• Title/Summary/Keyword: 방사선 안전지식

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한국원자력연구소 방사선방어기술 개발 및 연구 현황

  • Ha, Jeong-U
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 1990
  • 1959년 한국원자력연구소가 창립됨과 동시에 &Health Physics&, 즉 보건물리라고 하는 명칭과 조직이 탄생되어, 방사선안전관리의 실무와 보건물리의 연구가 시작되었다. 최초 10년간은 선진제국의 보건물리분야의 연구와 기술을 추적하여 우리나라의 방사선안전관리 기술의 기초를 다지는 시기로서 개인방사선모니터링기술, 환경방사선(능) 모니터링기술 및 방사선방어용계측기기의 교정기술 개발에 중점을 두고 연구개발이 추진되었으며, TRIGA Mark-II 연구용원자로의 가동에 따라 원자로 생체차폐체의 건전성 검증에 관한 유익한 방사선량 측정자료도 얻게 되었다. 즉 이 기간은 방사선안전관리의 체제정비 및 기초기술 확립에 노력한 기간이었다. 1970년대는 원자력 연구개발에 대한 기본방향과 정책의 변경등으로 보건물리 연구조직은 방사선안전관리, 환경연구 그리고 방사화학분야로 분산되었으며, 그로인하여 연구개발활동은 거의 정체되어 겨우 방사선안전관리 실무만이 그 명맥을 유지하였다. 그 결과 우리나라 방사선안전관리 및 그와 관련된 연구개발의 기반이 흔들리게 되었으나, 그러한 환경하에서도 방사선량측정평가기술, 방사선차폐설계기술 및 원자로사고시 피폭선량평가기술의 선진화에 필요한 지식을 얻었으며, 방사선 안전관리에 유익한 실무경험도 축적하게 되었다. 1980년대는 통합된 원자력 연구개발체제의 구축으로 방사선작업종사자 및 일반공중의 피폭저감화 기술개발에 필요한 각종 최신기술을 도입하였고, 관리업무에 있어서도 측정의 정확도와 신뢰성향상 및 새로운 관리기술의 개발에 많은 노력을 한 결과, 유익한성과를 얻게된 기간이다. 특히, 이 기간은 방사선안전관리기술의 선진화를 위한 지식이 축적되어 90년대의 방사선안전관리기술자립화를 위한 전환기로서, 이와같이 축적된 기술은 원자력의 평화적 이용에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다.서 dithiothreitol를 투여한 군에서는 우라늄단독투여군에 비해 cretinine의 배설이 상당히 증가하였다(P<0.05). 6. 우라늄오염에 의한 신장의 소견에 있어 우라늄단독투여군은 근위곡세뇨관상피의 공포화 및 종창, microvilli와 brush border의 손실, 세뇨관 상피의 괴사가 관찰되었으며, 간장의 충혈, 중심성 괴사 및 모세관 확장증도 관찰되었다. 그리고 sodium bicarbonate와 생리적 식염수를 병행투여한 군과 우라늄을 투여하고 30분이 지나서 dithiothreitol를 투여한 군에서는 우라늄 단독투여군에 비해 높은 방호효과가 관찰되었으나 다른 실험군에서는 큰 효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 우라늄의 체내오염시에는 sodium bicarbonate와 생리적 식염수를 가능한 빨리 병행투여하거나 dithiothreitol을 체내오염후 30분이 지나서 투여하는 방법이 우라늄오염에 대한 제염에 매우 유효할 것으로 생각되며, 특히 우라늄에 의한 인체장해를 유의하게 경감시켜줄 것으로 사료되었다.내의 어떤 부위와도 관계가 되는 것으로 간주되는데 이것이 $(^3H)$ QNB가 $(^3H)$ NMS보다 높은 최대 결합능력 $(B_{max})$을 나타낼 이유이다. (b) 두 종류의 다른 제제에서 우리는 같은 양상의 결과를 관찰하었기에 결점이 많은 homogenates 제제보다는 intact cell aggregates 제제를 수용체 연구에 대한 새로운 실험모형(experiment model)으로 사용할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하고자 한다.$가 38.8%로 가장 많고, 그 다음이 ${\ulcorner}$l9세(歲)이후${\lrcorner}$가 25.2%로서 전체

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An Analysis of the Awareness and Performance of Radiation Workers' Radiation/Radioactivity Protection in Medical Institutions: Focused on Busan Regional Medical Institutions (의료기관 방사선작업종사자들의 방사선/능 방어에 대한 인식도 및 수행도 분석: 부산지역 의료기관을 중심으로)

  • Park, Cheol Koo;Hwang, Chul Hwan;Kim, Dong Hyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate safety management awareness and behavioral investigation of radiation/radioactivity performance defenses of radiation workers' in medical institutions. Data collection consisted of 267 radiation workers working in medical institutions using structured questionnaires. As a result, it was analyzed that radiation safety management awareness and performance were high in 40s, 50s group and higher education group. The analysis according to the radiation safety management knowledge was analyzed that the "Know very well" group had higher scores on awareness and performance scores. The analysis according to the degree of safety management effort showed the high awareness scale and the performance scale in the group "Receiving various education or studying the safety management contents through book". The correlations between the sub-factors showed the highest positive correlation between perceived practician and personal perspective and perceived by patient and patient's caretaker perspective. Therefore, radiation safety management for workers, patients, and patient's caretaker should be conducted through continuous education of radiation safety management through various routes of radiation workers working at medical institutions.

Factors to Affect Dental Radiation Safety Management Behaviors (치과 방사선 안전관리 행위에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Eom, Suk;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2012
  • This study conducted a survey targeting at dental hygienists working in medical institutions located in Daegu, Pusan, Ulsan Metropolitan City and Gyeongnam and Gyeongbuk Province from July 18th to August 26th 2011, in order to study factors which affect radiation safety management behaviors and improve levels of those behaviors. The results of this study are as follows. 1. There were significant differences in radiation safety management knowledge of dental hygienists, according to service institutions (p<.001), the current state of defense facilities (p<.006) and the necessity for safety management education (p<.012). 2. There were significant differences in radiation safety management attitudes, according to age (p<.014), service institutions (p<.003), work experience (p<.009), educational level (p<.002), the current state of defense facilities (p<.015), the necessity for safety management education (p<.005) and the intention to take part in the education (p<.036). 3. There were significant differences in radiation safety management behaviors, depending on experience in safety management education (p<.068), measurement of exposed dose (p<.010), the state of defense facilities (p<.001). 4. There were statistically positive correlations between radiation safety management knowledge and attitude, and between radiation safety management attitude and behavior (p<.05). 5. The regular measurement of exposed dose (p<.046) and the present state of defense facilities (p<.001) were found to be factors to affect radiation safety management behaviors. In conclusion, it is considered that building perfect defense facilities of radiology rooms and measuring the exposed does of dental hygienists on a regular basis to alert them to the danger of radiation is considerably important to improve radiation safety management behaviors.

Knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students on the use of radiations (일부 대학생의 방사선이용에 대한 지식, 의식도 및 태도)

  • Han, Eun-Ok;Park, Byung-Sub
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2005
  • This study attempts to extract certain directions for the education program to provide right information by investigating knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students. They have a high level of knowledges among average persons on the use of radiations in order to recognize the radiation safety in daily lives including the change in national recognitions for radiations safety that is consistent with the situation in these days. The survey was performed for 528 university students from Oct. 10 to Oct. 15, 2005. The results of this survey can be summarized as follows; students who didn't get educations for the use of radiations were recorded as 415 students (80.7%) in which the reason that they didn't get such educations was there were no chances to receive the education' as 265 students (77.9%). The basic knowledge on the use of radiations was presented as a low level of $5.96{\pm}2.90$ points based on the sum of 15 points, and the consciousness on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.65{\pm}0.50$ points based on the sum of 5 points. In addition, the attitude on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.23{\pm}0.46$ points based on the sum of 5 points.

Analysis of Educational Needs and Correlation between Knowledge and Attitude of Radiation Protection among Emergency Medical Services Students for Life Care (일부 응급구조학과 학생들의 라이프케어를 위한 방사선방어에 대한 지식과 태도의 상관관계 및 교육요구도 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Guk;Ko, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2020
  • This study was attempted to identify the analysis of educational needs and correlation between knowledge and attitude of radiation protection among emergency medical services students for life care to recognize the importance of radiation protection and provide the basic data for developing personalized educational programs for safety management in radiation protection for emergency medical services students. The result showed that the correlation between knowledge about radiation protection and attitude toward it, there was a positive correlation between attitude score and knowledge score regarding the radiation protection (r=.472, p<.000). In participation intention into the education about the radiation protection, 82% of the responders said that they had participation intention. In time when they are to be educated, 2nd graders was the highest at 54.9%, in instructional method, lecture with audiovisual materials was the highest at 59.04%, and in lecturer, radiological technologist was the highest at 77.45%. It could be found from such findings that emergency medical services students' life care of education needs for radiation protection and participation intention were high and concluded that safety management educational program development for radiation protection is required with accurate knowledge about radiation protection and positive attitude and to increase the educational effects, radiological technologist's utilizing the audiovisual materials for instruction is the most effective.

Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of High School Students Regarding Irradiated Foods (고등학생의 방사선조사식품에 대한 지식, 태도 및 행위)

  • Choi, Yoonseok;Song, Jongnam;Jeong, Moontaek;Choi, Namgil;Han, Jaebok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents basic supporting data necessary for planning an educational intervention strategy as part of a communication strategy that would form an extensive national consensus on and enhance national understanding of irradiated foods. A survey was conducted to collect data on the knowledge, attitude, and behavior with regard to irradiated foods among high school students, on whom education has a great ripple effect compared with the general public. The results show that 82.9% (627 students) have acquired no information, whereas 89.3% (675 students) have received no education on irradiated foods. The reason for these overwhelmingly large percentages is the lack of available opportunity for education(88.2%). Their level of knowledge on irradiated foods scores 1.71 points (out of 10 points), which is very low, whereas their attitude toward the safety of irradiated foods scores 2.76 points (out of 5 points), which is relatively low as well. As such, we predict that their tendency to purchase and consume irradiated foods is low, given their very low level of knowledge of and negative attitude toward irradiated foods. The students who have been educated on irradiated foods show a higher level of positive attitude (p<0.001) toward irradiated foods compared with those who have had no education. This result suggests the need to provide high school students with knowledge on irradiated foods as well as education in the same to help them form a proper attitude toward these food items.

The Knowledge and Confidence in Performance on Patient Safety among Health-Related Majors : Convergent Approach (보건계열 학생의 환자안전 지식 및 수행 자신감 : 융복합적 접근)

  • Lee, Mi Hyang;Park, Jung Hee;Bae, Seok Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge on patient safety and performance confidence for the subject of health-related major students. Participants were 349 Health-related majors. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. According to the study results, correct answer rate for patients' knowledge on safety was 65.7% in average. Average point of performance confidence was $7.11{\pm}1.74$. Considering in terms of question, patient identification was high, while effective communication was shown to be low. Patient identification, communication, surgery procedure, fall, patient's safety accident report as the lower domain for patients' knowledge on safety and performance confidence had a positive correlation, while knowledge and infection management, facility environment had a negative correlation for health-related major students, development of patients' safety education program is needed to enhance importance of patients' safety before clinical practice and to allow implementation of safe clinical practice.

Analysis of Awareness of Radiation and Nuclear Power Plants after Fukushima Nuclear Accident (후쿠시마 원전 사고 후 방사선 및 원전에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Changsoo;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2013
  • Based on surveys of Busan residents, this study aimed to analyze general perception: radiation knowledge, recognition of the standard of knowledge, radiation benefits, recognition of the risks of nuclear power, collection of information on the Fukushima nuclear accident, recognition of changes before and after the Fukushima nuclear accident, and the path of collecting information about nuclear power and radiation. This analysis was based on 414 people who reside in Busan metropolitan city. It has been found that the Busan metropolitan city residents acknowledged the necessity of radiation in principle, however, most have negative awareness relating to safety. It is assumed that this negative awareness is a result from past nuclear power plant accidents, rather than being based on their own knowledge of radiation. Therefore, it is considered that efforts to change people's awareness necessitate education of the public. This can be done via media, widening the range of people's knowledge, and furthermore, promoting changes within people's awareness and perspectives.

A Study on the Perception of Medical Radiation Exposure and Irradiated Foods among College Students in Nursing and Health-related and Health-unrelated Majors (간호보건계열과 비보건계열 대학생들의 의료용 방사선피폭과 방사선조사식품의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Young-Nam PARK;Jae-Ki RYU
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and awareness of medical radiation and irradiated foods among nursing college students and those pursuing health-related and health-unrelated majors and to provide basic data for developing and promoting appropriate educational programs on the use of radiation. The knowledge of medical radiation was the highest among those over 30 years of age (3.0 points), and members of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Science (3.0 points). The awareness of the risk of medical radiation was the highest among female (3.34 points), among members of the Department of Nursing and Health Science (3.40 points), and among third-year students (3.41 points). The awareness of the benefits of medical radiation was the highest in male (3.90 points). The awareness of irradiated foods and its safety was low in all departments. The need for education regarding irradiated foods and the willingness to provide information on such foods were high. In conclusion, it is thought that specific promotional activities and educational programs are needed to improve the accuracy of knowledge regarding medical radiation among college students and increase their awareness on the safety of irradiated foods.

Recognition and Behavior of Female Workers for Irradiated Food (여성 근로자의 방사선 조사식품에 대한 인식 및 행태)

  • Do, Wan-Jung;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine the recognition and behavior of female workers on irradiated food. A total of 326 surveys have been analyzed. The results of the study showed that the level of knowledge was 3.411 points and the level of recognition was 2.542 points. There was a significant difference in purchase of irradiated food by level of education, affiliation, and job type; in consumption of irradiated food by affiliation, level of education, job type and work experience; in preventive behavior of irradiated food by affiliation, work experience and job type. In a correlation analysis on the factors of irradiated food, those with more knowledge and better recognition had more experience of purchase and consumption. However, preventive behavior had no significant correlation with knowledge, recognition, purchase and consumption. Therefore, for a rational selection of irradiated food, it is important to provide information and safety training on them.