Figure 1. Study process.
Figure 2. Study site: Jeonju City and Jeonjucheon.
Figure 3. Stream sections for site survey.
Figure 4. Urban stream sections.
Figure 5. Site inventory for J01~J06.
Figure 6. Site inventory for J07~J10.
Figure 7. Site inventory for J11~J15.
Figure 8. Landuse for 100m buffer of stream sections.
Figure 9. Inventory of water friendly facilities.
Figure 11. Intensive management zone: J04 monitoring report and pictures.
Figure 12. Intensive management zone: J09 monitoring report and pictures.
Figure 10. Maintenance Status.
Table 1. Comparison of management items for water friendly facilities
Table 2. Maintenance status of water friendly facilities
Table 3. Standards for management level
Table 4. Types of management zones
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