• Title/Summary/Keyword: 결함 관리 기법

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Analysis of Parameter Optimization Reflecting the Characteristics of Runoff in Small Mountain Catchment (소규모 산지 유역의 유출특성을 반영한 매개변수 최적화 분석)

  • Joungsung Lim;Hojin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, torrential rain frequency and intensity have surged over the past five years (2019-2023), breaking rainfall records. Due to insufficient observation facilities for rainfall and runoff data in small mountainous catchments, preparing for unexpected floods is challenging. This study examines the Bidogyo catchment in Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, comparing design flood discharge calculated with optimized parameters versus standard guidelines. Using HEC-HMS and Q-GIS for model construction, five rainfall events were analyzed with data from the National Water Resources Management Information System. The time of concentration (Tc) and storage constant (K) were calculated using the Seokyeongdae formula and model optimization. Results showed that optimized parameters produced higher objective function values for flood events. The design flood discharge varied by -10.7% to 17.3% from the standard guidelines when using optimized parameters. Moreover, optimized parameters yielded flood discharges closer to observed values, highlighting limitations of the Seokyeongdae formula for all catchments. Further research aims to develop suitable parameter estimation methods for small mountainous catchments in Korea.

Management Efficiency of Chestnut-Cultivating Households in Chungnam Province (충남지역 밤나무 재배 임가의 경영 효율성 분석)

  • Won, Hyun-Kyu;Jeon, Jun-Heon;Yoo, Byoung-Il;Lee, Seong-Youn;Lee, Jung-Min;Ji, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.3
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    • pp.390-397
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    • 2013
  • The study, utilizing a data envelopment analysis (DEA) which is one of the nonparametric estimation methods, aims to evaluate the management efficiency of chestnut tree cultivators in such provinces in Chungchungnam-do as Cheong-yang, Gong-ju, Bu-yeo and so on. The analysis data of this study is based on inputs and outputs of 20 forestry households surveyed in the 2012 survey titled 'A Study on Current Level and Condition of Chestnut Cultivation and Management', which was conducted from March 2012 to October 2012. The elements of inputs are composed of management cost, harvesting cost, material cost, non-operation expenses and cultivation area, while the element of output is a gross margin only. Then the study analyzes a technical efficiency, a puretechnical efficiency and a scale efficiency using CCR and BCC model among DEA methods. Based on that, it also provides improvement methods for forestry households that turned out to be inefficient. In order to verify the result of DEA analysis, the study additionally compares a result of this efficiency study with that of chestnuts management standard diagnostic table. According to the result, the average value of technical efficiency analyzed was 0.667, proving to be inefficient in general. Given that the average value of pure-technical efficiency was 0.944 and that of scale efficiency was 0.703, it can be inferred that inefficiency exists in the field of scale, not in the field of cultivation techniques. As for forestry households with the efficiency score of 1, it is shown that there were 6 households that recorded 1 in the technical efficiency field and 13 households that recorded 1 in the pure technical efficiency. Meanwhile, there were 6 households that recorded 1 in all of the three aspects. In the comparison with the scores from chestnuts management standard diagnostic table, there were 5 households made a high score of over 80, among which are 3 households with score 1 in the technical efficiency. Also, the results of this study and the chestnuts management standard diagnostic table are proved to have the same result, both of them showing the same households that recorded the highest score and the lowest score. This means the management efficiency evaluation using DEA can be applied to the fieldwork along with the chestnuts management standard diagnostic table.

A Study on Netwotk Effect by using System Dynamics Analysis: A Case of Cyworld (시스템 다이내믹스 기법을 이용한 네트워크 효과 분석: 싸이월드 사례)

  • Kim, Ga-Hye;Yang, Hee-Dong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.161-179
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    • 2009
  • Nowadays an increasing number of Internet users are running individual websites as Blog or Cyworld. As this type of personal media has a great influence on communication among people, business comes to care about Network Effect, Network Software, and Social Network. For instance, Cyworld created the web service called 'Minihompy' for individual web-logs, and acquired 2.4milion users in 2007. Although many people assumed that the popularity of Minihompy, or Blog would be a passing fad, Cyworld has improved its service, and expanded its Network with various contents. This kind of expansion reflects survival efforts from infinite competitions among ISPs (Internet Service Provider) with focus on enhancing usability to users. However, Cyworld's Network Effect is gradually diminished in these days. Both of low production cost of service vendors and the low searching/conversing costs of users combine to make ISPs hard to keep their market share sustainable. To overcome this lackluster trend, Cyworld has adopted new strategies and try to lock their users in their service. Various efforts to improve the continuance and expansion of Network effect remain unclear and uncertain. If we understand beforehand how a service would improve Network effect, and which service could bring more effect, ISPs can get substantial help in launching their new business strategy. Regardless many diverse ideas to increase their user's duration online ISPs cannot guarantee 'how the new service strategies will end up in profitability. Therefore, this research studies about Network effect of Cyworld's 'Minihompy' using System-Dynamics method which could analyze dynamic relation between users and ISPs. Furthermore, the research aims to predict changes of Network Effect based on the strategy of new service. 'Page View' and 'Duration Time' can be enhanced for the short tenn because they enhance the service functionality. However, these services cannot increase the Network in the long-run. Limitations of this research include that we predict the future merely based on the limited data. We also limit the independent variables over Network Effect only to the following two issues: Increasing the number of users and increasing the Service Functionality. Despite of some limitations, this study perhaps gives some insights to the policy makers or others facing the stiff competition in the network business.

The Effects on CRM Performance and Relationship Quality of Successful Elements in the Establishment of Customer Relationship Management: Focused on Marketing Approach (CRM구축과정에서 마케팅요인이 관계품질과 CRM성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyeong-Yu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.119-155
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    • 2008
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM) has been a sustainable competitive edge of many companies. CRM analyzes customer data for designing and executing targeted marketing analysing customer behavior in order to make decisions relating to products and services including management information system. It is critical for companies to get and maintain profitable customers. How to manage relationships with customers effectively has become an important issue for both academicians and practitioners in recent years. However, the existing academic literature and the practical applications of customer relationship management(CRM) strategies have been focused on the technical process and organizational structure about the implementation of CRM. These limited focus on CRM lead to the result of numerous reports of failed implementations of various types of CRM projects. Many of these failures are also related to the absence of marketing approach. Identifying successful factors and outcomes focused on marketing concept before introducing a CRM project are a pre-implementation requirements. Many researchers have attempted to find the factors that contribute to the success of CRM. However, these research have some limitations in terms of marketing approach without explaining how the marketing based factors contribute to the CRM success. An understanding of how to manage relationship with crucial customers effectively based marketing approach has become an important topic for both academicians and practitioners. However, the existing papers did not provide a clear antecedent and outcomes factors focused on marketing approach. This paper attempt to validate whether or not such various marketing factors would impact on relational quality and CRM performance in terms of marketing oriented perceptivity. More specifically, marketing oriented factors involving market orientation, customer orientation, customer information orientation, and core customer orientation can influence relationship quality(satisfaction and trust) and CRM outcome(customer retention and customer share). Another major goals of this research are to identify the effect of relationship quality on CRM outcomes consisted of customer retention and share to show the relationship strength between two factors. Based on meta analysis for conventional studies, I can construct the following research model. An empirical study was undertaken to test the hypotheses with data from various companies. Multiple regression analysis and t-test were employed to test the hypotheses. The reliability and validity of our measurements were tested by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and principal factor analysis respectively, and seven hypotheses were tested through performing correlation test and multiple regression analysis. The first key outcome is a theoretically and empirically sound CRM factors(marketing orientation, customer orientation, customer information orientation, and core customer orientation.) in the perceptive of marketing. The intensification of ${\beta}$coefficient among antecedents factors in terms of marketing was not same. In particular, The effects on customer trust of marketing based CRM antecedents were significantly confirmed excluding core customer orientation. It was notable that the direct effects of core customer orientation on customer trust were not exist. This means that customer trust which is firmly formed by long term tasks will not be directly linked to the core customer orientation. the enduring management concerned with this interactions is probably more important for the successful implementation of CRM. The second key result is that the implementation and operation of successful CRM process in terms of marketing approach have a strong positive association with both relationship quality(customer trust/customer satisfaction) and CRM performance(customer retention and customer possession). The final key fact that relationship quality has a strong positive effect on customer retention and customer share confirms that improvements in customer satisfaction and trust improve accessibility to customers, provide more consistent service and ensure value-for-money within the front office which result in growth of customer retention and customer share. Particularly, customer satisfaction and trust which is main components of relationship quality are found to be positively related to the customer retention and customer share. Interactive managements of these main variables play key roles in connecting the successful antecedent of CRM with final outcome involving customer retention and share. Based on research results, This paper suggest managerial implications concerned with constructions and executions of CRM focusing on the marketing perceptivity. I can conclude in general the CRM can be achieved by the recognition of antecedents and outcomes based on marketing concept. The implementation of marketing concept oriented CRM will be connected with finding out about customers' purchasing habits, opinions and preferences profiling individuals and groups to market more effectively and increase sales changing the way you operate to improve customer service and marketing. Benefiting from CRM is not just a question of investing the right software, but adapt CRM users to the concept of marketing including marketing orientation, customer orientation, and customer information orientation. No one deny that CRM is a process or methodology used to develop stronger relationships being composed of many technological components, but thinking about CRM in primarily technological terms is a big mistake. We can infer from this paper that the more useful way to think and implement about CRM is as a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of marketing concept about customers, marketing effectiveness, and market trends. Finally, a real situation we conducted our research may enable academics and practitioners to understand the antecedents and outcomes in the perceptive of marketing more clearly.

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Development of Periventricular Leukomalacia and Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Very Low Birth Weight Newborns and Relationship with Ventilator Care (Study of Ventilator Care as a Risk Factor of PVL and PV-IVH) (극소저출생체중아의 뇌실주위백질연화증과 중증뇌실출혈의 발생과 인공호흡기 치료와의 상관관계)

  • Lee, Hak Sung;Lee, Sae Kyu;Kim, Yeong Jin;Lee, Sang Geel
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.12
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    • pp.1330-1336
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : It has been suggested that changes in cerebral blood flow by ventilator care could be a risk factor in periventricular leukomalacia(PVL) and severe periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage(PV-IVH). The study aims to assess the relationship between perinatal clinical events, including ventilator care, and the development of PVL and severe PV-IVH; especially, whether ventilator care could be causers of PVL and severe PV-IVH as an individual risk factor. Methods : Among 255 very low birth weight infants who survived in the Fatima neonatal intensive care unit from January 1999 to December 2003, 15 infants with PVL and eight infants with severe PV-IVH were classified as a study group, while 231 infants were enrolled as a control group. The analysis was performed retrospectively with medical records. Results : Twenty four infants were diagnosed with PVL or severe PV-IVH. Asphyxia, recurrent apnea, sepsis, acidosis and ventilator care were significantly increased in the PVL goup. Asphyxia, recurrent apnea, RDS, acidosis and ventilator care were significantly increased in the severe PV-IVH group. Conclusion : Infants with PVL or severe PV-IVH may have multiple perinatal risk factors including asphyxia, recurrent apnea, sepsis, acidosis, RDS and ventilator care. Because most patients with ventilator care have multiple perinatal risk factors, ventilator care does not cause PVL and severe PV-IVH independently. Therefore, incidences of PVL and severe PV-IVH can be decreased by not only gentle ventilation, but also more professional antenatal care.

Priority Order of Decisional Factors and Conceptual Construct of Security Martial Arts' Spirit (경호무도 정신특성 요인의 상대적 중요도 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to evaluate the relative status using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) on the spiritual factors of the security martial arts for the guards to perform the best security service. There were 540 participants who were students majored in security martial arts, workers for security and specialists of practical and theoretical security martial arts for this study. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out using the selecting data through literature reviews in the level of the factor-extraction about the spiritual characteristics. The specialists' survey was conducted on the relative status among factors using the spiritual concept structure based on the studied above. Selected data was calculated with SPSS 18.0 for windows, AMOS 5.0, and Expert Choice 2000 software. The conclusion can be made through those process above. First, 4 general factors and 20 detailed factors were found as the result of the factor exploration related to the spiritual characteristics of the security martial arts. The result which was verified on Construction validity of searched factors had stable figures on every standard. In other words, the participants for survey on this study "Spiritual characteristic concepts of the security martial arts" can be evaluated it is valid. The general factors of security martial arts' spirit were conceptualized with Psychological spirit, ethical spirit, martial art spirit, practical spirit through the naming process on the general factors of the security martial arts' spiritual characteristic concepts. The detailed factors of security martial arts' spirit were concentration, self-confidence, self-management, immersion, self-esteem in psychological spirit and sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty in ethical spirit and courtesy, toughness, defense, balance of mind and body, bravery in martial arts and responsibility, cooperation, modesty, determination, professionalism in practical spirit of security martial arts. That is, the conceptualization of security martial arts' spirit was verified that it had validity. Second, the hierarchical model of the security martial arts was composed with 4 superordinate concepts and 20 subordinate concepts. As the result of evaluating relative status based on Spiritual characteristics-hierarchy model, the impotance was proven in order of ethical spirit(.482), martial art spirit(.248), practical spirit(.188), psychological spirit(.083). Also the importance related to spiritual characteristics of security martial arts on subordinate concepts was proven in order of sacrifice(.252), courtesy(.110), sense of duty(.108), responsibility(. 073), royalty(.053), toughness(.052), justice(.049), defense(.038), professionalism(.038), determination(.035), cooperation(.029), self-confidence (.026), bravery(.025), self-esteem(.024), balance of mind and body(.023), peace(.019), concentration(.014), modesty(.013), self-management(.011), flow (.007). To sum up, the spiritual factor related to ethics such as sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty was the most important for the security martial arts.

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Examination for Efficiency of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Alluvial Aquifer Near Nakdong River of Changweon Area, Korea (창원지역 낙동강 하천수와 주변 충적층을 이용한 지하수 인공함양의 효율성 평가)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Ha, Kyoochul;Kim, Yongcheol;Koh, Dong-Chan;Yoon, Heesung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2014
  • The alluvial aquifer, widely developed near the four major rivers such as Nakdong River, can be used effectively for groundwater artificial recharge and is expected to be the future water resources in Korea. This study is aimed at examining the impact of repeatedly injected river water into the riverside alluvial aquifer on injection rate or efficiency in its system at Changweon area. For this, injection tests were performed two times, first on June 19 and second on September 25 through October 9, 2013, and the mixing ratios of river water to groundwater were used as the tool to compare the efficiency of injection. The mixing ratios were evaluated by using electrical conductivities of injected river water (average $EC=303{\mu}S/cm$) and groundwater ($EC{\fallingdotseq}6,000{\mu}S/cm$) measured at 20 m depth of four observation wells installed 10 m apart from each injection well. The result shows the remarkable differences on two respects. First, in some observation well, detection time for incipient injection effect during $2^{nd}$ injection test was shown to be much slower than that of $1^{st}$ injection test. Second, the hourly increasing rate of mixing ratios in $2^{nd}$ test was revealed to be reduced much more than that of $1^{st}$ test. This means that the efficiency of injection was badly deteriorated by only 1,210 minute injection work. Therefore, injection water needs to be adequately treated beforehand and repeated pumping work and/or resting phase is needed afterwards. To a certain extent, the improvement of water quality in saline aquifer was verified in this system by injection tests.

Derivation of Green Infrastructure Planning Factors for Reducing Particulate Matter - Using Text Mining - (미세먼지 저감을 위한 그린인프라 계획요소 도출 - 텍스트 마이닝을 활용하여 -)

  • Seok, Youngsun;Song, Kihwan;Han, Hyojoo;Lee, Junga
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2021
  • Green infrastructure planning represents landscape planning measures to reduce particulate matter. This study aimed to derive factors that may be used in planning green infrastructure for particulate matter reduction using text mining techniques. A range of analyses were carried out by focusing on keywords such as 'particulate matter reduction plan' and 'green infrastructure planning elements'. The analyses included Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) analysis, centrality analysis, related word analysis, and topic modeling analysis. These analyses were carried out via text mining by collecting information on previous related research, policy reports, and laws. Initially, TF-IDF analysis results were used to classify major keywords relating to particulate matter and green infrastructure into three groups: (1) environmental issues (e.g., particulate matter, environment, carbon, and atmosphere), target spaces (e.g., urban, park, and local green space), and application methods (e.g., analysis, planning, evaluation, development, ecological aspect, policy management, technology, and resilience). Second, the centrality analysis results were found to be similar to those of TF-IDF; it was confirmed that the central connectors to the major keywords were 'Green New Deal' and 'Vacant land'. The results from the analysis of related words verified that planning green infrastructure for particulate matter reduction required planning forests and ventilation corridors. Additionally, moisture must be considered for microclimate control. It was also confirmed that utilizing vacant space, establishing mixed forests, introducing particulate matter reduction technology, and understanding the system may be important for the effective planning of green infrastructure. Topic analysis was used to classify the planning elements of green infrastructure based on ecological, technological, and social functions. The planning elements of ecological function were classified into morphological (e.g., urban forest, green space, wall greening) and functional aspects (e.g., climate control, carbon storage and absorption, provision of habitats, and biodiversity for wildlife). The planning elements of technical function were classified into various themes, including the disaster prevention functions of green infrastructure, buffer effects, stormwater management, water purification, and energy reduction. The planning elements of the social function were classified into themes such as community function, improving the health of users, and scenery improvement. These results suggest that green infrastructure planning for particulate matter reduction requires approaches related to key concepts, such as resilience and sustainability. In particular, there is a need to apply green infrastructure planning elements in order to reduce exposure to particulate matter.

Review of Policy Direction and Coupled Model Development between Groundwater Recharge Quantity and Climate Change (기후변화 연동 지하수 함양량 산정 모델 개발 및 정책방향 고찰)

  • Lee, Moung-Jin;Lee, Joung-Ho;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Houng, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.157-184
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    • 2010
  • Global climate change is destroying the water circulation balance by changing rates of precipitation, recharge and discharge, and evapotranspiration. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) makes "changes in rainfall pattern due to climate system changes and consequent shortage of available water resource" a high priority as the weakest part among the effects of human environment caused by future climate changes. Groundwater, which occupies a considerable portion of the world's water resources, is related to climate change via surface water such as rivers, lakes, and marshes, and "direct" interactions, being indirectly affected through recharge. Therefore, in order to quantify the effects of climate change on groundwater resources, it is necessary to not only predict the main variables of climate change but to also accurately predict the underground rainfall recharge quantity. In this paper, the authors selected a relevant climate change scenario, In this context, the authors selected A1B from the Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES) which is distributed at Korea Meteorological Administration. By using data on temperature, rainfall, soil, and land use, the groundwater recharge rate for the research area was estimated by period and embodied as geographic information system (GIS). In order to calculate the groundwater recharge quantity, Visual HELP3 was used as main model for groundwater recharge, and the physical properties of weather, temperature, and soil layers were used as main input data. General changes to water circulation due to climate change have already been predicted. In order to systematically solve problems associated with how the groundwater resource circulation system should be reflected in future policies pertaining to groundwater resources, it may be urgent to recalculate the groundwater recharge quantity and consequent quantity for using via prediction of climate change in Korea in the future and then reflection of the results. The space-time calculation of changes to the groundwater recharge quantity in the study area may serve as a foundation to present additional measures for the improved management of domestic groundwater resources.

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Development of a Failure Probability Model based on Operation Data of Thermal Piping Network in District Heating System (지역난방 열배관망 운영데이터 기반의 파손확률 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Hyoung Seok;Kim, Gye Beom;Kim, Lae Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 2017
  • District heating was first introduced in Korea in 1985. As the service life of the underground thermal piping network has increased for more than 30 years, the maintenance of the underground thermal pipe has become an important issue. A variety of complex technologies are required for periodic inspection and operation management for the maintenance of the aged thermal piping network. Especially, it is required to develop a model that can be used for decision making in order to derive optimal maintenance and replacement point from the economic viewpoint in the field. In this study, the analysis was carried out based on the repair history and accident data at the operation of the thermal pipe network of five districts in the Korea District Heating Corporation. A failure probability model was developed by introducing statistical techniques of qualitative analysis and binomial logistic regression analysis. As a result of qualitative analysis of maintenance history and accident data, the most important cause of pipeline damage was construction erosion, corrosion of pipe and bad material accounted for about 82%. In the statistical model analysis, by setting the separation point of the classification to 0.25, the accuracy of the thermal pipe breakage and non-breakage classification improved to 73.5%. In order to establish the failure probability model, the fitness of the model was verified through the Hosmer and Lemeshow test, the independent test of the independent variables, and the Chi-Square test of the model. According to the results of analysis of the risk of thermal pipe network damage, the highest probability of failure was analyzed as the thermal pipeline constructed by the F construction company in the reducer pipe of less than 250mm, which is more than 10 years on the Seoul area motorway in winter. The results of this study can be used to prioritize maintenance, preventive inspection, and replacement of thermal piping systems. In addition, it will be possible to reduce the frequency of thermal pipeline damage and to use it more aggressively to manage thermal piping network by establishing and coping with accident prevention plan in advance such as inspection and maintenance.