• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부서통합

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Improvement Approach on the Plant Layout Based on Tabu Search (Tabu 탐색 기법을 활용한 개선적 공장 설비배치)

  • Kim, Chae-Bogk
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2016
  • This study develops an approach to assign numbers of facilities (rectangular shape) in a given plant and compares the test results by proposed approach with those by approaches in the literature. An improvement approach is proposed to minimize material handling cost given initial layout. Like popular heuristic approaches, the developed heuristic approach employs interchange routine to improve material handling cost in current layout. Horizontal interchange and vertical interchange procedures are applied to obtain better solution. Also, it is possible to rotate facility layout when the sizes of both facilities are same. However, the proposed approach generates good solutions without shape distortion. That means the shape of facilities remains rectangle in the final solution. In addition, the improve approach can find global optimal solution from local optimal solution by applying Tabu search technique. Based on 25 test problems in the literature, we obtained better solutions than other facility layout approaches in the literature when there are many facilities.

Data processing techniques applying data mining based on enterprise cloud computing (데이터 마이닝을 적용한 기업형 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기반 데이터 처리 기법)

  • Kang, In-Seong;Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • Recently, cloud computing which has provided enabling convenience that users can connect from anywhere and user friendly environment that offers on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as smart-phones, net-books and PDA etc, is to be watched as a service that leads the digital revolution. Now, when business practices between departments being integrated through a cooperating system such as cloud computing, data streaming between departments is getting enormous and then it is inevitably necessary to find the solution that person in charge and find data they need. In previous studies the clustering simplifies the search process, but in this paper, it applies Hash Function to remove the de-duplicates in large amount of data in business firms. Also, it applies Bayesian Network of data mining for classifying the respect data and presents handling cloud computing based data. This system features improved search performance as well as the results Compared with conventional methods and CPU, Network Bandwidth Usage in such an efficient system performance is achieved.

Review of change and response strategies for ESG management (ESG 경영을 위한 변화 및 대응 전략 검토)

  • Choe Yoowha
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 2023
  • ESG management means to thoroughly consider the investor's perspective when evaluating corporate value, and environmental, social, and governance issues are continuous and strategic monitoring issues in identifying risk and opportunity factors related to corporate management activities. In other words, the perspective of value creation is reflected in business relationships. The fundamental purpose of ESG management is continuous business value creation and thorough management of investment risks and business transactions in contractual relationships. It is also a requirement of linked investors. The field that Korean companies are currently experiencing the most is the recognition that 'ESG information collection is necessary and maintenance must be prioritized' in investor IR and global sales and marketing departments, and the primary need for this is emerging. In addition, as the legal affairs office, environmental safety department, and human resources department, which conduct compliance management, carry out related tasks, clarity at the organizational level must precede in order to properly establish an information integration and management system. It covers the scope of securing new market opportunities such as management, disclosure and communication. Therefore, in regard to the newly emerging ESG management and response methods, it is necessary to review and implement it repeatedly so that sustainable exchange profits can be created by simultaneously managing non-financial risks as well as efforts to enhance corporate value for financial returns.

제벤처생태계 개념통합형 기초공통교육 모델화 연구

  • Park, U-Hui
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.04a
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    • pp.67-69
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    • 2016
  • 이 연구는 경영학과 MBA교육과정이 세상의 모든 제품과 기업에 공통적으로 적용되듯이, 세상의 어떤 분야의 제품이든 그 시작인 한 개 착안에서부터 시장력 확보를 위해 시도 되는 도전행위의 매개인 모든 착안과 아이디어가 기업이 되는 과정인 제벤처행위에 공통적으로 적용되는 학문이 될, MVA(PH-MVA, master of venture arming, 벤처무장학)학의 개념적 모델링의 시작에 필요로하는 정의론과 개념론으로, MBA에 있어 경영학원론이 개론화되듯, MVA에 있어 그 개론서가 될 벤처학원론서 설계에 있어서의 시작인 1편 기초론을 구성하는 내용을 벤처창업이나 기업의 신제품개발 부서에의 취업을 희망하는 학생들과 제벤처 생태계의 모든 직간접 관련 직무자 들이 공통적으로 무장하면 벤처적 행위에 필요로하는 여러 가지 직무자들 같이 소통력은 물론 직무매칭력 등의 분업 협업력이 매우 높아 질 것이라는 주장을 바탕으로한다. 그리고 제시하는 정의와 개념을 제벤처 생태계 전체의 표준으로 참고 삼아, 누구의 어떤 모델이든, 창조경제의 일부로서 미생들의 벤처(창업, 기업만들기 도전)행위나 완생기업들의 신제품개발 모두에 두루 적용 될 수 있는, 누구나가 이해, 공감, 교감, 습득이 용이한 벤처학 개발이 왕성하게 활성화될 수 있도록 하는 것이 곧 창조경제 활성화를 위한 학자들의 사명이자 새로운 성장동력 모델의 발굴이기도하다는 측면에서의 동참이 될 수 있기를 바라는 마음이다. 아울러, 이러한 정의와 개념을 바탕으로 전개되어, 벤처생태계 전반에서 수행 될 교육이 개인들의 창업(기업만들기)을 목표로하는 공부가 되기도하고 연장에, 완생기업들이 필요로하는 신제품개발에 있어서의 기본적인 능력과 자질을 갖춘 인재선발적 취업준비공부도 될 수 있는 통합적 교육이되어야한다는 취지를 가지고있다. 또 연구를 통해 제벤처(기업의 신제품개발 도전협업행위 포함) 생태계에서의 직무자들의 직무매칭력 및 협업행위에 있어서의 다양한 용어와 정의와 개념들의 제각각으로 부터 발생되는 상치(相馳, 제각각, 불통, 협업마찰, 대립, 갈등, 등)력을 해소하는 것이 역설적으로 협업력을 최적으로 활성화 할 수 있다는 사실을 모두가 인지, 수용토록 하고자 함을 목적으로한다. 이러한 연구를 전벤처단계의 벤처기초학을 바탕으로하는 제벤처생태계 개념을 일원화 통합화하는 연장에 전개되는 공통무장교육 모델화를 목적으로한다.

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Development of Product Data Integration System for Customer-Oriented Manufacturing Enterprises: 'H' Company Case Study (고객지향 수주생산기업을 위한 제품품정보통합시스템 구축: 'H' 중공업 적용사례)

  • Jang, Gil-Sang
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.209-231
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    • 2009
  • In recent, a general trend is observed towards more customized products and shorter product life cycles in manufacturing enterprises. In these enterprises, customers often wish to influence the product they order and to get a variant of product that meets their requirements. This is called as customer-oriented make-to-order manufacturing environment. This paper establishes a methodology of implementing information system for developing product data integration system (PDIS) which is suitable for customer-oriented make-to-order manufacturing enterprise, and also presents the case of implementing PDIS for a ship engine product in 'H' heavy industry using the established methodology. At present, the implemented PDIS is successfully operating. As a result, PDIS reduces delivery time and improves customer relationships. Moreover, the case shows that PDIS can be used as a tool for improving inter-department coordination within a company during product life cycle.

Development of Spatial Database Management System for Land Management Information System(LMIS) (토지관리정보체계를 위한 공간자료관리 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 홍성학;김태현;조영동;장병진
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-124
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to develop system and to establish methodology for managing spatial Database in Land Management Information System(LMIS). Spatial Database which is used by a various public department such as parcel survey and registry, land use planning and Land value appraisal in local government, is composed of parcel map, topographic map and zoning map. Spatial data has been constructed and managed by various department and then hard to maintain accuracy and coinsistency. So, it is important to establish the basic data management concept that source data(ex : parcel map, topographic map, zoning map, etc.) should be managed by responsible department. at the same time, application data for bussiness (ex : individual parcel price map) must be recomposed from base map by it's own objects. This is, Spatial data management system (SDMS) should be designed, developed according to this concept for managing consistency among data, reducing construction and management cost of database. Our SDMS was developed based on Open LMIS middleware architecture using OpenGIS CORBA specification for standard interface, RUP(Rational Unified Process) for development methodology, UML(Unified Modeling Language) for system design and VisiBroker, C++, CAD system for system implementation.

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A Study on the Factors Influencing a Company's Selection of Machine Learning: From the Perspective of Expanded Algorithm Selection Problem (기업의 머신러닝 선정에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구: 확장된 알고리즘 선택 문제의 관점으로)

  • Yi, Youngsoo;Kwon, Min Soo;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2022
  • As the social acceptance of artificial intelligence increases, the number of cases of applying machine learning methods to companies is also increasing. Technical factors such as accuracy and interpretability have been the main criteria for selecting machine learning methods. However, the success of implementing machine learning also affects management factors such as IT departments, operation departments, leadership, and organizational culture. Unfortunately, there are few integrated studies that understand the success factors of machine learning selection in which technical and management factors are considered together. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose and empirically analyze a technology-management integrated model that combines task-tech fit, IS Success Model theory, and John Rice's algorithm selection process model to understand machine learning selection within the company. As a result of a survey of 240 companies that implemented machine learning, it was found that the higher the algorithm quality and data quality, the higher the algorithm-problem fit was perceived. It was also verified that algorithm-problem fit had a significant impact on the organization's innovation and productivity. In addition, it was confirmed that outsourcing and management support had a positive impact on the quality of the machine learning system and organizational cultural factors such as data-driven management and motivation. Data-driven management and motivation were highly perceived in companies' performance.

A Study on Project Information Integrated Management Measures Using Life Cycle Information in Road Construction Projects (도로건설사업의 생애주기별 정보를 이용한 건설사업정보 통합관리방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Jin;Kim, Bum-Soo;Kim, Tae-Hak;Kim, Nam-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.208-216
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    • 2019
  • Construction projects generate a massive amount of diverse information. It takes at least five years to more than 10 years to complete, so it is important to manage the information on a project's history, including processes and costs. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine if construction projects have been carried out according to the planned goals, and to convert a construction information management system (CALS) into a virtuous cycle. It is easy to ensure integrated information management in private construction projects because constructors can take care of the whole process (from planning to completion), whereas it is difficult for public construction projects because various agencies are involved in the projects. A CALS manages the project information of public road construction, but that information is managed according to CALS subsystems, resulting in disconnected information among the subsystems, and making it impossible to monitor integrated information. Thus, this study proposes integrated information management measures to ensure comprehensive management of the information generated during the construction life cycle. To that end, a CALS is improved by standardizing and integrating the system database, integrating the individually managed user information, and connecting the system with the Dbrain tool, which collectively builds artificial intelligence, to ensure information management based on the project budget.

Plans for the Integrated Operation of Intelligent Service Facilities (지능화시설의 통합운영 방안)

  • YIM, Du-Hyun;PARK, Jeong-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2017
  • U-City laws are divided into three categories: intellectual laws, information superhighway laws, and integrated operation center laws. Previous studies have suggested that efficient infrastructure operation and management is necessary in Ubiquitous-City (U-City). However, infrastructure is often interpreted differently by different laws. The purpose of this study was to plan for the integrated operation of intelligent service facilities by comprehensively analyzing the law system of domestic intelligent service facilities and problems in operation and management based on this critical mind. For this, present conditions and problems of intelligent service facilities were found through interviews with people who are in charge of the law system and other practitioners. The necessity of integrated use, including city information generated from intelligent service facilities and installment locations, has been demonstrated. Government ministries and local governments have established various information systems using ICT and U-City laws that specify integrated management and operation, but do not clearly specify definitions for the specific responsibility and authority for main agents participating in facility operation. A system is needed to smoothly mediate the relevant divisions so that they can use installed equipment simultaneously for efficient operation in generating city information. This objective of this study was to prepare a unitary law system for efficient installment and management of intelligent service facilities by establishing a logically linked relationship among the relevant laws and regulations. This will provide a foundation for a management system that has an integrated linkage of intelligent service facilities.

POP based Integration Management System for Vehicle Parts Production Enhancement (자동차 부품 생산성 향상을 위한 POP 기반 통합관리 시스템)

  • Kim, Gui-Jung;Han, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1265-1270
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    • 2008
  • In the parts including a vehicle, standard and contents are different according to type of automobile. Although the parts are same, the quality and requirement all are different according to vehicle production version. Also the business is shared at each department in a production line. So if a part is changed, each team or the department must recognize information which is changed. But currently if the event can occur at like this each department, because of parts management through handwork, the unification of information is difficult. Therefore in this paper, we applied POP systems at the automobile part enterprise and constructed POP based the automobile part productive integrated management system. This system supported productive information from mechanical, equipment, worker, and products in real-time and data update also is processed automatically. When this system is introduced, work time and cost remarkably will be reduced.