• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기회 잠재력

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The Spatial Disparity of Opportunity Potentials in Korea (한국 도시의 경제 $\cdot$ 문화 $\cdot$ 사회 복지적 기회 잠재력의 지역적 격차)

  • Choi, Yoon-Jeong;Lee, Keumsook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2005
  • The assessment (or the evaluation) of spatial disparity is the main concern for the study of spatial disparities or spatial inequalities. In order to evaluate the spatial disparity, the regional differences have to be counted quantitatively. Several measurements have been introduced for evaluating the development potentials of each region. Most of them are the composite indices of the socio-economic variables rather than the real potentials of the region. This study attempts to investigate the spatial disparity in Korea. For the purpose, the levels of opportunity potentials of the cities have been calculated by the Potential Model redefined by Lee(1995). The opportunity potentials have been calculated for the educational, cultural, medical service, environmental sectors, income, and consumption sectors, and the spatial patterns of various opportunity potentials have been analyzed. The spatial patterns of opportunity potentials show the severe concentration on the Metropolitan Seoul area through all sectors. The next level concentration appears at the other end of the Keuyng-Bu axis. And the cities relatively high opportunity potential values are distributed along the Keuyng-Bu axis. Remain parts of the country show quietly low opportunity potential values. In particular, the southern-west and the northern-east parts show relatively very low values. This pattern appears for all sectors except for the opportunity potential of the environmental sector. It means that the spatial disparity in Korea have been promoted and enhanced by the national development policies concentrated the investment on the large cities along the Keuyng-Bu axis during the last 40 years.

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중국이 몰려온다(1)

  • Korea Electronics Association
    • Journal of Korean Electronics
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2001
  • 중국경제는 성장잠재력과 강점을 보유하고 있어 장기전망이 밝으며 향후 10년간 가장 치열하게 경쟁을 벌여야 할 대상국가로 손꼽고 있다. 이러한 중국의 부상은 우리에게 기회이면서 동시에 위협으로 작용할 것으로 한국경제가 세계경제에 도태당하지 않기 위해서는 경각심을 갖고서 중국을 주시해야 할 것이다. 이에 본고에서는 중국에 대하여 2회에 걸쳐 다루어 보고자 한다.

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The Robot Education Program Based on Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Elementary School Students (학교전체 심화학습 모형에 기반한 초등로봇교육 프로그램)

  • Lee, YoungJun;Seo, YoungMin
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2012
  • Elementary school students should have many opportunities to find their abilities and talents. However, informatics education in Korea does not target the entire elementary school students, opportunities for informatics education are given only to some students. Unlike possibilities to find mathematics gifted students and science gifted students, opportunities to find informatics gifted students are very limited. This study aims to solve current problems through a robot education program based on SEM(Schoolwide Enrichment Model). Using modified curriculum and school enrichment cluster, robot programming education is implemented at the pilot school. The result shows that robot education program based on SEM improved creative potentials of elementary school students.

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VD ISSUE-1조 벤처기업 육성으로 재도약의 틀을 짜자

  • Byeon, Dae-Gyu
    • Venture DIGEST
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    • s.58
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    • pp.18-19
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    • 2004
  • 불경기라 다들 한숨이 깊다. 하지만 불경기를 재도약의 발판으로 삼으려는 우리 벤처기업들에게는 이 위기 역시 기회일 수 있다. 무한한 잠재력을 가진 벤처, 대한민국 고용창출의 견인차이자 경제 성장동력의 핵심인 우리 벤처기업의 능력을 다시 한번 보여줄 때가 온 것이다. 이에 이번 호부터 총 5회에 걸쳐 벤처재도약을 주제로 벤처기업인들의 릴레이원고를 기획한다. 벤처재도약을 향한 릴레이 기고문 그 첫 번째, 휴맥스 변대규 대표의‘글로벌 챔피언십 육성방안’에 대한 생각을 들어보자.

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국내건축사의 해외진출 방안

  • Korea Institute of Registered Architects
    • Korean Architects
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    • no.5 s.337
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    • pp.33-65
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    • 1997
  • WTO(세계무역기구)출범 이후 국제적인 설계시장 개방 및 교류가 점차 증가하고 있는 상황에서 국내 건축계도 그동안 이에 대한 다양한 대응방안을 모색해 왔다. 그러나 대부분의 경우 외국건축사의 국내진출과 시장잠식을 우려한 수세적 자세에 머물러 왔으며, 이를 적극적인 자세에서 국내건축사의 해외진출을 확대할 수 있는 기회로 활용하는데에는 소홀히 해온 듯하다. 본지는 이와같은 배경에서 '국내건축사의 해외진출 방안'이라는 주제로 기획특집을 마련, 한국건축의 해외 설계시장 진출상황과 잠재력, 바람직한 접근방향 및 활성화 방안등을 살펴봄으로써 개방화ㆍ국제화를 국내건축계의 새로운 도약을 위한 발판으로 삼을 수 있는 계기를 마련하고자 한다.

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Developing Students' Latent Math-Learning Ability in College Mathematics Classes-II (대학수학 학습 능력의 잠재력 개발-II)

  • Kim, Byung-Moo
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.483-506
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    • 2009
  • In this study, as a way to develop students' latent ability of mathematics, we asked the students to write on the ways to develop their potential in mathematics. Each student chose his own topic relating to the development of potential in mathematics. In addition, we distributed questionnaires on the same topic to the students. The contents of questionnaires and the summaries of students' writings are given in appendix 1 and 2. Among the submitted writings, good writings and the suggested ideas in them are introduced for more effective instruction of mathematics in college. During the course of conducting this study, we had a good experience of seeking and finding the ways to develop students' potential in mathematics. Finally, for more rigorous study on this topic, we felt a need for conducting cooperative research with the colleagues.

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An Impact Analysis of the Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel Project;focus on Economic Potential Model Analysis (한일간 해저터널사업의 효과분석;성장잠재력 분석을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2008
  • With rapid growing of the Northeastern Asia, the interest for the connection of Infrastructure that was behind of interesting until now is getting larger. In a line of same connection, UN-ESCAP are forwarding transcontinental railway project, asian highway project et al.. And this study aimed at analysis on the effect that extended to a space by Korea-Japan undersea tunnel project. In aspect of a national land balanced-development to solve various problems such as overcrowding in capital region, unbalanced state by regions, weak exchange between South and North Korea, and weakness of national land basis to prepare for unification et al., this study consulted the economic potentiality model as a analysis method to examine an effect. In this analysis, I used 24 scenarios including all cases by combination of 3 scenarios for Korea-Japan undersea tunnel, 4 scenarios for transportation modes in the section of undersea tunnel, and 2 scenarios for adjacency infrastructure. Transportation modes in the section of undersea tunnel are railway, car-train, mixing way of railway and car-train, and mixing way of road and railway. Adjacency infrastructure applied railway and road. In all scenarios, Korea showed higher growth potentiality than Japan. Also, proposal plan C route relatively showed better in national land balanced-development than other proposal plans. The growth potentiality relatively appeared higher by buildup of a connection together with non-capital regions from the construction of Korea-Japan undersea tunnel. In aspect of Northeastern Asia, it resulted in a increasing of trade and chance of network formation in the region of Asia through infrastructure connection. But, in considering passenger and various factors that extended to the economic growth, this analysis have some limitation. Therefore, I hope that deep studies will continuously perform with various factors.

A Study on the Advancement of Chinese Industry and the Strategy of Korean Companies in China (중국산업의 고도화와 중국진출 한국기업의 대응전략)

  • Rho, Hyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.2 s.46
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    • pp.251-263
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    • 2007
  • A This study was conducted to identify the advancement of Chinese industry and the strategy of advancing Korean companies into China. According to the results of the study, it is very important for Korean companies to adapt themselves to Chinese circumstances. The development of Chinese industry can be a threat to Korean companies, but it can also be an opportunity to Korean companies. It's up to Korean companies' correspondence strategy. The best strategy of Korean companies on the advancement of Chinese industry is development a blue ocean strategy.

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중국 자판기 시장, 그 환상과 현실사이

  • 한국자동판매기공업협회
    • Vending industry
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    • v.2 no.4 s.5
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2002
  • 인구 12억의 무한한 잠재력, 지난 78년 말 개혁개방 이후 연평균 10${\%}$ 이상의 고도성장. 여기에 2015년까지 연평균 $7~8{\%}$이상의 안정적 성장이 예상되고 2008년 올림픽 경제특수까지 기대되는 기회의 땅, 중국. 한편으로는 기회만큼의 위협의 대상이 되는 중국 경제 성장에 있어 과연 자판기 산업의 가능성은 어느 정도로 볼 수 있을 까. 이제 자판기 산업이 태동기에서 성장기 단계로 넘어가는 문턱에 있다 할 수 있는 중국 자판기 시장을 바라보는 국내 산업계의 시각은 다분히 양분적이다. 장밋빛 환상 가득한 가능성의 시장으로서 보는 시각과, 한편으로서는 실체 없이 리스크만 가득해 조심스러운 접근이 필요한 시장으로의 시각이 교차한다. 그래서 어찌 보면 환상과 현실사이에서 갈피를 잡기 힘든 시장이 중국 자판기 시장이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 중국시장을 제대로 보고, 가능성 가득 찬 시장을 만드는 주체로서의 역할을 이제 국내 산업계가 해야할 시점이다. 하드웨어적 기반을 갖추어 가고 있는 중국시장에 있어 우리의 24년 산업 노하우는 세계 어느 나라 못지않은 경쟁력을 가질 수 있다는 점에서 벤처적인 도전 정신 역시 한껏 고양될 필요가 있다. 이러한 중국시장을 제대로 보고자 본지에서는 지난 5월 22일부터 24일까지 중국 상해에서 개최된 Vending Asia 2002 전시회를 찾았다. 비록 'SIAL China 2002', `PackTech&Food Tech China 2002` 전시회와 병행 개최된 작은 규모의 전시회에 불과했지만 그래도 미지의 중국 시장에 대한 정보갈증을 풀어준 의미 있는 전시회였다. 금호에서는 이번 전시회 취재를 통해 중국시장의 현황에 대해보고 느낀 리포트를 준비했다. 아울러 중국 자판 산업을 국내 업체들은 어떻게 바라보고 시장공략을 진행해야 할지, 그 환상과 현실 속의 거대한 중국시장으로 독자 여러 분을 안내 한다.

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Evaluating MRV Potentials based on Satellite Image in UN-REDD Opportunity Cost Estimation: A Case Study for Mt. Geum-gang of North Korea (UN-REDD 기회비용 산정에서 위성영상 기반의 MRV 여건평가: 금강산을 사례로)

  • Joo, Seung-Min;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2014
  • The credible measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) is among the most critical elements in UN-REDD (United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in Developing Countries). This study is intended to explore MRV potential in terms of UN-REDD opportunity cost estimation using satellite image for Mt. Geum-gang of North Korea. A visual interpretation were conducted to evaluate MRV conditions by sub-dividing or decomposing the images with different pixel size into a three types of hierarchical tree structure that helps dealing with spatial variability within each subarea. The permanent record of standard satellite remote sensing system demonstrated its capability of presenting area-wide visual evidences of MRV conditions in Mt. Geum-gang (such as the identification of forested area, degradation trends for forest space, three types of hierarchical land-cover and land use tree structure, carbon density in the landscape). Satellite data could be accepted as legally binding proof when it comes to REDD opportunity cost estimation since several cases exist where remote sensing has been used as legal evidence in ICJ (International Court of Justice) and UN resolution. It doesn't seem very difficult to comply with MRV requirements for UN-REDD opportunity cost calculation due to the probative value of satellite data. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for Korea-based enterprises exploring REDD project sites and the carbon traders to ensure MRV potentials using satellite image in UN-REDD Opportunity Cost estimation.