• Title/Summary/Keyword: 관리기법

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Guideline for Imaging Dose on Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (영상유도방사선치료에 있어 영상선량 가이드라인)

  • Cho, Byung Chul;Huh, Hyun Do;Kim, Jin Sung;Choi, Jin Ho;Kim, Seong Hoon;Cho, Kwang Hwan;Cho, Sam Ju;Min, Chul Kee;Shin, Dong Oh;Lee, Sang Hoon;Park, Dong Wook;Kim, Kum Bae;Choi, Sang Hyoun;Kim, Hye Young;Ahn, Woo-Sang;Kim, Tae Hyeong;Han, Su Cheol
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2013
  • As image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) has been commonly used for more accurate patient setup and monitoring tumor movement during radiation therapy, the necessity for management of imaging dose is increased. However, it has not been an interest issue to radiation therapy communities because the imaging dose is much lower than the therapeutic dose. However, since the cumulative dose from 4DCT and repeated imaging for daily setup verificationin would not be ignorable, appropriate dose management based on ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle is required. In this study, we aimed that (1) survey on imaging equipments and modalities used for IGRT, (2) estimation of IGRT imaging dose depending on treatment types and equipments, (3) collecting data of effective dose on treatment sites from each equipment and imaging protocol, and thus finally provide guideline for imaging dose reduction and optimization.

A Study on the Installation of Groyne using Critical Movement Velocity and Limiting Tractive Force (이동한계유속과 한계소류력을 활용한 수제 설치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong Sik;Park, Shang Ho;An, Ik Tae;Choo, Yeon Moon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.194-199
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    • 2020
  • Unlike in the past, the world is facing water shortages due to climate change and difficulties in simultaneously managing the risks of flooding. The Four Major Rivers project was carried out with the aim of realizing a powerful nation of water by managing water resources and fostering the water industry, and the construction period was relatively short compared to the unprecedented scale. Therefore, the prediction and analysis of how the river environment changes after the Four Major Rivers Project is insufficient. Currently, part of the construction section of the Four Major Rivers Project is caused by repeated erosion and sedimentation due to the effects of sandification caused by large dredging and flood-time reservoirs, and the head erosion of the tributaries occurs. In order to solve these problems, the riverbed maintenance work was installed, but it resulted in erosion of both sides of the river and the development of new approaches and techniques to keep the river bed stable, such as erosion and excessive sedimentation, is required. The water agent plays a role of securing a certain depth of water for the main stream by concentrating the flow so much in the center and preventing levee erosion by controlling the flow direction and flow velocity. In addition, Groyne products provide various ecological environments by forming a natural form of riverbeds by inducing local erosion and deposition in addition to the protection functions of the river bank and embankment. Therefore, after reviewing the method of determining the shape of the Groyne structure currently in use by utilizing the mobile limit flow rate and marginal reflux force, a new Critical Movement Velocity(${\bar{U}}_d$) and a new resistance coefficient formula considering the mathematical factors applicable to the actual domestic stream were developed and the measures applicable to Groyne installation were proposed.

Priority Order of Decisional Factors and Conceptual Construct of Security Martial Arts' Spirit (경호무도 정신특성 요인의 상대적 중요도 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to evaluate the relative status using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) on the spiritual factors of the security martial arts for the guards to perform the best security service. There were 540 participants who were students majored in security martial arts, workers for security and specialists of practical and theoretical security martial arts for this study. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out using the selecting data through literature reviews in the level of the factor-extraction about the spiritual characteristics. The specialists' survey was conducted on the relative status among factors using the spiritual concept structure based on the studied above. Selected data was calculated with SPSS 18.0 for windows, AMOS 5.0, and Expert Choice 2000 software. The conclusion can be made through those process above. First, 4 general factors and 20 detailed factors were found as the result of the factor exploration related to the spiritual characteristics of the security martial arts. The result which was verified on Construction validity of searched factors had stable figures on every standard. In other words, the participants for survey on this study "Spiritual characteristic concepts of the security martial arts" can be evaluated it is valid. The general factors of security martial arts' spirit were conceptualized with Psychological spirit, ethical spirit, martial art spirit, practical spirit through the naming process on the general factors of the security martial arts' spiritual characteristic concepts. The detailed factors of security martial arts' spirit were concentration, self-confidence, self-management, immersion, self-esteem in psychological spirit and sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty in ethical spirit and courtesy, toughness, defense, balance of mind and body, bravery in martial arts and responsibility, cooperation, modesty, determination, professionalism in practical spirit of security martial arts. That is, the conceptualization of security martial arts' spirit was verified that it had validity. Second, the hierarchical model of the security martial arts was composed with 4 superordinate concepts and 20 subordinate concepts. As the result of evaluating relative status based on Spiritual characteristics-hierarchy model, the impotance was proven in order of ethical spirit(.482), martial art spirit(.248), practical spirit(.188), psychological spirit(.083). Also the importance related to spiritual characteristics of security martial arts on subordinate concepts was proven in order of sacrifice(.252), courtesy(.110), sense of duty(.108), responsibility(. 073), royalty(.053), toughness(.052), justice(.049), defense(.038), professionalism(.038), determination(.035), cooperation(.029), self-confidence (.026), bravery(.025), self-esteem(.024), balance of mind and body(.023), peace(.019), concentration(.014), modesty(.013), self-management(.011), flow (.007). To sum up, the spiritual factor related to ethics such as sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty was the most important for the security martial arts.

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Time Dependent Evaluation of Corrosion Free Life of Concrete Tunnel Structures Based on the Reliability Theory (해저 콘크리트 구조물의 신뢰성 이론에 의한 시간 의존적 내구수명 평가)

  • Pack, Seung Woo;Jung, Min Sun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.142-154
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    • 2011
  • This study predicted the probability of corrosion initiation of reinforced concrete tunnel boxes structures using the Monte Carlo Simulation. For the inner wall and outer wall in the tunnel boxes, exposed to airborne chloride ion and seawater directly respectively, statistical values of parameters like diffusion coefficient D, surface chloride content $C_s$, cover depth c, and the chloride threshold level $C_{lim}$ were examined from experiment or literature review. Their average values accounted for $3.77{\times}10^{-12}m^2/s$, 3.0% by weight of cement, 94.7mm and 45.5mm for outer wall and inner wall, respectively, and 0.69% by weight of cement for D, $C_s$, c, and $C_{lim}$, respectively. With these parametric values, the distribution of chloride contents at rebar with time and the probability of corrosion initiation of the tunnel boxes, inner wall and outer wall, was examined by considering time dependency of chloride transport. From the examination, the histogram of chloride contents at rebar is closer to a gamma distribution, and the mean value increases with time, while the coefficient of variance decreases with time. It was found that the probability of corrosion initiation and the time to corrosion were dependent on the time dependency of chloride transport. Time independent model predicted time to corrosion initiation of inner wall and outer wall as 8 and 12 years, respectively, while 178 and 283 years of time to corrosion was calculated by time dependent model for inner wall and outer wall, respectively. For time independent model, the probability of corrosion at 100 years of exposure for inner wall and outer wall was ranged 59.5 and 95.5%, respectively, while time dependent model indicated 2.9 and 0.2% of the probability corrosion, respectively. Finally, impact of $C_{lim}$, including values specified in current codes, on the probability of corrosion initiation and corrosion free life is discussed.

The Development of a Model for Selecting Method of Entry for Apartment in Remodeling an Underground Parking Lot (지하주차장 리모델링 공사시 주동진입방법 선정 모델 개발)

  • Song, Nak-Hyun;Jung, In-Su;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2009
  • It is expected that the number of apartment complexes in Korea that are over 20 years old will rapidly increase to more than 3,500,000. Consequently, the remodeling of these buildings is being revitalized throughout the country. Among the requirements for such remodeling, the expansion of parking lots has considerable weight. When enlarging a parking lot, the access route from an underground floor to the main building (i.e., the means of entry into the main building) determines the possibility of vertical enlargement for elevators, the size of the parking lot, the construction period, and construction expenses, etc. When enlarging an underground parking lot of an apartment complex, the access between the main building and the parking lot, as well as the inhabitants' requirements for entering the main building, are generally determined based on the designer's experience, rather than on the exact estimation of the peculiarity of the complex. In order to resolve such a problem, when enlarging an underground parking lot, a systematic and rational method is needed for selecting the means of entry into the main building. In this study, a selection model is derived for the method of selecting an access route into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot, in order to provide a reasonable decision-making process. A research method was investigated for determining the access route into the main building when enlarging a parking lot. On the basis of research carried out through in-depth interviews with experts, the characteristics for each means of entry into the main building were analyzed and the factors affecting the selection of the access route were deduced. The affecting factors selected were construction efficiency, convenience efficiency and economic efficiency. Weight values were then estimated for the selected affecting factors by applying the AHP method. Results showed that convenience efficiency, which gained the highest value, is the most important factor in selecting the means of entry into the main building. The most suitable means of entry into the main building was also suggested after estimating the applicability of the site by selecting complexes with remodeling possibility. This study will be applied as a reference for selecting the means of entry into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot particularly for older apartment complexes.

Assessment of Pollutant Loads from Alpine Agricultural Practices in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 수계 고령지 밭의 비점오염 물질 유출 특성 조사 및 단위 유출량 산정)

  • Joo, Jin-Ho;Yang, Jae-E.;Ok, Yong-Sik;Oh, Sang-Eun;Yoo, Kyung-Yeol;Yang, Su-Chan;Jung, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 2007
  • To assess pollutant loads in Nakdong river from highland agriculture in Kyungbuk province we. analyzed water qualities such as BOD, COD, T-N, T-P and SS in year 2005. BOD values in rainy period (June and July) were relatively higher than those in dry period, and those in 4 sites among 17 sites ranged from 10.71-19.25 mg/L which exceeded water criteria (8 mg/L) for agricultural use. COD values showed similar trends like BOD values. These trends might be caused by outflow of nutrients applied in agricultural lands. T-N content ranged from 0.1 to 14 mg/L. Those in lower reaches of stream were greater in those in upper stream. Compared to T-N contents during non-farming season, T-N content in farming season were higher. These phenomenon could be due to continuous input of nutrients from small watercourses. Averaged T-P content in lower stream during farming season was 0.4 mg/L, which was eight times higher than the limiting level for algae occurrence (0.05 mg/L). BOD, T-P, T-N loads from alpine agricultural practices were 12.25 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$, 0.55 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$ and 32.35 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$, respectively. These values were greater than those from forestry. Therefore, Best management Practices (BMP) for alpine agricultural field are needed to reduce pollutant loads in Nakdong river.

Assessment Research Comparing the Environmental Value of Taebaeksan·NakSan·Kyeongpo Provincial Parks of Kangwon-do (태백산, 낙산, 경포도립공원의 환경가치비교 평가연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Kim, Dong-Pil;Cho, Woo;Baek, Jae-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2016
  • This research aimed to quantitatively measure the environmental values of Taebaeksan, Naksan, and Gyeongpo provincial parks located in Gangwon-do. The research was based on the CVM technique which estimates the economic values for all kinds of ecosystem. Also, the estimated value of environment goods can suggest the magnitude of additional utility other than the cost people pay when they visit the provincial parks. Such result can be used as basic data in addition to information on natural ecology or cultural landscape to decide whether the park should be promoted as a national park. The questionnaires-collected from Taebaeksan(180 copies), Naksan(179 copies), and Gyeongpo(180 copies) provincial parks were used to measure the environmental value of each provincial park. Variables that affect the response of 'yes(Y)' or 'no(N)' to the cost suggestion for the economic valuation of environment are estimated under the catagories of environment conservation status (env.), degree of park management (manage.), environmental conservation effort, education (edu.), and income (inc.) of the respondents (execu.), pertaining to the 3 provincial parks in Gangwon-do. The value of natural environment to 1 visitor to the 3 Gangwon provincial parks was estimated by the Logit method that Hanemann proposed using the average of inserted variables. The results showed that the additional environmental value that 1 visitor can gain is 44,060 won for Taebaeksan Provincial Park, 41,191 won for Naksan, and 41,844 won for the Gyeongpo Provincial Park. Taebaeksan Provincial Park's environmental value is estimated at the highest as the respondents judge that its natural environment is well preserved and the facilities are managed well.

The Performance Formation Model of Service Quality Factors for Courier Service (택배산업의 서비스품질 성과형성 모델)

  • Song, Jang-Gwen;Kim, Tae-Ryong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • The popularity of courier services in Korea has made it an essential part of the country's domestic logistics industry, bolstering the growth not only of the national economy, but also the quality of people's daily lives. An effective strategy for courier companies in Korea would be to provide high-quality services to their existing target markets with the goal of maximizing customer loyalty. This study investigates structural relationships between customer loyalty and service quality as a set of factors and between customer trust and customer satisfaction. These antecedent relationships will be used to understand the "performance formation model" through service quality. In this study, service quality, as a set of factors, is considered to be the independent variable, while customer satisfaction and customer trust are both treated as intervening variables. Finally, customer loyalty is the dependent variable. Following a review of the literature, this paper's proffered hypothesis will be investigated in terms of whether the independent and intervening variables significantly affect customer loyalty. A statistical analysis of the empirical research was carried out using both SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 The results of this study's empirical analysis show three conclusions. First, among the intervening variables (customer satisfaction and customer trust), customer satisfaction is significantly correlated with customer loyalty. Customer trust, however, was shown to have little or no relationship to customer loyalty. Second, the quality of service variable seems to influence customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Third, with respect to the relationship of intervening variables, customer trust affects customer satisfaction. Thus, the companies that have a competitive advantage in Korea have successfully maximized customer loyalty for their existing customers. Courier companies will need to research and study customer needs. Therefore, this research suggests that effective courier service management can be better understood through the application of the service quality performance formation model, which can enhance the quality of service provided by domestic courier services. This research is limited to investigating qualitative variables, such as the service quality factors, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. It would be helpful for future research on courier services to consider quantitative variables, such as price and weight.

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The Impact of BIS Regulation on Bank Behavior in Asset Management (신 BIS 자기자본규제가 은행자산운용행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hyun-Tak;Choi, Seok-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.171-198
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    • 2009
  • The primary purpose of this study is to examine the impact of new BIS regulation, which is the preparations to incorporate not only credit risk but also market and operation risk, on the bank behaviors. As methodology, SUR(seemingly unrelated regression) and pool unit test are used in the empirical analysis of banks survived in Korea. It is employed that quarterly data of BIS capital ratio, ratio of standard and below loans to total loans, ratio of liquid assets to liquid liabilities, allowances for credit losses, real GDP, yields of corporate bonds(3years, AA) covering the period of 2000Q1~2009Q1. As a result, it could be indicated that effectiveness and promoting improvements of BIS capital regulation policy as follows; First, it is explicitly seen that weight of lending had decreased and specific gravity of international investment had increased until before BIS regulation is built up a step for revised agreement in late 2001. Second, after more strengthening of BIS standard in late 2002, banks had a tendency to decrease the adjustment of assets weighted risk through issuing of national loan that is comparatively low profitability. Also, it is implicitly sought that BIS regulation is a bit of a factor to bring about credit crunch and then has become a bit of a factor of economic stagnation. Third, as the BIS regulation became hard, it let have a effort to raise the soundness of a credit loan because of selecting good debtor based on its credit ratings. Fourth, it should be arranged that the market disciplines, the effective superintendence system and the sound environment to be able to raise enormous bank capital easily, against the credit stringency and reinforce the soundness of banks etc. in Korea capital market.

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Multinational Corporate Linkage Stability in the Canadian Urban System (캐나다 도시체계에서의 다국적기업 연계패턴의 안정성)

  • Kee-Bom Nahm
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.151-172
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    • 1998
  • Over the past two decades, the process of globalization of multinational corporations has increased at a rapid rate. One manifestation of this process is the establishment of corporate head offices in a variety of international centers to administer and coordinate, the day-to-day operations in the host countries. In establishing a subsidiary overseas a firm creates a direct link between the operations of the domestic corporate center and the foreign host center This paper investigates elements of stability and change in the international linkage patterns among domestic parent corporations and host subsidiaries over the past several decades. In particular, it seeks answers to a number of question related to stability and change in linkages among foreign centers of control and those Canadian centers selected to administer the subsidiary operations from 1970 to 1991 over the four primary sectors, namely, resources, manufacturing, services, and finance. By confirming the core stability and dispersed linkages hypotheses, the papar offers some generalizations with respect to the location and stability of subsidiary headquarters centers in Canada and their respective subsector specialties. Finally, it addresses further research avenues fer the quaternary place study.

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