• Title/Summary/Keyword: 균형발전 정책

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A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Cultural Heritage in China and Vietnam (중국과 베트남의 문화유산 특성 비교 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil;Jun, Da-Seul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2022
  • This study compared the characteristics of cultural heritage in China and Vietnam, which have developed in the relationship of mutual geopolitical and cultural influence in history, and the following conclusions were made. First, the definition of cultural heritage in China and Vietnam has similar meanings in both countries. In the case of cultural heritage classification, both countries introduced the legal concept of intangible cultural heritage through UNESCO, and have similarities in terms of intangible cultural heritage. Second, while China has separate laws for managing tangible and intangible cultural heritages, Vietnam integrally manages the two types of cultural heritages under a single law. Vietnam has a slower introduction of the concept of cultural heritage than China, but it shows high integration in terms of system. Third, cultural heritages in both China and Vietnam are graded, which is applied differently depending on the type of heritage. The designation method has a similarity in which the two countries have a vertical structure and pass through steps. By restoring the value of heritage and complementing integrity through such a step-by-step review, balanced development across the country is being sought through tourism to enjoy heritage and create economic effects. Fourth, it was confirmed that the cultural heritage management organization has a central government management agency in both countries, but in China, the authority of local governments is higher than that of Vietnam. In addition, unlike Vietnam, where tangible and intangible cultural heritage are managed by an integrated institution, China had a separate institution in charge of intangible cultural heritage. Fifth, China is establishing a conservation management policy focusing on sustainability that harmonizes the protection and utilization of heritage. Vietnam is making efforts to integrate the contents and spirit of the agreement into laws, programs, and projects related to cultural heritage, especially intangible heritage and economic and social as a whole. However, it is still dependent on the influence of international organizations. Sixth, China and Vietnam are now paying attention to intangible heritage recently introduced, breaking away from the cultural heritage protection policy centered on tangible heritage. In addition, they aim to unite the people through cultural heritage and achieve the nation's unified policy goals. The two countries need to use intangible heritage as an efficient means of preserving local communities or regions. A cultural heritage preservation network should be established for each subject that can integrate the components of intangible heritage into one unit to lay the foundation for the enjoyment of the people. This study has limitations as a research stage comparing the cultural heritage system and preservation management status in China and Vietnam, and the characteristic comparison of cultural heritage policies by type remains a future research task.


  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Professional Engineer Association Conference
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    • 1995.12b
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    • pp.30-48
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    • 1995
  • 서울시는 국가의 수도로서 이제 6n년의 역사를 맞이하였다. 뛰어난 산수와 자연 경관을 가진 서울시의 자연은 근세이후 도시의 발전에 따른 점차적으로 훼손되어 왔으며, 특히 1960년대 이후의 도시성장기에 시행된 개발 위주의 도시 정책은 공원 녹지의 잠식을 가속화시켜 본래의 자연은 양적, 질적 측면에 많은 피해가 발생되었다. 또한 도시 정책의 부분으로서 공원 녹지 정책은 개발 위주의 도시 정책에 밀려 제기능을 발휘 할 수 없었으며, 정책에 있어서도 목표와 미래 방향에 대한 뚜렷한 비전을 제시하지 못하였다. 현재 공원 녹지와 관련된 정책 환경을 볼 때, 각종의 도시개발 사업, 지방 자치제 시행에 따를 도시의 난 개발은 부족한 공원녹지를 더욱 잠식하는 위협요소가 되고 있으며, 토지수요에 대한 공급의 한계 상황에 직면해 있는 시점에서 개발론자 들은 공원 녹지를 개발의 주요대상으로 인식하는 자세를 견지하고 있다. 그러나 최근 들어 지구 환경의 문제의 대두, 환경에 대한 시민의 관심, 정책 집행자들의 환경 보전과 관리의 움직임이 나타나기 시작하고 있어 서울시의 공원 녹지의 미래 전망을 밝게 해주는 긍정적인 요소가 되고 있다. 2000년대를 바라본 현시점에서 도시의 기간 요소로서 공원 녹지는 단지 존재만의 가치가 아니라 적정한 기능을 부여하고 이용의 활성화를 통한 공원 녹지의 새로운 탄생이 요구되고 있다. 이것은 공원 녹지정책 측면에서 공원 녹지의 양적 측면에서의 풍요로움과 질적 측면에서의 기능성의 회복과 도시 구성적 측면에서의 공원 녹지의 네트워크의 구성이라는 3가지의 정책 이슈를 제기한다. 양적 측면에서 녹의 풍요로움을 확보하기 위해서는 기존의 공급 지표 위주의 정책보다는 공원 녹지의 총량적인 관리 체제를 통한 전 도시적 차원의 공원녹지 관리 시스템이 필요하며, 공원 녹지로서 잠재 가치를 가지고 있는 새로운 유형의 공원 녹지의 조성과 각종 개발사업에 대한 공원 녹지의 잠식 방지를 위한 명확한 사회적인 공감대의 형성이 요구된다. 질적 측면에서는 공원 녹지의 기능성의 회복이라는 측면과 시대에 부합되는 새로운 기능 및 가치의 부여가 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 공원의 매력, 공원의 시설기능 증진, 녹지의 질의 향상 및 녹지 가치의 증진에 대한 다양한 시책이 요구된다. 구성적 측면에서는 공원녹지의 개별적 존재보다는 공원 녹지를 상호간 유기적인 계통을 확보하여 공원 녹지의 네트워크를 형성하여 도시 속의 산재된 고립된 섬으로서의 공원 녹지가 아닌 시민생활에 늘 가까이 있는 생활 속의 공원녹지로 재편되어야 한다. 이러한 정책의 의제는 양적 측면에서 보전(CONSERVATION)과 창출(CREATION), 질적 측면에서 쇄신(RENOVATION)과 복구(RESTORATION), 그리고 구성적 측면에서 공원 녹지의 연결(CONNECTION)과 시민 참여에 의한 운동(MOVEMENT)이라는 정책 개념의 구현을 통해 가능하다. 이러한 정책 개념과 의제를 가지고 서울시 공원 녹지 정책을 구체화시키기 위해서 푸르름의 새로운 탄생이라는 기치 아래 풍요로운 서울, 사랑 받는 공원, 생활 속의 녹지의 3대 목표, 공원 녹지의 보전, 잠재 공원 녹지의 창출, 공원의 활성화, 녹지의 복구, 경관 보전 및 복구, 공원 녹지의 네트워크, 도시 녹화의 7대 과제를 설정하고 미시설 공원 녹지 집행, 개발 사업시 공원 녹지의 확보, 환경 녹지의 총량 보호 관리, 도시 소공원 개발, 역사 문화 공원 조성, 하천 공간 복원, 공원 시설 기능 개선, 이용 프로그램 개발, 공원 관리 개선, 환경 피해 녹지의 회복, 도시 환경 림 조성, 녹지 기능 증진, 도시 자연 경관 보전, 공원 녹지체계 구성, 공원 녹지 공급 균형, 주변 환경 녹화, 가로 녹화의 17개 시책을 제안하였다. 이러한 정책사업의 원활한 추진을 위해서는 기존의 관주도의 일방적인 공원 녹지 행정이 아닌 시민의 참여를 통한 시민이 함께 하는 정 책 사업의 추진이 요구되며, 특히 민간 부문의 적극적 인 참여를 유도하기 위한 방안이 동시 에 강구되어야 한다. 또한 공공에서는 정 책 집행을 위한 조직과 행정의 개편, 예산의 확보 방안을 적극적으로 검토해야 한다. 현재 서울시는 지방자치제 시행에 따라 시 행정에 있어 많은 변화가 예고되고 있으며, 공원 녹지는 새로운 환경 변화에 부합되는 적절한 도시요소가 될 것으로 추정된다. 서울시 하천 복개의 금지, 하천공간의 복원에 대한 움직임, 환경 녹지 복구를 위한 사업의 시행, 민간부문의 환경 운동의 활성화 등 바람직 한 현상이 전개되고 있어, 공원 녹지는 미래의 도시 관리 에 있어 주요 관심사가 될 것이다.

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Development Direction, Actual Condition and Location of the Auto Industry in Jeon-Buk Province (전북지역 자동차산업 입지와 지역산업 실태 및 발전방향)

  • 문남철
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.261-281
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    • 2004
  • The location of auto industry in Jeon-buk is due to the strategies for secure a low-priced industrial site of the auto assembly companies, which attained to quantitative growth stage in the early part 1990's, and the regional balanced development policy by the location of leader enterprise of the government. As a consequence of the reversal development pattern that is located the auto parts firm after locating the auto assembly companies, the Jeon-buk auto industry has many structural vulnerability. First, because of the lack development of auto parts industries, the auto assembly companies located in Jeon-buk are dependent many auto parts at a external region. Second, most of auto parts firm belongs to the singular assembly company exclusively. And the majority of auto parts industries are the low value-added products that are necessary a simple labor power. Third, the agglomeration undeveloped of associated industries with automobile caused a low competitiveness of invitation a manufacturing company as against other provinces. For a regional economic development by the auto industry, it is necessary a flexible regional structure of production through an agglomeration of associated industries. The geographical proximity between an assembly company and a parts firms is an important locational factor with the induction of Just-in-Time production system and a modularization in the auto industry. And a modularization applies to more new factory than the existing factories. So that, Jeon-buk self-government has to create an amicable industrial environment, try to attract an auto parts enterprises and plan an agglomerated industrial complex that is able to supply a parts modulated to assembly company.

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Determinants of the Location and Relocation of Domestic Logistics Firms in Korea (focused on complementary commodity flow survey for 2006) (우리나라 국내 화주기업의 입지 및 재입지 선택 특성 분석 (2006년 물류현황보완조사를 중심으로))

  • Do, Hwa-Yong;Jang, Hoon;Kim, Chan-Sung;Won, Jai-Mu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2008
  • In general, most of the firms do not settle down in one place for their pursuit of profit. There are many reasons for the relocation of the firms; procurement of raw material, market area, transportation cost and housing cost. The aspect of national policy, firm relocation has been systemically promoted for the purpose of logistics system efficiency. Nowadays balanced regional development has been issue. Another aspect, many countries have struggled for the preoccupancy of new place because of its production cost saving and curtailment of expenditure. The aim of this article is qualitative and quantitative analysis of relocation influence factors of domestic goods firms in Korea. This article dynamically analyzed the relocation influence factors for domestic goods firms in Korea. For the analysis this article made use of complementary survey (2006) out of the 3rd national logistics survey (2005). The complementary survey conducted pre-business district, business period, relocation reason, etc. This article dynamically analyzed from the three aspects; observation of average residence time in one business district, relocation factors, influence of market area. Analysis shows that relocation of firm is very high rate and the reasons of relocation play compositeness role. The results of determinants of location, firms approach the established market area closely and the firm's relocation is influenced by market area.

A Study on Improvement Plans of Public Support for Performing Arts Industry's Distribution (공연예술산업의 유통부문 지원 개선방안)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Yi, Eui-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.176-186
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    • 2017
  • The subject of this study is to search for the improvements or solutions of problems in the field of the performing arts that relies on public support and faces economic difficulties. Considering the value chain for the performing arts industry is comprised of Creation-Distribution-Consumption is isolated relatively, this study aims to identify improvements for the distribution system. By examining the government's theater-oriented support policy, this study details methods of improvements in the distribution sector of the performing arts industry. Following the study of the performing arts industry and its value chain, the study analyzes the structure, factors and the present state in the performing arts industry, as well as the volume and type of public sector support for distribution. The study concludes by suggestingmagnifying government's Distribution sector supporting that was limited by only 2.7% in 2014, and fostering and specialty improvement of circulation agents such as production agencies.In addition, supporting distribution diversification, namely the extension of platforms like the Visualization of Performing Arts, is needed. These alternatives will contribute to balanced development and coevolution of each sector which comprises the performing arts industry's value chain.

Growth of Korean Shipbuilding-Allied Industries and Regional Implications (우리 나라 조선관련산업의 성장과 지역적 함의)

  • Woo, Youn-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study is to examine the regional features of shipbuilding-allied industries comprehensively. Inaddition, this study would offer groundwork to construct spatial networks of shipbuilding-allied industries. Relatively in short term, large modem shipbuilding firms of South Korea have developed under the national strategic support, around southeast coast region. Although small shipbuilding firms and marine equipment firms have supported regional economy, these firms have scaled down their functions and roles due to the national policy. In the long tenn, Korean shipbuilding-allied industries have limitations in stable development, because they have separated their roles. Consequently it is necessary the balanced development of large, medium, and small shipbuilding firms and linkage system with marine equipment firms for overall development of shipbuilding-allied industries. This study suggests two spatial strategy for shipbuilding-allied industries development. First, we need to construct a shipbuilding specialization area which agglomerates competent parts firms adjacent to large shipyards. Second, in national strategy, a long term strategy is required to utilize extremely synergy and external effects induced from a shipbuilding duster of southeast coast region which systematically combines shipbuilding-allied industries, universities, the government authorities, and research institutions.

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A Study on the Evaluation of Logistics Efficiency in 22 cities of Guangxi and Yunnan (광서성 및 운남성 22개 도시의 물류 효율성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Zhou, Yi Xi;Jeon, Jun-Woo;Kim, Hyung-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2020
  • The logistics industry is a basic and strategic industry that supports the development of national economy and society. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the logistics efficiency of 22 cities in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in China, and to grasp the problems and constraints and present policy proposals to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces. In this paper, five input indexes and four output indexes were selected and the data from 2016 to 2018 were analyzed through DEA method. According to the analysis, the logistics efficiency of Guangxi and Yunnan provinces is not bad overall, but the development of each region is not balanced and the level of logistics efficiency is quite different. And it is found that each city needs to further improve the level of scale because the input and production structure of logistics resources is unreasonable. The limitation of this study is that it is difficult to generalize the analysis results because only the data over the past three years have been analyzed. It is necessary to comprehensively implement longitudinal and transverse analyses by extending the future analysis period over a long period of time.

A Dilemma of Kyrgyzstan Goes Through the Process of Nation-Building: National Security Problems and Independent National Defense Capability (국가건설과정에서 키르기스스탄의 국가안보와 자주국방의 딜레마)

  • Kim, Seun Rae
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 2011
  • The regions of Central Asia have each acquired an elevated strategic importance in the new security paradigm of post-September 1lth. Comprised of five states, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, Central Asia's newly enhanced strategic importance stems from several other factors, ranging from trans-national threats posed by Islamic extremism, drug production and trafficking, to the geopolitical threats inherent in the region's location as a crossroads between Russia, Southwest Asia and China. Although the U.S. military presence in the region began before September 11th, the region became an important platform for the projection of U.S. military power against the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. The analysis goes on to warn that 'with US troops already in place to varying extents in Central Asian states, it becomes particularly important to understand the faultlines, geography, and other challenges this part of the world presents'. The Kyrgyz military remains an embryonic force with a weak chain of command, the ground force built to Cold War standards, and an almost total lack of air capabilities. Training, discipline and desertion - at over 10 per cent, the highest among the Central Asian republics - continue to present major problems for the creation of combat-effective armed forces. Kyrgyzstan has a declared policy of national defence and independence without the use of non-conventional weapons. Kyrgyzstan participates in the regional security structures, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) but, in security matters at least, it is dependent upon Russian support. The armed forces are poorly trained and ill-equipped to fulfil an effective counter-insurgency or counter-terrorist role. The task of rebuilding is much bigger, and so are the stakes - the integrity and sovereignty of the Kyrgyz state. Only democratization, the fight against corruption, reforms in the military and educational sectors and strategic initiatives promoting internal economic integration and national cohesion hold the key to Kyrgyzstan's lasting future

Public Interest and Ownership Regulations in the Media Industry in the Era of Convergence Focused on Domestic Daily Newspapers' Ownership of Broadcasting Station (융합시대 미디어산업의 공익성과 소유규제 국내 종합일간지와 방송의 교차소유 문제를 중심으로)

  • Jun, Young-Beom
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.511-555
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    • 2009
  • Media-related regulations can be classified into two categories; regulations of individual media contents and regulations regarding the entry to and withdrawal from a certain field. In this dissertation, ownership regulations are regarded as legal and political measures so as to prevent the monopoly and oligopoly of public opinion, and to secure its diversity. Every country has its own regulation model according to its particular media environment. Korea too is obliged to actively respond to its environmental changes, at the same time vitalizing the media industry and protecting consumers' rights and interests. Strong political intentions to protect the public interest is necessary when it comes to media regulation policies, especially in the circumstances that public interest is an industrial priority. As the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications is leading to a major shift in the media industry, the regulation of cross-media ownership is an issue involving potential conflicts among media-owners, non-governmental organizations and the authorities concerned, depending on their various viewpoints regarding the media industry. In this paper, an attempt was made to search necessity of redefining 'public interest', which is the logic behind the restriction of cross-media ownership, and to reconceptualize issues on the centralization and diversity of media. First, an examination of the actual conditions of newspaper companies was carried out in order to reinvestigate domestic cross-media ownership issues, which is represented by the cross-ownership issue of newspapers and broadcasting stations. Next, the dilemma of policies stimulated by the fusion of media was discussed based on cross-media ownership restrictions, and the need for efficient conflict control was suggested. Finally, proposals on the independency and public confidence of media-related policy-making authorities, the rationalization of regulation models, an itemized discussion on cross-media ownership regulation issues, the elaboration of measures for a balanced development among media were made. It could be found that a number of foreign countries were still facing challenges to prevent monopoly and oligopoly of the public opinion and the industry. A solution to settle disagreements about the dilemma of the media industry, including the cross-media ownership regulation issues, must be arranged on the grounds of 'mutual respect of public interest and industrial interest', In Korea, an ease on the ownership regulations adapting to the change in the media industry may be considered, however the softening of the cross-media ownership regulations must be approached with the utmost care. Paradoxically Relieving cross-media ownership regulations may be considered the foundation of a richer field of journalism, where there is no need for concern over the monopoly and oligopoly of public opinion.

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Study on Changes of the Regional Innovation Paradigm & the Structure of Regional Innovation System - Focused on Removal of Public Organization - (지역혁신 패러다임과 지역혁신체계의 변화에 관한 연구 - 공공기관 지역이전을 중심으로한 변화 -)

  • Sul, Gee-Hwan;Ryu, Seuc-Ho;Kyung, Byung-Pyo;Lee, Dong-Lyeor
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2015
  • The public organization in the metropolitan area moved to regional province by Regional Innovation Policy in South Korea. This policy was settled to solve the problem of concentration in metropolitan areas and underdeveloped regions caused by industrial development strategy for 40 years from 1960s till 2000s. Government decided the plan under the judgement that moving public organization (or institutions) is one of National Innovation Strategy for balanced development. Furthermore, Central organizations/institutions were to be the subject of regional innovation by leading the regional innovation and building a new regional innovation system. The Purpose of this study is finding out the new direction of regional innovation paradigm and a new regional innovation system to be changed after previous public organization moving from metropolitan area to region province. And this study pointed up the problem between plan and process of Organization Removal, suggested the topics for success of New RIS, and prepared more details methods in future study.