• Title/Summary/Keyword: 변형집중계수

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The comparison of the fatigue crack initiation life in a notch (노치부의 피로균열발생 수명 비교)

  • Kim, S.H.;Bae, S.I.;Ham, K.C.;Song, J.I.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2001
  • For the life evaluating of notched members, it is the best way that performing the real fatigue test of structure containing notch. But this method required generally much times and costs to evaluate fatigue life. So, generally we use the modified S-N curve or several methods to predict fatigue life. In this study, crack initiation life was evaluated by fatigue testing the SAE keyhole specimen and smooth specimen made of Al 7075-T6 alloys using the constant load then obtained S-N curve of smooth specimen and P-N curve of SAE keyhole specimen. And, fatigue lives of keyhole specimen are predicted using some life prediction methods (Nominal range I method, Nominal range II method, FEM analysis) for investigating experimented results, and that were compared with experimental data. Predicted fatigue lives by FEM analysis were corresponded with experimental data between 1/3times and 3times on the whole, and predicted fatigue lives using modified S-N curve (Nominal range I method, Nominal range II method) were nonconservative compared with that of FEM analysis.

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접촉요소(Contact Element)를 적용한 나사체결부(Thread joint)의 구조해석

  • 구송회;이방업;조원만;이환규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1996
  • 로켓모타의 연소관은 구조적인 편의성 및 경량화를 위하여 도옴-실린더부와 실린더-노즐부에 나사체결방법을 많이 적용하고 있는데, 나사의 골부위에 집중응력이 발생하여 인장강도를 넘는 응력이 발생하는 경우가 있다. 본 연구에서는 나사의 골부위의 응력수준을 좀 더 정확히 예측하기 위하여 나사체결시 작용하는 조립 토오크에 의한 초기하중을 고려한 구조해석을 수행하였으며, 나사부위에 발생하는 응력이 항복강도를 초과하므로 정확한 해석을 위하여 탄소성해석을 수행하였다. 조립 토오크에 의한 초기하중은 나사체결 멈춤부에 음(-)의 접촉 간극을 부여하여 모델링하였으며, 조립 토오크의 크기는 나사체결 근접부에서 변형률을 측정하여 모사하였다. 해석결과 초기하중을 고려하여 구조해석을 수행하면 최대예상 작동압력에서 초기하중의 영향은 거의 나타나지 않았으며, 마찰계수를 감소시키면 최대응력이 감소하여 구조적 안전성이 증가할 것으로 판단된다.

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Evaluation of Surface Mechanical Properties of Electro-formed Fe-Ni-Co Thin Foil by Dynamic Nano-indentation and Finite Element Methods (Fe-Ni-Co 박판의 동적 나노 압침법과 유한 요소법에 의한 표면 기계적 특성 평가)

  • Gang, Bo-Gyeong;Choe, Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.124-124
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    • 2017
  • Fe-Ni-Co 합금 박막(<$100{\mu}m$)을 황화물계 용액에서 전주공정으로 제조하였다. XRF로 측정한 박판의 평균 조성은 Fe-34 wt.% Ni-3 wt.% Co 이다. AFM으로 측정한 표면 조도는 35.2 nm 이다. 표면의 나노 경도는 평균 5.4 GPa 이었다. Oliver 모델을 적용한 구리 박막의 탄성하강강성도는 약 75 이었다. Alekhin 모델을 적용한 구리 박막의 마찰계수, 피로한계는 각각 0.134, 0.027 이었다. 유한요소법으로 평가한 Berkovich 형 나노압침선단의 하중분포를 이차원 선형 및 비선형 해석하면 1 [mN]의 정적하중을 가한 Fe-Ni-Co 박막은 약 576 [mN]로 예측되었다. 압침선단의 하중집중정도는 표면탐침현미경으로 관찰한 압흔의 변형정도와 유사한 경향을 보였다.

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Study on Factors Affecting on Energy Dissipation Coefficient of Reinforced Concrete Wall with Deformation-Dominated Behavior (변형지배거동을 하는 철근콘크리트 벽체의 에너지소산계수에 영향을 미치는 변수에 관한 연구)

  • Suk-Hyeong Yoo;Dae-Young Kang
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, more than 60% of the population lives in apartment buildings with wall structures that exhibit brittle behavior during earthquakes. Therefore, in recent performance-based seismic design, the selection of the energy dissipation coefficient for reinforced concrete (RC) walls in nonlinear dynamic analysis is very important. Previous experimental studies have reported that the main factors affecting the energy dissipation capacity of RC walls are the axial force ratio, the spacing of transverse reinforcement of boundary element, and the aspect ratio. The Architectural Institute of Korea and the Korea Concrete Institute proposed a concentrated plastic hinge model and the energy dissipation coefficient for each RC member in the guideline 「Nonlinear Analysis Model for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, 2021.」 The proposed equation for the energy dissipation coefficient does not include the factors of axial force ratio and spacing of transverse reinforcement of boundary element. The aspect ratio is applied to the flexural plastic model, despite considering shear-dominated behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the effect of the aspect ratio according to the analysis model. In this study, the influence of each factor on the energy dissipation coefficient was analyzed by comparing the results of existing experimental research, nonlinear analysis using the fiber element model of a nonlinear analysis program(Perform 3D), and the energy dissipation coefficient proposed in the guideline. As the axial force ratio increased, the energy dissipation coefficient decreased, and as the spacing of transverse reinforcement of boundary element decreased, the energy dissipation coefficient increased. Additionally, as the aspect ratio increased, the energy dissipation coefficient tended to increase, with the aspect ratio showing the greatest influence.

A Investigation on Inelastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling Strength of I-Beam with Load Height Effects (하중고 효과가 비탄성 I형보의 횡-비틀림 좌굴거동에 미치는 영향 고찰)

  • Park, Yi Seul;Yoo, Sang Ryang;Oh, Jeong Jae;Park, Jong Sup
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.155-155
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    • 2011
  • 일반적으로 I형 보에 횡하중이 작용하는 경우, 횡 변위와 함께 회전을 동반하는 횡-비틀림 좌굴(Lateral-Torsional Buckling)이 발생하게 된다. 이러한 I형 보의 탄성 및 비탄성 횡-비틀림 좌굴에 대한 해석적 이론적 연구는 이미 많은 연구자들에 의해 수행되었다(Timoshenko 등, 1961; Galambos, 1963; Lindner, 1974; Trahair, 1993). I형 보의 비지지 길이 내 하중이 작용할 때 모멘트 구배계수(Cb)는 하중이 부재 단면에 작용하는 위치에 따라 달라지게 되는데 이를 하중고 효과(Load Height Effects)라고 한다. 탄성 영역 내 비지지길이가 존재하는 I형 보의 하중고 효과를 고려한 모멘트 구배계수 제안식은 Nethercot & Rockey(1971)에 의해 연구된 바 있다. 또한 Helwig 등(1997)은 Nethercot & Rockey(1971)의 제안식을 간략화 하여 탄성 영역 내 비지지길이가 존재하는 I형 보의 하중고 효과를 고려한 모멘트 구배계수식을 제안하였다. 그러나 현재까지 진행 된 하중고 효과에 대한 연구는 탄성 영역 내 비지지 길이가 존재하는 I형 보에 대한 제안식이며 현재까지 비탄성 영역 내 비지지 길이를 갖는 I형 보의 하중고 효과에 대한 연구는 진행된 바 없다. 본 연구는 비탄성 영역 내 비지지 길이가 존재하는 I형 보의 하중고 효과를 고려한 비탄성 횡-비틀림 좌굴강도에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 하중조건으로는 집중하중 과 등분포 하중을 적용시켰으며, 비선형 횡-비틀림 좌굴 해석을 위해 잔류응력 및 초기변형을 고려하였다. Pi와 Trahair(1995)이 고려한 단순직선분포를 잔류응력으로 가정하였으며, 국내 I형강 표준 치수 허용치(현대제철, 2006)에 근거하여 부재 길이의 0.1%를 초기 최대 횡 변위로 적용하여 초기제작오차로 고려하였다. 유한요소해석결과를 바탕으로 Nethercot & Rockey(1971)와 Helwig 등(1997)의 연구내용을 바탕으로 범용구조해석 프로그램(ABAQUS, 2007)을 이용하여 비탄성 영역 내 존재하는 I형보의 횡-비틀림 좌굴강도를 산정하였다. 유한요소해석결과를 바탕으로 Nethercot & Rockey(1971)및 Helwig 등(1997)의 모멘트구배계수 제안식과 비교 분석 하였고 회기분석프로그램 MINITAB(2006)을 이용하여 비탄성 영역 내 비지지길이가 존재하는 I형보의 하중고 효과를 고려한 모멘트구배계수식을 개발 제안하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 제안식은 경제적이고 합리적인 휨부재 강도평가에 적극 활용될 수 있으며, 비탄성 영역내 I형보의 횡-비틀림 좌굴강도 및 휨강도 연구에 널리 활용될 것이다.

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A Study on Torsional Characteristics of the Car Body Types at Cornering Motion (선회주행 시 차체의 비틀림 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Cho, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.739-744
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    • 2017
  • Elastic deformation and fatigue damage can cause the permanent deformation of a kart's frame during turning, affecting the kart's driving performance. A kart's frame does not contain any suspension or differential devices and, therefore, the dynamic behavior caused by torsional deformation when driving along a curve can strongly affect these two kinds of deformations. To analyze the dynamic behavior of a kart along a curved section, the GPS trajectory of the kart is obtained and the torsional stress acting on the kart-frame is measured in real time. The mechanical properties of leisure and racing karts are investigated by analyzing their material properties and conducting a tensile test. The torsional stress concentration and frame distortion are investigated through a stress analysis of the frame on the basis of the obtained results. Leisure and racing karts are tested in each driving condition using driving analysis equipment. The behavior of a kart when being driven along a curved section is investigated through this test. Because load movement occurs owing to centrifugal force when driving along a curve, torsional stress acts on the kart's steel frame. In the case of a leisure kart, the maximum torsional stress derived from the torsional fatigue limit was found to be 230 MPa, and the torsional fatigue limit coefficient was 0.65 when driving at a speed of 40 km/h. Furthermore, the driving elements during the cornering of a kart were measured based on an actual auto-test after installing a driving measurement system, and the driving behavior of the kart was analyzed by measuring its vertical displacement.

Development of Formulas to Predict Deformations in Plate by Line Heating Method (선상가열법에 의한 강판의 변형 예측식 개발)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung;Lee, Joung-Ho
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.83-87
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    • 2008
  • Although a great deal of research has been carried out to solve the plate forming problem and to improve the effectiveness and productivity of the plate forming process, no practical way of automating the plate forming process has been proposed yet. Since characteristics of heating machines may vary, it is necessary to investigate the thermal deformation characteristics of the heating machine that will be used in the automation system its characteristics may be modified as new information about thermal deformation by heating becomes available. In this paper, experiments for line heating have been carried out to calculate the formula of predicting thermal deformation due to line heating with varying affecting parameters, and numerical study has been carried out to produce data beyond the range where a line heating test is impractical. Formulas of predicting transverse distortion and shrinkage have been proposed and derived, based on the present experimental and numerical works. This paper also illustrates how the formula has been modified as new experimental data are added.

Effect of Local Strain on Low Cycle Fatigue using ESPI System (ESPI System을 이용하여 측정한 국부 변형률이 저사이클 피로수명에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Su;Kim, Ki-Sung;Kwon, Jung-Min;Park, Seong-Mo;Kim, Beom-Il
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.43 no.2 s.146
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2006
  • Low cycle fatigue cracks are mainly detected at discontinuous welded locations with high stresses under repeated cyclic static loads due to cargo leading and unloading. Theoretical and analytical methods have been used for evaluation of local stress and strain which have an effect on a prediction of fatigue life, but those have difficulties of considering stress concentration at notched location and complicated material behavior of welded joint or heat affected zone. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI) system is nondestructive and non-contact measurement system which can get the relatively accurate full field strain at critical positions such as welded zone and structural discontinuous location. In this study, local strain was measured on welded cruciform joint by ESPI system and then low cycle fatigue test was performed. Effect of local strain on low cycle fatigue life was examined by measured values using ESPI system. Moreover, experimental fatigue life was compared with established S-N curves using theoretical local strain and stress calculated by Neuber's rule.

Sensitivity Improvement of Shadow Moiré Technique Using LED Light and Deformation Measurement of Electronic Substrate (LED 광을 이용한 그림자 무아레 방법의 감도 향상 및 모바일 전자 기판의 변형 측정)

  • Yang, Heeju;Joo, Jinwon
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2019
  • Electronic substrates used in a mobile device is composed of various materials, and when the temperature is changed during manufacturing or operating, thermal deformation and stress concentration occur due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient of each material. The shadow moiré technique is a non-contact optical method that measures shape or out-of-plane displacement over the entire area, but it is necessary to overcome the Talbot effect for high sensitivity applications. In this paper, LED light sources of various wavelengths was used to overcome the Talbot effect caused in the shadow moiré technique. By using the phase shift method, an experimental method to retain the measurement sensitivity within 10 ㎛/fringe was proposed and evaluated, and this method is applied to the thermal deformation measurement of the mobile electronic substrate. In the case of using white light, there were several areas that could not be measured due to the Talbot effect, but in the case of using blue LED light, it was shown that a precise moiré pattern with a sensitivity of 6.25 ㎛/fringe could be obtained in most areas.

A generalization survey on the transform techniques in the viewpoint of image coding (영상 부호화 시점에서 본 각종 변환 기법들의 일반화 고찰)

  • 김종원;이창우
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1072-1086
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    • 1998
  • Transform, subband, and wavelet transform decompositions are powerful linear transformation tools in image coding because of their decorrelating effects on image pixels, the concentration of energy in a few coefficients, their multirat/multiresolution framework, and their frequency splitting, which allows for efficient coding matched to the statistics of each frequency band and to the characteristics of the human visulal system. Thus, a growingbody of research has bee performed to extend these tools in various kinds of modified formations. Hence, in this paper, an overall survey to achieve a general view on these transformation tools have been attempted. Starting from basic tools such as orthogonal transforms, lapped transforms, QMF(quadrature mirror filter) subband filter banks, and wavelet transforms, their hierarchical extensions, vector extensions, and linear time-varying extensions are investugated in detail.

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