• Title/Summary/Keyword: 균형발전 정책

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An Analysis on the Relative Importance Evaluation of SMEs·Venture Technology Commercialization Problems Using AHP (중소·벤처기업의 기술사업화 애로요인에 대한 상대적 중요도 분석)

  • Roh, Doo-Hwan;Jeong, Young-Keun;Park, Ho-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, small and medium sized domestic enterprises(SMEs) play an pivotal role in the national economy, accounting for 99.9% of all enterprises, 87.5% of total employment, and 47.6% of production. and SMEs was driving a real force of the development of national economy in many respects such as job creation, innovation, balanced regional development, industrial diversity. The government has strengthened a variety of policy support to support SMEs. However, due to the mismatch between the difficulties of SMEs and benefits of government's policy, the policy implementation has not come out effectively. In order to effectively support SMEs, government must be a priority to know about the factors that experiencing difficulties in the technology commercialization process. The purpose of this study is thus to identify the major evaluation criteria through 3 level AHP analysis. First, 12 Critical elements are extracted from previous studies and professional interview and these elements are tied into 3 factors; technological factor, inner-organizational factor and Outer-organizational factor. The results of AHP analysis show that inner-organizational factor is more important and 'Market environment' in the inner-organizational factor is the most important element. The results of this research will be useful for public R&D institutions policy makers when establishing technology commercialization support policies and strategic planning of small and medium sized domestic enterprises.

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The History of the Development of Meteorological Related Organizations with the 60th Anniversary of the Korean Meteorological Society - Universities, Korea Meteorological Administration, ROK Air Force Weather Group, and Korea Meteorological Industry Association - (60주년 (사)한국기상학회와 함께한 유관기관의 발전사 - 대학, 기상청, 공군기상단, 한국기상산업협회 -)

  • Jae-Cheol Nam;Myoung-Seok Suh;Eun-Jeong Lee;Jae-Don Hwang;Jun-Young Kwak;Seong-Hyen Ryu;Seung Jun Oh
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.275-295
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    • 2023
  • In Korea, there are four institutions related to atmospheric science: the university's atmospheric science-related department, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), the ROK Air Force Weather Group, and the Meteorological Industry Association. These four institutions have developed while maintaining a deep cooperative relationship with the Korea Meteorological Society (KMS) for the past 60 years. At the university, 6,986 bachelors, 1,595 masters, and 505 doctors, who are experts in meteorology and climate, have been accredited by 2022 at 7 universities related to atmospheric science. The KMA is carrying out national meteorological tasks to protect people's lives and property and foster the meteorological industry. The ROK Air Force Weather Group is in charge of military meteorological work, and is building an artificial intelligence and space weather support system through cooperation with universities, the KMA, and the KMS. Although the Meteorological Industry Association has a short history, its members, sales, and the number of employees are steadily increasing. The KMS greatly contributed to raising the national meteorological service to the level of advanced countries by supporting the development of universities, the KMA, the Air Force Meteorological Agency, and the Meteorological Industry Association.

Tasks and Development plan of R.O.K. Navy to support Korean government's 『Indo-Pacific Strategy』 (한국의 『인도-태평양 전략』 지원을 위한 해군의 역할·발전방안 고찰)

  • Ji, Young
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2023
  • To Republic of Korea in the Indo-Pacific region, the stability and prosperity of the area are directly coupled with national survival, interest. Currently, on account of strategic competition between U.S.A, and China in this area as well as supranational·non-conventional threats, the security environment is unstable, required joint/allied responses. So, lots of states inside(U.S.A., Japan, ASEAN, etc.), also, out of this Indo-Pacific area like EU-NATO, open their own strategy related in Indo-Pacific issues to be involved. R.O.K. government took its own line with publishing self strategy following this international trend, it can be shown korean government's strong intend to join in the pending security issues in this region with 'strategic clarity'. Now, R.O.K. Navy has to back up governments, policy. First, R.O.K. Navy should strengthen the relationship inside and take part in the multilateral cooperation of security. Second, to convey this deterrence message to potential threats, Navy is required to show of forces and have combined exercises. Also, as naval forces of advanced countries, Korea, Navy should be taken action in non-traditional threats, and help developing states improve their sea power. To fulfill this tasks in the wide ocean area, Navy need five inherent characteristics(mobility, flexibility, sustainability, capability of presence and projection). In the end, this paper propose the development plan following operational environment (SWOT) analysis as well.

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Changes in the Law Regulating Contraband of war under the Law of Neutrality and Implications for the Korean Peninsula (중립법상 전시금제품 제도의 변천과 한반도에서의 함의)

  • Park, Ji-hong
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.41-71
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    • 2024
  • In international armed conflict, 'the contraband of war' under 'the law of neutrality' was developed to balance the interests of belligerents' belligerent rights and neutrals' economic interests and it began to change and evolve with the development of trade in the 19th century. The scope of material control expanded during the First and Second World Wars and continues to this day. In particular, a trend toward preventing the military use of 'conditional contraband' that could be used for both military and civilian purposes. In the process, the law regulating contraband of war expanded conceptually to become an 'international export control system' led by international organizations. Today, the contraband of war is still in effect, but there are no laws or guidelines related to the contraband of war in Korea in case of an emergency for the Korean Peninsula. Considering that it is an international practice to create and publicize a list of the contraband of war, it is necessary for Korea to prepare for it. Therefore, this paper examines the historical origins and development of the law regulating of war under the law of neutrality and examines the state practice of the contraband of war control over time. In doing so, this paper will examine the implications of the law regulating contraband of war for the Korean Peninsula through changing in the law regulating contraband of war and state practice.

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Economic Welfare Study on Seasonal and Time Period Electricity Pricing (계시별 전력가격에 대한 경제적 후생 연구)

  • Yoo, Young-Hoon;Kim, SungSoo
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.519-547
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to analysis how economic welfare lost happens within the present korea seasonal and time period electricity pricing system and find out reasonable electricity price system acceptable during the transitional period of korea electricity industry restructuring To analyze economic welfare lost in the electricity industry, in advance seasonal and time periodic 9 demand curves(summer, spring &fall, winter/peak-load time, middle-load time, low-load time) and one market supply curve are made and then using these demand and supply curve, seasonal and time periodic market equilibrium prices is calculated. Finally, comparing these market equilibrium prices with present regulated classified seasonal and time periodic prices, the whole economic welfare lost in the electricity industry is calculated. The result of this study shows that in 2002, the total economic welfare lost in electricity industry is 137,770 million Won and under present price system, the worst welfare lost is happening seasonally in spring & fall, time periodically in the middle-load time. Specifically analyzing the characteristics of welfare lost, especially on the industry customers and service customers which are applied in seasonal and time periodic pricing, for the industry customers, the welfare lost calculated in this class occupies 51% of the total welfare lost in the whole electricity industry and the worst welfare lost is happening seasonally in spring & fall, time periodically in the middle-load time. For service customers, the welfare lost calculated in this class occupies 13% of the total welfare lost in the whole electricity industry and the worst welfare lost is happening seasonally in summer, time periodically in the peak time Finally, this study was made based on the year of 2002 and KEPCO has practiced two times of rate change until now. The result of rate change was positively analyzed in the direction of economic welfare improvement(welfare improvement achieved by 16.3% compared to 2002 result).

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Study on the Improvement of Korean Broadcasting Advertising System (방송광고 판매제도 개선방안 연구: 경쟁도입의 효과분석과 보완장치 모색을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Tae-Sub
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.33
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    • pp.169-191
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    • 2006
  • Changing our monopoly broadcasting advertising system into free competition system may give rise to serious troubles that intensify commercialism of broadcasting and reduce diversity of public opinion. In the boundaries of public interest out of danger, korean broadcasting system should adopt a system that partially adopts the principle of free market. Broadcasting advertising sale system affect the whole broadcasting system because it functions as an effective capital-resource provider. Thus, it affects the broadcasting policies' righteousness and efficiency. Due to the non-elastic nature of the total advertising market, broadcasting advertising's size affects other media's capital allocation process. Therefore, broadcasting advertising sales system not only affects broadcast's social duty and public interest, but also affects the whole media industry. First, provide fair and open-competitive measures to support broadcast sales policy so that the market-based system can be run smoothly. Second, block any un-due influence from advertisers by separating production/programming and advertising sales. Third, sustain public broadcast system, not based on the advertising sales but based on the subscription fee. Fourth, social intervention of the advertising market. Fifth, provide policies that can set up multiple media channels/outlets and public opinion. By providing the minimum capital resources to the public broadcasting system, the broadcasting system can act on its public-interest duty and support the people's right-to-know rights.

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Analysis on the Effect of Regional Characteristics and Housing Market Characteristics on Population Growth (지역 및 주택 시장 특성이 인구 증가에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Oh, Sang-Ho;Suh, Jeong-Yeal
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp factors the increasing population growth rate of the region through the regional and housing market characteristics. This paper has used multiple regression as the dependent variable (average of the population growth rate of 85cities during the last five years) and the independent variables analyzed the regional and housing market characteristics on the average. The results of the analysis, The regional and housing market variables that have had a significant impact on the regional population growth rate over the last five years are birth rate, employment rate, production available population growth rate, apartment rate, resale rights rate, and apartment turnover rate and the number of businesses per thousand and has decreased. In other words, The regions where the population increased by region for the last five years were the ones with the transfer of public institutions (innovation cities) and land development among the Seoul metropolitan area and non-Seoul metropolitan area excluding Seoul and metropolitan cities. The results of this study is intentional to suggest Policy point of view for the balanced regional development presented at the government level for other the metropolitan area, such as the small and medium cities that are undergoing population decline.

Humanistic Study on the Balance between Work and Life (워라밸의 인문학적 성찰)

  • Cho, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2019
  • A term 'Wolabal' which is an abbreviation of the words, in South Korea means the balance between work and life. The term reflects on people's thoughts to seek for their happiness these days. In fact, they think that the quality of the life is more valuable than any other things on their lives, reflecting on the issues caused by modern societies. 'Wolabal' has emerged as an alternatives to solve the social issues like economic recession, high unemployment rate, aging society, low birth rate and etc. However, in order to establish 'Wolabal' as a culture the comprehensive agreement between an individual and society should be considered first. In society, the system or policies to forster cultural business should be settled while in individual, it is necessary to change the way they think about their work and the qualities of their lives. From this view we have to focus on the relationship between their work and leisure. On the relationship between their work and leisure we should understand that the relationship is not conflicted but co-exists and understanding the real meaning of the relationship is critical in balancing between work and life. The recognition to the labor which has been from the past would give not only the meaning of individual survival but the one of their whole lives. Despite this, modern society has faded away the real meaning of labor because it has focused on the mass manufacturing and sometimes the long-termed economic sluggish has emerged. This trend has made people think about their lives and seek for their lives' real value.

Effects of High-Speed Train on Regional Population In-Migration - Focusing on Shrinking City and Demographic Structure - (고속철도가 지역 인구 이동에 미치는 영향 -지방소멸 위험과 인구 구조를 중심으로-)

  • Eunji Kim;Heeyeun Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2024
  • Around the world, many countries experiencing the issue of shrinking cities are continually expanding high-speed rail networks to enhance regional accessibility and address imbalances. This study analyzed the effects of high-speed train operations on the age-specific population migration in South Korean municipalities from 2012 to 2019, taking into account the risk levels of shrinking cities. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted using age-specific net in-migration population as the dependent variable, employing the spatial panel autoregressive model. The research results indicated that the influence of high-speed rail on regional population inflow varies depending on the risk level of shrinking city. In other words, high-speed railway operations had positive effects on population inflow in the capital areas and some major cities, while explained population outflow in the other regions. High-speed railways particularly exerted a significant impact on the inflow of the young and middle-aged population, representing the working age, but this effect was also limited to regions with a low risk of shrinkage. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of considering planned population and industrial attraction when installing high-speed rail with the goal of achieving regional balanced development and mitigating shrinkage. The results of this study also suggest the need for subsequent research to explore factors that positively influence population structure and inflow based on the level of shrinkage risk in each region, as well as the introduction of new policies tailored to the specific situations of each local government.

Defining boundaries of urban centers and measuring the impact for diagnosing urban spatial structure (도시 공간구조 진단을 위한 도시 중심지의 경계 설정 및 영향력 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Ho-Yong Kim;Jisook Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.52-66
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial system and characteristics of the urban center by deriving the boundaries of the urban center set in the urban basic plan for Busan Metropolitan City and diagnosing the role and status of the center. To this end, four indicators representing the characteristics of the center were selected through a review of previous studies, and the boundaries of the center were derived using spatial statistical techniques with strengths in geographical boundary analysis. Then, using the indicators of center characteristics and population potential functions, we diagnosed the influence and potential of each center in the spatial structure of Busan Metropolitan City. The analysis showed that the scale of the centers varies greatly, and the unutilized areas where commercial areas are not activated and the expansion areas that spread beyond commercial areas to residential and industrial areas are different for each urban center. The results of the potential measurement, which indicates the attractiveness of the center, also showed areas with strong and weak population potential. Therefore, systematic management and strategies based on the hierarchical characteristics and influence measurement results are needed to strengthen the function of urban centers. The results analyzed in this study can be used as a resource for responding to various urban planning needs and policy changes in the future, along with station area development plans and spatial innovation zones for building a sustainable urban growth system, balanced development, and strengthening the function of centers.