During the 'Cold War', DoD had focused on the high performance and timely acquisition which enabled quick field out the superior weapons than the enemy regardless of acquisition cost. But, after the cold war, the focus has been changed to the 'cost effective acquisition' of weapon systems because of tremendous investment cost & economic theory. The U.S. DoD has been tried to make 'the most effective acquisition system'(AR, Acquisition Reform) from mid-80's with their enough experienced program data, and as a result, they had launched the new acquisition procedure - DoD 5000 series - in 1996. DoD is continuously doing the study and making several improvements on the procedure after it had been once announced. On Oct 30. 2002, DoD noticed that they cancelled the DoD 5000 series documents(5000.1, 5000.2, 5000.2-R) and 5000.2-R will be reissued as a guide. The most recent version which focused on 1) evolutionary acquisition and spiral development, 2) procedure for future technology systems including software and IT, 3) supplement on the area of efficiency, flexibility, creativity and innovation of old system was issued by May 12. 2003. This article suggests a 'good idea' based on the reviewing of these DoD efforts for our defense acquisition regulation and procedure to go. It includes the CAIV concept application, IPT utilization, T&E method, cost or price based contract etc-all for the effective acquisition.