Proceedings of the Korea Port Economic Association Conference (한국항만경제학회:학술대회논문집)
The Korea Port Economic Association
- Semi Annual
- Economics/Management > Sectoral Economy
본 연구의 목적은 지난 20년 간 세계 컨테이너항만들을 대상으로 항만집중도 및 항만규모와 성장간 상관관계를 분석해 봄으로써 현재 우리나라가 추진하고 있는 중심항만 개발전략에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 아시아 21개 항만의 허쉬만-허핀달지수를 구하였으며, 세계 50대 컨테이너 항만뿐만 아니라 유럽, 북미 그리고 아시아지역 컨테이너항만들을 대상으로 항만규모와 성장간 실증분석을 시도하였다. 그 결과 아시아 컨테이너항만의 물동량 집중도는 90년대 중반 이후 둔화되고 있으며 동북아지역 항만집중도가 다른 지역에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 항만규모와 성장간 관계에 있어서도 세계 및 유럽 항만들은 대형항만일수록 성장률이 높았던 것으로 나타난 반면, 아시아지역 컨테이너 항만들은 소형항만들의 성장률이 더 높았던 것으로 분석되었다.
The purpose of this study is to purpose the need of Masan free Trade Zone and the stratege successful implementation. Masan FTZ was established as a center of general free trade and global distribution by means the promotion of foreign investment in 1970s. To promote the development of MFTZ, in can be proposed a) successful technology innovation, b) reforming of related laws and regulations, c) the care of local government, 4) strengthening of marketing activities, e) deeping of comparative advantage of investment, f) encouraging of strategic industries.
Today, the marketplace environment is changing faster and more dramatically than ever before. With the rapid growth of Internet Shopping mall, electronic commerce transaction, we have big changes on distribution fields. At this circumstances, traditional markets cannot help suffering from serious contraction and market failure between highly advanced department store and internet based shopping mall giving lower prices and higher customer satisfaction program. In addition, traditional markets have made an critical role on our retail markets for a long time, but they confront a crucial crisis on nationwide owing to external markets circumstance change and internal factors. In this study, we made efforts to suggest rational political scheme to recover many difficulties as analyzing market factors affecting traditional market, such as, modernized management skill, specialized items, customers satisfactions program, and so forth.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of port investment which is one of the important elements for measuring the port efficiency by using congestion approach of DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). Congestion is said to be present when increases in inputs result in ouput reductions. Congestion approach takes the forms of weak input disposability and strong input disposability. Empirical analysis by using congestion approach in this paper identified inefficiencies in the inputs including port investment, and indicated inefficient ports like the ports of Sokcho, Gunsan, Pohang, and Seoguipo which shows the large amount of slacks with congestion especially in terms of port investment. Therefore these ports should examine the reason about the inefficiency of port investment. The main policy implication based on the findings of this study is that The Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries in Korea should introduce congestion approach when the amount of port investment to each port is decided.
In this article, 1'd like to analyse the principal distinctions between the duty of disclosure and warranty which are based on the same legal principles, utmost good faith(uberrima fides). Although the duty of disclosure and warranty have a same legal principle to protect insurance contract, they have several difference in appliance actually. Through these comparative analysis, I want to reveal the character of warranty which is unfamiliar to us under our commercial law. Warranty has some peculiarity, these are (a)A warranty does not have to be material to the risk, (b)A warranty must be exactly complied with, (c)It is impossible to defence for a breach of warranty, the breach of warranty is irremediable, and A casual connection between breach and loss needs not be shone, (d)A breach of a warranty may be waived by insurer. Sometimes in Korea like those stringent principles of warranty make Korean's small fishing or shipping company suffer from difficult because of insistence of discharge from liability by insurer. So I expect that all of them acknowledge the character of warranty and can make them protect their insurance money by themselves.
This Paper deals with the development of Incheon International Airports and Pusan and Kwangyang Ports as Hub Ports in order to systemize nationwide logistics networks. Now, Korea has core competences in terms of social overhead capital, telecommunication, information technologies, all fields of manufacturing plants, and the other infra-structure. As the environments of North-East Asian countries changes dynamically, at least we should keep up with the situations which require to meet the globalized level of international logistics services in Pusan and KwangYang Ports to be a competitive Hub Ports in this region.
Now we are faced on the national policy to aim at the nationwide logistics center in North-East Asia. To come true, Korean ports developments policies are better off going towards integrated governmental supportive system build-up, activated infra-structures, back-yard developments, legal and institutional system, international co-ordination networks system, customer-oriented port management system like one-stop services, and multi-variate financing resources. Above all, Related governmental institutions strongly have self-confidences and devotional efforts to make them all implemented not losing own way.
21세기 해양시대를 맞이하여 선진 해양수산 경남으로의 발전 도약을 위하여 2002년부터 2006 년까지 5개년에 걸쳐 지역특성을 살린 자율적이고 미래지향적인 해양수산업 및 삶의 질이 향상되는 해양수산종합발전계획을 수립하였다. 해양수산업의 현 실태는 대외적으로는 신 해양질서의 재편, 대내적으로는 해양환경오염 등으로 어업여건이 악화되고 있으며, 또한 체계적인 어업관리 미비로 인하여 잡는어업 관리의 문제점이 노출되었다. 양식어장 관리부실 및 수산물 수입 급증으로 양식기반이 위축되고, 소득기반 및 정주환경 열악으로 탈어촌ㆍ노령화 현상이 가속화되고 있는 실정이다. 이와 같은 문제점을 극복하기 위해 연근해 어업의 구조조정 및 어업자원 관리를 통해 연근해어업의 경쟁력을 강화시키고, 기르는 어업의 육성과 연안어장 목장화 및 쾌적하고 생명력 넘치는 해양환경 조성으로 수산물 생산량을 향상시키는 수산업에 대한 종합발전계획을 수립하였다. 또한, 수산물 수출촉진과 유통혁신 및 가공산업 현대화를 통해 수산물 가공업의 영세성을 탈피하여 풍요롭고 활력이 넘치는 어촌개발, 해양레져타운 건설 및 선진 어업인을 육성하기 위한 해양산업발전계획도 수립하였다.