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An Empirical Study on the Influence of Web site's Quality Assessment of Entrepreneurial Company to Customer's Satisfaction and Purchase Intention (중소창업기업 웹사이트의 품질평가를 통한 고객 만족감과 구매의도와의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo Jin;Oh, Hye Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3478-3489
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    • 2014
  • Because the increased number of Internet users and the common use of IT technology via the expansion of domestic IT infrastructure have increased the web site use of companies, Internet users have begun to experience a range of online websites. In a digital environment, entrepreneurial companies who have limited resources will require effective management by analyzing the critical factors of the website quality assessment and focusing their resources to seize the market because the website quality built in the company directly affects the satisfaction and purchase activity of the customers. In this study, a total of 523 surveys from the customers visiting online websites of the entrepreneurial companies were collected to analyze the factors between the influencing factors and satisfaction and purchase intention using the ServQual method in the AMOS 18.0 program. This analysis showed that the customers visiting the website are satisfied with the factors of tangibility, reliability and responsiveness of visited websites, and the factor of community, which indicates that the level of customer activity in the web sites is related significantly to the customers' purchase intentions.

Automated Schedulability-Aware Mapping of Real-Time Object-Oriented Models to Multi-Threaded Implementations (실시간 객체 모델의 다중 스레드 구현으로의 스케줄링을 고려한 자동화된 변환)

  • Hong, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2002
  • The object-oriented design methods and their CASE tools are widely used in practice by many real-time software developers. However, object-oriented CASE tools require an additional step of identifying tasks from a given design model. Unfortunately, it is difficult to automate this step for a couple of reasons: (1) there are inherent discrepancies between objects and tasks; and (2) it is hard to derive tasks while maximizing real-time schedulability since this problem makes a non-trivial optimization problem. As a result, in practical object-oriented CASE tools, task identification is usually performed in an ad-hoc manner using hints provided by human designers. In this paper, we present a systematic, schedulability-aware approach that can help mapping real-time object-oriented models to multi-threaded implementations. In our approach, a task contains a group of mutually exclusive transactions that may possess different periods and deadline. For this new task model, we provide a new schedulability analysis algorithm. We also show how the run-time system is implemented and how executable code is generated in our frame work. We have performed a case study. It shows the difficulty of task derivation problem and the utility of the automated synthesis of implementations as well as the Inappropriateness of the single-threaded implementations.

An Analysis and Assessment on China's Maritime Security Strategy (중국 해양안보전략에 관한 분석 및 평가 - 아더 라이케의 전략 분석틀을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Seung;Shin, Jin
    • Strategy21
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    • s.45
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2019
  • There have many research papers to see China's evolution of maritime strategy and naval modernization in terms of its naval mind-set. However, this article focuses on assessing how China uses its all sorts of maritime strength to achieve 'a building maritime great power.' The aim of the article is to introduce a new perspective to this debate by analysing China's diversified ma maritime capabilities and a new way of implementation in maritime security strategy. In recent years, China has been developing not only unpredictable maritime military capabilities but also maritime supporting forces - Coast Guard and Maritime Militia. And recently China adopted up-to-date operational concept aimed at gaining military superiority in Asia-Pacific waters. By taking salami slicing strategy, gray zone strategy and cabbage strategy, China has been trying to exercise surpassing influences in regional maritime area, also in western Pacific region. This article provides a stepping stone to comprehend the aspect of China's recent maritime strategic actions, especially in Yellow Sea. In conclusion, this article suggests some policy recommendations for countering China's coercive maritime strategy. First, Korea should make sure a strategic concept of maritime security, instead of land warfare focused strategic concept. Second, it is needed to set up suitable naval forces for actively responding to neighbor nation's offensive actions.

Difference Across Indutries of Innovation Appropriability Mechanism's Effectiveness and Classification (기술혁신 보상확보 메커니즘 효과성의 산업별 차이와 유형)

  • Park, Seong Taek;Kim, Young Ki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2014
  • In devising technological innovation strategies and implementing successful technological innovation, some of the most important factors may be to determine whether to protect technological innovation and to choose how to protect it. Traditionally, technological innovation has been emphasized to obtain compensation as much as possible for innovation in terms of economics and strategy. However, it can be regarded as a very complicated problem to determine such a protection and its level. Generally speaking, enterprises have some common mechanisms to secure compensation for technological innovation, which are known to be patents, secrecy and lead time advantage. From the standpoint of enterprises, it is very important what strategies should be devised to secure profits for technological innovation. According to some domestic and oversea research results revealed that specific patents are not the best way to Appropriability for technological innovation, while also implying that there exist several different kinds of mechanisms to Appropriability for technological innovation in each industry. Nevertheless, since it shouldn't be ignored that most of the researches have overlooked the characteristics of Korean enterprises and industrial differences, this study intends to clarify the effectiveness of technological innovation Appropriability mechanisms reflecting actual circumstances and industrial characteristics in Korea while classifying them. Also The questionnaires and delphi method used in this study. As the result of analysis, in the entire industries, the priorities turned out to be in the order of Superior sales and service efforts, Leadtime advantage, Complementary manufacturing.

An Analysis on the North-Africa Entry Strategies of Korea Logistics Companies (한국 물류기업의 북아프리카 진출 전략에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Chang-Yeoul;Choi, Hyuk-Jun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2012
  • Africa has got largely attention from around the world and industrial advanced countries mainly have focused their interest on the continent for the purposes of natural resources development or economic cooperation. Such is in part for their exploiting new logistics. Central America, Oceania and Africa are together now emerging as a new mecca for resources development and global logistics. Considering that Western countries are heavily investing in and preoccupying both social overhead infrastructure and logistics in Africa, it is expected that it will be new opportunities for domestic logistics companies. This research is focused on studying strategies for logistics companies to open Africa, especially Northern African market. For this, the method of questionnaire is applied for related companies. And it also considers proper time for the opening the market, how to enter, geographical market range and interests of countries there. From the result, it is important the timing for entering the market, which means competitive edge gets better with fast making inroads into the market. And strategic alliance is revealed more effective. In addition, geographical market range is another important factor in low infrastructure of logistics in Africa. It is shown that relations between governments have directly effect on business activities. It should be kept in mind that African countries have their big influences on the market.

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A Study on Application of Yard Transportaion Equipment Automation System in the Container Terminal (컨테이너터미널에서 야드 이송장비 자동화 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Sang-Hyun;Noh, Chang-Kyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2018
  • International major container terminals are trying to expand automation facilities in order to dominate the competition and grow as central harbors. Recently, system design and development were put underway to fully integrate automation systems in container terminals. This is because it can focus on improving the efficiency of the yard operations in container terminals and facilitates integration with other container terminal operation processes. Automation in the container terminal business today is essential to better serve customers and improve profitability. Real-time position and status of container handling equipment (CHE) have been required for more efficient terminal operations and consequently higher productivity. This study examined the real-time location and status of the container terminal automation equipment using DGPS in container terminals, and reviewed the components and functions of the container terminal automation yard equipment systems that developed, applied, and operated the automation systems. In addition, this study compared the existing yard system and the automation yard system and presented application methods. Also, the results revealed that the productivity of the container terminal and the efficiency of the transportation equipment can be further increased when the optimal yard automation transportation equipment system is used to efficiently operate the transportation equipment, which is the core equipment of the container terminal.

Effect of the Characteristics of Temple Food on Satisfaction : Moderating Effect of Religion (사찰음식특성이 사찰음식만족에 미치는 영향; 종교의 조절효과)

  • Jeon, Hyo-Woon;Cho, Sung-Ho;Lee, Myung-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.40-55
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to suggest a way for temple food to take a differentiated position in the foodservice industry along with providing useful data for efficient management of temple food. To do this, it examines what influence the characteristics of temple food has on satisfaction with the food and verifies how the types of religion adjust the relationships between the characteristics and the satisfaction. The consumers who frequent temple food restaurants in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas were selected as the sample for this study, and a survey was conducted to those over the age of 20 via self-administered questionnaire from May 1st to June 30th, 2012. A total of 500 copies were distributed and 476 copies were selected as suitable from 488 copies collected for reliability and factor analyses using SPSS 18.0. The proposed research hypotheses were verified with a regression analysis and a multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the characteristics of temple food have a positive influence on satisfaction with the food. Their subordinate factors such as situation, function, and consistency have positive(+) effects on the satisfaction. Next, it shows that religion does not play a regulatory role in the relationships between the characteristics of temple food and satisfaction with the food.

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Implications for Japan's National REDD+ Strategies - Focused on Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) - (일본 REDD+의 국가 전략 및 시사점 - 양국간 크레딧 메커니즘(JCM)을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jeongmook;Seo, Hwanseok;Lee, Jungsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.2
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    • pp.238-246
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    • 2016
  • The study aims to examine Japan's National REDD+ Strategies prepared for Post-2020 and the status of its implementation by organizations in Japan, and then to suggest the potential REDD+ countermeasures against Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) for Republic of Korea and their implications. As for the technical limitations of the guidelines of REDD+ under the JCM, it is pointed out that forests located at the place with less potential safeguard intervention tend to be selected as the target area for a project and that, as reference emission trend changes depending on the basic year of the baseline, differences could occur among the amounts of greenhouse gas emission. In addition, it is pointed out that the result of the calculation of the displacement of emissions, or leakeage, in REDD+, can have an uncertainty, since the calculation is done by just multiplying leakage area by certain coefficients, without considering the size of the leakage area. Furthermore, the lack of implementation guideline or methodologies for a project level is also pointed out as a limitation, considering that there are only some national and sub-national monitoring guidelines at present. Finally, internationally accepted guidelines for safeguard and its sub-items needed to be prepared, as current safeguard policy only includes lists without detailed items. Such things mentioned above are all related to, and can lead to the problem of double counting of items in Nested Approach etc., as well as of the distribution of credits. Therefore, Republic of Korea should take these into consideration when implementing its REDD+ projects.

The Research about Efficient Control of the Territorial Base Point (영해기준점의 효율적 유지관리 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Soo;Kim, Jae-Myeong;Yun, Chang-Beom
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2010
  • Recently, many countries are promoting the rapid development of marine for securing territorial sea. The importance of territorial sea has being emphasized as territorial disputes among countries has been increasing. The South Korea should be encouraged to expand the territory due to territorial disputes with neighborhood countries. The purpose of this study is to derive a improvement plan for the efficient control of the territorial base point through analyzing the existing territorial base point and checking the territorial base point. Therefore, we proposed a variety of new plans for accurate positioning by sea level observation and MBES, reduced the surveying procedure through analyzing the existing territorial base points and provided a basis for the territorial base points which can be the 2nd grade national control points by improving a grade. We also suggested that the territorial base points and sub-territorial base points' database should be given standardized number for increasing the efficient management of other national control points and territorial base points. Finally, we suggested a improved work regulation about analysis and maintenance for territorial base points, the information activity of territorial base points and the new plan of community relations. This study will be a basis for the foundation of maritime territory which could be superior to other countries and the expansion of maritime territory.

A Study on the Determinants Analysis of the Port Competitiveness and development Strategies of Busan New Port (항만경쟁력 결정요인 분석과 부산 신항의 발전 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ge-Seon
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.115-148
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    • 2007
  • Under the influence of ever-globalized world economy, Yangsan Port of Shanghai, a central hub of Chinese economy, was opened up on Dec. 1, 2005 in the expectation of heart of northeast Asian harbor logistics. It has triggered severer competitions among northeast Asian ports. In an effort to keep robust standing as a central port of northeast Asia, Korea has still built additional new ports and opened up 3 docks in Nov. 2005. Amid these changing port environments, it is foremost to take the competitive edges of new ports in advance of major rival ports in the interest of preoccupying the standing of those new ports as the central hub of northeast logistics. According to the developmental strategies of new ports can be summed up as follows: First, it is required to separate port development from marketing as a part of separating developmental entity from management/maintenance entity. Second, it is required to develop dedicated port for feeder vessels along with new ports to save more time and cost spent by shipping companies. Third, the attraction of jumbo shipping companies to port development needs differentiated countermeasures for each shipping company, and those measures should be taken in advance before jumbo shippers decide their own shipping strategies in future. Fourth, in terms of incentives for attracting jumbo shipping companies, it is required to offer the incentives to them in using new ports in connection with Busan ports. Fifth, it is critical to set up a benchmark of competitors(ports) for establishing one-stop automatic administration process system upon developing ports. Finally, it is required to prepare a plan for using rearward lands in connection with ports for more efficient use of development complex behind port.

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