• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분자 운동

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Analysis of Inquiry Activity of the 7th Grade Science Textbook Based on the 7th Curriculum (7차 교육과정에 따른 7학년 교과서의 탐구활동 분석 -물질 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Jongseok Park;Jaehyun Kim;Haiil Ryu
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2003
  • The present study examined the inquiry type, process, and context of activities presented in the matter field of the 7th grade science textbook based on the 7th curriculum. It was to investigate for educational suggestions in instruction and development of science textbook. Three units of ‘three states of matter', ‘motion of molecule', ‘the state change and energy' were analyzed. The result indicated that the types, processes and skills, and context of inquiry were not balanced, and learners should be educated with complementary inquiry activities. It is proposed that the inquiry activities presented in science textbooks be examined, and the framework to evaluate inquiry activities be reflected on the standard of science textbook authorization for development of the science textbook to accord with aims and objectives of curriculum.

Fabrication of Fluorescent Labeled Bi-compartmental Particles via the Micromolding Method (미세 성형 방법을 이용한 형광 표지된 이중 분획 입자의 제조)

  • Shim, Gyurak;Jeong, Seong-Geun;Hong, Woogyeong;Kang, Koung-Ku;Lee, Chang-Soo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.826-831
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    • 2018
  • This study presents fabrication of bi-compartmental particles labeled by multiple fluorescence. To compartmentalize fluorescent expression at the particle, two fluorescent dyes with less overlap of the excitation and emission spectra are selected. To ensure the fluorescence stability, the fluorescent dyes contain acrylate functional groups in the molecules so that they can be cross-linked together with monomers constituting the particle. Strong fluorescent expression and compartmentalization were observed at the particle fabricated using the selected fluorescent dyes through confocal microscopy. Furthermore, long-term fluorescence stability was verified by measuring fluorescent expression and intensity for 4 weeks. We anticipate that the bi-compartmental particles labeled by multiple fluorescence can be widely used for multi-target drug delivery system, analysis of 3 dimensional Brownian motion, and investigation of 3 dimensional complex self-assembled morphologies.

Property Change of Solution by Pulsed Electric Field Treatment (펄스 전기장 처리에 의한 수용액의 물성 변화)

  • Choi, Seung-pil;Kim, Chan-Soo;Kim, Jong-Oh
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the change of physicochemical properties of humic acid, surfactants and water by pulsed electric field treatment. Critical micelle concentration(CMC) of surfactants and physicochemical properties of water were determined by the conductivity measurement, FT-IR and NMR, respectively. In electric field processing, structural changes of C-N complex and C=O were founded by FT-IR analysis. The increase of Hertz wave was in the range of 2.3 to 9.9 Hz in NMR analysis. CMC of cation and anion surfactant decreased to 1.3% and 9.2%, respectively, while the value of UV-vis increased. UV-vis of humic acid decreased by pulsed electric field. Therefore, application of pulsed electric field systeme was directly indicated to influence the physicochemical properties of water and organic compounds.

The Effects of Drawing and Analyzing Pictures in Concept Learning of the Particulate Nature of Matter: A Comparison Based on Student Visual Learning Style (물질의 입자 개념 학습에서 그림 그리기와 그림 분석하기의 효과: 시각적 학습양식에 따른 비교)

  • Han, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Ji-Young;Kwack, Jin-Ha;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2006
  • Students have often experienced difficulties in understanding the concept of the particulate nature of matter despite its importance in chemistry. Although various instructional methods have been suggested for teaching this concept, systematic studies have been rarely conducted. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of drawing and analyzing pictures. Three classes of 7th graders at a coed middle school in Seoul were assigned to the control group, the drawing group, and the analyzing group, respectively. Students were taught about the three states of matter and the motion of molecules for 8 class periods. The instructional effects on student conception, achievement, and science learning motivation were investigated by student visual learning styles. Results revealed that the scores of a conceptions test and a science learning motivation test for both the drawing group and the analyzing group were higher than those for the control group. Additionally, the scores of the science learning motivation test were also found to be higher for students with a more visual learning style than their counterparts.

The Effects of Situational Context Feedbacks in Chemistry Learning with Computer-Assisted Instruction (상황맥락적인 피드백을 활용한 CAI가 화학 학습에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Kyung-Sun;Chung, Kyoung-Jin;Cha, Jeong-Ho;Kang, Yi-Young;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the effects of situational context feedback in CAI upon students' conceptual understanding, science learning motivation, and the perception of CAI. Seventh graders (N = 114) from a coed middle school in Incheon were assigned to the situational context feedback CAI (SCF-CAI), the feedback CAI (F-CAI) and the CAI groups, and were taught about ‘three states of matter' and ‘motion of molecules' for 8 class hours. Prior science achievement test score used as a blocking variable. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that the conceptual understanding test scores of the SCF-CAI group were significantly higher than those of the other groups. For the higher achievers, the scores of the F-CAI group in science learning motivation test were significantly higher than those of the CAI group. However, there was no significant difference among the lower achievers of three groups. The higher achievers in the SCFCAI and the F-CAI groups perceived the CAI more positively than those of the CAI group. The lower achievers in the FCAI group perceived the CAI more negatively than those of the other groups. Educational implications are discussed.

Analysis of Activities in Chemistry Chapters of Middle School Science Textbooks for the 2009 Revised Science Curriculum: Focus on 8 Science Practices (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 과학교과서 화학 단원에 포함된 활동 분석: 8가지 과학 실천을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Minji;Choi, Aeran
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.436-451
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed activities in chemistry chapters of middle school science textbooks for the 2009 revised curriculum using 8 science practices. All the activities that students could experience inquiry were analyzed in this study. There were the most activities in 'Molecular motion and change of state' and the least activities in 'Heat and our life' of three textbooks. There were the most science practices in 'Features of substance' in two textbooks, but there were the least science practice in 'Heat and our life' of three textbooks. 'Investigation planning and performing', 'data analyzing and interpreting', and 'explanation composition and problem solution designing' were frequently included, but 'asking questions and defining issues' was not included at all. For 'Investigation planning and performing', 'data analyzing and interpreting', and 'explanation composition and problem solution designing', a variety of achievement goals were targeted while a few goals were frequently targeted. Two to four kinds of science practices were frequently included in an inquiry activity. There were few activity that includes over 5 different kinds of science practice.

생쥐 초기 배아에서 Aquaporin 8과 9의 발현에 관한 연구

  • 신현상;계명찬;강수만;이성은;이지원;강한승;김문규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.68-68
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    • 2003
  • Aquaporin은 막관통 통로 단백질(transmembrane channel protein)로서, 삼투압의 농도구배에 따라 세포막을 가로질러 물분자를 이동시키는 기능을 하고 있다. 포유류 초기배아에서 포배강 형성은 영양외배엽세포에서 $Na^+ / K^+$ATPase에 의한 이온 농도 구배가 형성되면 auqaporin에 의해 물이 포배강으로 유입되면서 이루어진다. 본 연구에서는 생쥐 초기배아에서 반정량적인 역전사 중합효소 연쇄반응 방법(semi-quantitative RT-PCR)과 실시간 역전사 중합효소 연쇄반응 방법(real-time RT-PCR)을 통하여 AQP8과 9의 mRNA발현을 조사하고 다중 면역형광현미경 방법(confocal immunofluorescence microscopy)을 통해 단백질 발현양상을 분석하였다. AQP8 mRNA는 상실기까지 발현되지 않다가 포배기에 이르러 발현되었고 AQP9 mRNA는 수정란에서부터 발현되어 포배기에는 유의할 정도로 증가하였다. 따라서 AQP8 mRNA는 배아유전자가 활성화되어 나타나는 것이고 AQP9 mRNA는 모계유전자 기원임을 알 수 있었다. AQP8 단백질은 상실배 단계까지 발현되지 않다가 포배시기에 영양외배엽세포사이의 접합면에 발현되었고 AQP9 단백질은 상실배 시기에 할구 사이의 인접 부위에서 강하게 발현되었다가 포배시기에는 세포간의 접합면에 약하게 발현하는 경향을 나타내었다. 실시간 역전사 중합효소 연쇄반응 방법으로 조사한 결과 포배에서 물과 글리세롤을 통과시키는 AQP9는 mRNA의 발현양이 AQP8보다 약 4배 정도 많았다. 또한 포배기에 이르러서야 물만을 통과시키는 AQP8의 발현이 나타나는 것을 보아 포배강 형성시 외부에서 영양외배엽을 통해 포배강으로 유입되는 물의 이동(trans- trophectodermal water movements)에 AQP9보다 AQP8이 더 중요하게 관여할 것으로 사료된다., K, Pb, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni)을 측정하였다. 실험 조건1의 결과로서 각 국의 유아용 일회용 기저귀의 중금속 함량은 거의 유사한 경향을 나타내었으며 Cr, Zn, Pb, Ni, Mn, Mg, Li, K는 detection limit(2 ppm) 이하였고, Cd, Fe, Co, Cu, Ca, Al, Sr는 검출되었지만 기준치 이하였다. 실험 조건2의 결과로서 측정 항목(Cr, Sb, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co, Cu)중 Cr, Cd, Ni, Cu는 detection limit(0.1 ppm) 이하였고, Sb, Pb, Co는 검출되었지만 기준치 이하였다.았다. 4%의 경우에는 8$0^{\circ}C$이하로 온도를 낮추는 것이 좋은 상태를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 결과는 일반적으로 화학적 레팅을 4%, 7%에서한 선행결과와 상당히 다른 결과이다.염 농도가 증가할수록 감소 현상을 보였다.X>, 75BG30은 8.6$\mu\textrm{m}$, 75BG40은 7.02$\mu\textrm{m}$로 나타났다. 따라서 경화제 양에 관계없이 10$\mu\textrm{m}$ 이하로 나타나, 경화제 10$m\ell$만으로 미세한 크기를 얻을 수 있음을 알 수 있다. 젤리 강도 변화에 따른 차이는 300BF는 78.09$\mu\textrm{m}$ 300BG는 56.32$\mu\textrm{m}$로, 75BF나 75BG에 비하여 현저히 증가하여, 젤라틴의 젤리 강도는 캡슐 제조 조건의 주요한 변수임을 알 수 있다.추출물 투여시 혈당강하 및 혈중콜레스테롤 강하가 나타났으며, 상엽복합추출물 투여와 운동을 병행시 이러한 감소 효과가 더 뚜렷하게 나타났다.교육의 적임자로 보는 시각이 비교적 높았고 약 1/2정도는 영양교육에 참여하겠다는 의지를 가지고 있을 뿐만 아니라 실제로 영양지도를

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House Dust Mite Allergen Inhibits Constitutive Neutrophil Apoptosis by Cytokine Secretion via PAR2/PKCδ/p38 MAPK Pathway in Allergic Lymphocytes (알레르기 림프구에서 집먼지진드기 알러젠의 PAR2/PKCδ/p38 MAPK 경로를 통한 사이토카인 증가는 호중구의 세포고사를 억제시킨다)

  • Lee, Na Rae;Lee, Ji-Sook;Kim, In Sik
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2016
  • Neutrophils and lymphocytes are essential inflammatory cells in the pathogenesis of allergy. In this study, we evaluated the role of house dust mite (HDM) in the interaction between allergic lymphocytes and neutrophils. The extract of Dermatophagoides pteronissinus (DP) showed a stronger anti-apoptotic impact on neutrophil apoptosis in the coculture of allergic neutrophils with allergic lymphocytes when compared with that in allergic neutrophils alone. DP increased IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, and GM-CSF in allergic lymphocytes, and the increased cytokines were inhibited by rottlerin-an inhibitor of the protein kinase C (PKC) ${\delta}$, as well as by SB202190-a p38 MAPK inhibitor. DP activated p38 MAPK in a time-dependent manner. The activation of p38 MAPK was suppressed by PAR2i, which is a protease-activated receptor (PAR) 2 inhibitor, and rottlerin. Both aprotinin-a serine protease inhibitor-and E64-a cysteine protease inhibitor-were not effective on cytokine secretion of lymphocytes. These results, despite increased cytokines in allergic lymphocytes via DP, did not show any differences between asthma and allergic rhinitis. Molecules, including cytokines, released by DP in lymphocytes inhibited the migration of neutrophils. This finding may further elucidate the pathogenic mechanism of allergic diseases due to HDM.

Earth Science Prospective Teachers' Perceptions on the Relationship between Absolute Humidity and Dew Point Temperature (절대 습도와 이슬점 온도의 관계에 대한 지구과학 예비 교사들의 인식)

  • Kang, So Ra;Seo, Eun-Kyoung;Kim, Dong Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.624-638
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    • 2019
  • A questionnaire was administered, and all responses were analyzed to examine prospective teachers' conceptual understanding of the relationship between dew point temperature and absolute humidity in air parcels. The responses revealed that many prospective teachers have substantial misconceptions about the relationship. For example, some thought that the absolute humidity and the dew point temperature are proportional to each other, and that the dew point temperature is proportional to the water vapor mass in the parcel. The misconceptions seemingly stemmed from inadequate descriptions on the relationship in middle-school science textbooks of the 7th and 2007 revised curricula. The study notes that the first year students' textbook of the 2015 revised curriculum introduced the concepts of evaporation, condensation, and volume changes as a function of gaseous pressure and temperature, from a perspective of molecular motion. It is suggested that keeping this perspective in the middle school curriculum, while introducing water vapor pressure as the measure of water vapor amount and dew point temperature, should help prevent middle school teachers and students from having misconceptions. There should be a concerted effort to make the science curriculum more consistent and coherent across the grade levels.

Identification of a Protein Kinase using a FITC-labelled Synthetic Peptide in Streptomyces griseus IFO 13350 (형광 Peptide를 이용한 Streptomyces griseus IFO 13350의 인산화 단백질 동정)

  • 허진행;정용훈;김종희;신수경;현창구;홍순광
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2002
  • Streptomycetes is a group of Gram-positive soil bacteria that growas a branching vegetative mycelium leading to the formation of spores, and display a physiological differenti-ation related to the synthesis of many secondary metabolites including antibiotics. Their complex life cycle and multicellular differentiation require various levels of regulation and types of signal transduction systems including eukaryotic-type serine/threonine protein kinases and prokaryotic-type histidine/aspartic acid protein kinases. Akt kinase that was found in cells is a sorine/threonine kinase controlling signal pathway for multi-tude of important cellular events. The activation or inactivation of Akt kinase in the cell is one of the critical regulatory points to deliver cell proliferation, differentiation, survival or apoptosis signal. To find the regula-tory protein homologous to Akt in Streptomyces, the fluorescien-labeled synthetic peptide (FITC-TRRSR-TESIT) was designed from the consensus sequence of target proteins for Akt kinase. From the difference of the mobility between the nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated synthetic peptides on Agarose gel electro-phoresis, the Akt-phosphorylating activity was monitored. The cell-free extract prepared from Streptomyces griseus IFO 13350 and the Akt homologous protein was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and many steps of column chromatographies such as, DEAE-Sepharose, Mono Q, Resource Phenyl-Soporose and Gel permeation column chromatographies. As a result, the protein phosphorylating the fluorescien-labeled Akt substrate was identified and it's molecular weight was estimated as 39 kDa on SDS-PAGE.