• Title/Summary/Keyword: 글자디자인

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Design of Electro-Thread Embroidery UHF RFID Tag Antennas with Character Shapes (글자 모양의 자수형 도전사 UHF RFID 태그 안테나 디자인)

  • Choi, Jae-Han;Chung, You-Chung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1114-1120
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    • 2009
  • The conductivity of various electro-threads is analyzed, and the washable electro-thread embroidery UHF RFID tag antennas using the character shape without T-matching structure are designed by adding a T-matching structure. The RFID tag antenna using the electro-thread is easy to be embedded on a cloth as a wearable antenna because it is flexible and different from general copper inlay shape and tape type tag. The embroidery tag antennas are designed with the English alphabet 'F' and the Korea alphabet 'ㄹ' character. Those are easy to be applied to general clothes. The parameters of antennas are optimized and fabricated. The characteristics and the reading range patterns of the tag antennas are measured. The reading ranges of wet tags(tap water, sea water and soapy water) are tested and compared.

The Emotional Expression Character study of Utilizing Advertising Media (문자를 활용한 매체광고의 감성적 표현)

  • Kim, Young-Kook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2010
  • As the speed of social change consumers' buying patterns change, with an effective and competitive means of communication is an effort to find ads world. Characters have to maximize its own image, the character font used for the situation fits perfectly expressed in the formative Calligraphy differentiated pay plan as part of Calligraphy is considered. People feel in the hand by writing letters that can not be standardized as a strong symbol and symbolism, and the appeal and beauty, dynamic motion, mystery, and can be expressed. Design disciplines across all areas of Calligraphy extensive coverage, digital coolness of the hard preparation for the soft and warm lyricism analogue availability is required to meet contemporary needs. Media ads that emphasize the use of the Calligraphy emotional representation of the contents of the ads favorable to improve cognitive function, attention, recall of positive affect and, therefore, character-driven emotional expression as an art communications capabilities with one of the media is situated in the heart of the culture.

A Usability Testing of a Hybrid Mobile Reading Game for Children With Reading Disabilities (읽기장애아동을 위한 하이브리드 모바일 읽기 게임의 사용성 검사)

  • Shin, Mikyung;Park, Eunhye;Hong, Ki-Hyung;Lee, Joohyun;Park, Hyewon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.314-326
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of a hybrid mobile reading game among 14 parents of children with reading disabilities. The reading game consisted of six steps according to the process of reading (familiarizing with consonants and vowels, acquiring whole words, combining consonants and vowels, reading words, phonological rules, reading fluency). In this study, parents experienced steps one through three of the reading-game app and evaluated the general design features and Universal Design for Learning on a five-point scale. Regarding the general design features, parents rated usability (18 items in total) as high in the following order: interactive design, instructional design, and interface design. Regarding the Universal Design for Learning (9 items in total), parents evaluated usability as high in the following order: providing multiple means of representation, providing multiple means of action and expression, and providing multiple means of engagement. Lastly, suggestions for the improvement of the app, practical implications, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

The Usability Evaluation of Kiosks for Individuals with Low Vision (저시력 시각장애인의 키오스크 사용성 평가 연구)

  • Kyounghoon Kim;Yumi Kim;Sumin Baeck;Jeong Hyeun Ko
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.331-358
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    • 2024
  • In the rapid digital transformation era, kiosks have become a common element in daily life. However, their widespread deployment has introduced new challenges for socially marginalized groups, including individuals with disabilities and the elderly. This study aims to evaluate the usability of kiosks for individuals with low vision and propose improvement strategies. The study was conducted with eight low-vision university students from A University in Gyeongsangbuk-do and four non-disabled university students from Daegu. Usability was assessed through experiments involving a self-service certificate issuance kiosk and a fast-food restaurant kiosk, using Jakob Nielsen's five usability evaluation criteria: learnability, efficiency, memorability, error prevention, and satisfaction. The results revealed that individuals with low vision faced significant difficulties with small text size, low contrast, no physical buttons, and lack of screen zoom functionality. To address these issues, the study recommends enhancements such as increasing text size and contrast, incorporating physical buttons, adding zoom functionality, ensuring consistent UI design, and providing auditory feedback. This study provides foundational data for enhancing information accessibility for individuals with low vision. It offers critical insights into kiosk design and policy recommendations, thereby contributing to the mitigation of the digital divide.

A Study on the Character Creation of Traditional Incantatory Pattern for Individual Character Industry (Individual Character 산업을 위한 전통 주술 문양의 캐릭터 개발 연구)

  • 신승택
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2003
  • Each country, each organization and individual have pursued their own identity, which require a unique design discriminated from other countries, cultures and people. As character related industries including character, cartoon, animation and CF appeared everywhere, development of character of mascot concept which can highlight individual personality has been required. This study is to meet these requirements and develop character of Korean subject as the concept of mascot or guard angel in order to develop the unique design with discriminative features from individual identity. For this, this study named it "Individual Character", analyzes the Korean traditional incantatory patterns and develops three patterns such as line art character, five-color 2D character and letter '||'&'||' picture 3D character as a form having individual character with the twelve gods of the earth through examination of materials of traditional patterns home and aborad. These three-typed characters seek strategies by types and are applied to calender, ceramic, metal, animation source, living goods and accessories. Application to commodities include line art and the products of 20 and 3D types based on re-design and add metal, paper, web and ceramic. Therefore this study finds that "Individual Character' using traditional incantatory patterns can discover the cultural identity and originality through Korean design creation and application of "Individual Character" to character industry can develop the pluralistic characters with a material and it can be extended to consumption goods.onsumption goods.

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Typography for Efficient Visual Flow of Text Focused on Hangul (텍스트의 효율적 시각흐름을 위한 타이포그래피-한글을 중심으로-)

  • 신경주;김지현
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 1998
  • This study is intended to suggest the method of text arrangement in order to enhance visual perception which would help darify its communication. One hundred subjects without restriction of gender and profession participated in each experiment :their reading time was measured by the 0.01 second. The Analysis of Variance(two-way ANOVA without interaction) was performed for each experiment and the p value was 0.0001 which implies that there was a strong consistency among test results. Based on the first results, it is found that there is a consistent relationship between type size and text line length, and the following discovery was made ; the most effective ratio of type size to line length is approximately 1 :8. Judging from the Second and Third results, it seems that the vertical text arrangement is most efficient for reading regardless of text line length. So to make same rreading direction is more important than to narrow down the eye moving distance between column and column for efficient visual flow. This research supports the view that considering efficient eye movement on text, it is important to understand the mentioned variables that affect visual interpretation.

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A Study on Diversification of Hangul font classification system in digital environment (디지털 환경에서 한글 글꼴 분류체계 다양화 연구)

  • 이현주;홍윤미;손은미
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2003
  • As the digital technology has improved, the numbers of Hangul font users have increased and their individual needs and taste are diversified. Therefore new and various Hangul fonts out of traditional form are developed and used. But under the present font classification system, it is hard to compare and analyze these various fonts. And the present classification system is hard to be the font user's guide for proper use of various Hangul fonts. For the better use of Hangul font, to diversify the font classification system is needed. So we propose the development of these thru classification standards. First, structural classification based on the structural character of Hangul. Second, image classification based on the visual images of each font. And third, usage classification based on the fonts proper usage in various media. For the development of various typographically balanced fonts and for the suitable and effective use of the various font, we must try to build the font classification system based on the diversified classification standards and build Hangul font database based on this classification system. Through these studies, we can expect the development of good quality fonts and the better use of these fonts.

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A Study on the configuration of Hangul Concrete Poetry in the typographic point of view (타이포그래피적 관점에서 본 한글구체시의 조형성에 관한 연구 -고원의 한글구체시를 중심으로-)

  • 이민영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2002
  • In 1995, When people read a poem, the image that a poet intends to convey to readers shows in various colors according to the status of their emotion. Poetry is a bridge as well as a text, which connects this world and the poet's world. In such relationship, the communication through Types occurs. The realm of application of modern typography is widening due to the development of the Internet and mass media, and the ways of expression of which are changing with the help of lots of softwares. So, the modern typography is re-born as an organic language which is alive, breathing. Therefore, Types has the structural character similar to that of Typography, which is a language of image, creating today's movement, time, and space. The already existing poetry contains meanings but has a descriptive structures. On contrary, compared with the former, the type appeared in Hangul Concrete Poetry., itself is a poem in another realm due to the formality native to Hangul, and which appears in non-linear structure. So, in this thesis, I will analyze the formality and non-linear structure of Hangul Typography in order to widen the realm of research on typography, which is a very meaningful trial to visualize the literature.

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A Analysis on the Characteristics of Landscape Elements and the Reappearance Technique of Landscape Image in the Chinatown of Shanghai Street in Busan (부산 상해거리 상점 전면부 경관요소의 유형적 분석과 중국 전통 경관이미지의 재현 수법에 관한 연구)

  • Piao, Xiang-Hua;Kang, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.130-141
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    • 2012
  • This study examines the characteristics of landscape elements and the reappearance techniques of traditional landscape image in Chinatown of the Shanghai Street in Busan, Korea. The subjects of the study are commercial buildings owned by Chinese residents, commercial buildings' naming design and environmental sculptures in the Shanghai Street. The results are as follows: First, the design methods of the front side of commercial buildings were classified into two parts: facede design of buildings and signboard design. The design form of the buildings' facades were classified into five types, there are: emphasis type on Chinese characters' signboard, addition type on decorative signboard, introduction type of traditional patterns, imitation type of traditional architectures and modern architectures' modes. The signs of chinese commercial buildings were observed mostly as having a traditional Chinese font in yellow/white on a red background. It has been found that this style was the most popular method of sign design. Secondly, The commercial buildings' naming design was analyzed into design methods and meanings. Design methods were classified into three types: a combination of meaning and place, a combination of season and atmosphere and tourist attractions. The meaning of the commercial buildings' names was divided into three kinds: the wishes of the prosperity, elegant type and the appropriation of local attractions. Thirdly, the environmental sculptures of Shanghai Street were found to have been influenced by both through out Chinese culture with mixed Korean culture. Finally, as for characteristics of landscape elements, we found three reappearance techniques - addition, replacement, juxtaposition. The technique of addition is added new face to the base map by just two methods - extending and overlapping area. Replacement is created new faces from base map by the action of replacing, it has three types - local replacement, package replacement, successive replacement. Juxtaposition is the fact of two or more things placed together with contrasting effect, it also has three types - the same kind juxtaposition, a different kind juxtaposition, topological juxtaposition. This study is the basic research which is analyzing the landscape design in chinatown. But the research only on Shanghai Street may have some limits in scope. It is considered an necessary study to add, which is about chinatown in other city such as Incheon, Jeonju. Then it is expected that the results of this study can be used for the basic data of the landscape plans, that municipalities are actively progressing their respective development projects of Chinatown.

Characteristics of the Subway Sign Blank through Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 통한 지하철 표지 여백에 대한 특성)

  • Hong, Sujeong;Oh, Heungun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research is to find out the preference of users on the characteristics of the subway sign blank. In detail, The purpose is to introduce the concept of designing various characteristics of the subway sign blank according to characteristics such as gender and age, etc. The methodology of this study is to investigate the preference of the characteristics of the characteristics of the subway sign blank space and analyze the preference of the whole group and the cluster group. A survey was conducted to investigate preferences. A cluster analysis was conducted to analyze the preferences. And a demographic and conjoint analysis was conducted for whole group and the cluster group. The attributes of the subway sign blank space for preference survey are as follow : top and bottom blank, side blank, border line blank, arrow thickness, 'station name' and 'line number' order. The results of the preference analysis are as follows. The importance of the attributes in the whole group is shown in the order of the border line blank, 'station name' and 'line number' blank, side blank, top and bottom blank, and arrow thickness. The cluster group is composed of 3 groups, 1 cluster is a woman who uses the subway almost every day, three to four times a week, and seems to prefer half the side blank. 2 crowd is the user who thinks that 60 or more subway signs are uncomfortable, and preferring the order of 'station name' + 'line number' order without border. The 3 clusters were men in their 20s and 30s, with a preference for 1/5 border line blank and thin arrow thickness. The conclusion is as follows. First, the characteristics of the subway sign blank must be designed consistently. However, it is necessary to consider various factors according to gender, age, and frequency of subway use for specific regions or routes. Secondly, It has been shown that, depending on the specific area or route, it is possible to design two or more types of design, not one type of standardized marking of the characteristics of the subway sign blank.