본 논문은 한국환경연구원의 2021년도 일반과제 「환경평가 지원을 위한 지역 환경현황 분석 시스템 구축 및 운영(GP2021-08)」의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.
- Cho S, Hwang M, Chang C, Lee I, Roh Y. 2018. Assessing the living environment of industrial complexes and its policy implications. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements. [Korean Literature]
- Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX). 2016. Comparison of industrial location systems in major countries. [Korean Literature]
- Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX). 2017. The 4th industrial revolution and the future of industrial complex. [Korean Literature]
- Lee EY, Kim JK, Lee HJ. 2012. An importance analysis of planning factors for constructing environmental-friendly industrial estate, Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 15(4); 1-11. [Korean Literature] https://doi.org/10.13087/KOSERT.2012.15.4.001
- Lee SS, Lee HJ, Kim TG, Kim, SW. 2013. A review of industrial complex policies and locational change patterns, Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 25(4); 87-110. [Korean Literature]
- Ministry of Environment (ME). 2013. Guideline for the scope of environment impact assessment. [Korean Literature]
- National Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal [Internet]. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; [cited 2020 Sep 23]. Available from: http://www.nsdi.go.kr/lxportal/?menuno=2679
- National Land Information Platform [Internet]. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; [cited 2020 Sep 23]. Available from: http://map.ngii.go.kr/mn/mainPage.do
- Shin M, Lee Y, Ha J. 2019. A study on a plan adequacy evaluation for industrial complex development considering health impact, Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 29(2): 93-111. [Korean Literature] https://doi.org/10.14249/EIA.2020.29.2.93