• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수행 회피

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Effects of Driver's State Driving Anger on Collision Avoidance and Situation Awareness: Moderating Effect of Negative Affect (운전자의 상태운전분노가 추돌회피와 상황인식에 미치는 효과: 부정정서의 조절효과)

  • Yo-Han Kim;Jaesik Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.391-414
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    • 2014
  • This driving simulation study examined the effect of driver's state driving anger(SDA) on collision avoidance(CA) and situation awareness(SA), as well as the moderating effect of driver's positive and negative affect(PA and NA) on the relationship between the driver's SDA and SA. The results showed the followings. First, high SDA group collided with the leading vehicle more frequently than low SDA group. Second, neither the driver's trait driving anger(TDA) nor PA/NA yielded significant changes in SA after SDA was induced. Third, high SDA tended to lower SA but this tendency was observed only when the driver's NA was high. These results suggested that SDA than TDA is a significant deteriorating factor of the driver's SA, and more importantly, SDA should be considered with other affect-relating variable such as NA in explaining the effect of SDA on driver's SA and CA.

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Development of Database-Based Pedestrian Accident Scenarios and Analysis of Accident Prevention Effects from V2X Application (데이터베이스 기반의 보행자 사고 시나리오 개발 및 V2X 적용에 따른 사고예방 효과 분석)

  • Seryong Baek;Yoowon Kim;Taehyun Yoo;Cheonho Kim
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.274-292
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to develop test scenarios utilizing V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication technology for the prevention of pedestrian accidents and to validate these scenarios through simulation. To this end, this researcher used existing traffic accident databases to categorize vehicle-to-pedestrian accident data, and drew key accident patterns through the analysis of accident types and the speeds of pedestrians and vehicles. Based on the analyzed data, scenarios were established where V2X technology can be applied under various conditions of pedestrians and vehicles. These scenarios were specifically classified into conditions where physical avoidance of an accident is impossible and conditions where accident avoidance is possible through V2X technology. In the developed test matrix, simulations were conducted in diverse scenarios to evaluate the performance of the V2X-based accident prevention system. The research results confirmed that the application of V2X technology is effective for preventing pedestrian accidents. It is expected that these scenarios can serve as standardized guidelines for future traffic safety improvements. This study provides useful data for policymakers for traffic safety, vehicle manufacturers, and technology developers, and proposes a new approach to enhance pedestrian safety.

Effect of Task-oriented Training on Cognitive Function Recovery and CNS Plasticity in Scopolamine-induced Dementia Rats (치매모델 쥐의 과제지향 훈련이 인지기능 회복과 중추신경계 가소성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Souk-Boum;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to repeatedly conduct task-oriented training in scopolamine-induced dementia rats and as a result observe changes in the content of acetylcholine, a marker of cognitive function and central nervous system plasticity, to identify the improvement effect of dementia. Methods : It consisted of two groups. One group I was that did not perform task-oriented training in scopolamine-induced dementia rats and the other group II was that performed task-oriented training. Task-oriented training involved stretching, grasping and moving arms and walking obstacles on the legs. We performed a quantified passive avoidance test in the measurement of memory for cognitive function and compared the change in the content of acetylcholine for the plasticity of the central nervous system. Results : The results of the study are as follows: First, there was a significant improvement in cognitive function since the 4th days after task-oriented training of scopolamine-induced dementia rats(.00). Second, task-oriented training applied to scopolamine-induced dementia rats showed a significant increase in acetylcholine content. Conclusion : In this study, task-oriented training, which is often performed on senile dementia patients during occupational therapy intervention, was scientifically demonstrated in scopolamine-induced dementia rats by enhancement of cognitive function through memory improvement and increase in the content of acetylcholine confirming central nervous system plasticity.

A Study on the Techniques of Path Planning and Measure of Effectiveness for the SEAD Mission of an UAV (무인기의 SEAD 임무 수행을 위한 임무 경로 생성 및 효과도 산출 기법 연구)

  • Woo, Ji Won;Park, Sang Yun;Nam, Gyeong Rae;Go, Jeong Hwan;Kim, Jae Kyung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2022
  • Although the SEAD(suppression to enemy air defenses) mission is a strategically important task in modern warfare, the high risk of direct exposure to enemy air defense assets forces to use of unmanned aerial vehicles. this paper proposes a path planning algorithm for SEAD mission for an unmanned aerial vehicle and a method for calculating the mission effectiveness on the planned path. Based on the RRT-based path planning algorithm, a low-altitude ingress/egress flight path that can consider the enemy's short-range air defense threat was generated. The Dubins path-based Intercept path planning technique was used to generate a path that is the shortest path while avoiding the enemy's short-range anti-aircraft threat as much as possible. The ingress/intercept/egress paths were connected in order. In addition, mission effectiveness consisting of fuel consumption, the survival probability, the time required to perform the mission, and the target destruction probability was calculated based on the generated path. The proposed techniques were verified through a scenario.

Exploring the effect of Learning Motivation type on Immersion According to the Non-Face-To-Face Teaching Method in the Major Classes for Preschool Teachers at Christian Universities (기독교 대학의 예비유아교사 전공수업에서 비대면수업 방식에 따라 학습동기 유형이 몰입에 미치는 영향 탐색)

  • Lee, Eunchul
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.69
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    • pp.139-162
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    • 2022
  • This study verified the effect of learning motivation on immersion by non-face-to-face class method. For this purpose, 101 college students majoring in early childhood education were selected as research subjects. The average age of the study subjects was 22.6 years old, and 51 students took non-real-time non-face-to-face classes, and 50 students took real-time non-face-to-face classes. The study measured the level of immersion and the type of learning motivation after the non-face-to-face class was finished. The measured data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis. As a result, in the results for all students, the performance approach goal had the most influence on immersion, and the mastery goal orientation had the next effect. Performance avoidance orientation had no effect. For students in non-face-to-face classes, performance approach goal orientation had an effect on immersion, and for students in real-time non-face-to-face classes, mastery goal orientation had an effect. The implications that can be obtained from the results of this study are as follows. First, non-real-time non-face-to-face classes should cover basic knowledge and skills so that there are no mistakes and failures. Second, non-real-time non-face-to-face classes should allow tasks with appropriate difficulty to be performed with a deadline. Third, real-time non-face-to-face classes should lower the fear of mistakes and failures.

Conjunction Assessments of the Satellites Transported by KSLV-II and Preparation of the Countermeasure for Possible Events in Timeline (누리호 탑재 위성들의 충돌위험의 예측 및 향후 상황의 대응을 위한 분석)

  • Shawn Seunghwan Choi;Peter Joonghyung Ryu;John Kim;Lowell Kim;Chris Sheen;Yongil Kim;Jaejin Lee;Sunghwan Choi;Jae Wook Song;Hae-Dong Kim;Misoon Mah;Douglas Deok-Soo Kim
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.118-143
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    • 2023
  • Space is becoming more commercialized. Despite of its delayed start-up, space activities in Korea are attracting more nation-wide supports from both investors and government. May 25, 2023, KSLV II, also called Nuri, successfully transported, and inserted seven satellites to a sun-synchronous orbit of 550 km altitude. However, Starlink has over 4,000 satellites around this altitude for its commercial activities. Hence, it is necessary for us to constantly monitor the collision risks of these satellites against resident space objects including Starlink. Here we report a quantitative research output regarding the conjunctions, particularly between the Nuri satellites and Starlink. Our calculation shows that, on average, three times everyday, the Nuri satellites encounter Starlink within 1 km distance with the probability of collision higher than 1.0E-5. A comparative study with KOMPSAT-5, also called Arirang-5, shows that its distance of closest approach distribution significantly differs from those of Nuri satellites. We also report a quantitative analysis of collision-avoiding maneuver cost of Starlink satellites and a strategy for Korea, being a delayed starter, to speed up to position itself in the space leading countries. We used the AstroOne program for analyses and compared its output with that of Socrates Plus of Celestrak. The two line element data was used for computation.

Adaptive Power Control based Efficient Localization Technique in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (모바일 무선 센서 네트워크에서 적응적 파워 조절 기반 효율적인 위치인식 기법)

  • Lee, Joa-Hyoung;Jung, In-Bum
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.16C no.6
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 2009
  • Given the increased interest in ubiquitous computing, wireless sensor network has been researched widely. The localization service which provides the location information of mobile user, is one of important service provided by sensor network. Many methods to obtain the location information of mobile user have been proposed. However, these methods were developed for only one mobile user so that it is hard to extend for multiple mobile users. If multiple mobile users start the localization process concurrently, there could be interference of beacon or ultrasound that each mobile user transmits. In the paper, we propose APL(Adaptive Power Control based Resource Allocation Technique for Efficient Localization Technique), the localization technique for multiple mobile nodes based on adaptive power control in mobile wireless sensor networks. In APL, collision of localization between sensor nodes is prevented by forcing the mobile node to get the permission of localization from anchor nodes. For this, we use RTS(Ready To Send) packet type for localization initiation by mobile node and CTS(Clear To Send) packet type for localization grant by anchor node. NTS(Not To Send) packet type is used to reject localization by anchor node for interference avoidance and STS(Start To Send) for synchronization between 모anchor nodes. At last, the power level of sensor node is controled adaptively to minimize the affected area. The experimental result shows that the number of interference between nodes are increased in proportion to the number of mobile nodes and APL provides efficient localization.

Comparisons of Perceptions of Success, Grit, Aspirations, and Achievement Goal Orientation between Gifted and Non-gifted High School Students (영재와 평재 고등학생들의 성공에 대한 인식, Grit, 열망 및 성취목적 비교)

  • Shi, Min;Ahn, Doehee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.607-628
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to compare gifted and non-gifted high school students on their perceptions of success, grit, aspirations, and achievement goal orientation. Of the 550 high school students surveyed from 4 high schools (i.e., two schools for gifted, two school for non-gifted) in three metropolitan cities, Korea, 496 (i.e., 153 gifted and 343 non-gifted) completed and returned the questionnaire yielding a total response rate of 90.18%. Measures of students' grit (i.e., consistency of interest, and perseverance of effort), aspirations (i.e., intrinsic aspirations - physical fitness, self-growth, affiliation, community contribution, and extrinsic aspirations - financial success, image, fame), achievement goal orientation (i.e., mastery, performance approach and performance avoidance), and perceptions of success (i.e., Success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside our control.) were administered. It was found that the majority of gifted students and non-gifted students perceived that "success is outside our control.", and chose 'hard-working' as the most influential factor on their success. 60.4% of non-gifted students chose 'wealthy family background' as the other most influential factor, whereas only 48.2% of gifted did. Gifted students had higher 'consistency of interest' and 'mastery goals' than non-gifted students. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that grit (i.e., perseverance of effort) was the crucial contributors for enhancing both gifted and non-gifted students' mastery goals and performance approach goals. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical implications and school settings.

A Study on the Life-time Prediction for the Rubber O-ring applied to decoy through the Accelerated Life Test (기만기 적용 고무 O-ring의 온도에 따른 가속수명시험을 통한 수명예측에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Hee-Jin;Kim, Minwoo;Gwak, Hyerim
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2016
  • A decoy is a weapon system that can protect vessels from an enemy's torpedo. Thus, the decoy should be able to operate in the field without any failure. Because the decoy can be inoperable once its sealing is broken and water permeates inside the system, the hermetic sealing capability considering the operational environment is mandatory. To be hermetically sealed, a rubber-type O-ring is generally used in a decoy system. The sealed performance of rubber-type products, however, tends to age and deteriorate with time. Therefore, the O-ring needs to be maintained or changed periodically. This paper proposes a method to estimate the proper maintenance period using the hardness and elongation percentage, which represents the performance of the O-ring product and test data from Accelerated Life Test (ALT) of the product. The O-ring used in this paper is a NBR type, and the temperature was chosen to be the main accelerating factor as referenced in many studies. The criteria for the failure of the O-ring was set for the product to be 50% degraded compared to the initial performance. In addition, the Korean standard KS M 6518 was adopted and referenced for the preparation of test samples and the calculation of estimates. The O-ring's predicted life was simulated by analyzing the test results from a computer program, and the optimized maintenance period for the product was determined.

Development of Series Connectable Wheeled Robot Module (직렬연결이 가능한 소형 바퀴 로봇 모듈의 개발)

  • Kim, Na-Bin;Kim, Ye-Ji;Kim, Ji-Min;Hwang, Yun Mi;Bong, Jae-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.941-948
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    • 2022
  • Disaster response robots are deployed to disaster sites where human access is difficult and dangerous. The disaster response robots explore the disaster sites prevent a structural collapse and perform lifesaving to minimize damage. It is difficult to operate robots in the disaster sites due to rough terrains where various obstacles are scattered, communication failures and invisible environments. In this paper, we developed a series connectable wheeled robot module. The series connectable wheeled robot module was developed into two types: an active driven robot module and a passive driven robot module. A wheeled robot was built by connecting the two active type robot modules and one passive type robot module. Two robot modules were connected by one DoF rotating joint, allowing the wheeled robot to avoid obstructions in a vertical direction. The wheeled robot performed driving and obstacle avoidance using only pressure sensors, which allows the wheeled robot operate in the invisible environment. An obstacle avoidance experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of the wheeled robot consisting of two active driven wheeled robot modules and one passive driven wheeled robot module. The wheeled robot successfully avoided step-shaped obstacles with a maximum height of 80 mm in a time of 24.5 seconds using only a pressure sensors, which confirms that the wheeled robot possible to perform the driving and the obstacle avoidance in invisible environment.