• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학기술 견해

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A Study on the Job Attitude of Cook at Deluxe Hotel in Kyongju(II) - An Analysis on Development of Technics, Cook and Food Industry - (경주지역 특급호텔에 종사하는 조리사들의 직무에 대한 실태와 의식조사 연구(II) -조리사들의 조리기술과 조리사 및 외식산업의 발전에 관한 견해-)

  • 신애숙
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.304-313
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    • 1997
  • A survey was conducted to get information on the job attitude of cooks working for deluxe hotels at Bomun, Kyongju. Total 203 cooks participated the survey and the results were as follows: They believed that the most important factor for good cooking is the deep attention. Although 51% of the cooks estimated their level of expertise as average, 64% of them believed that their level of cooking is higher than those of other areas. They indicated that an important factor to be a good cook is a sincere attitude but not an academic background or knowledge. However, they believed that their insufficient knowledge on cooking is the greatest hinderance for improvement of cooking skill. For promotion, the ability of cooking and human relationship were indicated as important factors. Cooks for Korean dishes had the best prospect, while Western cooking had relatively lower prospect among them. For the improvement of hotel cooking department, a recruitment of superior manpower, adjustment of hotel policy, expanded study opportunity, and proper arrangement of equipments were suggested in order.

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The Thought of the theory about the laws of motion in 『Mojing』 (『묵경』 중의 물체 운동에 관한 이론 고찰)

  • Hwang, SeongKyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.29
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    • pp.203-230
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    • 2010
  • This article is aimed for to state the rationality of Mojia and reveal the scientific meaning in the theories related to the motion of objects in Mojing: the basic approach to the principle of gravitation in building castle, and comprehension and application of the principle in the lever devised for improving productivity as well as in an inclined plane. It is denied in this article that the technical advance and the positive influence on the people is achieved by Mojias only because they were occupied in the filed of craft. Mojia was one of the schools of Qin in the early stage who realized how important science wass for the better society focused on humanity. Furthermore, they were the frontiers who pursued the proper society through science. Therefore, the scientific theories claimed by Mojia is not emphasized only on the deducting regularity of nature. Instead, it could be theorized only by guaranteeing the welfare for common people and having close relation to it. The Chinese philosophy in the early Twentieth century had vigorous interest in the Mojia's opinions in science and set about conducting study in this part. Based on the study, it was revealed that the Mojia's opinion toward motion is superior to that of the West. Furthermore, it was proved to reflect the main idea in Mojia: the love for common people. Particularly, the theories from Mojia can be so applicable to today's life that some scholars regret the lack of interest in Mojia for the time and even scold themselves for the retarded progress in science of China.

Consideration of Shoulder Joint's Image with the Changed Tube Angle of the Shoulder Oblique Projection in Supine Position (Supine 자세에서 Shoulder oblique촬영시 Tube angle 변화에 따른 Shoulder joint에 대한 고찰)

  • Seo, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Nam-Gil
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2008
  • There is a standard shoulder oblique method (Grashey method) available to view the shoulder joint. This method projects AP view of the shoulder joint so that the Humerus head's subuxation or joint degeneration can be easily visualized. However, in this view, the patients, with supine or sitting or erect position, have to keep their body obliquely. Whereas, the patients who are not well or operated, usually feel very uncomfortable to keep their body in this position and hence, we need other persons' help and much efforts will be needed to get the good quality shoulder joint view. Therefore, we thought of examining a method which shows the joint well by angling the tube to Medio-Lateral direction and without keeping the patients' one side upward in supine position. For this study, total 15 subjects with no history of neurological or psychiatric illness, were recruited for examinations. They consisted of 9 males and 6 females. Statistic group analysis was performed with ANOVA test. Scores of the evaluation of the experts were $1.10{\pm}0.54$ at $25^{\circ}$, $2.50{\pm}0.50$ at 30^{\circ}$, $2.85{\pm}0.36$ at $35^{\circ}$ and $2.33{\pm}0.47$ at $40^{\circ}$, respectively, and they were significant(p<0.05, Table 1). Joint space of the Humerus head and Scapula were well distinguished at $35^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$ and $40^{\circ}$ with the almost same score. However, the degree of distortion at $40^{\circ}$ was more severe than that at $30^{\circ}$. Ultimately, $30-35^{\circ}$ views were shown to yield good quality shoulder oblique images. In conclusion, this method may be very useful for the patients who are uncomfortable and for the emergency patients. In order to get similar or comparable view, the same X-tube angle is recommended to be used before and after the operation. Therefore, we hope that this new angled method seems to be efficient.

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리카도의 "기계(機械)"에 대한 재해석(再解釋)

  • Park, Myeong-Ho
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.165-193
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    • 1995
  • 본 연구에서는 리카도가 자신의 "정치경제학(政治經濟學)과 조세(租稅)의 원리(原理)"(이하에서는"원리(原理)"라고 하겠음) 3판에 새로이 도입한 "기계(機械)"의 내용을 중심으로 기술진보(技術進步)가 고용(雇傭)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 리카도는 당시 대부분의 주류 경제학자들과 마찬가지로 과학의 발전과 기술진보로 인한 새로운 기계(機械)의 도입은 근로자, 자본가 및 지주를 포함하는 모든 계급(階級)에게 유리한 결과를 가져오리라 생각하였다. 그러다가 그는 "원리(原理)" 3판을 작성하면서 이러한 자신의 견해가 잘못된 것임을 시인하고, 새로운 기계(機械)의 도입이 근로자(勤勞者)에게는 불리한 결과를 가져올 수 있음을 분석적인 방법으로 보여주었다. 그러나 이러한 리카도의 시도는 당시 및 후대의 경제학자들에 의해서도 지적되었듯이 부분적으로 논리적인 오류(誤謬)를 범하였다. 리카도의 논리적 오류를 수정하면서도 그의 문제의지(問題意識)을 부각시키기 위해 본 연구에서는 힉스에 의해 도입된 신(新)오스트리안(Neo-Austrian) 자본개념(資本槪念)과 이에 입각한 기술진보(技術進步)의 형태분류를 리카도의 분석틀에 적용시켰다. 그 결과 일정한 형태의 기술진보하에서는 수익성이 높은 기계(機械)가 도입될지라도 과도기적으로 고용(雇傭) 및 총생산물(總生産物)에 불리한 효과를 나타낼 수 있음을 보여주게 되었다. 그리고 과도기적으로 기계(機械)의 도입에 따른 기술적(技術的) 실업(失業)이 발생할 경우 그 기간에 영향(影響)을 주는 요인(要因)에 대해서도 살펴보고자 했다.

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Technology and Exploitation : Limitation of Capitalist Technological Development (과학기술과 착취 : 자본주도형 기술 개발의 한계)

  • Shin, Eun-hwa
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.146
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    • pp.115-135
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    • 2018
  • This article attempts to deal with the problem that science and technology function as a mechanism to oppress and exploit humans rather than to release humans from labor. To explore this subject, it is necessary to consider the difference between the theory of labor value and the theory of 'technology value'. In addition, it is also important to refer to Marx's critical view of the 'capitalist' use of technology. Above all, Marx' concepts of relative surplus value and special surplus value, and his analysis of organic composition of capital are still valid in explaining that development of technology tightens control over workers and intensity of labor, and worsens instability of employment. Reflection of the limitations of capitalist development of technology is also important for realization of its usefulness. Industry 4.0 in Germany therefore deserves to be noticed as a good example because it shows a different way from extreme capitalist exploitation. The model suggests also some points that shouldn't be overlooked, when we try to actualize the tremendous slogan of the current fourth industrial revolution as real innovation and progress in human life. In this matter, the most important point is the possibility of technological development that doesn't oppose workers' interests.

A Study on the Activation Plan for Regional Industry Ecosystem Using AHP Technique -Focused on the Automobile Industry in Gwangju- (AHP 기법을 활용한 지역 산업생태계 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 -광주 지역 자동차 산업을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ji;Kim, Han-Gook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2021
  • Many researchers have discussed on a policy establishment to revitalize a regional industry of a domestic ecosystem. However, it is rare to consider activation measures and priorities that are appropriate for local characteristics. Therefore, this study conducted a qualitative study to gather and analyze the views of expert groups in order to derive measures to revitalize the automobile industry in Gwangju. We examined the current status of the automobile industry in Gwangju based on a literature survey and in-depth interviews and what kind of crisis there is. We then derive strategic candidates for activation measures to address this. In addition, the relative importance and priorities of the methods derived using AHP techniques were identified. This leads to five strategies on which methods should be applied first. This will be used as the basis for future strategy development.

Analysis and Design Spike-Nosed Configurations in Supersonic Flow (초음속 유동장 Blunt-spike 선두 형상 설계 및 해석)

  • Gang, Hong-Jae;O, Seong-Won;Choe, Han-Ul;Hwang, Je-Yeong;Son, Chan-Gyu;Lee, Gwan-Jung
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 2012
  • EDISON CFD 수치 해법 기법을 바탕으로 초음속 유동장 속에서 spike가 부착된 무딘 물체에 대하여, spike 형상 변화에 따른 압축성 효과에 의한 항력 변화 추이를 고찰하였다. Spike의 길이 따른 항력 변화 추이를 살펴보았다. Spike의 길이가 Main body와 특정한 비율을 가질 때 항력이 최소가 된다. 이를 기준으로 spike 길이가 특정 길이만큼 줄어들거나 늘어날 경우에 각각 1.35%, 4.95% 항력이 증가하였다. 이러한 자료들은 초음속 유동장에서 무딘 물체에 가해지는 압축성 효과에 의한 저항을 최소화하기 위한 spike 설계 시 중요한 견해를 제공한다.

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Mathematics of Imagination, and Education of Imagining Mathematics (상상의 수학, 상상하는 수학의 교육)

  • Lee, Gi Don
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2016
  • Fusion and consilience have been important in many aspects of our education and culture. In this flow 2015 revised National Curriculum aimed to cultivate students of abilities of imagining liberally and inventing scientifically and technically. However imagination including imagination in humanities has not been researched in mathematics education part until nowadays, so mathematics education using imagination of raising students with ingenious and harmonizing abilities is hard to discuss concretely. In this paper I studied the opinions of various scholars from ancient times to today, and discussed where imagination reveals itself in mathematics practices. With above results I discussed some possible shape of teaching and learning of mathematics using imagination. And finally we discussed that meanings in the humanities and social aspects.

Reorganizing ICT Governance: A Perspective on Regulation and Promotion (규제와 진흥 관점에서 바라본 ICT 거버넌스 개편방향 연구)

  • Yoon, Kun;Lee, Geon;Park, J. Hun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.20-38
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    • 2013
  • Park, Keun-Hye government has just established a new ministry for integrating and managing the policies for science & technology and ICT. From the ICT governance perspective, the new ministry implies separating promotion policies from regulation polices. The current paper aims to present ICT policy implications by providing a perspective on regulation and promotion. A delphi survey was conducted for 32 experts in ICT sector. According to the experts, a clear distinction between regulation and promotion policies is difficult, and thus, integrating regulation and promotion policies looks more preferable. In general, an independent ministry that integrates regulation and promotion policies is mostly preferred. Some suggested an independent committee inside the ministry might be desirable, especially for the broadcasting regulation policy to be independent from the ministry control. The current study proposes tight collaboration between the newly established ICT ministry and the Korea Communications Commission, and in the long term, integrated administration of promotion and regulation policies. In particular, this study emphasizes the importance of the integrated policy management to enhance government policy capacity.

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축산농가와 출품업체를 위한 비즈니스 박람회, 8월 31일 대전무역전시관에서 개최

  • 대한양계협회
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    • v.37 no.8 s.430
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2005
  • 제4회 2005년 한국국제축산박람회가 오는 8월 31일부터 9월 2일까지 KOTRA 대전무역전시관(KOTREX), 엑스포과학공원에서 '깨끗한 환경과 안전한 축산물'이라는 주제로 열린다. 본 박람회 주최는 대한양돈협회, 대한양계협회, 한국낙농육우협회, 전국한우협회, 한국축산환경시설기계협회가 되고, 대한양돈협회, 2005한국국제축산박람회추진위원회, KOTREX가 공동 주관한다. 행사 후원은 농림부, 농협중앙회, 한국사료협회, 대전광역시, 충청남도가 맡았다. 이번 박람회는 출품하는 전시업체와 참관객인 축산농가를 위한 박람회로 꾸미기 위해 우선 장소를 대전 무역전시관(KOTREX)으로 옮겨 축산농가들이 쉽게 찾아올 수 있도록 했으며, 전시부스 내에서 실제적인 상담과 거래가 활성화 될 수 있도록 시식행사 등 부대행사는 옥외에서 치러질 수 있도록 하였다. 2005 한국국제축산박람회는 체험박람회, 참여박람회, 비즈니스박람회라는 목표하에 전시면적 15,250제곱미터에 15개국 178여개업체가 600부스 규모로 열리게 된다. 출품대상품목은 축산기자재 및 시설, 배합사료, 동물약품, 생명공학 제품, 축산물 위생 및 가공시설, 축산물 및 가공식품, 가축분뇨 자원화 처리시설, 종축, 리모델링 관련 설비 및 기술, 컨설팅 관련 정보 및 기술 등이 있다. 부대행사로는 축산물 시식회, 축산관련 학술 세미나, 우수전시업체 선발 및 시상, 전국대학생 포스터 경진대회 및 시상, 종축 전시와 경매, 재래닭 및 특수가금 전시, 애완견 및 명견전시, 돼지달리기 및 사진찍기 등이 개최된다. 박람회 참관객은 외국인 바이어 1,000명을 포함하여 10만명에 이를 것으로 추정하고 있다. 학술행사는 박람회 기간 동안 엑스포과학기념관과 대전전시관 세미나실에서 양계세미나, 축산기자재세미나, 축산기술세미나, 양돈포럼, 낙농세미나, 한우세미나, 양돈세미나가 열리게 된다.

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