canopy or dead wood held occupy the highest percent in Sajik park with well developed upper layer of forest, the bird group that nest and feed in shrub did in Sangmu park with developed middle layer, and the bird group that feed in ground did in Songjong park with developed low layer. Relationship between the species diversities of forest and birds was not significant. Nevertheless, bird diversity was relatively high in Sajik and Sangmu park with the high proportion of broad-leaved trees in upper and middle layers.

The Impacts of Vegetation and Soil Characteristics on Recreation Behavior in Urban Park - The Cases of Kumkang Park and Children′s Park in Pusan - (이용객의 이용행위가 도시내공원의 토양 및 식생에 미치는 영향 -부산 어린이대공원과 금강공원을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Kim, Sun-Hee;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 1993
  • This study was executed to investgate the impacts of vegetation and soil characteristics on the user's impact in Children's Park and Kumkang Park, Pusan. In survey sites, twenty plots of 100$m^2$ size were set up. The degree of soil hardness was showed above 90kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ in using area, which was prevented to the plants growth. The user's control was effective to the soil surface softening, while that effects of the other soil characteristics were not cleared. In the analysis of Plant community structure, especially, shrub vegetation was severely damaged. And the user's impact was due to the lowering of species and maximum species diversity. The recreation area protection of the two years was positively operated to the natural vegetation restoration and species diversity enhancement.

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Altitudinal Vegetation Structure of Sunginbong in Ullungdo(Island) (울릉도 성인봉지역의 해발고별 식생구조)

  • 최송현;이경재;김종엽
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.290-296
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    • 1998
  • Altitudinal changes in the vegetation of Sunginbong(984m) in UIlungdo (Island) were investigated by sample plots(forty l00$\m^2$) along elevation and analyzed by TWINSPAN and DCA techniques. In the results from the analysis of both techniques, altitudinal zonations were divided into 3 groups such as lower 300m area, 400~700m area, and above 800m area. DCA and similarity index analyses of elevational ranges showed discontinuities between lower and middle elevation areas. But there was a vegetation continuum between middle and high elevation areas. In the analysis of species diversity, there was no significant difference due to altitude except for maximum species diversity which was decreased with altitude. The mean tree density of canopy and understory layers in the middle elevation area showed the highest value, and the highest basal area was recorded at the lower elevation area.

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The Actual Vegetation of Nature Ecology Con-servation Area in Mt. Chiri (지리산 자연생태계보전구역의 식생)

  • 김준선;김갑태;주혜란
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.9-24
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    • 1991
  • To elucidate the actual vegetation of Nature Ecology Conservation area in Mt. Chiri, forest communities were classified phytosoclologically by species composition and phsiognomy. There included 13 forests ranging from temperate-cool zone to sub-cold zone in the surveyed area. Actual vegetation map was drawn on the basis of classified forest communities. The forest communities classified in the area were summarized as follows ; 1. Querus serrata community 2. Carpinus laxiflora community 3. Q. serrata-C. laxiflora community 4. Stewartia koreana community 5. Acer mono community 6. Carpinus cordata community 7. Fraxinus mandshurica community 8. Carpinus tschonoskii community 9. Pinus densiflora community 10. Querus mongolica Community 1) Rhododendron schlippenachii subcommunity 2) Lenedeza maximowiczii subcommunity 11. Abies nephrolepis community 12. Abies koreana community 1) Querus mongolica subcommunity 2) Pinus koraienis subcommunity 13. Rhododendron schlippenbachii community Among above forest communities, Querus serrata community distributed from 700m to 1,000m in the ridges, Carpinus laxiflora community in the valleys, Quercus mongolica community from 1,000m to 1,400m, and Abies koreana community and Abies nephrolepis community from 1,400m to 1,700m.

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