• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기독교교육학

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Analysis of Research Trends in Christian Education: Papers Published During COVID-19 (2020.3 - 2022.6) (기독교교육학 연구 동향 분석: 코로나19 시기 게재 논문(2020.3~2022.6)을 중심으로)

  • Shin Seungbeom
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.97-115
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends of Christian education research during the COVID-19 period. To this end, 172 theses published in the "Journal of Christian Education" and "Korea Society for Christian Education & Information Technology" pub-lished between March 2020 and June 2022 were analyzed according to the subfields and research methods of Christian education. As a result of the analysis, 38.5% of the total papers belonged to theories of Christian education. Papers related to practice of Christian education was 61.5%. Looking more closely at Christian education practice, papers related to classification by 'developmental stage' accounted for 25%, 'education field' accounted for 55.2%, 'function' accounted for 40.7% of the total papers. Regarding the classification of research methods, literature research accounted for 62.7% of the total studies, survey research methods accounted for 21.5%. Based on this, the main conclusions found in this study are as follows. First, the problems caused by the emergence and spread of the coronavirus began to be reflected in Christian education studies. Second, it was confirmed that the research method of Christian education, which had been biased toward liter-ature research, was recently converted from theory-centered to an attempt to balance theory and practice, and as convergence research increased, research topics and re-search methods were diversifying. Third, it was confirmed the need for category stand-ards that can analyze and classify studies in order to identify trends in Christian education research. Lastly, when considering all the papers, there are not many papers that fall under the classification by characteristics.

The Tasks for Christian Education as a Posthuman Practical Theology (포스트휴먼 실천신학으로서 기독교교육학의 과제)

  • Shin Geun Jang
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.79
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    • pp.7-31
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    • 2024
  • Purpose of Study : The purpose of this essay is to explore the tasks for Christian education as a posthuman practical theology, with a focus on the discussions surrounding transhumanism, posthumanism, and critical posthumanism. Research Content and Method : To achieve this purpose, this essay performs a literature-based, interdisciplinary conversation that focuses on transhumanism and posthumanism discourses. It also examines these posthuman theories from a transversal disciplinary dialogue between posthumasnism and theology with a focus on technology and ecology. This essay employs roughly methodology of practical theology to propose tasks for Christian education. Conclusions and Suggestions : In conclusion, the tasks for Christian education as a posthuman practical theology include: first, research and interpretation of posthuman contexts with a descriptive-empirical approach; second, posing biblical and theological norms for posthuman telos; third, inter-subjectivity and faith formation through the networking entanglement and becoming; fourth, establishing a theory-practice relationship based on theopoiesis; fifth, forming the church as a symbiotic educational community; and sixth, reconfiguring public paideia toward the zoe of the Kingdom of God as the common good.

An Analysis and Study on the Curriculum of the Christian Education Counseling Department and the Education Counseling Department (기독교교육상담학과와 교육상담학과의 교육과정 분석 및 연구)

  • Park, Mila
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.62
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    • pp.135-160
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    • 2020
  • This study closely analyzed the curriculum of the Christian Education Counseling Department and the general Education Counseling Department, and found the current status and problems of the curriculum of the Christian Education Counseling Department and the general Education Counsel Department. This study presented a balanced curriculum of the Christian Education Counseling Department with above analysis. For this purpose, the analysis focused on the educational operation process of Christian education counseling departments and general education counseling departments, such as educational goals, subjects, and counseling practical training. The Christian Education Counseling Department and the general Education Counseling Department are often combined with departments such as Christian Education, Youth, Children and Youth, and Lifelong Education, with the characteristics of convergence majors, so the basic subjects of the department were analyzed to have a higher percentage of subjects than counseling subjects. The results of the analysis showed that both departments lacked a considerable number of subjects related to counseling practical training. In the counseling course, the subjects of personal analysis, education analysis, counseling ethics, and counseling case super-vision for the professional development of counselors are still lacking, according to the analysis. In order to train counselors, it was analyzed that the system of systematic clinical practice system, various counseling analysis for counselor education, and the expansion of super vision subjects were urgently needed. In a modern society where the demand for counseling and the need for counseling experts are increasing as society becomes more complex, it is hoped that Korean universities will be able to actively contribute and cooperate in developing models of counseling education and training counseling experts through them, focusing on standardized indicators for fostering counselors.

The Study of the Identity of Christian Educators in Autobiographical Writing of Christian Educational Books: Focusing on the books of Palmer, Harris, and Moore. (기독교교육학 저서의 자전적 글쓰기에 나타난 기독교교육학자의 정체성 연구: 파머, 해리스, 무어를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun Joo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.345-374
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    • 2021
  • This study is a paper which studies the fact that autobiographical writing in Christian educational books is an important channel for studying the identity of Christian educators. The identity of Christian educators is the background and foundation of the study of Christian education theory. It was found through research that the scholar's identity is more evident in autobiographical writing from a first-person perspective experienced by the author than in argumentative writing with objective and cognitive limitations. This study examined the concept and characteristics of autobiographical writing research, the relationship of autobiographical writing research and self-identity, the relationship between autobiographical writing and Christian education, and discovered autobiographical writing in Christian educational scholars' books. Through the autobiographical writing of Maria Harris' Teaching and Religious Imagination, Parker Palmer's The Courage to Teach, and Elizabeth Moore's Teaching as a Sacrament Act, we studied that the identity of Christian educators can meet, transform, and expand learners' identity as well. Through research, it has been confirmed that autobiographical writing takes the form of a story, but as a story distinct from the story, it becomes a place where the authors' identity and readers' identity can meet, wrestle and expand. Autobiographical writing has a relationship with story and self-identity. These characteristics are also linked to Christian educational goals that focus on the formation and transformation of self-identity. The autobiographical writing in Harris, Palmer, and Moore's writings shows the identity of a teacher, including scholars' theological perspectives and views on education. As the writing of Christian education books so far has become argumentative and objective writing, readers has felt a sense of disparity and disconnection. If autobiographical writing becomes educational books' style, it can invite readers to empathize with who the author is. Christian education will experience more fundamental changes with autobiographical writing.

A Critical Study on the Three Models of Practical Theology in the Second Half of the 20th Century (20세기 후반 실천신학의 세 가지 유형에 대한 비판적 연구)

  • Shin-Geun Jang
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2022
  • This essay is a critical study of the three models of practical theology that emerged in the second half of the 20th century: the critical correlational model (Sherrill, Browning), the hermeneutical model (Groome, Gerkin), and the faith community formation model (Westerhoff, Campbell). This essay first explores the central ideas of practical theologians who adhere to each of the three models and focuses on Christian education, pastoral counseling, and homiletics. This essay then critically evaluates the three models in accordance to the following four themes: how practical theology has 1) responded to the challenges of postmodernity, 2) engaged in dialogue with different types of theology, 3) participated in interdisciplinary dialogue, and 4) understood Christian practice. In conclusion, this essay suggests that the essential tasks of contemporary Christian education as practical theology include: 1) providing an active response to many challenges of postmodern, postsecular, postdigital, and posthuman era, 2) engaging in interactive dialogue with diverse forms of theology, and 3) facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue based on transversal rationality, and 4) establishing of the concept of Christian practice at the individual, ecclesial, social, public, ecological, and digital levels.

Christian Preschool Curriculum in Korea : Teachers' Perceptions of the Curriculum (한국 기독교 유아교육기관의 기독교 유아교육과정 운영 실태와 교사의 인식도 조사)

  • Jo, Jeung-A;Cho, Eun-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.305-324
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated conditions and teachers' perceptions of the Christian preschool curriculum in Korea. Participants were 119 teachers in Christian preschools(84 teachers in preschools attached to churches and 35 teachers in non-attached Christian preschools). They responded to a questionnaire developed for the study. Most of the Christian preschools used appropriate educational aims clearly reflecting a Christian world view and the purpose of Christian education. However, teaching methods and instructional media were limited. Type of educational institution, academic background, and years of teaching in Christian institutions affected the results.

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Neuroethics and Christian Education (신경윤리와 기독교교육)

  • Yu, Jae Deog
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.145-171
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    • 2020
  • Christian communities have long sought to find what type of moral judgment is appropriate and what the Christian behavior is, by taking the church's ethical norms and behavior patterns as objects of reflection. In the same context, Christian education also tried to base the psychological rationalism of J. Piaget and L. Kohlberg, but the reason-centered structural development theory was not the answer. In fact, the structural development theory, which emphasized autonomy while excluding emotions from the moral judgment process, over-emphasizing cognition or reason, eventually led to moral relativism, unlike what was intended. In addition, it was criticized for not being able to adequately elucidate the gap between human moral reasoning and behavior, and for attempting to interpret morality excessively within the context of social culture. Recently, these limitations of structural developmental theory have been reinterpreted by neuroethics, especially moral psychology theories, which claim that moral judgment ability is physically wired in the brain and relies heavily on networks between cortical and limbic system. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the newly emerged research themes of neuroethics, and then to discuss two main theories that explain morality in the perspective of neuroethics and the implications that Christian education should pay attention to.

Roles of Christian Education for Restoring Life Crisis after Neo-Liberalism (신자유주의 이후 생명 위기와 회복을 위한 기독교교육의 역할)

  • Hong, Sungsoo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.267-299
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    • 2021
  • This study is purposed to discuss attributes and limitations of neo-liberalism and to offer some roles of Christian education corresponding neoliberalism. Neo-liberalism is an econosuperism that entrusts all things to market order, and it regards this market as utopia. It does not remain as just an economical principle, but influences all aspects in human life. Then it shows its religiosity connecting to capitalism. Every human in it is thought of as flexible workforces appropriate to neo-liberalism market. Such being the case neo-liberalsim strenghtens instrumentation in education. Then it distorts freedom and equality, and it weakens traditional values. Because of this, modern people's identity is getting to be lost and their human characters to be floated. This study discusses these things critically, and offers roles of Christian education such as founding a well balanced understanding on the Scripture against this neo-liberalsim market, restoring the essential purpose of education from instrumentation in education, and investigating and applicating a holistic human character on the basis of a Christian anthropology against this new human character of neo-liberalsim.

Christian Education Aiming for Homo Creators (호모 크레토스를 지향하는 기독교교육)

  • Kim, Hyung Hee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to illuminate depersonalization in the flow of technological revolution and to present a Christian SARAMDAUM education that aims for a new human image. It represents the Christian SARAMDAUM education that adapts to, mediates, and offers alternatives to the technological and human evolutionary flow of the machine age. The purpose of education for this purpose is to aim for 'Homo Creators', creative human beings presented as a new human image in the age of technological revolution. The educational goal is to nurture creative human beings through creative interpretation, creative integration between disciplines, and personal dialogue in the post-mechanical/ post-conventional paradigm. The content of the education is a conversation with the SARAMDAUM that consiliences the characteristics of post-machine and post-convention. The educational method utilizes Edu-Tech and AIED(Artificial Intelligence in Education) to realize systemic thinking and SARAMDAUM dialogue of technology. In addition, the composition of teachers and learners, educational environment and educational evaluation is presented. The significance of this study is that from the point of view of Christian education, the identity of human beings in the era of the technological revolution has been identified, and research on the creative image of the human being is newly attempted, and the direction of Christian SARAMDAUM education aimed at this is presented. This can be said to be a Christian education that emphasizes the essential characteristics of human beings while accommodating the era of technological revolution.

A Study on a Philosophical Foundation of Intergenerational Christian Education : The Significance of Reciprocity and Participation (세대통합 기독교교육의 철학적 토대에 관한 연구 : 호혜성과 참여를 중심으로)

  • Hyunho Shin
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.93-115
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to explore implications for intergenerational Christian education in Korean churches and families that struggle with "generational fragmentations" focusing on the conception of reciprocity and participation. For the faith community in Korea, "generational fragmentations" does not merely mean communication gaps or the disconnection between generations but also the absence of reciprocity and communal participation as a genuine intergenerational community of faith. With this phenomenon in mind, this study explores the concept of "intergenerationality" in education, focusing on reciprocity and participation. Next, this study examines the concepts of reciprocity and participation found in John Dewey's seminal works, Democracy and Education and Experience and Education based on his ideas of democracy and experience in relation to intergenerational Christian education for the Korean church and families. The present paper then attempts to find implications for intergenerational Christian education in the Korean church and family, showing the importance of an intergenerational community of faith with reciprocity and communal participation, and communal spiritual journey with children and adults.