Examining the enactment of learning technologies to support learners' access, power, and achievement in elementary school mathematics

  • Drew Polly (Department of Reading and Elementary Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte) ;
  • Christie S. Martin (Department of Teacher Education, University of South Carolina)
  • Received : 2024.03.12
  • Accepted : 2024.09.24
  • Published : 2024.09.30


Technology has potential to support mathematics teaching and learning when technology is used in specific ways. This study examines how the use of mathematics learning technologies (MLTs) promotes students' Access, Power, and Achievement, as defined by Gutiérrez' (2009, 2012) equity-based framework. The article includes two cases that were collected during the authors' time engaging with students in mathematics classrooms through work in elementary school classrooms. The inductive qualitative analysis of data conducted during teaching episodes concluded that teachers' launch of the activities that used MLTs and their support during MLT use influenced students' Access, Power, and Achievement. Specifically, the more support that a teacher provided with direct telling was associated with decreases in Access and Power. There was also evidence of student engagement and Achievement based on teachers' actions during MLT activities. The article concludes with implications to support teachers' enactment of specific pedagogies during the use of MLTs in order to promote Access, Power, and Achievement.



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