• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가치기반수용 모형

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A Study on the Agent-based Model of Demand Diffusion for the Market Share of New Technology Product (신기술제품의 시장점유율 예측을 위한 행위자 기반 수요확산모형에 대한 연구)

  • Won, Dong Kyu;Lim, Jong Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.14 no.spc
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    • pp.1256-1284
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    • 2011
  • Although a existing consumer market have been studied in depth in the new technology product market, the market research on the overall level of value chain to consist of consumers, distributors, and manufacturers is weak. Therefore, in this paper consumers' purchase of new technology products were simulated and analyzed by a consumer selection model and a multi-agent model, which consist of consumers, distributors and manufacturers. Our research was focused on customer preference study in new technology product market by using conjoint analysis and discrete choice model. And changes in consumer behavior based on adoption of new technologies and offering of incentives were analyzed by ABM (Agent-based Model). In conclusion, the market share of technology products was risen when provision of incentives corresponding to inventory level and demand for new technology products occurred at the same time.

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An Exploratory Study on Consumer Satisfaction and TAM of High Technology Electric Pen Product (전자펜 하이테크 상품의 소비자 만족도와 기술수용모델에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study analyze consumer usage characteristics and product development guide of electronic pen based on TAM theory(Davies, 1989). Research methods apply contents analysis(qualitative research) and Activity/Inactivity analysis of main consumer participation. Research results are as follows. Active consumer indicated 30-49 age, male, office job and research fellow. And they suggested stable power supply system, App connected pen function extension, add the modified pen function, advanced data recognition of pen, advanced take note ability and stable grip feeling of pen, selected line width, synchronization improvement with other smart device and charging function. These result indicated the importance product improvement diffusion factor of early market to main market. The future research of electric pen focused on different product strategy between electric pen and smart device connected electric pen.

Measurement of Emotional Transition Using Physiological Signals of Audiences (관객의 생체신호 분석을 통한 감성 변화)

  • Kim, Wan-Suk;Ham, Jun-Seok;Sohn, Choong-Yeon;Yun, Jae-Sun;Lim, Chan;Ko, Il-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2010
  • Audience observing visual media with care experience lots of emotional transition according to characteristics of media. Enjoy, sadness, surprising, etc, a variety of emotional state of audiences is often arranged by James Russell's 'A circumplex model of affect' utilized on psychology. Especially, in various emotions, 'Uncanny' mentioned by Sigmund Freud is represented a sharp medium existing in a crack of clearly emotional conception. Uncanny phenomenon is an emotional state of changing from unpleasant to pleasant on an audience observing visual media is been aware of immoral media generally, therefore, because this is a positive state on a social taboo, we need to analyze with a scientific analysis clearly. Therefore, this study will organize James Russell's 'A circumplex model of affect' and uncanny phenomenon, will be progressed to establish a hypothesis about a state of uncanny on audiences observing visual media and analyze results of the physiological signals experiment based on ECG(Electronic Cardiogram), GSR(Galvanic Skin Response) signals with distribution, distance, and moving time in a circumplex model of affect.

A Study on the Agile-based Information System Audit Model (애자일에 기반한 정보시스템 감리 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Hyup;Chan, Koh;Kim, Dong Soo;Kim, Hee Wan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2013
  • Agile development methods regards an interaction among software developers, operating softwares, and cooperation with customers as its main value. Most of the developing processes undergo a procedure called tailoring to meet the relevant project. Yet, in reality, projects run in disorder due to their overlap with other methods and management processes. As a result, the advantages of agile process cannot be fully used. So, the information system audit has an important role to detect these problems and improve the qualities of agile application projects. Also, researches should be conducted on Agile-based Iformation System Audit Model in order to enhance the effectiveness of agile projects. This paper suggests a model for an information system audit that applied agile developing methods. This model proposes audit domains and check lists for agile-based information system. In order to verify the suitability of the suggested model, more than 89.3% of the checklists were verified as suitable in all domains.

A Study about Impact of Mindfulness on Perceived Factors of Information Technology Acceptance (마음챙김이 정보기술 수용의 인지적 요인에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Hyun Mo Kim;Ying Ying Pang;Joo Seok Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2019
  • Mindfulness is the process of actively noticing new things. Today, companies have introduced and run mindfulness programs because the mindfulness has possible applications of productivity and innovation in corporation. However, role of mindfulness has not been clearly investigated in behavior research of Information System. The purpose of this study is to confirm the effects of mindfulness on technology acceptance process. Based on UTAUT Model, we examined how mindfulness in technology acceptance process moderate antecedent factors of acceptance intentions and use behavior. For empirical research, we conducted a survey on acceptance of smart watch of internet of things for employees of companies applying the mindfulness programs. then, we analyzed survey sample in empirical methodologies. Based on the empirical analysis, cognizance of alternative technologies in mindfulness factors increased the impact of performance expectancy on acceptance intention. Novelty seeking in mindfulness factors increased the impact of effort expectancy on acceptance intention. Awareness of local context in mindfulness factors decreased the impact of social influence on acceptance intention. engagement with technology in mindfulness factors increased the impact of facilitating conditions on use behavior. This study suggests academic implications and practical implications based on the results of the research. The implications will help to support and extend the theory of technology acceptance model while providing practical insights for IT acceptance by suggesting ways to utilize mindfulness in corporation.

Mobile Coupon Gift-giving Motivation Disparity Fusion Model among Groups decided by giving Frequency (모바일 쿠폰 선물증여 빈도에 따른 군집별 증여동기 차이에 관한 융합모형연구)

  • Yeo, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2016
  • Since a smart phone became popular that leads mobile era, we've faced diverse life style changes. Particularly, a mobile messenger which changes communication method from voice and video call to text based multi media messenger, leads new gift-giving culture called mobile voucher gift-giving. Although many researches have validated diverse models about digital voucher, this research utilize the model which divide motivation of gift-giving from three theories: gift-giving motivation theory, technology acceptance model, and consumer value theory. The purpose of this research is not only validate the model but also grouping by giving frequency of samples and validate disparity among groups. In conclusion, there are three groups founded and shows difference motivations.

Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Characteristics of a Boundary Layer Streaming over Surf-Zone Using LES and Dynamic Smagorinsky Turbulence Model (LES와 Dynamic Smagorinsky 난류모형을 이용한 쇄파역에서의 경계층 Streaming 수치해석)

  • Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2020
  • Natural shoreline repeats its re-treatment and advance in response to the endlessly varying sea-conditions, and once severely eroded under stormy weather conditions, natural beaches are gradually recovered via a boundary layer streaming when swells are prevailing after storms cease. Our understanding of the boundary layer streaming over surf-zone often falls short despite its great engineering value, and here it should be noted that the most sediments available along the shore are supplied over the surf-zone. In this rationale, numerical simulation was implemented to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of boundary layer streaming over the surf zone in this study. In doing so, comprehensive numerical models made of Spatially filtered Navier-Stokes Eq., LES (Large Eddy Simulation), Dynamic Smagorinsky turbulence closure were used, and the effects of turbulence closure such as Dynamic Smagorinsky in LES and k-ε on the numerically simulated flow field were also investigated. Numerical results show that due to the intrinsic limits of k-ε turbulence model, numerically simulated flow velocity near the bottom based on k-ε model and wall function are over-predicted than the one using Dynamic Smagorinsky in LES. It is also shown that flow velocities near the bottom are faster than the one above the bottom which are relatively free from the presence of the bottom, complying the typical boundary layer streaming by Longuet-Higgins (1957), the spatial scope where boundary layer streaming are occurring is extended well into the surf zone as incoming waves are getting longer. These tendencies are plausible considering that it is the bottom friction that triggers a boundary layer streaming, and longer waves start to feel the bottom much faster than shorter waves.

A Study on the Intention to use the Artificial Intelligence-based Drug Discovery and Development System using TOE Framework and Value-based Adoption Model (TOE 프레임워크와 가치기반수용모형 기반의 인공지능 신약개발 시스템 활용의도에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Kim, Yeongdae;Lee, Won Suk;Jang, Sang-hyun;Shin, Yongtae
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2021
  • New drug discovery and development research enable clinical treatment that saves human life and improves the quality of life, but the possibility of success with new drugs is significantly low despite a long time of 14 to 16 years and a large investment of 2 to 3 trillion won in traditional methods. As artificial intelligence is expected to radically change the new drug development paradigm, artificial intelligence new drug discovery and development projects are underway in various forms of collaboration, such as joint research between global pharmaceutical companies and IT companies, and government-private consortiums. This study uses the TOE framework and the Value-based Adoption Model, and the technical, organizational, and environmental factors that should be considered for the acceptance of AI technology at the level of the new drug research organization are the value of artificial intelligence technology. By analyzing the explanatory power of the relationship between perception and intention to use, it is intended to derive practical implications. Therefore, in this work, we present a research model in which technical, organizational, and environmental factors affecting the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies are mediated by strategic value recognition that takes into account all factors of benefit and sacrifice. Empirical analysis shows that usefulness, technicality, and innovativeness have significantly affected the perceived value of AI drug development systems, and that social influence and technology support infrastructure have significant impact on AI Drug Discovery and Development systems.

A Study on intention to use Generative AI-based human resource management system (생성형 AI 기반 인사관리 시스템 사용 의도에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Wook Park;Gwang Yong Gim
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2024
  • This study is an empirical study on the factors affecting the intention to use the Generative AI-based human resource management system (GAI-HRMS), which is suggested as an alternative to overcoming the closed human management limitations by intuition and control of existing human resources managers. Based on the information system success model and technology acceptance model, research models and hypotheses were established, and a survey was conducted on those who have experience using Generative AI such as chatbots, and those who have used human resources management systems. As a result of empirical analysis using IBM SPSS 22.0 for 150 valid surveys, the independent variables convenience, security, suitability, accessibility, and value had a positive effect on perceived ease of use, and convenience, suitability, consistency, accessibility, and value had a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which are parameters, were found to have a positive effect on the intention to use. The results of this study are significant in that they presented significance and practical implications as a relatively previous study on the intention to use GAI-HRMS, which argues that it can be a solution to efficient human resource management by minimizing judgment errors based on the intuition of the person in charge.

A Structural Model on Usage Behavior of Ubiquitous Campus Service (유비쿼터스 특성이 U-서비스 이용에 미치는 영향: U-캠퍼스 환경을 중심으로)

  • Park, Cheol;You, Jae-Hyun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the area of ubiquitous has gained a great attention both in academics and in business organizations as we are entering an ubiquitous society where people can interact at "anytime" and "anywhere". To preoccupy the leading status for the next generation of IT technology, many countries such as Korea, Japan, and US are concerned the ubiquitous. In this tendency, companies want to identify what factors make people use ubiquitous in order to develop the effective ubiquitous service and to supply the higher quality service. However, prior researches on ubiquitous are focused on technical area such as higher data delivery, efficient compression of images, so they do not have given companies beneficial materials for making fascinating ubiquitous services. To offer the service materials for development, from the viewpoint of the customer, important factors to use ubiquitous services are investigated in this study. Moreover, the study was progressed up to the new area of investigation how much these factors influenced ubiquitous service actual usage. To achieve these goals, Ubiquitous service adopting reflected in ubiquitous service characteristics was suggested in this study. The results of this study are as follows. First, contextual offer, ubiquity, invisibility are positively related to perceived value. Second, perceived value is positively related to usage intention but perceived risk is negatively related to usage intention. Third, usage intention is positively related to usage frequency. Based on these results, managerial implications for ubiquitous service vitalization are discussed. Lastly, the limitation of this research and further research issues are suggested.