• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경쟁력 지표

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Analyzing Technology Competitiveness by Country in the Semiconductor Cleaning Equipment Sector Using Quantitative Indices and Co-Classification Network (특허의 정량적 지표와 동시분류 네트워크를 활용한 반도체 세정장비 분야 국가별 기술경쟁력 분석)

  • Yoon, Seok Hoon;Ji, Ilyong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2019
  • Despite its matchless position in the global semiconductor industry, Korea has not distinguished itself in the semiconductor equipment sector. Semiconductor cleaning equipment is one of the semiconductor fabrication equipment, and it is expected to be more important along with the advancement of semiconductor fabrication processes. This study attempts to analyze technology competitiveness of major countries in the sector including Korea, and explore specialty sub-areas of the countries. For this purpose, we collected patents of semiconductor cleaning equipment during the last 10 years from the US patent database, and implemented quantitative patent analysis and co-classification network analysis. The result shows that, the US and Japan have been leading the technological progress in this sector, and Korea's competitiveness has lagged behind not only the leading countries but also its competitors and even latecomers. Therefore, intensive R&D and developing technological capabilities are needed for advancing the country's competitiveness in the sector.

The Effects of Technological Competitiveness by Country on The Increase of Unicorn Companies (국가별 기술경쟁력이 유니콘기업 증가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kyu Hoon Cho;Dong Woo Yang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 2024
  • Unicorn companies are attracting attention around the world as they are recognized for their high corporate value in a short period of time as an innovative business models. Their growth process presents good lessons for the startup ecosystem and have a positive impact on national economic development and job creation. However, previous studies related to unicorn companies are focused on 'event studies' and 'case studies' such as characteristics of founders, environmental factors, business models and success/failure cases of companies already recognized as unicorns rather than a multifaceted approach. The occurrence of unicorn companies and Macroscopic analysis of related factors is lacking. Against this background, this study are considering the characteristics of unicorns examined through previous research and the current status unicorns with a high proportion of technology companies, the purpose was to analyze the impact of the country's technological competitiveness, such as 'technology human resource index', 'R&D index', and 'technology infrastructure index', on the increase in unicorn companies. For statistical analysis, data published by various international organizations, the Bank of Korea, and Statistics Korea from 2017 to 2020 and unicorn company data compiled by CB Insights were used as panel data for 44 countries to be tested by multiple regression analysis. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the number of science majors had a positive (+) effect on the increase of unicorn companies in the case of technology human resource index, and in the case of R&D index, the total amount of R&D investment had a positive (+) effect on the increase of unicorn companies, while the number of Triad Patents Families and the number of scientific and technological papers published had a negative (-) effect on the increase of unicorn companies. Finally, in the case of technology infrastructure index, it was confirmed that the number of the world's 500th-ranked universities had a positive (+) effect on the increase of unicorn companies. This study is the first to reveal the causal relationship between national technological competitiveness and unicorn company growth based on country-specific and time-series empirical data, which were insufficiently covered in previous studies. and compared to the UN's ranking of the global industrial competitiveness index and the OECD's total R&D investment by country, Korea is considered to have technological and growth potential, while the number of unicorn companies driving growth as leaders of the innovative economy is relatively small, so the research results can be used when establishing policies to discover and foster unicorn companies in the future.

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Measuring the quality of research papers across countries using Relatively Rank-normalized Impact Factor ($R^2nIF$) (상대적순위보정지수($R^2nIF$)를 활용한 주요국의 SCI 논문 질적 수준 비교분석)

  • Oh, Donghun;Kim, Youngjun;Kim, Yongjeong
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.85-108
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces a new qualitative measurement indicator, Relatively Rank-normalized Impact Factor ($R^2nIF$) that can overcome drawbacks of the existing research performance measures. With the help of this innovative indicator, this study analyzes and compares the quality of research papers across countries and National Science Indicators (NSI) standard academic fields. The development of an improved bibliometric indicator for evaluating the quality of research papers and disentangling the "international" dimension of research performance will be of interest to academics and practitioners alike.

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A Study on the Selection of Evaluation Indicators of Amenities (국토 어메니티 평가지표 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Joon;Choi, Seok-Hwan;Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to, first, classify the approach system of utilizing national and local amenities into three groups: evaluation of the level of the amenity, evaluation of the value of amenity resources, and utilization of amenity resources. Secondly, the study aims to derive an evaluation index which is required according to the approach system. As for a strategy of utilizing amenities, the self-diagnosis based on the evaluation of the level of local amenities is required. In this study, three sectors, ten items and 43 detailed items have been derived though specialists, FGIs(Focus Group Interview), and the cases within and outside of the country. In the survey with specialists, a unit-space key index which can be used in accordance with the unit-space characteristics(such as urban and rural area, fishing villages, mountain villages, and littoral areas), environmental area, important index and optional index have been derived. As for the evaluation index which is needed for the development of typical local amenities resources, 14 detailed evaluation indexes from three sectors have been derived. These have been classified again into six key indexes, six important indexes and two optional indexes. In the evaluation index of amenity resources, natural and environmental value-such as ecological value of preservation, uniqueness of aesthetic landscape and ecological value of restoration-historic and cultural value of preservation and individuality of the resources, and aesthetic and cultural values are derived as being important. As for utilization of amenity resources, 15 items from three sectors-such as reservation, restoration, intentional use, and industrial use-have been derived. Also, through a survey with specialists, key indexes and important indexes were derived by unit-space. As a result, in urban areas, seven items-including creative development of space, aesthetic landscape control and development of cultural contents-have been derived as key indexes; in rural areas, mountain villages, fishing villages and littoral areas, eight items-including brand of region, brand of the products, and brand of tourism resources-have been derived. In environmental areas, six items-including reservation of natural resources, historic and cultural heritage, and restoration of ecosystem-have been derived. Indexes derived from this study can be utilized in order to establish a strategy for amenity plans and an implementation strategy, but can be readjusted, allowing for various regional characteristics. It is, thus, advisable that local governments selectively utilize indexes according to regional characteristics or newly develop them for the maximum utilization of regional amenities.

By Theory of Proportion the Human Body, An Analysis on Character's Proportion in Kids TV Animation on EBS (인체비례론에 근거한 EBS 유아동 애니메이션 캐릭터 등신비율 분석)

  • Suk-Rae, Kim;Jean-Hun, Chung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.491-499
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    • 2015
  • The potential competency from the animation industry, as known as a foundation which spawned a variety contents from the piece of work, has a high importance in the content development field. The pivotal role of the domestic animation industry has produced the term of convergence content which composed by both educational elements and entertainment features especially from the domestic kids TV animation industry. This study analysis the ideal indicator of the preferred characteristic design being broadcasted on EBS, not only presenting the status of the character proportion rates but also proposing the creative aesthetic indication where the substantial leverage would be available as the purpose of this research.

A Study on the Priority Analysis of Information Systems Audit Evaluation Factors between Stakeholders (정보시스템 감리 서비스 평가항목에 대한 이해당사자간 우선순위 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung, Tae-Won;Kim, Sang-Kuk
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.165-191
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    • 2008
  • Traditionally, information systems audit has been carried out by the auditors. So the main focuses of audit are managerial point of view, such as finding errors or missing functions. The final purpose of audit, however, is to help the organization to make better decision through better information services. So we felt that managerial point of audit should be extended to include the factors that increase the competitiveness of organization. To accomplish this goal, new factors that reflect the ideas of three groups, users, developers in addition to auditors. First, by adopting the ideas from service quality evaluation area, we develop six items and 24 indexes for information systems audit. Second, we separate the audit related parties into three groups, users, developers and auditors. The main reason is that major concerns of three groups to the system will be different considerably. Third, we quantified the weights of each group to each 6 items and 24 indexes using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Fourth, the resulting weights of each item are found to be different by the group, and possible reasons are analyzed.

The Analysis of Order Priority of Management Performance Factors in Medical Organization (AHP기법을 이용한 의료기관 성과요인의 우선순위 분석)

  • Chun, Je-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3733-3739
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    • 2010
  • This paper suggests the measurement method of evaluation of management performance factors in health organization using AHP and Factor Analysis technique. To achieve this goal, this study applies AHP method to different size of hospitals. AHP method is deployed in three steps. At first step, the major factors, which indicate the management performance in health organizations, will be formed through factor analysis. At second step, the pairwise comparison between two factors will be performed to calculate the weights of each variables. At the last step, the order of priority of all factors will be determined. This order list will be used in measurement of the management performance in health organization. The results of this paper show that the financial factors take the top position, and followed by customer related factors, process factors and education & growth factors. This result could be the milestone for the measurement of management performance of medical organization in Korea.

International Comparison of Railway Freight Performance (국가별 철도물류 운영현황 비교연구)

  • KIM, Young Joo;KWON, Yong Jang;HUR, Jun;CHUNG, Sung Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to quantify the railway freight performance using various indicators, to compare it over many countries, and to evaluate efficiency of railway freight in Korea. The indicators developed in this study was classified into two categories; country-specific and company-specific indicator. The former includes freight train density, average gross train load and average haul while the latter contains revenue/ton-km, ratio of operating costs to revenue, revenue per employee, ton-km per employee, costs per ton-km and ratio of labor costs to total operating costs. The results of this study shows that Korail performance is in low efficiency due to multi-frequency small amounts transport. The productivity of railway freight in Korea represented as ton-km per employee appears to be lower than that of other oversea companies considered in this study.

Economic Self-Sufficiency Criteria for New Town Planning by Network Characteristics (도시네트워크 특성에 따른 신도시 경제적 자족성 기준 연구)

  • Song, Young-Il;Rhim, Joo-Ho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2016
  • As the spatial structure of a region is evolving into a decentralized multi-nucli model, networked connection among cities in a region is emerging as an important issue to strengthen regional competitiveness. This paper focused on the limitation of current new town planning criteria which just suggest a uniform standard for economic self-sufficiency by new-town size, without representing the network characteristics of new town. If a new town is planned as a economic strongpoint within a region, it needs to secure appropriate industrial functions. This study classified the characteristics of new towns by network analysis and reviewed the economic self-sufficiency criteria by new town types. Using various network connectedness indices, the 1st and 2nd round new towns in the capital region were analyzed, and land-use distribution of new-towns in other countries were also examined comparatively. The network characteristics of new towns are classified as three types: mono-nucleus, distributed center, and dependent. Based on this classification, planning criteria for self-sufficiency were compared among 6 new towns. This study provides implications for the amendment of "the sustainable new town planning criteria" or the revision of development plans.

Exploratory Study on the Critical Success Factor for Medical Tourism (의료관광의 주요성공요인 및 중요도에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Je-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.1052-1059
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    • 2009
  • Health care has become one of the paramount issues of the 21st century as governments and individuals grapples the complex problems associated with contemporary medical care such as cost, affordability, and shifting demographic trends. The purpose of this study was to develop the critical success factors of medical tourism for health-care organizations and to measure the wights of these factors. For this purpose, we gathered the data from doctors, travelling agencies and scholars. about the success factors of medical tourism. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to determine the factors as the Critical Success Factors of medical tourism. We did also the research to evaluate the validity and reliability of these factors. After that the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to analyze the weight and significances among these factors. Factor analysis resulted in 15 major factors (Eigenvalue > 1.0). The AHP analysis showed the list of Critical Success Factors weighted by its significance priorities. The recommendable degree of reliability and validity suggests that these factors could be the valuable refences for the policy making process of the medical tourism in Korea.